Ocean acidification


What was your position? enviromental technician?

(garbage collector)

The same position he has here, DR. Douchebags parroting bitch....:lol:

Obviously nothing higher up in science as his constant name calling and lack of citing peer reviewed articles, as well as thinking spouting rants on an message board can overturn scientific theories supported by evidence, from the experts in the field.

Thanks for making my point again for me....

You just confirmed my list of reasons why you are a fake. Nice work!:clap2:
Funny to see the trolls call other's trolls. FUnny to see such contradictory responses. Saveliberty asshole cries when called names, yet goes around trolling and calling people names. PHony

Gsuck, his posts speak for themselves :lol:

Whats the matter punk, you're not crying for science anymore...

What happened? Afraid to look even more idiotic? You should be... How long have you been pulling this crap on people here? I bet you been playing scientist all over the web using this same shtick.

Well think of this as a peer review... This is a web forum, and we are all members of that web forum. Therefore we are your peers. And since you like to come in and cry about peer review, we have reviewed your act. Our findings are as follows...

We the community of intelligent USMB members have reviewed your scientist and Doctorate holding claims and found the following discrepancies.

We, the intelligent members of USMB, find the claims of your being a scientist working in the field of genetics to be very dubious and lacking credibility. We came to this conclusion based on your manner, speech, and behavior. Also we have found a lack of any substantive knowledge on your part that one would expect from a scientist. Particularly one with such credentials you claim.

The reasons are:

1. You show no desire nor ability to study scientific claims by others. You only parrot what others tell you and show no concern for their logic so long as you like their claims.

2. You show time again a tendency to try and shout-down, confound, and or ignore all other scientific possibilities, theories or hypothesis that do not conform to your preconceived or desired form or claim.

3. You continually talk on the pretense that peer review or publishing in a science journal makes a theory fact. When a real scientist would know this is nowhere near the truth.

4. When you are confronted on the fact peer review is not a statement of this or that theory becoming fact, you ignore that and keep on talking as if it wasn't brought up at all or you post another peer review synapse and claim it refutes the point.

5. A real scientist would not seek the approval of scientific theory or any such matters from virtually anonymous members of a web forum. What would be the point? They aren't the scientific community, they are not in charge of policy or fact vs theory decisions, and true discussion of science where real scientists are concerned take place in and amongst other scientists. But as you so pathologically show us, this is all you wish to do.

6. You have shown no reason to believe you are anything more than a basement dwelling momma's boy with a massive need to feel superior to everyone else. You show no reason for us to consider you better or more educated, yet you try and tell us you are and we should just accept it.

7. Your complete and total ignorance of what you speak of and post on, is an undeniable testament to the truth you are NOT a scientist. You have shown nothing but an ability to post from what other real scientists have done and claim it fact. There is no logical conclusion or deductive reason employed by you in any of your postings. Just a copying of what some like-minded scientists say.

8. You pretend (or actually believe) that all the reasons stated here are as you so smartly put it are dismissed by saying "no science from you yet" or "still no science"... Again no trademark of a scientific mind trained and educated or otherwise, just the kind of thing one expects from a parroting buffoon.

9. You think yourself better, smarter, more qualified on this subject based on a (fake) education in an unrelated field. No real scientist thinks in those kind of terms.

10. You came in here name-calling and insulting people, and then cry when its handed back. Again, a scientist wouldn't bother...

In conclusion, we the intelligent members of USMB forum, find your claims and pretense of your being a scientist to be blatantly false in every respect.
:lol:YOu really like to hear yourself speak? Never seen somebody rant so much bullshit and think it passes as a strong scientific argument

You think your comments bother me? I'm laughing as you continue to make yourself look like a fool, in fact, every post further supports you are trolling. We have time and time again linked to peer reviewed articles, you just rant and rave and think that's a sound scientific position, with no evidence.\
Keep saying things over and over about me that fit you to a tee. Anyone with a brain can see who really knows what they are talking about here, and who's the science hating fool who just can't accept facts that go against their dumb ideology
The same position he has here, DR. Douchebags parroting bitch....:lol:

Obviously nothing higher up in science as his constant name calling and lack of citing peer reviewed articles, as well as thinking spouting rants on an message board can overturn scientific theories supported by evidence, from the experts in the field.

Thanks for making my point again for me....

You just confirmed my list of reasons why you are a fake. Nice work!:clap2:

You really can't be this dumb? you just keep proving yourself a troll with every post you make

I dont' need to prove anything to some disrespectful, ignorant punk who has no life but to troll around the internet looking stupid. :lol:

Guess trolls can be amusing, especially ones so blatant as gcunt
Please, cite your peer reviewed evidence gsuck. And we are supposed to believe you are a scientists? :lol:

cookoo for cocoa puffs

OK , I'm done feeding the troll
Obviously nothing higher up in science as his constant name calling and lack of citing peer reviewed articles, as well as thinking spouting rants on an message board can overturn scientific theories supported by evidence, from the experts in the field.

Thanks for making my point again for me....

You just confirmed my list of reasons why you are a fake. Nice work!:clap2:

You really can't be this dumb? you just keep proving yourself a troll with every post you make

I dont' need to prove anything to some disrespectful, ignorant punk who has no life but to troll around the internet looking stupid. :lol:

Guess trolls can be amusing, especially ones so blatant as gcunt



Dude anyone can get on a web forum and claim to be a scientist. just as anyone can post synapses linked from green blogs to peer reviewed papers and claim its irrefutable proof.

The use of reason and logic are the core of any scientist, and you have no desire to show that. In fact every time you are given a logical and reasonable point of contention you cry about it and cite another synapse like a mindless tool... Well DR. Douchebag trusting blindly might be what you think science is about, but the rest of us thankfully see it differently.

Now isn't there some pressing work for an employed geneticist to be doing on a Monday morning? Give me a break phony.....:lol:
Funny to see the trolls call other's trolls. FUnny to see such contradictory responses. Saveliberty asshole cries when called names, yet goes around trolling and calling people names. PHony

Gsuck, his posts speak for themselves :lol:

Whats the matter punk, you're not crying for science anymore...

What happened? Afraid to look even more idiotic? You should be... How long have you been pulling this crap on people here? I bet you been playing scientist all over the web using this same shtick.

Well think of this as a peer review... This is a web forum, and we are all members of that web forum. Therefore we are your peers. And since you like to come in and cry about peer review, we have reviewed your act. Our findings are as follows...

We the community of intelligent USMB members have reviewed your scientist and Doctorate holding claims and found the following discrepancies.

We, the intelligent members of USMB, find the claims of your being a scientist working in the field of genetics to be very dubious and lacking credibility. We came to this conclusion based on your manner, speech, and behavior. Also we have found a lack of any substantive knowledge on your part that one would expect from a scientist. Particularly one with such credentials you claim.

The reasons are:

1. You show no desire nor ability to study scientific claims by others. You only parrot what others tell you and show no concern for their logic so long as you like their claims.

2. You show time again a tendency to try and shout-down, confound, and or ignore all other scientific possibilities, theories or hypothesis that do not conform to your preconceived or desired form or claim.

3. You continually talk on the pretense that peer review or publishing in a science journal makes a theory fact. When a real scientist would know this is nowhere near the truth.

4. When you are confronted on the fact peer review is not a statement of this or that theory becoming fact, you ignore that and keep on talking as if it wasn't brought up at all or you post another peer review synapse and claim it refutes the point.

5. A real scientist would not seek the approval of scientific theory or any such matters from virtually anonymous members of a web forum. What would be the point? They aren't the scientific community, they are not in charge of policy or fact vs theory decisions, and true discussion of science where real scientists are concerned take place in and amongst other scientists. But as you so pathologically show us, this is all you wish to do.

6. You have shown no reason to believe you are anything more than a basement dwelling momma's boy with a massive need to feel superior to everyone else. You show no reason for us to consider you better or more educated, yet you try and tell us you are and we should just accept it.

7. Your complete and total ignorance of what you speak of and post on, is an undeniable testament to the truth you are NOT a scientist. You have shown nothing but an ability to post from what other real scientists have done and claim it fact. There is no logical conclusion or deductive reason employed by you in any of your postings. Just a copying of what some like-minded scientists say.

8. You pretend (or actually believe) that all the reasons stated here are as you so smartly put it are dismissed by saying "no science from you yet" or "still no science"... Again no trademark of a scientific mind trained and educated or otherwise, just the kind of thing one expects from a parroting buffoon.

9. You think yourself better, smarter, more qualified on this subject based on a (fake) education in an unrelated field. No real scientist thinks in those kind of terms.

10. You came in here name-calling and insulting people, and then cry when its handed back. Again, a scientist wouldn't bother...

In conclusion, we the intelligent members of USMB forum, find your claims and pretense of your being a scientist to be blatantly false in every respect.
:lol:YOu really like to hear yourself speak? Never seen somebody rant so much bullshit and think it passes as a strong scientific argument

You think your comments bother me? I'm laughing as you continue to make yourself look like a fool, in fact, every post further supports you are trolling. We have time and time again linked to peer reviewed articles, you just rant and rave and think that's a sound scientific position, with no evidence.\
Keep saying things over and over about me that fit you to a tee. Anyone with a brain can see who really knows what they are talking about here, and who's the science hating fool who just can't accept facts that go against their dumb ideology

DR. Douchebag I was unaware there was a published, peer reviewed article about your not being a scientist already out there. please point me to it...

Wow you must really get around the net....

You still back my claims, in particular numbers 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8, and 10. Again thanks for clarifying....:clap2:
Anyone on the web can claim to be a scientist, and immediatly, by their own posts, prove to everyone that they are a liar.

Dr. Gregg, and konradv posts reflect well thought out positions, and referances to real science. Much more than I can say about most of the trolls here.
Anyone on the web can claim to be a scientist, and immediatly, by their own posts, prove to everyone that they are a liar.

Dr. Gregg, and konradv posts reflect well thought out positions, and referances to real science. Much more than I can say about most of the trolls here.
Excuse me????

well thought out??? Real Science??? I'm seeing battling blogs and nonsensical garbage that ignores basic logic, resting on a foundation of straight line predictions that are ALWAYS wrong.
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Anyone on the web can claim to be a scientist, and immediatly, by their own posts, prove to everyone that they are a liar.

Dr. Gregg, and konradv posts reflect well thought out positions, and referances to real science. Much more than I can say about most of the trolls here.

Dr. Gregg, and Konradv reflect what you want to believe, rocks. Any other well thought out positions, and references to science that you don't achnowledge are posted by "trolls".
Just shows that your a blooming moron, rocks. :cuckoo:
Anyone on the web can claim to be a scientist, and immediatly, by their own posts, prove to everyone that they are a liar.

Dr. Gregg, and konradv posts reflect well thought out positions, and referances to real science. Much more than I can say about most of the trolls here.

Yeah like DR douchebag and konradv have done..... idiot I never claimed to be a PHD packing scientist or a lab assistant like those two morons did.

You are a proven liar and deliberate propagandist. I have busted you several times in just the short time I have been here. So please do not even speak to like you understand a well thought out position and references to real science.

Well thought out? Like the time you posted that garbage about a meteorologists qualifications? yeah... Azzhole, got busted on that...

or real science like the BS you posted that was misleading about the true nature of CO2 and its reactions in the ocean? Again busted...

You don't have the first inclining of real science...
Don't forget to buy your Earth Day flags before April 22nd

Earth Day Flag

These things are polyester. They will burn great!

Tell ya how pathetic and fake these AGW cultists are.... The other day I followed one of the 3 douchebag's links to a green blog. Guess what company had an ad on the very page they sent me to... BP british Petroleum. One of the giants of Big Oil itself. A freakin BP ad on a site pushing AGW.... ANd when I mentioned it to the 3 mousketeers, they kept right on dancing like it never happened.

There is pathetic, and then there is that... Something beyond pathetic, to the point of utter soulessness.

They preach about fossil fuels, but they take their money just the same. THe reality behind their BS big oil conspiracy, is a little more damming than they like. The truth is Big Oil companies are among the elite early and large scale investors in Al Gore and Maurice Strong's CCX company. The very first carbon trade market company in the USA. And partners with no less than 4 other similar markets all over the world.

THe level of their hypocrisy knows no bounds. And the sickest part is if you tell any of their faithful they will pretend its no big deal or even a sound investment they made. WTF? THey cried rivers over cheney being the former head of Haliburton, but this is all okay. And why? Because the placating BS artists tell them what they want to hear. They don't tell them to get off their asses and get jobs or careers with a future, they tell them how its not their fault. They don't tell them the realities behind big government and taxation used to further government itself and not the people or country. They tell them its for feeding the hungry or free health care, or saving the planet and no matter how many times they are busted lying, its just the one guy and not the whole.

Freaking impossible! If you would write a script or book like this people would call it too unbelievable.
you said BURN your earth day flags for Hitler's Birthday... right?

Actually I thought ironic to burn them on Earth Day. You'd think the goobers would make them out of biodegradeable corn products, but no, use something that burns great. I'm waiting for the flag burner patrol to get all bent about burning the Earth Day flag. :lol:
Don't forget to buy your Earth Day flags before April 22nd

Earth Day Flag

These things are polyester. They will burn great!

Tell ya how pathetic and fake these AGW cultists are.... The other day I followed one of the 3 douchebag's links to a green blog. Guess what company had an ad on the very page they sent me to... BP british Petroleum. One of the giants of Big Oil itself. A freakin BP ad on a site pushing AGW.... ANd when I mentioned it to the 3 mousketeers, they kept right on dancing like it never happened.

There is pathetic, and then there is that... Something beyond pathetic, to the point of utter soulessness.

They preach about fossil fuels, but they take their money just the same. THe reality behind their BS big oil conspiracy, is a little more damming than they like. The truth is Big Oil companies are among the elite early and large scale investors in Al Gore and Maurice Strong's CCX company. The very first carbon trade market company in the USA. And partners with no less than 4 other similar markets all over the world.

THe level of their hypocrisy knows no bounds. And the sickest part is if you tell any of their faithful they will pretend its no big deal or even a sound investment they made. WTF? THey cried rivers over cheney being the former head of Haliburton, but this is all okay. And why? Because the placating BS artists tell them what they want to hear. They don't tell them to get off their asses and get jobs or careers with a future, they tell them how its not their fault. They don't tell them the realities behind big government and taxation used to further government itself and not the people or country. They tell them its for feeding the hungry or free health care, or saving the planet and no matter how many times they are busted lying, its just the one guy and not the whole.

Freaking impossible! If you would write a script or book like this people would call it too unbelievable.
Moralization, hypocrisy and profiteering. it's the 3 for 1 package deal.
Gsuck still thinks I"m lying, too funny :lol: making more of an ass out of himself with every post.

Guess you come from the school of USMB logic, whatever you say is truth, regardless of anything to back it up.
Gsuck still thinks I"m lying, too funny :lol: making more of an ass out of himself with every post.

Guess you come from the school of USMB logic, whatever you say is truth, regardless of anything to back it up.

LOL, moron no one cares but you now.... notice that? Seriously if you are what you claim to be, why do you care what I or other anonymous forum members think? Don't you have other scientist friends to talk to? Unless.... Well I already know I am right but you still want to play pretend, so I will try and not upset you anymore... MR. Big Scientist man....:lol::lol:

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