Odds of Cancellation, Pretty High..

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Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
..and not just Republicans and Independents...Just relaying..


Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute added, “the administration estimated that approximately 78 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance would lose their existing coverage due to the Affordable Care Act.”

Last week, an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, showed the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predicted up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year.

According to projections the administration itself issued back in July 2010, it was clear officials knew the impact of ObamaCare three years ago.

80 million more ObamaCare insurance cancellations on the way | Human Events
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It’s the Armageddon everyone knows is coming, but nobody in the Administration wants to talk about, a desire thus far indulged by the eternally incurious media.
Besides all these folks losing their insurance, just wait till insurance companies start going bankrupt due to claims resulting from the millions of people forcibly added to Obamacare with pre-existing conditions.

It's coming.
Remember when people on the left laughed at sentiments like this? Turns out the predictions weren't dire enough.
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Third topic today on this subject. Are you guys all on the same email list?

Avik Roy, and former Romney campaign flack, first said it was going to be 93 million people. Can't he make up his mind?
Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute added, “the administration estimated that approximately 78 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance would lose their existing coverage due to the Affordable Care Act.”

I challenge you to find evidence to support this claim the adminstration actually said this.

Good luck, because it does not exist.

Here is the link to the Federal Register: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-06-17/pdf/2010-14488.pdf

Read it, and see for yourselves.

Under this assumption, the Departments’ mid-range estimate is that
66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will
relinquish their grandfather status
by the end of 2013. The low-end estimates
are for 49 percent and 34 percent of small and large employer plans,
respectively, to have relinquished grandfather status, and the high-end
estimates are 80 percent and 64 percent, respectively.

The words "cancel" nor "cancelled" appear anywhere in the Register. Nor do the words "lose their existing coverage".

Not only that, because of the ACA, all those employers with 50 or more full time employees who do not currently provide insurance will have to start providing it to their employees. The percentage of employers providing insurance will rise.

Now please spread the word to everyone else on the mass email list.
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Third topic today on this subject. Are you guys all on the same email list?

Avik Roy, and former Romney campaign flack, first said it was going to be 93 million people. Can't he make up his mind?

Should make it easy for you, douchebag.

Just copy and paste your prior lies to this thread.....

Like parsing the words 'cancellation' and 'losing their grandfather status'
Beat me to it... :lmao:

What a scumbag :lmao:


I did NOT alter your post
Third topic today on this subject. Are you guys all on the same email list?

Avik Roy, and former Romney campaign flack, first said it was going to be 93 million people. Can't he make up his mind?

Should make it easy for you, douchebag.

Just copy and paste your prior lies to this thread.....

Like parsing the words 'cancellation' and 'losing their grandfather status'

"Lose grandfather status" =/= "will cancel insurance". That's why none of you have been able to prove this claim.

The great thing is I have time on my side, which will prove all of you drastically wrong rubes. I want this to stick in your memories so you won't forget what credulous fools you all were.

You deserve to be lied to by the people whose piss you drink.
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