O'Donnell Getting Her Ass Handed to Her by a Self-Proclaimed Communist!!!

Just shows that Palin needs a brain like Rove to guide her. She can energize voters better than anyone, but needs to know when to take a no-brainer like Castle rather than lose the seat to the dems, you know the old "a Castle in the hand is better than a witch in the bush".
People all over the place bashed Karl Rove when he said O'Donnell has skeletons in the closest that are going to kill her in the general election. Well O'Donnell is getting her ass handed to her by an average of 15.7% in the polls. Even if you don't trust or put stock in polls, 15.7% is huge deficit and nearly impossible to overcome.

So the big question is would you rather of had a moderate Republican in Castle (who would have smoked Coons) or Self-Proclaimed Communist in Coons, who will push an agenda of tax, spend, entitlements and increasing the size of government?

This is what happens when people put ideology over ethics.
Funny, last time I looked at RCP she had closed the gap from 16 to 9 Points.

Still far behind, but heading in the right directing. Despite the Ridicules Witch smears.
Funny, last time I looked at RCP she had closed the gap from 16 to 9 Points.

Still far behind, but heading in the right directing. Despite the Ridicules Witch smears.

There is no way in hell she'll win that race. A conservative Republican could certainly win a statewide election in Delaware, especially this year, but not Christine O'Donnell. She has way too much baggage and the polls are showing it. As Karl Rove correctly pointed out, pretty much every candidate the tea party backed that won the primary got a nice bounce in the polls afterward. O'Donnell never got that.
Do you have a link to this proclamation? Or is this a conclusion based on a pattern of voting?

Delware is so far to the left that it's about to fall into the Atlantic, so it would have been a shocker to see any conservative win anything.

the atlantic is to the right of delaware, magellan.



Not if you live in Australia.
Funny, last time I looked at RCP she had closed the gap from 16 to 9 Points.

Still far behind, but heading in the right directing. Despite the Ridicules Witch smears.

There is no way in hell she'll win that race. A conservative Republican could certainly win a statewide election in Delaware, especially this year, but not Christine O'Donnell. She has way too much baggage and the polls are showing it. As Karl Rove correctly pointed out, pretty much every candidate the tea party backed that won the primary got a nice bounce in the polls afterward. O'Donnell never got that.

I think the Obama led smear tactics of the leftist media will overplay their hand. The American people will begin rejecting their outrageous behavior. They have very little trust in the Obama media ass kissers as it is..

I don't know if she will win but I think she'll end up giving the Democrats a run for their legally stolen money.
Funny, last time I looked at RCP she had closed the gap from 16 to 9 Points.

Still far behind, but heading in the right directing. Despite the Ridicules Witch smears.

Why would you lie about something that is easily checked?

I've never understood that about wingnuts.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Delaware Senate - O?Donnell vs. Coons

that's a week old. why would you lie about something that is easily checked?

i've never understood that about wingnuts.

It wouldn't matter if he were a self-proclaimed Communist, green with tentacles, illiterate or a goose stepping Nazi. Delaware Republicans and Democrats chose their general election candidates, if they realize now they made an error that's just too bad. Those are the choices they have and that's the end of the story. Life will go on and maybe in six years they'll do their homework before drinking the kool aid. Or not. ;)

True, but I get sick of the rhetoric that a Republican that might agree with Democrats on some issues, is the wrong candidate. That a Republican that supports lower taxes, less government, less spending and less business regulations, but is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research or pro-gay marriage is some how a bad choice, even in liberal states!

The problem is that none of the "New" tea party candidates actually has a PLAN for how to reinvent government. And throwing wedge issues in as their platform will result in failure from the get-go. If not before the election, soon after, when they will sit on Capital Hill like bumps on a log and wonder how the fuck they ever thought they had the tools to actually change anything overnight, which is what their supporters are expecting them to do.

Get a catchy title and get responses. Do I think Coons is a communist? I really don't know enought about him other than an article he wrote. But do I think he is a big government, left leaning, tax and spend, Obama liberal? Absolutely! He is a nightmare senator.

Point of the post: I rather moderate Republican on the ticket who had a chance over a far- right leaning conservative who has no chance. This hate the right leaning moderate Republicans is getting old!
True, but I get sick of the rhetoric that a Republican that might agree with Democrats on some issues, is the wrong candidate. That a Republican that supports lower taxes, less government, less spending and less business regulations, but is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research or pro-gay marriage is some how a bad choice, even in liberal states!

The problem is that none of the "New" tea party candidates actually has a PLAN for how to reinvent government. And throwing wedge issues in as their platform will result in failure from the get-go. If not before the election, soon after, when they will sit on Capital Hill like bumps on a log and wonder how the fuck they ever thought they had the tools to actually change anything overnight, which is what their supporters are expecting them to do.

Get a catchy title and get responses. Do I think Coons is a communist? I really don't know enought about him other than an article he wrote. But do I think he is a big government, left leaning, tax and spend, Obama liberal? Absolutely! He is a nightmare senator.

Point of the post: I rather moderate Republican on the ticket who had a chance over a far- right leaning conservative who has no chance. This hate the right leaning moderate Republicans is getting old!
So you don't mind lying to get what you want? Interesting. Just like O'Donnell.
The problem is that none of the "New" tea party candidates actually has a PLAN for how to reinvent government. And throwing wedge issues in as their platform will result in failure from the get-go. If not before the election, soon after, when they will sit on Capital Hill like bumps on a log and wonder how the fuck they ever thought they had the tools to actually change anything overnight, which is what their supporters are expecting them to do.

Get a catchy title and get responses. Do I think Coons is a communist? I really don't know enought about him other than an article he wrote. But do I think he is a big government, left leaning, tax and spend, Obama liberal? Absolutely! He is a nightmare senator.

Point of the post: I rather moderate Republican on the ticket who had a chance over a far- right leaning conservative who has no chance. This hate the right leaning moderate Republicans is getting old!
So you don't mind lying to get what you want? Interesting. Just like O'Donnell.

and obama and every other pol i can think of.
I hope deleware is white trash enough to elect this Vitter clone with a GED. Oh wait an english major completed years later. Sorry, keep paying her to tell your kids not to have sex.
Self proclaimed communist?

Why do you lie, ghook?

Read what he wrote you fucking idiot! Your arrogance gets real trying at times!

How long has Delaware Candidate Chris Coons been a Communist? - Yahoo! Answers
ST. MAARTEN – The Democrat running against Christine O'Donnell for the U.S. Senate seat from Delaware voluntarily audited a class with Marxist activist Cornel West, WND has learned.

Chris Coons once described how his experience with West helped him to realize he "strongly needed and wanted some grounding in traditions and doctrines of my own faith."

Coons has been defending himself after it emerged earlier this week he wrote an opinion piece at college in 1985 strongly criticizing the U.S. and describing himself as a "bearded Marxist."

So, how come we're not allowed to talk about O'Donnell's "dabbling in witchcraft" because she was only 18, but Coons is a "self-described communist" because of something he wrote when he was 21?

1. someone who claims to have dabbled in witchcraft in their youth is not threat to this country if when they become older do not act like a communist.

2. when someone in their youth promotes marxism and wihen they become older and still promoting marxism yep I would call them a threat to America.

3. I hope you enjoyed this learning moment.
People all over the place bashed Karl Rove when he said O'Donnell has skeletons in the closest that are going to kill her in the general election. Well O'Donnell is getting her ass handed to her by an average of 15.7% in the polls. Even if you don't trust or put stock in polls, 15.7% is huge deficit and nearly impossible to overcome.

So the big question is would you rather of had a moderate Republican in Castle (who would have smoked Coons) or Self-Proclaimed Communist in Coons, who will push an agenda of tax, spend, entitlements and increasing the size of government?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Delaware Senate - O?Donnell vs. Coons

According to 538, since 1998, a candidate running for senate with a double digit lead with a month to go has never lost.

It looks like another hot Republican chick is going down. :(
I guess to the far right it's better to elect a commie than a rino.

That makes no sense at all. How could you not being anything but a partaian political hack know anything about something you are not?
Well, when it's a person who chose giving up masturbation over eating meat when choosing her religion, what do you expect? A decent candidate?
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