of 44 accused Blacks in FL SYG cases, 24 justified; if SYG repealed convicted!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Over half the blacks in Florida's "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) cases are declared "justified".

Look at the pictures and see the FACTS!
So all of you idiots again slobbering at the mainstream media pumping this over hyped case will find INSTEAD of
HELPING you will be convicting MORE blacks!

$Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 7.07.03 AM.jpg

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

And in 40 cases where Black shooting blacks under SYG, 25 were justified or 62%!

$Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 7.13.32 AM.jpg
200 cases since 2005! That's IT!!!
All this HYPE "Civil Rights" fights, protests, riots... All for total HYPERBOLIC, HYSTERICAL RANTS OVER ONE CASE OUT OF 200!

The Tampa Bay Times used media reports, court records and interviews with prosecutors and attorneys to identify more than 200 “stand your ground” cases across Florida. The list, though incomplete, is the most comprehensive in the state and likely includes most fatal cases.
Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

And meantime Obama's hometown (for now Chicago) recorded:
54 People Were Shot Dead In Chicago During Zimmerman Trial
Chicago Gun Violence

PEOPLE you are being PLAYED!
Keep this up and MORE BLACKS will go to prison under repeal of SYG!!!
It is hard to understand the stupidity of the "Repeal Stand Your Ground" advocates because obviously they are part of the
"ACT FIRST" think later crowd!
For example how many of that crowd totally understand BLACKS will be as always hurt first by any attempts to do "Good" by these hyperbolic, hysterical idiots like Jackson, Obama, Sharpton crowd!

Just like health care when in 1986 EMTALA was passed supposedly "good intentions" of that law has created our massive health
care mess known as Obamacare!

When will idiots learn that FIRST think about the consequences -- then take action.
Over half the blacks in Florida's "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) cases are declared "justified".

Look at the pictures and see the FACTS!
So all of you idiots again slobbering at the mainstream media pumping this over hyped case will find INSTEAD of
HELPING you will be convicting MORE blacks!

View attachment 26875

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

And in 40 cases where Black shooting blacks under SYG, 25 were justified or 62%!

View attachment 26876

wait a minute according to the news blacks never win SYG cases
Over half the blacks in Florida's "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) cases are declared "justified".

Look at the pictures and see the FACTS!
So all of you idiots again slobbering at the mainstream media pumping this over hyped case will find INSTEAD of
HELPING you will be convicting MORE blacks!

View attachment 26875

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

And in 40 cases where Black shooting blacks under SYG, 25 were justified or 62%!

View attachment 26876

wait a minute according to the news blacks never win SYG cases

Right... and this is the same MSM that :
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 ) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
Over half the blacks in Florida's "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) cases are declared "justified".

Look at the pictures and see the FACTS!
So all of you idiots again slobbering at the mainstream media pumping this over hyped case will find INSTEAD of
HELPING you will be convicting MORE blacks!

View attachment 26875

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

And in 40 cases where Black shooting blacks under SYG, 25 were justified or 62%!

View attachment 26876

wait a minute according to the news blacks never win SYG cases

Right... and this is the same MSM that :
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 ) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

imagine that
Hey come on all you "Repeal Stand Your Ground" SYG... crowd!!!

After 8 years and 135 FATAL SYG cases in Florida are you aware that:

44 blacks were accused; 25% convicted; 55% justified ; and 9% pending..
76 whites were accused; 33% convicted; 53% justified; and 11% pending...

By repealing the law, all those blacks found "justified" would be convicted!

Tell me you want more BLACKS convicted of killing because the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed!

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times
I'm still waiting for you "Repeal Stand Your Ground" crowd to tell me what YOU"D do when you find out that MORE blacks will be convicted of SYG charges if repealed!

Where are you???
i don't think this is truly a racial issue. People are using race to stir up support for these foolish "Repeal self defense" protests. But race isn't the issue. the Issue is to prevent law abiding citizens from being able to legally defend themselves if they defend themselves.

Second amendment is pretty useless if they repeal self defense laws.
Hey come on all you "Repeal Stand Your Ground" SYG... crowd!!!

After 8 years and 135 FATAL SYG cases in Florida are you aware that:

44 blacks were accused; 25% convicted; 55% justified ; and 9% pending..
76 whites were accused; 33% convicted; 53% justified; and 11% pending...

By repealing the law, all those blacks found "justified" would be convicted!

Tell me you want more BLACKS convicted of killing because the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed!

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

Using Logic and Reason on libtards is useless.

If Logic and Reason worked on libtards, there would be no libtards.

They're best suited for derision, ridicule and mocking.

It's all they understand.

Not even sure they get that....
And I might add that THIS is the most relevant topic posted this week. I'm going to predict a death from ignore for it.
Thank you for providing stats without the usual novel you post with them Health. Well done!

I've found I have to write for the lowest common value i.e. "Will Grampa Murked understand the supplied 3rd grade pictures?

For the above.. THE GUNNING FOG INDEX IS 6.610
Gunning Fog Index
The ideal score for readability with the Fog index is 7 or 8; anything above 12 is too hard for most people to read.
The Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain all have Fog Indexes of about 6.
Time, Newsweek, and the Wall St. Journal average about 11.
guys are you really THAT naive?

who cares about the law serving blacks - who cares about them anyway?

not the libtards, no. all they care is how to take ALL your rights away and make everybody the sheeple.
Thank you for providing stats without the usual novel you post with them Health. Well done!

I've found I have to write for the lowest common value i.e. "Will Grampa Murked understand the supplied 3rd grade pictures?

For the above.. THE GUNNING FOG INDEX IS 6.610
Gunning Fog Index
The ideal score for readability with the Fog index is 7 or 8; anything above 12 is too hard for most people to read.
The Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain all have Fog Indexes of about 6.
Time, Newsweek, and the Wall St. Journal average about 11.

I'm just not into blogs. Otherwise I'd read a magazine. Keep it short and too the point. 5 paragraph posts aren't required to convey a message.
Thank you for providing stats without the usual novel you post with them Health. Well done!

I've found I have to write for the lowest common value i.e. "Will Grampa Murked understand the supplied 3rd grade pictures?

For the above.. THE GUNNING FOG INDEX IS 6.610
Gunning Fog Index
The ideal score for readability with the Fog index is 7 or 8; anything above 12 is too hard for most people to read.
The Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain all have Fog Indexes of about 6.
Time, Newsweek, and the Wall St. Journal average about 11.

I'm just not into blogs. Otherwise I'd read a magazine. Keep it short and too the point. 5 paragraph posts aren't required to convey a message.

Obviously! No wonder Readers Digest is going out of business as people like you need condensed versions as your attention span is obvious!
Last edited:
I've found I have to write for the lowest common value i.e. "Will Grampa Murked understand the supplied 3rd grade pictures?

For the above.. THE GUNNING FOG INDEX IS 6.610
Gunning Fog Index
The ideal score for readability with the Fog index is 7 or 8; anything above 12 is too hard for most people to read.
The Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain all have Fog Indexes of about 6.
Time, Newsweek, and the Wall St. Journal average about 11.

I'm just not into blogs. Otherwise I'd read a magazine. Keep it short and too the point. 5 paragraph posts aren't required to convey a message.

Obviously! No wonder Readers Digest is going out of business as people like you need condensed versions as your attention span is obvious!

Readers digest? What are you, 70?

I don't read that shit because its shit. I read science magazines. Sorry I'm not into the gossip bullshit that masquerades as news

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