Of all things in the world, Germans fear the US regime the most

You should be afraid. We have to keep an eye on the Germans. Their stupid ideas started two world wars, and their current brand of stupidity is leading Europe to another world war. We’ll be there to correct your wrongs again. Of course it will end up costing the Germans millions of lives.

I guess it makes not a big sense to ask you why you like to murder Elfriede Lindemann in Wuppertal, who has there a fashion-boutique together with the Pope and Karl Lagerfeld, whom you had murdered in the American hospital in Paris.

But if we have to decide to save her life - do you think it is justified to erase the USA within 10 seconds from this planet, with our new developed bomb against senile idiots, who don't have any glue about nothing?

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Jo, Nazis und Faschos überall! Nimm mal deine braungetönte Brille ab...

Bleipriester Master Sergeant Battlefield2 Stats

The word "Bleipriester" makes absolutelly no sense in the German language. It sounds totally sick. Tell me what you like to know from me.

It doesn´t need to make "sense". "Preaching" "lead" fits perfectly, anyway.


Apropos nicknames. Your´s doesn´t seem to make any sense.

For Nazis never anything makes sense except murder and suicide.

tsamina mina zangalewa - Where do you come from?

tsamina - come
mina - here
zangalewa - ...

I write zaangalewa with aa because it is a long a and on reason of respect for Charlesmagne, who lived in Aachen (AA) once. Charlesmagne is the real Arthur and his real Merlin was Alkuin alias Ealwhine alias Albinus [Flaccus] alias alchvvinus. Double VV.

An effect of this word is it that it is nearly impossible to find anything under this expression in the internet. Magic.

I didn´t google it. I just new it would be some creepy stuff.


Come on...
Who started that nickname bashing?

The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-American taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

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The word "Bleipriester" makes absolutelly no sense in the German language. It sounds totally sick. Tell me what you like to know from me.

It doesn´t need to make "sense". "Preaching" "lead" fits perfectly, anyway.


Apropos nicknames. Your´s doesn´t seem to make any sense.

For Nazis never anything makes sense except murder and suicide.

tsamina mina zangalewa - Where do you come from?

tsamina - come
mina - here
zangalewa - ...

I write zaangalewa with aa because it is a long a and on reason of respect for Charlesmagne, who lived in Aachen (AA) once. Charlesmagne is the real Arthur and his real Merlin was Alkuin alias Ealwhine alias Albinus [Flaccus] alias alchvvinus. Double VV.

An effect of this word is it that it is nearly impossible to find anything under this expression in the internet. Magic.

I didn´t google it. I just new it would be some creepy stuff.


Come on...
Who started that nickname bashing?

You are not a German. That's important to know for everyone here.

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It doesn´t need to make "sense". "Preaching" "lead" fits perfectly, anyway.


Apropos nicknames. Your´s doesn´t seem to make any sense.

For Nazis never anything makes sense except murder and suicide.

tsamina mina zangalewa - Where do you come from?

tsamina - come
mina - here
zangalewa - ...

I write zaangalewa with aa because it is a long a and on reason of respect for Charlesmagne, who lived in Aachen (AA) once. Charlesmagne is the real Arthur and his real Merlin was Alkuin alias Ealwhine alias Albinus [Flaccus] alias alchvvinus. Double VV.

An effect of this word is it that it is nearly impossible to find anything under this expression in the internet. Magic.

I didn´t google it. I just new it would be some creepy stuff.


Come on...
Who started that nickname bashing?

You are not a German. That's important to know for everyone here.


The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-Amervcina taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

Current car tariff rates:
EU -> USA: 2,5 %
USA -> EU: 10 %

I hope I'm not wrong - but I have to be intuitive, because I don't have the time now to try to find out, who you are and why you say what you say.. But it is important for everyone to know that to be a Nazi makes no one to a German - nor comes anyone in the near of the thoughts of Germans, when someone is using stupid clichees of World War II.

The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-Amervcina taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

Current car tariff rates:
EU -> USA: 2,5 %
USA -> EU: 10 %

So when a German buys for example a BMW made in USA - for example a BMW X3 - then he has to pay 10% tariff. And a Chinese will not buy any longer a BMW "made in the USA". To expensive. If BMW-USA needs parts from Europe they will have to pay 2.5%. Trump likes to increase the tarrifs from 2.5% to 25%, because he likes to do an economical war (economical wars cause often "normal" wars too). On the other side he had stopped TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which should solve problems with tariffs.

So: Donald Trump likes to speak with no one - he likes to give orders and all others have to be loyal and to do what he says. That's why Mexico payed a wall for Trump and 800,000 US-Americans had serios problems with their money. And why for heavens sake likes Tump to see in South Caroline a problem for the national security of the USA? Do they like to become a Bundesland (State) of Germany? Do they produce nuclear tanks because they like to start world war 3 there to overtake the USA, so all US-Amercinas have to speak the language of South-Carolina with a German accent?

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I hope I'm not wrong - but I have to be intuitive, because I don't have the time now to try to find out, who you are and why you say what you say.. But it is important for everyone to know that to be a Nazi makes no one to a German - nor comes anyone in the near of the thoughts of Germans, when someone is using stupid clichees of World War II.
My mother is a German, but my father is a Spaniard. I am born in Wuppertal as a German and have been a German ever since. I have been raised German-Christian (didn´t work out, lol) and German is my national identity.
I distinguish between fascist government and common soldier in WWII. Those soldiers were normal people.

The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-Amervcina taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

Current car tariff rates:
EU -> USA: 2,5 %
USA -> EU: 10 %

So when a German buys for example a BMW made in USA - for example a BMW X3 - then he has to pay 10% tariff. And a Chinese will not buy any longer a BMW "made in the USA". To expensive. If BMW-USA needs parts from Europe they will have to pay 2.5%. Trump likes to increase the tarrifs from 2.5% to 25%, because he likes to do an economical war (economical wars cause often "normal" wars too). On the other side he had stopped TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which should solve problems with tariffs.

So: Donald Trump likes to speak with no one - he likes to give orders and all others have to be loyal and to do what he says. That's why Mexico payed a wall for Trump and 800,000 US-Americans had serios problems with their money. And why for heavens sake likes Tump to see in South Caroline a problem for the national security of the USA? Do they like to become a Bundesland (State) of Germany? Do they produce nuclear tanks because they like to start world war 3 there to overtake the USA, so all US-Amercinas have to speak the language of South-Carolina with a German accent?

Trump is catastrophic, no doubt. But in the end, whether they impose high tariffs or not is only up to them to decide.
National Security Threats. Those are empty phrases. But they enable the President to take measures without Congress as far as I know.

I hope I'm not wrong - but I have to be intuitive, because I don't have the time now to try to find out, who you are and why you say what you say.. But it is important for everyone to know that to be a Nazi makes no one to a German - nor comes anyone in the near of the thoughts of Germans, when someone is using stupid clichees of World War II.
My mother is a German, but my father is a Spaniard.

Best greetings and saludo.

I am born in Wuppertal as a German and have been a German ever since.

And a Spaniard too. This is called today "multi-culti" and was called in former times "normal". And I don't understand why you are interested in world war 2 in this context.

I have been raised German-Christian (didn´t work out, lol) and German is my national identity.

First of all is "German" not a national identity. My national identity is (1) Bavarian (2) European (3) German ... For me is for example the mentality in Switzerland much more important than every nonsense the Prussians ever made. And I understand the mentality of Friesians much more easy than the Hessians in Bankfurt.

Second: A German is a Catholic - like your father - or a Protestant - like your mother. (By the way: The Spaniards did forbid in Wuppertal from 1625-1627 a protestant church service. Funny, isn't it?) And Germans today are also sometimes Orthodox, what I love very much. So if a German is a Christian then he is a Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. And a German of this confessions is in the German language a "deutscher Christ" (a Christian from Germany) but never a "Deutscher Christ" (a German Christian). The German Christians were a Nazi-organisation, which tried to overtake the Protestants in Germany. They tried to eliminate the Old Testament and all Jews in the New Testament. And out of one of the minor characters of the New Testament - the Jew Jesus the Christ - they tried to make a son of a German soldier, who fought with a sword in the hands against his own people. Dietrich Bonhoefer and other Protestants founded as a reaction to this organized Nazi-movement the "Bekennende Kirche" - the "Confessing Church" - and excluded all "German Christians" ("Deutsche Christen" not "deutsche Christen"!) from the Christian Community. So to say "I am a German Christian" means to say "I am an enemy of all Christians in the world, independent from any confession of this Christians".

I distinguish between fascist government and common soldier in WWII. Those soldiers were normal people.

In Germany existed a Nazi-government: Fascism and Nazism are not the same. Hitler used fascistic ideas - but the fascism in Italy or Spain was for example not antisemitic and the Spanish or Italian fascists made not death camps in industrial dimensions as the Nazis did - nor did this people continue a war for years while they knew they were wrong and lost.

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The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-Amervcina taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

Current car tariff rates:
EU -> USA: 2,5 %
USA -> EU: 10 %

So when a German buys for example a BMW made in USA - for example a BMW X3 - then he has to pay 10% tariff. And a Chinese will not buy any longer a BMW "made in the USA". To expensive. If BMW-USA needs parts from Europe they will have to pay 2.5%. Trump likes to increase the tarrifs from 2.5% to 25%, because he likes to do an economical war (economical wars cause often "normal" wars too). On the other side he had stopped TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which should solve problems with tariffs.

So: Donald Trump likes to speak with no one - he likes to give orders and all others have to be loyal and to do what he says. That's why Mexico payed a wall for Trump and 800,000 US-Americans had serios problems with their money. And why for heavens sake likes Tump to see in South Caroline a problem for the national security of the USA? Do they like to become a Bundesland (State) of Germany? Do they produce nuclear tanks because they like to start world war 3 there to overtake the USA, so all US-Amercinas have to speak the language of South-Carolina with a German accent?

Trump is catastrophic, no doubt.

He's specially for the USA a catastrope - but the USA is also a catastrophe on its own in this context. It's the USA which allows Trump to do what he is doing. He established for example Kim Jong Un in North Korea, what means supression and terror for decades in North-Korea. In my eyes this is a heavy sin of the US-politics.

no doubt. But in the end,

There is no end. History knows not experiments, history gives not a second chance. The most negative effects of his ego-centraliced politics will appear when he will be dead.

whether they impose high tariffs or not is only up to them to decide.

That's only the next step. The step after the next step, when no one makes business with the USA any longer, is to see them how they will send canon boats and will try to force all markets to open themselves for the "investments" of the USA. Do you know what Great Recessions are doing? They take care that some people get big assets for nothing.

National Security Threats. Those are empty phrases.

Trump is an empty phrase.

But they enable the President to take measures without Congress as far as I know.

Trump is one of the idiots my father had said "A bullet is to precious to use it to eliminate such an idiot". Every word is to much what someone says about Trump - every action is to much. But nevertheless the US-Americans and the whole world wastes time by trying to speak with someone, who understands nothing, instead to solve the real important problems of the USA and the world. To speak about World War 2 is not a problem in this context too - but only a waste of time. They - US-Americans and others - like only to say "Germans are evil - that's why we are good". The USA made good experiences with Germany as their enemy. They gave weapons and credits to all nations, which fought against Germany in world war 1. As a result of this the USA doubled their economy - and Germany paid this in many ways. I fear unconsciously US-Americans always live in the hope they will become rich, when they attack Germany. The German tradition is another one. Lots of our ancestors destroyed everything, what they had conquered and gave all this goods to the gods as a sacrifice. They knew it's damned dangerous to win a war. Who wins in war will continue to do wars. They fought always for their survival - not for their economy. The wars of Trump are not really important for us. But ... and this is a very big "but" ... the world needs serios politicians and not such stupid idiots like Trump and others. The question is the survival of the whole planet - and not the question "Who is the alpha-wolve in a bunch of idiots?".

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Best greetings and saludo.
How nice :)

And a Spaniard too. This is called today "multi-culti" and was called in former times "normal". And I don't understand why you are interested in world war 2 in this context.
No. I don´t have Spanish nationality, only German. The WWII context: You claimed people try to become German by wearing a brown shirt.

First of all is "German" not a national identity. My national identity is (1) Bavarian (2) European (3) German ... For me is for example the mentality in Switzerland much more important than every nonsense the Prussians ever made. And I understand the mentality of Friesians much more easy than the Hessians in Bankfurt.
At least the Prussians offered freedom. Nobody told you what to think, what to believe, ect.
My identity remains German. The real, my, German identity includes the German nations as a unity.
When you argue like you do, all nations would fall apart.

Second: A German is a Catholic - like your father - or a Protestant - like your mother. (By the way: The Spaniards did forbid in Wuppertal from 1625-1627 a protestant church service. Funny, isn't it?) And Germans today are also sometimes Orthodox, what I love very much. So if a German is a Christian then he is a Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. And a German of this confessions is in the German language a "deutscher Christ" (a Christian from Germany) but never a "Deutscher Christ" (a German Christian). The German Christians were a Nazi-organisation, which tried to overtake the Protestants in Germany. They tried to eliminate the Old Testament and all Jews in the New Testament. And out of one of the minor characters of the New Testament - the Jew Jesus the Christ - they tried to make a son of a German soldier, who fought with a sword in the hands against his own people. Dietrich Bonhoefer and other Protestants founded as a reaction to this organized Nazi-movement the "Bekennende Kirche" - the "Confessing Church" - and excluded all "German Christians" ("Deutsche Christen" not "deutsche Christen"!) from the Christian Community. So to say "I am a German Christian" means to say "I am an enemy of all Christians in the world, independent from any confession of this Christians".
You cannot claim to know the religion of my parents. Not even I know it. I came to a foster family at the age of 8 months. Germans can be baptists too, by the way. But we didn´t go to church but to a private Free Church. When I say I was raised German-Christian, it means German and Christian.

In Germany existed a Nazi-government: Fascism and Nazism are not the same. Hitler used fascistic ideas - but the fascism in Italy or Spain was for example not antisemitic and the Spanish or Italian fascists made not death camps in industrial dimensions as the Nazis did - nor did this people continue a war for years while they knew they were wrong and lost.
It doesn´t change what I mean. If you are interested how the political mood in the Wehrmacht was in general, I can recommend you this excellent read:
Die unsichtbare Flagge – Wikipedia

The next step of your president will beat the german (and european) car industry with higher tariffs. But "Germany" is also the biggest car exporter of the USA. For the German car industry work in the USA about 113,000 people. Combined with this is a unbelievable exertion to qualify the people. I guess it will be together with the auto suplier industry - no9t ot vfoerget laesdmasn and others - much more jobs in the USA, which depend on "our" car manufacturers. An the US-American car manufaciteres get lots of parts from outside of the USA too. In average we think it will increase the costs for cars in the USA 2750 Euro for an average car. This is about $3100. So: $3000*17.5 million cars = 52 billion Dollars. Donald Trump has the plan to get 52 billion Dollars from the US-Americans taxpayers. How many Germans do you think will he kill with 52 billion Dollars, which the US-Amervcina taxpayer will have to pay every year to fulfill his american dream never to will see a Mercedes Benz driving on the 5th avenue? Did you ever think about to go together with this man into a psychiatric hospital instead to let him be furthermore president of the USA?

Current car tariff rates:
EU -> USA: 2,5 %
USA -> EU: 10 %

So when a German buys for example a BMW made in USA - for example a BMW X3 - then he has to pay 10% tariff. And a Chinese will not buy any longer a BMW "made in the USA". To expensive. If BMW-USA needs parts from Europe they will have to pay 2.5%. Trump likes to increase the tarrifs from 2.5% to 25%, because he likes to do an economical war (economical wars cause often "normal" wars too). On the other side he had stopped TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which should solve problems with tariffs.

So: Donald Trump likes to speak with no one - he likes to give orders and all others have to be loyal and to do what he says. That's why Mexico payed a wall for Trump and 800,000 US-Americans had serios problems with their money. And why for heavens sake likes Tump to see in South Caroline a problem for the national security of the USA? Do they like to become a Bundesland (State) of Germany? Do they produce nuclear tanks because they like to start world war 3 there to overtake the USA, so all US-Amercinas have to speak the language of South-Carolina with a German accent?

Trump is catastrophic, no doubt.

He's specially for the USA a catastrope - but the USA is also a catastrophe on its own in this context. It's the USA which allows Trump to do what he is doding. He established for example Kim Jong Un in North Korea, what means supression and terror for decades in North-Korea.

no doubt. But in the end,

There is no end. History knows not experiments, history gives not a second chance. The most negative effects of his ego-centraliced politics will appear when he will be dead.

whether they impose high tariffs or not is only up to them to decide.

That's only the next step. The step after the next step, when no one makes business with the USA any longer, is to see them how they will send canon boats and will try to force all markets to open themselves for the "investments" of the USA. Do you know what Great Recessions are doing? They take care that some people get big assests for nothing.

National Security Threats. Those are empty phrases.

Trump is an empty phrase.

But they enable the President to take measures without Congress as far as I know.

Trump is one of the idiots my father had said "A bullet is to precious to use it to eliminate such an idiot". Every word is to much what someone says about Trump - every action is to much. But nevertheless the US-Americasn and the whole world waste time by trying to speak with smoeone who understands nothing instead to solve the real important problems of the USA and the world. To speak about World War 2 is not a problem in this context but only a waste of time. The like only to say "Germans are evil - that's why why we are good". They made good experiences with Germany as their enemy. The USA gave weapons and credits to all nations, which fought against Germany in world war 1. As a result of this the USA doubled their economy - and Germany paid this in many ways. I fear unconsciously US-Americans always live in the hope they will become rich when they attack Germany. The German tradition is another one. Lots of our ancestors destryed everything what they had conquered and gave all gdol to the gods as a sacrifice. They knew it's damned dangerous to win a war. They fought always for their survival - not for their economy. So let Trump destroy our economy. That's not really important for us.

The USA is not important for us and never was. It is the political bonds that keep us together. With the USA trying to limit German exports while at the same time enforcing US imports on us, this bonds takes more damage. This will isolate the US and eventually limit their influence.

The USA is not important for us and never was.

That's nonsense. US-Americans are like our grandchildren.

It is the political bonds that keep us together.

What about to do something against your brainwash? Do you think as long as you are stupid like a Trump someone will take you serios in Germany?

With the USA trying to limit German exports

You don't understand that Trump uses only numbers on pieces of paper without reality. He intentionally ignores for example that the USA makes more money in Europe than Europe makes in the USA. The USA earns a lot of money in Europe with services.

while at the same time enforcing US imports on us,

The problem are not imports from the USA. The problem is what to import. Gene-food for example. To import genetically modified garbage instead of food makes not any sense. Europe has to protect the own citizens - and the environment.

this bonds takes more damage. This will isolate the US and eventually limit their influence.

What you underestimate: this weakens "the west" = "the occident". Or with other words: this is not good for the descendants of the Romans - this is not good for us. Our idea is a strong, lovely and rational USA, which is able to control itselve on its own and takes serios the responsiblity in the eyes of god. God first.
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That's nonsense. US-Americans are like our grandchildren.
What is that supposed to mean? Trump is of German ancestry. Their national identity, however, is US-American, nothing else. When they identify with a European nation, it is strangely their former oppressor, the British Empire.
But what I actually meant is that we don´t have an economic dependence. All business with the US is extra and not essential. The US as importer needs us more than the other way round.

What about to do something against your brainwash? Do you think as long as you are stupid like a Trump someone will take you serios in Germany?
This makes no sense.

You don't understand that Trumpo uses only numbers on pieces of paper without reality. He intemntinally ignores for example that the USA makeas more money in Europe than Europe makes in the USA.
That needs to be verified. What sickens Trump is the US´ trade deficit and he tries to "correct" it with political pressure. But he needs economic measures. Gabriel said, the US must make better cars to achieve more sales in Europe.

The problem are not imports from the USA. The problem is what to import. Gene-food for example. To import genetically modified garbage instead of food makes not any sense.
They want us to buy their liquid fracking gas right now.

What you underestimate: this weakens "the west" = "the occident". Ot owthotehr wrods. thsi nisnot god for us. Our idea is a strong, lovely and rational USA, which is able to control itselve on its own.
For the US, there is no "West". There is only the US, we are just satellite states. I just read in a SPON article that the word "ally" wasn´t used for quite a while in Washington and that we have the worst relationship with the US in 70 years.

You speak to much, to fast and without to think and to feel. You use stereotypes. Stop this. Go and make a walk with your dog and learn from your dog how to live. And when you will now start to pee everywhere then you misunderstood what I said to you. The amount of information I gave to you is much more than you are able to think about within only a few minutes. If you like to be a German be a German. And I beg you: Learn something about the culture of your father. It's a wonderful culture.


You speak to much, to fast and without to think and to feel. You use stereotypes. Stop this. Go and make a walk with your dog and learn from your dog how to live. And when you will now start to pee everywhere then you misunderstood what I said to you. The amount of information I gave to you is much more than you are able to think about within only a few minutes. If you like to be a German be a German. And I beg you: Learn something about the culture of your father. It's a wonderful culture.

I like this book so much.
Die dritte Kugel – Wikipedia

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