Of COurse Obama is Not Responsible for the Economy Improving


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
And guess what? He was responsible for it tanking either.

LibDems: Obama inherited a bad economy and the reason it didn't get better for three years was all Bush's and the GOP's fault. His bailouts were better, his stimulus was the only good one and he had no control over the economy - except now that it's better.

ConservaRepubLitarians: Awww things weren't that bad when Obama took over. And all our problems are Obama's & the Dems fault! Oh, and now that things look better, Obama who had magical control over the economy when it was bad, has nothing to do with it, now that it's getting better.

LibDems: Unions driving the price of labor up every year during the good years, had nothing to do with shipping jobs overseas. Unions are always good a pure 100% of the time. Just ask the Teamsters.

ConservaRepubLitarians: Obama is so all-powerful that companies won't hire even if there is an increase in demand or services because they are so afraid of the man who never actually raised taxes. It's all about taxes! That's why they ship jobs to India (where they pay higher taxes on average than in the USA).

Seriously, do you guys listen to yourselves?
Dems can't have it both ways. If he was not responsible for any of the poor economy during the last three years, he cannot now suddenly be responsible if it improves.
I don't recall anyone blaming him for the crash. Only holding him to HIS PROMISE to fix it and NOT make it worse.
I don't recall anyone blaming him for the crash. Only holding him to HIS PROMISE to fix it and NOT make it worse.

Really? So you personally and no Conservs have ever claimed that the reason companies weren't hiring, was because they were afraid of the unfriendly tax environment he supposedly created? Never?

Dems can't have it both ways. If he was not responsible for any of the poor economy during the last three years, he cannot now suddenly be responsible if it improves.

Exactly!!! And neither can Conservs! If businesses weren't hiring because of his almighty magical influence back then, then that same influence must be the reason they are hiring now.

Both sides just spew the bs taught to them by either MSNBC or FOX.
And guess what? He was responsible for it tanking either.

LibDems: Obama inherited a bad economy and the reason it didn't get better for three years was all Bush's and the GOP's fault. His bailouts were better, his stimulus was the only good one and he had no control over the economy - except now that it's better.

ConservaRepubLitarians: Awww things weren't that bad when Obama took over. And all our problems are Obama's & the Dems fault! Oh, and now that things look better, Obama who had magical control over the economy when it was bad, has nothing to do with it, now that it's getting better.

LibDems: Unions driving the price of labor up every year during the good years, had nothing to do with shipping jobs overseas. Unions are always good a pure 100% of the time. Just ask the Teamsters.

ConservaRepubLitarians: Obama is so all-powerful that companies won't hire even if there is an increase in demand or services because they are so afraid of the man who never actually raised taxes. It's all about taxes! That's why they ship jobs to India (where they pay higher taxes on average than in the USA).

Seriously, do you guys listen to yourselves?

He isn't--but he is responsible for a 15 trillion dollar deficit.

I don't recall anyone blaming him for the crash. Only holding him to HIS PROMISE to fix it and NOT make it worse.

Really? So you personally and no Conservs have ever claimed that the reason companies weren't hiring, was because they were afraid of the unfriendly tax environment he supposedly created? Never?

that's not 'blaming him for the crash'... that's 'blaming him for making it worse'.

I don't recall anyone blaming him for the crash. Only holding him to HIS PROMISE to fix it and NOT make it worse.

Really? So you personally and no Conservs have ever claimed that the reason companies weren't hiring, was because they were afraid of the unfriendly tax environment he supposedly created? Never?

that's not 'blaming him for the crash'... that's 'blaming him for making it worse'.


It's also a moronic argument, noting taxes are at their lowest point in 50 years.
This thread is bull shit.

The economy is not improving. Any gains in GDP, or in wall street is the inflation taking place. You cannot print 16 trillion dollars from thin air and not expect there to be a huge increase in the money supply.

We are seeing wall street making gains agian, while main street burns, because all of the money supply is concentrated in wall street.

This is not the end of the tunnel your seeing, it is a freight train headed your way.

Look around people. Prices of everything is going up. Your purchasing power is being destroyed. Your savings are being sucked into oblivion.
...but he is responsible for a 15 trillion dollar deficit.

Not even close and everyone knows it.

Why do people say this when they know its not true.

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.
...but he is responsible for a 15 trillion dollar deficit.

Not even close and everyone knows it.

Why do people say this when they know its not true.

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.

It is true. Just because he didnt spend the money doesnt mean he isnt in control of it right now. All your doing is trying to shift responsibility to someone else. Obama is derelict in his duty.

This thread is bull shit.

The economy is not improving. Any gains in GDP, or in wall street is the inflation taking place. You cannot print 16 trillion dollars from thin air and not expect there to be a huge increase in the money supply.

We are seeing wall street making gains agian, while main street burns, because all of the money supply is concentrated in wall street.

This is not the end of the tunnel your seeing, it is a freight train headed your way.

Look around people. Prices of everything is going up. Your purchasing power is being destroyed. Your savings are being sucked into oblivion.

Meanwhile, back on Earth.
the debunked reaganbushdebt site made famous from your fellow idiot winger chrissypoo

Dream on, winger....

Your boy has increased the debt by close to 50% all by himself in less than 1 term
Rightly or wrongly, presidents get the lion's share of the credit or blame for what happens on their watch. Obama will be held responsible by the voters next November for how the country and the economy is doing, in their opinion.

Bill Clinton was lucky enough to be president during one of the greatest economic boom periods in our history. I don't think either he or the Gingrich-led Congresses of the time deserve a whole lot of credit, they were mostly just along for the ride. Maybe the best I can say for them is that they didn't screw things up.

Obama on the other hand came into office at a very bad time. Most of the country, both public and private, was deeply into debt and a recovery out of the mess was not going to happen no matter what he did or did not do. That's not to say however, that his policies were as constructive as they might have been. Personally I think they were not, and that's why I'll support a repub for president this time.
I don't recall anyone blaming him for the crash. Only holding him to HIS PROMISE to fix it and NOT make it worse.

Really? So you personally and no Conservs have ever claimed that the reason companies weren't hiring, was because they were afraid of the unfriendly tax environment he supposedly created? Never?


That has nothing to do with the crash itself but everything to do with the lack of recovery
Dems can't have it both ways. If he was not responsible for any of the poor economy during the last three years, he cannot now suddenly be responsible if it improves.

Don't be stupid. Of course they can...

That's like saying pre Jordan and Pippen the Chicago Bull were crap, but once they joined the team they had nothing to do with the success of the team....
This thread is bull shit.

The economy is not improving. Any gains in GDP, or in wall street is the inflation taking place. You cannot print 16 trillion dollars from thin air and not expect there to be a huge increase in the money supply.

We are seeing wall street making gains agian, while main street burns, because all of the money supply is concentrated in wall street.

This is not the end of the tunnel your seeing, it is a freight train headed your way.

Look around people. Prices of everything is going up. Your purchasing power is being destroyed. Your savings are being sucked into oblivion.

Meanwhile, back on Earth.

Now, now, don't give Waterthetree a hard time. If things get better for America, that hurts his political position & rightness of opinions. Hell, if America prospers, the GOP may not win an election!
One must keep one's priorities in place. Just watch the GOP during the next week...

Meantime, back on Earth - our firm is bursting at the seams. We have contracts coming out of our ears! :)
Unemployment is continually going down. GDP is up. Car sales are up TEN PERCENT for 2011. Great news for America.
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Dems can't have it both ways. If he was not responsible for any of the poor economy during the last three years, he cannot now suddenly be responsible if it improves.

I don't know what's so hard to understand about the democrat party logic here.

If it's bad news it's all Bush's fault and the GOP and the Democrat party was non existent.
Surely President Obama can't be held responsible for anything bad that happened during his
time in office.

If it's good news the only person who had anything at all to do with it was President Obama.

This thread is bull shit.

The economy is not improving. Any gains in GDP, or in wall street is the inflation taking place. You cannot print 16 trillion dollars from thin air and not expect there to be a huge increase in the money supply.

We are seeing wall street making gains agian, while main street burns, because all of the money supply is concentrated in wall street.

This is not the end of the tunnel your seeing, it is a freight train headed your way.

Look around people. Prices of everything is going up. Your purchasing power is being destroyed. Your savings are being sucked into oblivion.

Meanwhile, back on Earth.

Now, now, don't give Waterthetree a hard time. If things get better for America, that hurts his political position & rightness of opinions. Hell, if America prospers, the GOP may not win an election!
One must keep one's priorities in place. Just watch the GOP during the next week...

Meantime, back on Earth - our firm is bursting at the seams. We have contracts coming out of our ears! :)
Unemployment is continually going down. GDP is up. Car sales are up TEN PERCENT for 2011. Great news for America.


Buy non-perishable food. Buy potable water tablets. Stock up on antibiodics (my vet hooked me up, but you can buy in large quantity in mexico). Get prepared. Only strong leadership with a firm understanding of the economy is going to save the dollar.

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