Of Course Republicans Are the Problem Or Haven't You Noticed!


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
The problems in this country could have been solved long ago with Republican cooperation. But instead we get partisan politics, obstructionism, afraid to give credit to President Obama when he rightfully deserves it, failed Conservative policies of the past and lots more gloom and doom from Republicans. How can the country move forward with these guys standing in the way of progress for all Americans.

Let?s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post
Yes. It's just the Republicans that are the problem. If they just completely ignored their values and interest and did what you wanted, this nation would be heaven on earth.

I know I am trying not to be as sarcastic, but I couldn't resist that one.
The problems in this country could have been solved long ago with Republican cooperation. But instead we get partisan politics, obstructionism, afraid to give credit to President Obama when he rightfully deserves it, failed Conservative policies of the past and lots more gloom and doom from Republicans. How can the country move forward with these guys standing in the way of progress for all Americans.

Let?s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

For the first two years Obama had a filibuster proof Congress so got everything he wanted. We see the results: corruption, incompetence, slow growth, an out of control bureaurcracy. Only a fool believes more of that would solve anything.
teletype, Phone? Email? How exactly do you stay in contact with your handlers? More to the point how much are you being paid? I can do what you are doing, only better, so maybe they will pay me?

I am a typical mainstream democrat. (see how easily I change my stripes?)
In Democrat World, only rich people use schools and roads and bridges.

In Democrat World, a high school dropout gets free health insurance for life, paid for by others. In topsy turvy Democrat World, the person who is able to support themselves and exercises their freedom and chooses not to buy insurance is the "freeloader" and must have their wealth confiscated to support the high school dropout.

In Democrat World, the government forces employers to provide a perq to their employees. Not only that, the government dictates what the exact structure of that perq must be. Anyone who resists this is violating the rights of others!

In Democrat World, anyone who fights to protect the right to life of the unborn has declared a "war on women". In Democrat world, it is critical to misdirect attention away from the unborn child and wave about the vagina.

In Democrat World, if a deranged maniac kills some kids, the innocent must be punished by denying their property rights.

In Democrat World, power must be concentrated at the top. In Democrat World, when the result of this belief system results in special interests finding it much easier to capture power when it is in a single location, it is the fault of bad campaign finance laws and not because power is too centralized.

In Democrat World, you are far too stupid to decide what health insurance you need for yourself. You must receive it from your employer or the State, and the State will decide what you need or don't need, who gets to sell it to you, and how much profit they are allowed. In Democrat World they say, "What government takeover? I see no government takeover." And then schizophrenically complain they have not gone far enough and want "single payer" (translation: government) health care.

In Democrat World, every problem is an opportunity for more centralized government. Every problem is attacked the same way. "What is the government going to do about this problem!?!"

Yeah. Republicans are the whole problem. Suuuuuuurrrrrrrrre...
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the real truth


Harry Reid's Senate Blockade

A case study in the world's greatest dysfunctional body.

May 13, 2014 7:03 p.m. ET

The U.S. Senate failed to advance another piece of popular bipartisan legislation late Monday, and the reason tells the real story of Washington gridlock in the current Congress. To wit, Harry Reid has essentially shut down the Senate as a place to debate and vote on policy.

The Majority Leader's strategy was once again on display as the Senate failed to get the 60 votes to move a popular energy efficiency bill co-sponsored by New Hampshire Democrat Jeanne Shaheen and Ohio Republican Rob Portman. Mr. Reid blamed the defeat on Republican partisanship. But the impasse really came down to Mr. Reid's blockade against amendments that might prove politically difficult for Democrats.

The Nevadan used parliamentary tricks to block energy-related amendments to an energy bill. This blockade is now standard procedure as he's refused to allow a vote on all but nine GOP amendments since last July. Mr. Reid is worried that some of these amendments might pass with support from Democrats, thus embarrassing a White House that opposes them.

In the case of Portman-Shaheen, Republicans had prepared amendments to speed up exports of liquefied natural gas; to object to a new national carbon tax; to rein in the Environmental Protection Agency's war on coal plants; and to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline. A majority of the public supports these positions and many Democrats from right-leaning or energy-producing states claim to do the same. The bill against the EPA's coal-plant rules is co-sponsored by West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin.

Yet the White House and Mr. Reid's dominant liberal wing won't take the chance that a bipartisan coalition might pass these amendments, most of which the House has passed or soon would. President Obama would thus face a veto decision that would expose internal Democratic divisions. So Mr. Reid shut down the amendment process. Republicans then responded by refusing to provide the 60 votes necessary to clear a filibuster and vote on the underlying bill.

It's important to understand how much Mr. Reid's tactics have changed the Senate. Not too long ago it was understood that any Senator could get a floor vote if he wanted it. The minority party, often Democrats, used this right of amendment to sponsor votes that would sometimes put the majority on the spot. It's called politics, rightly understood. This meant the Senate debated national priorities and worked its bipartisan will. Harry Reid's Senate has become a deliberate obstacle to democratic accountability.

ALL of it here
Harry Reid's Senate Blockade - WSJ
A question you could feedback to your handlers. Why is it that the democrats can't seem to post anything positive about what they are doing to the country only BS?
Anyone who doesn't recognize that we all have a part in fixing the problem and causing it, needs to reassess their lives.
The problems in this country could have been solved long ago with Republican cooperation. But instead we get partisan politics, obstructionism, afraid to give credit to President Obama when he rightfully deserves it, failed Conservative policies of the past and lots more gloom and doom from Republicans. How can the country move forward with these guys standing in the way of progress for all Americans.

Let?s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

I can't find the part of the Constitution that requires Congress to simply rubberstamp what the president wants.
Yes. It's just the Republicans that are the problem. If they just completely ignored their values and interest and did what you wanted, this nation would be heaven on earth.

I know I am trying not to be as sarcastic, but I couldn't resist that one.

Actually, Republicans have been participating in a "War on old time Christianity".

From the GOP presidential debates: Let him die.

Andre Bauer: Feed the poor and they will breed.

Cutting food stamps for disabled veterans.

Cutting school lunches.

Keeping millions from health care.

Romney: Corporations are people my friend.

and so on.

And many right wingers, right here on the USMB have said Jesus would approve.

The Christianity the Republicans and the right practice is most definitely at odds with what has historically been taught as the Christian religion. Any honest person will see the problem.
Barak Obama and Harry Reid have 80% of the American Media on their side, and so their propaganda is heard louder and more often than that of the Republicans.

But the fact is that Congress is jammed equally because Harry Reid wont let anything the House passes onto the Senate floor; and Boehner won't let anything the Senate passes onto the House floor.

This is just what can be expected with one party in charge of one and one pary in charge of the other. Such a logjam is customarily broken by leadership from the White House. But Obama won't get off the golf course and the fundraiser circuit long enough to work out a compromise. He leads from behind--whatever the Hell that means.

The citizens will have to resolve it in November. Howard Dean, a New England turd and pinhead who thinks he is a future President, said yesterday on MSNBC that he expects the Democrats to keep control of the Senate and take control of the House.

We'll see.
Yes. It's just the Republicans that are the problem. If they just completely ignored their values and interest and did what you wanted, this nation would be heaven on earth.

I know I am trying not to be as sarcastic, but I couldn't resist that one.

Actually, Republicans have been participating in a "War on old time Christianity".

From the GOP presidential debates: Let him die.

Andre Bauer: Feed the poor and they will breed.

Cutting food stamps for disabled veterans.

Cutting school lunches.

Keeping millions from health care.

Romney: Corporations are people my friend.

and so on.

And many right wingers, right here on the USMB have said Jesus would approve.

The Christianity the Republicans and the right practice is most definitely at odds with what has historically been taught as the Christian religion. Any honest person will see the problem.

First, nothing of what you said has anything to do with my post.

Second, I don't really care what someone who won't even read the Bible has to say about Christianity.

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