Of course. The Houston shooter passed the background checks anti gunners love...

You are a moron joe......these guys had clean records before they shot and or killed people.....background checks do not stop mass shooters or criminals...but please....keep pushing for them....they are useless and do nothing to stop these guys...

Yeah, I think that this guy had a house full of Nazi stuff and was mentally unstable.

The background check was inadequate.

You start sending gun sellers to prison, they'll start looking into who they sell to.

By that logic, people who sell big Macs to lardasses who have a heart attack are responsible for the lardasses' heart attack.

his link has a long...but incomplete list of mass public shooters who passed the background checks that anti gunners insist will stop mass public shooters....

Then the background checks are inadequate. Whoever did them should be fired.

I have my simple enough solution. You sell a gun to a mass shooter, you do his time.

I promise you (as your hero would say), they'll do adequate background checks then.

You are a moron joe......these guys had clean records before they shot and or killed people.....background checks do not stop mass shooters or criminals...but please....keep pushing for them....they are useless and do nothing to stop these guys....
He most certainly did not have a clean record. He had threatened some roofers with a gun prior to this. That should have been a large enough red flag that all his guns should have been confiscated until a complete investigation was done, and he had a competent psychiatric evaluation.

You gun nuts are preventing any actions taken to prevent the crazies from having the types of guns that make such shooting rampages easy. And we sane gun owners are going to eventually suffer the consequences of your idiocy. You are far more dangerous to my right to own firearms than is either Secretary Clinton, soon to be President Clinton, or President Obama.

Please....tell us moron...the police talked to him....better than a background check.....and they gave him a pass...twit....the Orlando nightclub shooter....had a 10 month FBI investigation, had an undercover operative approach him to feel him out, and talked to trained FBI interrogators 3 separate times...then went on to pass a background check for his job and a background check for his guns numb nut.......so tell us again about how background checks need to be done.....

An insult to morons everywhere.

Look at it this way: Background checks are conducted by government (NICS or if further investigation required, by FBI and ATF agents), but little Joey want's that same government to incarcerate the seller of a firearm when the background check they provided fails to identify someone that later murders. Got that? Government fails with their background check, so government should punish an innocent person for their failure??? Good lord, have you every met a more mindless gov-bot than Joe?
How many mass shootings did the background checks stop?
None of the ones listed...and that is a short list....not even Columbine was stopped with a background check and those were two under age teenagera....
You didn't answer the question because you couldn't. You can't say the background checks are useless, only that they are not 100% effective. Is that your criteria?

We had 3,000 shootings in Chicago......tell me that all of those shooters went through a background check....
How many mass shootings did the background checks stop?
None of the ones listed...and that is a short list....not even Columbine was stopped with a background check and those were two under age teenagera....
You didn't answer the question because you couldn't. You can't say the background checks are useless, only that they are not 100% effective. Is that your criteria?
We had 3,000 shootings in Chicago......tell me that all of those shooters went through a background check....
I have no idea how many of those shooters went through a background check, do you? Do you have any statistics that show how many murders were prevented because someone couldn't get a legal gun?
his link has a long...but incomplete list of mass public shooters who passed the background checks that anti gunners insist will stop mass public shooters....

Then the background checks are inadequate. Whoever did them should be fired.

I have my simple enough solution. You sell a gun to a mass shooter, you do his time.

I promise you (as your hero would say), they'll do adequate background checks then.

You are a moron joe......these guys had clean records before they shot and or killed people.....background checks do not stop mass shooters or criminals...but please....keep pushing for them....they are useless and do nothing to stop these guys....
He most certainly did not have a clean record. He had threatened some roofers with a gun prior to this. That should have been a large enough red flag that all his guns should have been confiscated until a complete investigation was done, and he had a competent psychiatric evaluation.

You gun nuts are preventing any actions taken to prevent the crazies from having the types of guns that make such shooting rampages easy. And we sane gun owners are going to eventually suffer the consequences of your idiocy. You are far more dangerous to my right to own firearms than is either Secretary Clinton, soon to be President Clinton, or President Obama.

Please....tell us moron...the police talked to him....better than a background check.....and they gave him a pass...twit....the Orlando nightclub shooter....had a 10 month FBI investigation, had an undercover operative approach him to feel him out, and talked to trained FBI interrogators 3 separate times...then went on to pass a background check for his job and a background check for his guns numb nut.......so tell us again about how background checks need to be done.....

An insult to morons everywhere.

Look at it this way: Background checks are conducted by government (NICS or if further investigation required, by FBI and ATF agents), but little Joey want's that same government to incarcerate the seller of a firearm when the background check they provided fails to identify someone that later murders. Got that? Government fails with their background check, so government should punish an innocent person for their failure??? Good lord, have you every met a more mindless gov-bot than Joe?
It is simpler: Joey is a Stalinist.

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