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Off-Shore exploration reach 4 Billion $

sheeeesh Ekrem posts a thread to brag about his country finding a new source of energy and you guys turn it into an argument about peak oil and global warming

sheeeesh Ekrem posts a thread to brag about his country finding a new source of energy and you guys turn it into an argument about peak oil and global warming

I was happy for Ekrem and Turkey. I can't help it if Jiggles keeps thinking with his inoperable brain tumor.
My "brain tumor" even? Nice.

Man, you're a whole new kind of stupid, aren't you? Arrogant/stupid, too... much like George Bush.

This is just too much! LOL. Your whole perspective is based on one theory that has NEVER come true in the history when viewing the course of mankind and society: The "Straight Line Assumption".

This convoluted sentence above was a bit hard to follow, but I'll try. You don't even know my "whole perspective." What "one theory" are you referring to? Peak oil theory? It's not exactly a theory, more like a geological fact. As for never coming true in history, when have we ever HAD fossil fuels run every aspect of our lives before? OF COURSE it's never happened before in history. This is an unprecedented predicament the likes of which mankind has never dealt with before.

Things have always gone this way, so they will continue to be this way. The business cycle is always ignored till it corrects or recovered. Idiots always claim that the good or bad times roll on forever. Chaos theory prevents us currently from accurately predicting so far out.

What in God's name are you even talking about here? What does ANY of that have to do with the topic at hand? Your lame extrapolations and piss-poor analogies will not change the focus. You can add as many dimensions as you like, but they all sound like hope-based assumption in the face of raw data and geological science. Sorry, you lose.

So since we can't predict the weather at a particular local, accurately, outside of 24-36 hours, you expect to know the approximate "mathematically accurate" where we're going to run out of fuel. You've taken EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE RANDOM VARIABLE THAT COULD POSSIBLY EXIST into account and packed it into that little computer model you got, and will have the correct answer. Is that what you're trying to tell me Professor Frink?

My argument: What we have
Your argument: What we hope

Meanwhile, you can't point to anything specific, at any time frame that can offset collapse that is already beginning to occur right now all over the planet. You guys point to things like increased extraction of ever-dirtier hydrocarbons, nuclear expansion, fusion, fission, and mere "market solutions" to calm your mind and tell yourself everything is gonna be fine. ... To you all, there's no need to conserve, no need to change our energy policy in any way shape or form. You pound your chest and say, essentially: "I'll be able to drive my gas-guzzling SUV as long as I like, at no extra cost." LOL.... You guys keep telling yourself that.

You're a Godder, aren't you? You satiate yourself on the calming belief that mankind will just "find a way" to maintain a lifestyle that requires the equivalent 85 million barrels of oil each day (and growing). So, fine. Add whatever variable you like. Let's examine it (not that we haven't already). Bring it to the table, genius. Then we can talk about time frame, investment capital and the ramifications of lead-in time before such a "miraculous" technological advance comes to market. Think 25-35 years, at best.

Unfortunately, U.S. states and foreign industrial nations are on the brink of utter insolvency and default, gas prices have almost tripled in 10 years, food has doubled, and our military's directive is to focus on oil rich nations at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars each year. "Everything is fine." Then, of course, we're strip-mining western Canada (and soon our own Rocky Mountains) and drilling ever farther under the sea bed and scrapping safety protocols just to keep feeding the best. "Everything is fine."

Yeah, nothing to see here. No cause for concern. Technology will save us all, any day now. :rolleyes:

Standard variables that peakers deliberately ignore: Technological improvements in the collection, use and refinement of oil. New find in places previously out of reach,

We don't ignore those variables at all, liar. In fact, we have a far more advanced grasp of them than goofy you. It's just that they take a very long time to perfect an implement, at enormous cost that fewer and fewer companies have the capital to risk. At what point do you get what is happening here, and stop conjuring up straw man arguments that routinely misrepresent our position and our level of understanding? Do better.

Regardless. Where? When? What advances? Do you even know what you're talking about, or just relying on more hope-based goofiness because you FEEL it must be right? My guess is the latter. It's about all you have. That, and some non-peer-reviewed press releases of untested "breakthroughs" by energy companies themselves trying to boost stock price.

the changes in consumption due to economics and politics.

More "variables" that we undoubtedly understand far more than "drill baby drill" morons like you. The "changes in economics" are the RAMIFICATIONS of energy depletion, not a factor in them. Energy dictates the markets, not the other way around. If your idea of stasis is perpetual recession, then great. But you haven't debunked peak oil, only underlined it.

And of course, ignoring the fact that we energy realists...

LOL!!! ... You're no "energy realist." You're an energy clergyman. If you were at all a "realist," you'd accept the data, the timeline, and the costs involved. Instead, your ENTIRE thesis rests on hope.

... do know there will be a replacement energy source coming along soon enough when it becomes the most economically viable with the highest EROEI.

Dude, I have little doubt that you didn't even know what EROEI referred to before I brought it to your attention back in May. A quick search of your bloviated post history here proves you've never even used the term before then. Please don't pretend you have any grasp of net energy, because your nonsense in exchanges with me proves you don't have any idea what you're talking about.

This is underscored by the fact that you actually just said you all "know there will be a replacement energy source coming along soon enough..." ... Oh? Is that like "knowing Jesus will be along any time now?" ... What will that energy source be exactly? And how many industries will have collapsed before the price point gets to that "economically viable" level you're so certain of? You just don't seem to get it, do you? This is about access to abundant cheap energy. Or "net energy." Not market corrections.

Again, energy controls the markets. Not the other way around.

Instead you try to claim that we're ignoring peak oil because we're too racist, sexist, homophobes. Way to compare apples to transmissions to lace doilies.

This wins for biggest strawman, among so many. The inference that you're too racist, sexist and homophobic is a separate issue altogether. They are not the reason you ignore peak oil. You ignore peak oil because you all dismiss science, exhaustingly so. You do this because you can't stand the idea that God wouldn't fix everything via man's genius. After all, according to evangelicals, God "wants us to consume." LOL...

About as useful as chicken shit on a pump handle. That's what good peak oil faithers are.

Colorful way to end an empty post. Rap it all up with a red-neckkie, ineffectual jab that refutes nothing.

Run along now, little hope-based energy minister.
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much like George Bush.

Ten times the man you'll ever grow up to be, and I have some serious disagreements with him.

We don't ignore those variables at all, liar.

Horseshit. Last chart you posted showed a straight line decline in everything once current numbers are passed. You may find your own rebuke here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/energy/112451-2-5-trillion-barrels-of-oil-shale-oil-10.html#post2688169 Post 144.


You're a Godder, aren't you?

You're a psychopath, aren't you? One of those wacky individuals that believed the universe happened by cosmic lottery of randomness? Why the fuck I should even address your psychosis anymore? Oh that's right, to protect others from people as nutty as you.

My argument: What we have
As long as we never look, improve in technology, or develop new ways to utilize more effectively the resources we have Because no matter where we look, what we do, or how much better we do it... it can NEVER EVER EVER IMPROVE, and those who disagree should be shot lest they spread their treason.

Your argument: What we hope
Nope, based on historical precident. When you get government out of the way, and psychotics like yourself, we tend to find MORE energy, and develop MORE efficent ways to collect it and utilize it. Always happens, and till you can prove where and how oil is conclusively produced, we don't know how much more we will find. But unlike you, Jiggles, I don't compress the timeline and lie about what's really blocking further development.

What in God's name are you even talking about here? What does ANY of that have to do with the topic at hand? Your lame extrapolations and piss-poor analogies will not change the focus. You can add as many dimensions as you like, but they all sound like hope-based assumption in the face of raw data and geological science. Sorry, you lose.

Just because you have the intellectual capacity of a squashed apricot does not invalidate my explanation. I'm very sorry you were born so gullible and stupid, but if you refuse to handle basic logic and simple questions that could be foisted by 5 year olds well, does your apoplectic apocalyptic agitations little good.

Dude, I have little doubt that you didn't even know what EROEI referred to before I brought it to your attention back in May.

Let's see... you are on how many other boards with me? Once again, you show typical peaker form by assuming shit you have no proof of doesn't happen. Your ego can return back to gargantuan size from mammoth. You didn't teach me the damn term.

This wins for biggest strawman, among so many.

You're right, Peak Oil does. It fails at elementary logic, based on the hope that your political allies can keep the public blind long enough till binding legislation can prevent them from learning truth that you have no clothes.

This is underscored by the fact that you actually just said you all "know there will be a replacement energy source coming along soon enough..."

ROFLMAO. Not good at making connections I see. When oil begins to become scares FOR REAL, in maybe 2-4 centuries, we will have it's cheap replacement. Why do I know this? Because we already have EXPENSIVE versions of those replacements now. Fusion, Pebblebed Nuclear, Microwave, Solar, Wind, Hydrogen. All of these are POTENTIAL replacements. They are a long way off from replacing oil. And even a longer way from replacing all petroleum. Now, since they exist today why not force the change over early? Simple: economics and efficiency. None of the technologies are ready to replace anything oil does. It is too light in the EROEI, or just ROI. They are too expensive to be cost effective. Others are being misapplied (solar will never be anything but a day time supplemental source.) This will take a minimum of 50-100 years to perfect to the point of taking over. Note I ignore bio-fuels because they are far too destructive and costly and have a negative EROEI AND ROI when you take away their subsidies.

Once these things are made profitable, they will take off and replace oil easily. That is how it works. The market decides. Energy becomes scarce, it becomes expensive, people look for and develop cheaper alternatives that equal or surpass what the old energy did, they switch over. This has been the pattern of mankind since the dawn of time. Wood to Coal to Whale Oil to Coal Oil to Crude Oil.... and on and on and on and on. This is not hope. This is a fact and a natural cycle.

And now, here's where you prove that peak oil has nothing to do with reality or economics or energy, but politics and power.

God "wants us to consume." LOL...

Always amazes me when a god hater acts like they're an authority of what God wants or has done. Both pathetic and humorous.

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