
Nowhere in there does it say the President can't use it. In fact, it never even mentions the President, dumbfuck.

Try again, dumbfuck.

You lose again, dumbfuck.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
Lying fucking moron, it says who can. No one else outside of that can. Your moronic position is like saying the Judiciary can impeach a president because the Constitution doesn't say they can't.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron, ya lying fucking moron??

Ever??? :ack-1:
It says who is entitled to receive services, moron. It doesn't say that it's against the law for anyone else to ask. You analogy is gross bullshit, of course.
Lying fucking moron -- it states who can make the request.

Then why didn't Trump ever actually call upon his Attorney General to contact Ukraine?

How do you know he didn't, the DOJ doesn't discuss investigations, perhaps Durham is looking into it along with other things that happened. If it was ongoing, there would be no need to discuss it, would there?

Justice Department: Trump never asked Barr to talk to Ukraine

Funny, I heard him do it on TV several times. But once again, how do you know they aren't already looking into it?

From the article ...

DOJ says no such call between Barr and the Ukrainians ended up taking place.

And of course things never change, RIGHT?

Great, prove it changed. Meanwhile, Trump was talking about Biden ousting Shokin since May, maybe earlier. Called Zelensky in July and asked Zelensky for help regarding Biden. The article I posted was from the end of September and Barr was still not looking into Ukraine. So when did he start? After the impeachment inquiry started?

But more to the point, you point out how Trump told Zelensky he would have Barr call him -- so why do you think Trump didn't do that?
I know you want to try playing this off as just a phone call. But during that call there was a conversation and in that conversation Trump committed bribery and extortion.

Exact words please, and no commie interpretations either.
There are no commie interpretations and you know the exact words.

If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.
She is also rehashing the Russia Hoax with her stating that "All roads leads to Putin".
Still after three years of that investigation, she still can't let go.
Seems that the Ukraine Hoax is starting to splinter along with her stressed out mind.
I too, wonder what will it be tomorrow?
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
That's because he got his fingers caught in the cookie jar. If the whistle blower didn't spill the beans, Trump would have have probably got away with it.
Exact words please, and no commie interpretations either.
There are no commie interpretations and you know the exact words.

If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give the snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated? sheesh
Last edited:
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
That's because he got his fingers caught in the cookie jar. If the whistle blower didn't spill the beans, Trump would have have probably got away with it.
What exactly would Trump have gotten away with? Be specific.
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
For fuck's sake, Trump only released the money after a whistleblower filed a complaint that he hadn't released it because he was using it as quid pro quo to get Ukraine's president to look into some matters that benefit Trump personally. Meanwhile, until then, Trump held up that aid for some 7 months.
Somebody please write in this space what it is that is not yet known.

What we know:
  • Trump wanted the Biden's investigated by the Ukrainian government,
  • An investigation - IF IT SHOWED CORRUPTION - would harm Joe Biden politically,
  • An investigation - IF IT SHOWED NOTHING - would help Joe Biden politically,
  • He wanted to somehow connect the release of military aid to the investigation, and to a public announcement of an investigation.
  • That never happened,
  • The aid was timely released,
  • The diplomatic community was shocked by Trump's intentions and approach.
What, exactly, might be revealed in future testimony that we don't know now?

Ignore the hearsay issue. Trump wanted to use a delay in release of aid to pressure the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden's, and to make a public announcement of same. So what?
There are no commie interpretations and you know the exact words.

If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.
The question of whether or not Trump is guilty isn't up for debate anymore. He's clearly guilty.

The question is if Republicans care.
Can you quote something that Trump is "clearly guilty" of, besides being your political opponent, in regard to the impeachment?

This is an allegation, not a quote.

The reason you "overlooked" the part of my post that specifically asks for a "quote", is because you CANNOT quote something that he is clearly guilty of. You saw that I asked specifically for a quote, and you would have posted a quote, but there is nothing to quote.

I've already provided you a quote in your other retarded thread and you abandoned ship faster than Trump throws his associates under the bus.
Lol, can't seem to post a quote?
Apparently you can't read.

That does make sense though.
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
For fuck's sake, Trump only released the money after a whistleblower filed a complaint that he hadn't released it because he was using it as quid pro quo to get Ukraine's president to look into some matters that benefit Trump personally. Meanwhile, until then, Trump held up that aid for some 7 months.
If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.
The only reason that I stated what I stated is that the rest of the paragraph from the president seemed to be talking about the troubles the US had with Russia and the Ukraine
during the 2016 presidential cycle. There also was mention of Crowdstrike. There was no mention of Biden and his son in that entire paragraph that you cherry picked a half of a sentence to make your point.
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
That's because he got his fingers caught in the cookie jar. If the whistle blower didn't spill the beans, Trump would have have probably got away with it.

The President of the United States reserves the right to withhold US money to a country for any reason. Joe Biden, speaking on behalf of DumBama, openly stated that if the prosecutor that looked into the firm his son was working for, wasn't fired by the time he left Ukraine, all bets are off. But that was okay.

Can one of you TDS people riddle me this: The accusation is that Trump "bribed" Zelensky with US money in exchange for a Biden investigation. Fine. Then please tell me why nobody in Ukraine (including Zelensky) knew there was any hold on the money until a month after the phone call. If Trump bribed Zelensky, wouldn't you think he'd be the first to realize it?

So it seems, not only do us Republicans not see any bribe or quid pro quo (which is not against the law) but neither did anybody in Ukraine.
Last edited:
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violated the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid. There is nothing wrong with Trump asking a foreign country to look into the actives of any American if he does it the right way which means he uses offical channels and goes through his AG. However, he wanted the Ukraine to announce and investigation of Biden without any apparent pressure from the US. This would make the case they are creating against Biden must more believable.

So you're saying asking it himself instead of going through his AG means he should be impeached? What utter nonsense! There's no difference. either way. The real question is your allegation of using pressure on the Ukrainians like Biden did, where's the proof for that? The Ukrainians denied any pressure, you know that, right?

The other thing is whether Trump was acting in his own personal interests or whether he was just doing his job, to find out if Biden or anyone else associated with Burisma broke our laws. You can insinuate it, you suppose all you want about his motives, but do we impeach somebody based on insinuations or suppositions? He asks the Ukrainians to look into it, BFD. It wasn't about making the case more believable, it was a request for information and any possible evidence to find out if there was a case to be made or not. Opinions are okay, everybody is entitled to their own but we ought not to impeach somebody without solid data to support the conclusions reached. And frankly to this point all the Dems have is a whole bunch of innuendo.
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
For fuck's sake, Trump only released the money after a whistleblower filed a complaint that he hadn't released it because he was using it as quid pro quo to get Ukraine's president to look into some matters that benefit Trump personally. Meanwhile, until then, Trump held up that aid for some 7 months.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.
The only reason that I stated what I stated is that the rest of the paragraph from the president seemed to be talking about the troubles the US had with Russia and the Ukraine
during the 2016 presidential cycle. There also was mention of Crowdstrike. There was no mention of Biden and his son in that entire paragraph that you cherry picked a half of a sentence to make your point.
It was a phone conversation, not a book. There were no paragraphs while they were talking. Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server and he asked him to look into the Bidens. Both of which help him personally.

And the reason I stopped short of including this initially is because they were irrelevant to my point. Someone claimed there was no quid pro quo on that call and so I posted the quid pro quo.

It wasn't even about the $400 million Trump was holding up. Ukraine is desperate for military aid to fight off Russia. The president of Ukraine asks for help, saying they are about ready to purchase Javelin missiles from us, which they need to fend off Russia if Putin decides on any given day to invade Ukraine -- and Trump makes such aid contingent upon favors.

That's quid pro quo.
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.
She is also rehashing the Russia Hoax with her stating that "All roads leads to Putin".
Still after three years of that investigation, she still can't let go.
Seems that the Ukraine Hoax is starting to splinter along with her stressed out mind.
I too, wonder what will it be tomorrow?

When Piglosi was asked if an impeachment vote will take place, her answer was she didn't know. That tells you right there that this isn't going good for them. In fact, Fox news had a higher rating on their regular programming than the other cable outlets covering the impeachment inquiry. People just aren't interested because it's so boring.
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
That's because he got his fingers caught in the cookie jar. If the whistle blower didn't spill the beans, Trump would have have probably got away with it.

The President of the United States reserves the right to withhold US money to a country for any reason. Joe Biden ,speaking on behalf of DumBama, openly stated that if the prosecutor that looked into the firm his son was working for, wasn't fired by the time he left Ukraine, all bets are off. But that was okay.

Can one of you TDS people riddle me this: The accusation is that Trump "bribed" Zelensky with US money in exchange for a Biden investigation. Fine. Then please tell me why nobody in Ukraine (including Zelensky) knew there was any hold on the money until a month after the phone call. If Trump bribed Zelensky, wouldn't you think he'd be the first to realize it?

So it seems, not only do us Republicans not see any bribe or quid pro quo (which is not against the law) but neither did anybody in Ukraine.
It's not just about that money.
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.
Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.

An attempted bribe is a crime Ray.

It is? Then tell me where the attempted bribery was. Crickets.

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