Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.

Mueller report says otherwise.
The Biden-Burisma part of the impeachment hearing

Sharyl Attkisson ^ | 11/14/2019 | Sharyl Attkisson

There are plenty of post mortems on day one of the impeachment hearings against President Trump.

There’s a summary in The Huffington Post, this left-sided take is from Rolling Stone, and here’s a view from the right-side in The Washington Examiner.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, I’ll highlight a few interesting sections from each of the two witnesses.

George Kent, Deputy Asst. Secretary of State testified that the Obama administration pressed Ukraine to investigate the Ukrainian energy company Burisma long before President Trump sought an investigation.

Kent agrees today that Burisma should be “fully investigated,” as President Trump has asked.

Kent explained the history of Burisma corruption. He alleged that Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky, formerly part of the pro-Russian Ukrainian government (2010-2012), was guilty of self dealing and corruption. Zlochevsky then went on to found Burisma, the largest private gas company in that nation.

Kent stated that in December 2014, a bribe was paid within Ukraine to make an investigation into Zlochevsky’s crimes “go away.” Kent says the bribed official fled Ukraine as the U.S. pressed Ukrainian officials to answer why prosecutors closed the case.

Kent stated that about the time the bribe was paid to shut down the investigation of Burisma in 2014, the corrupt Zlochevsky invited a series of new, prominent individuals to serve on his board. They included the former president of Poland and the son of Vice President Biden, Hunter. Hunter Biden was reportedly paid upward of $50,000 a month to serve on Burisma’s board for the corrupt Zlochevsky.

Kent testified that he was so concerned about Burisma corruption, that in May of 2014, when he learned Burisma was trying to co-sponsor an essay contest with the U.S. Agency of International Development, Kent asked the U.S. to bow out, saying we should not co-sponsor anything with a company that has such a bad reputation.

Kent said that in 2015, he expressed concern about “Hunter Biden’s status as a [Burisma] board member” amid the corruption questions because it “could create the perception of a conflict of interest.” He said he did not raise the issue with the State Department, which did not seem concerned, but did raise it with the Vice President’s office. Kent stated he has “no idea” what the Vice President’s office did about his concerns.

In Spring of 2016, Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. military aid from Ukraine unless the Ukrainian president agreed to fire its chief prosecutor within six hours. The prosecutor was investigating corruption including Burisma, where Biden’s son still served on the board. Ukraine’s president agreed and fired the prosecutor. (Biden has said he got the prosecutor fired because he was corrupt.)

Kent defended Biden’s action and stated it was accordance with U.S. policy.

When asked, Kent agreed that it was unprecedented for a U.S. official to give a foreign president a six hour deadline to fire a prosecutor as a condition for receiving U.S. aid.

Kent says up until today, the U.S. has not gotten a satisfactory answer to why the Burisma case was closed.

Kent testified that Burisma corruption still needs to be investigated because U.S. tax money was involved, and he says he would like to find out the name of the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor who took the bribe. Kent says he expressed this desire in 2015.

Kent says the new president of Ukraine and new prosecutor have agreed to review the old crimes never brought to justice, but that often people are “never held to account” in notoriously corrupt Ukraine so there is “lots to review.”

Kent stated that Vice President Biden made six visits to Ukraine, though Biden stated he’d been there 13 times.

When asked if someone, such as Biden should be immune from investigation because he is currently running for political office, Kent stated “no.”

When asked, Kent agreed it’s appropriate to look at foreign assistance in terms of levels of corruption within the receiving country.

William Taylor, Acting Ambassador to Ukraine said he found a “weird combination of confusing and ultimately alarming circumstances” involving the newly-elected government in Ukraine. He said there appeared to be two U.S. diplomatic channels for communicating with and about Ukraine: “regular” (which he had control over) and “irregular.”


In Spring of 2016, Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. military aid from Ukraine unless the Ukrainian president agreed to fire its chief prosecutor within six hours. The prosecutor was investigating corruption including Burisma, where Biden’s son still served on the board. Ukraine’s president agreed and fired the prosecutor.

... When asked, Kent agreed that it was unprecedented for a U.S. official to give a foreign president a six hour deadline to fire a prosecutor as a condition for receiving U.S. aid.

And the New York Times doesn't see a story here? Thank God for Sharyl Attkisson... ...

When Trump only talked about getting an announcement of an investigation into one person, your argument is over.
But. He lies. YOU ASSWIPES keep telling us that....he is the PŔO of saying one thing the morons want to hear and then doing just the opposite to CRUSH mindless dolts think that is a lie....ROTFLMFAO!!!
The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Your understanding is shit. Everyone knows this.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

Care to expand on that thought? Tell us all what exactly you found funny.
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
All of the readers, dope. Those watching you punk out repeatedly.
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Surely Trump could put this issue to bed very quickly by co-operating with the enquiry?
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

To be honest, the Dems aren't acting too concerned about how this mess affects the entire nation either.

Question: what the EFF is Trump supposed to do? The Dems have been after his ass since the day after the 2016 election, with no actual evidence to base any of their investigations and inquiries on. Has he not released the transcripts of the phone call? Should he not expect reasonable attempts by the Dems to allow him or his people to question the same witnesses and ask whatever questions they deem appropriate?

Question: does Biden get off the hook for whatever he or his son did with respect to Ukraine, because he's running for the Dem nomination? Should we the public not know about whatever took place while Biden was the VP? Why isn't that actually part of his job as President, to look into any possible illegal activities in another country to see if our own laws were broken? Shouldn't he find out?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.

If there never was an investigation, then what is the corruption Biden is alleged to have engaged in?
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Somebody please write in this space what it is that is not yet known.

What we know:
  • Trump wanted the Biden's investigated by the Ukrainian government,
  • An investigation - IF IT SHOWED CORRUPTION - would harm Joe Biden politically,
  • An investigation - IF IT SHOWED NOTHING - would help Joe Biden politically,
  • He wanted to somehow connect the release of military aid to the investigation, and to a public announcement of an investigation.
  • That never happened,
  • The aid was timely released,
  • The diplomatic community was shocked by Trump's intentions and approach.
What, exactly, might be revealed in future testimony that we don't know now?

Ignore the hearsay issue. Trump wanted to use a delay in release of aid to pressure the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden's, and to make a public announcement of same. So what?

The mere suggestion of corruption on the part of Biden is all that is necessary. Just look at you dopes who take it as gospel and ran with it from a mere suggestion.
A public statement from the president of Ukraine would have certainly lent credibility to such a suggestion.

Funny, I heard him do it on TV several times. But once again, how do you know they aren't already looking into it?

From the article ...

DOJ says no such call between Barr and the Ukrainians ended up taking place.

And of course things never change, RIGHT?

Great, prove it changed. Meanwhile, Trump was talking about Biden ousting Shokin since May, maybe earlier. Called Zelensky in July and asked Zelensky for help regarding Biden. The article I posted was from the end of September and Barr was still not looking into Ukraine. So when did he start? After the impeachment inquiry started?

But more to the point, you point out how Trump told Zelensky he would have Barr call him -- so why do you think Trump didn't do that?

I don't know he hasn't, he's said several times publicly that he wants him to.

He said that in his July phone call. Meanwhile, when this blew up at the end of September, he still hadn't; and there's been no suggestion he has yet.

And you're still avoiding the question. Why do you think he'd tell Zelensky he'd have Barr contact him and then not tell Barr? Even for two months?
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There are no commie interpretations and you know the exact words.

If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

They were ALMOST ready to make the purchase, they have since done so. So what's your point?

That the sale of those Javelin missiles was made contingent upon personal favors for Trump.
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There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.

You left a word out of what Zelensky said. Do you know what it is? Can you say he was ALMOST ready, and he did. If my memory serves, he bought 75 Javelin ATMs and 3 launchers.

The sale was approved months later and only after Trump was accused of quid pro quo by a whistleblower. And none of that erases Trump's quid pro quo of asking for favors in exchange for selling them Javelins.
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There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.

Quote the whole text, what the favor is about, shitstain.
The favors were for his own personal gain, including having Ukraine dig up dirt on a political rival.
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obstructing what? you never made a claim of the investigation you're after.

Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.

It's something called Executive Privilege, and using it is not breaking any laws. Furthermore, just because Slow Joe is a presidential nominee (not Trump's challenger) does not excuse him from being looked into for possible suspicious activity while serving as VP. Coke head Hunter got a very lucrative job for somebody that's never dealt in the country before in an industry he has no experience in. That's very suspicious.

Quit trying to pretend Trump was fighting corruption. He was only talking about Biden & yes his political adversary that Trump knows is his biggest threat.,

Try being an American instead of a Trumpette.

Quit lying & saying Hunter Biden had no experience. He had served on boards & was an attorney & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.
wow you really can't read can you? It seems to me the transcript discussed Crowdstrike and the DNC server. No? You didn't read that? And the word 'favor' was actually for that and not Biden. But fk dave, your reading skills never were that fking good. So you just post up the language from the transcript that says 'favor' for biden.
Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.

It's something called Executive Privilege, and using it is not breaking any laws. Furthermore, just because Slow Joe is a presidential nominee (not Trump's challenger) does not excuse him from being looked into for possible suspicious activity while serving as VP. Coke head Hunter got a very lucrative job for somebody that's never dealt in the country before in an industry he has no experience in. That's very suspicious.

Quit trying to pretend Trump was fighting corruption. He was only talking about Biden & yes his political adversary that Trump knows is his biggest threat.,

Try being an American instead of a Trumpette.

Quit lying & saying Hunter Biden had no experience. He had served on boards & was an attorney & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.
wow you really can't read can you? It seems to me the transcript discussed Crowdstrike and the DNC server. No? You didn't read that? And the word 'favor' was actually for that and not Biden. But fk dave, your reading skills never were that fking good. So you just post up the language from the transcript that says 'favor' for biden.
Liar, both were favors of which Trump asked. After asking Zelensky to look into CrowdStrike and the DNC server, Trump said, "the othe thing," as he asked Zelensky to also look into the Bidens.
Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.

It's something called Executive Privilege, and using it is not breaking any laws. Furthermore, just because Slow Joe is a presidential nominee (not Trump's challenger) does not excuse him from being looked into for possible suspicious activity while serving as VP. Coke head Hunter got a very lucrative job for somebody that's never dealt in the country before in an industry he has no experience in. That's very suspicious.

Quit trying to pretend Trump was fighting corruption. He was only talking about Biden & yes his political adversary that Trump knows is his biggest threat.,

Try being an American instead of a Trumpette.

Quit lying & saying Hunter Biden had no experience. He had served on boards & was an attorney & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.
wow you really can't read can you? It seems to me the transcript discussed Crowdstrike and the DNC server. No? You didn't read that? And the word 'favor' was actually for that and not Biden. But fk dave, your reading skills never were that fking good. So you just post up the language from the transcript that says 'favor' for biden.
Intelligence and security officials have ALL told Trump that Crowdstrike is an unfounded conspiracy theory that NEVER HAPPENED. Trump knows this. He doesn't care, because he knows it sells with his brainwashed supporters like you. Campaign has begun.
Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.

It's something called Executive Privilege, and using it is not breaking any laws. Furthermore, just because Slow Joe is a presidential nominee (not Trump's challenger) does not excuse him from being looked into for possible suspicious activity while serving as VP. Coke head Hunter got a very lucrative job for somebody that's never dealt in the country before in an industry he has no experience in. That's very suspicious.

Quit trying to pretend Trump was fighting corruption. He was only talking about Biden & yes his political adversary that Trump knows is his biggest threat.,

Try being an American instead of a Trumpette.

Quit lying & saying Hunter Biden had no experience. He had served on boards & was an attorney & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.
wow you really can't read can you? It seems to me the transcript discussed Crowdstrike and the DNC server. No? You didn't read that? And the word 'favor' was actually for that and not Biden. But fk dave, your reading skills never were that fking good. So you just post up the language from the transcript that says 'favor' for biden.
Intelligence and security officials have ALL told Trump that Crowdstrike is an unfounded conspiracy theory that NEVER HAPPENED. Trump knows this. He doesn't care, because he knows it sells with his brainwashed supporters like you. Campaign has begun.
Let's not forget, many of these are the same trumptards who believe PizzaGate was real but Sandy Hook was not.

Conservatives reside in such a backwards universe, they even had to coin the term, "alternative facts," to explain their dementia.
So Wednesday, we heard from the two witnesses that didn't actually witness a damn thing themselves, today we get the disgruntled employee.

Let the games begin!
Logic is useless to someone who won't acknowledge the "deliverable" wasn't for an investigation. It was for a public announcement of an investigation. Details are fucking irrelevant and the last thing Trump wants is a quest for the truth. Once the smear is out there, there's no need for an investigation. Trump is leveraging US foreign aid for a smear campaign to use in domestic politics.

Experience should tell you the con man is conning you. Maybe you were born every minute.

He is leveraging aid as he is the Commander in Chief of the military to ensure that Ukraine is not as corrupt as it was in 2016. How is he conning me? It was an open phone call, he released the transcript, the Bidens seem like the con artists to me. Again, I don't see anything that he did as being wrong, you disagree and that is your right, Luis.

Keep spinning until you explain why the "deliverable" was a public statement from Zelensky. Man up.

Yes and as POTUS he has the right to demand this. He wasn't hiding it. He did it in an open forum.

Burisma, a private oil and gas company in Ukraine, announced this week that it has appointed Hunter Biden, the youngest son of US Vice President Joe Biden, to its board of directors.

The company, founded in 2002, is controlled by a former energy official in the government of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The move has raised some eyebrows in the US, given the Obama administration's attempts to manage the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

"Joe Biden has been the White House's go-to guy during the Ukraine crisis, touring former Soviet republics and reassuring their concerned leaders," writes the National Journal's Marina Koren. "And now, he's not the only Biden involved in the region."

She says that by appointing Hunter Biden head of its legal affairs unit, "Burisma is turning to US talent - and money and name recognition - for protection against Russia".

The younger Mr Biden isn't the only American with political ties to have recently joined Burisma's board. Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Mr Kerry's stepson HJ Heinz, signed on in April.

Mr Biden and Mr Archer are also managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a Washington, DC-based investment company.

Both Mr Biden and Mr Archer have not responded to requests from reporters for comment. In Burisma's press release announcing his hiring, Mr Biden says:

I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.

All this could be explained simply as a foreign energy company looking to increase its visibility in the US and spur investment, writes the Federalist's Mollie Hemingway. State-controlled companies currently account for 90% of Ukraine's gas production, but this year Burisma became the nation's largest private producer.

Hemingway adds, however, that there may be another, less savoury possibility:

The most disturbing explanation is that the company is attempting to curry favour with the US government by enlisting the services of the close family friend and campaign bundler of the secretary of state and the son of the vice president. After all, Archer notes on one of his company's web pages that his firm's "relationship network creates opportunities for our portfolio companies which then compound to greater outcomes for all parties".

She concludes that this seems like a "cliched movie plot": "a shady foreign oil company co-opts the vice president's son in order to capture lucrative foreign investment contracts".

The White House has emphasised that the vice president's son's new job will have no influence on US foreign policy.

"Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer," Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for the vice president, told the Wall Street Journal. "The vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company."

Bullshit. Trump made every effort to hide his request of Ukraine, including, to this day, denying there was a quid pro quo. He used a backchannel of his personal attorney and two currently-indicted associates, who engaged in a smear campaign to remove an Ambassador. The WH hid the call records, in which Trump never mentioned the word corruption, tho he mentioned Biden and Giuliani. A whistleblower report was suppressed.

But, yeah, It's just an honest, above-board effort to root out corruption. The demand for a public statement of a Burisma/Biden investigation is so innocent you can't even conceive of an explanation for it.

Yeah, he didn't pay hush money either.
Manuel, it was a public and open call. He didn’t do anything wrong. We disagree so let’s decide at the ballot box. I want a public statement as well. You want weaponry then tell us what the hell is going on.

Yeah, it was a public and open call after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Time isn't random.

As to deciding at the ballot box, what's the cutoff date for that? 1st year? 2nd? Or is that opinion based on your sentiment that Trump did nothing wrong? If he gunned down Lindsay Graham in a fit of pique - and who hasn't wanted to do that? - 3 months before the election, would you say 'let the voters decide'? Is it a matter of principle or politics?

"If principle", he laughed, "does that mean there should never be an impeachment?"
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Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.
The Facts are Showing The Ukraine was interfering in our Elections on Behalf of Hillary Clinton.
The facts also show Hunter Biden getting bribes and a shit ton of money so Ukraine could lobby The White House. The facts also show, John Kerry's Son, Nancy Pelosi's Son, and Joe Biden's Son were all getting paid by Ukrainian Company Burisma, and by Corrupt Ukrainian Oligarchs that had to flee to Russia when an Anti Corruption Government was elected in to office.
No, they don't.
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.

Mueller report says otherwise.
No, it doesn't.

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