Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.

It's something called Executive Privilege, and using it is not breaking any laws. Furthermore, just because Slow Joe is a presidential nominee (not Trump's challenger) does not excuse him from being looked into for possible suspicious activity while serving as VP. Coke head Hunter got a very lucrative job for somebody that's never dealt in the country before in an industry he has no experience in. That's very suspicious.

Quit trying to pretend Trump was fighting corruption. He was only talking about Biden & yes his political adversary that Trump knows is his biggest threat.,

Try being an American instead of a Trumpette.

Quit lying & saying Hunter Biden had no experience. He had served on boards & was an attorney & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.
wow you really can't read can you? It seems to me the transcript discussed Crowdstrike and the DNC server. No? You didn't read that? And the word 'favor' was actually for that and not Biden. But fk dave, your reading skills never were that fking good. So you just post up the language from the transcript that says 'favor' for biden.
So Trump wanted the DNC server because.........
If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

They were ALMOST ready to make the purchase, they have since done so. So what's your point?

That the sale of those Javelin missiles was made contingent upon personal favors for Trump.

They already got Javelins from Trump admin in 2018, moron.

Now point to transcript where does Trump conditioned new Javelin package in exchange for personal favor.
For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.


Dear class. The fact that there are two reasons specified in the constitution does not mean I was accusing Trumpybear of treason. I think it was attempted bribery. Not the bribery we use to advance out national goals, but a secret one of designed partisan political nature that was exposed.
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.
The Facts are Showing The Ukraine was interfering in our Elections on Behalf of Hillary Clinton.
The facts also show Hunter Biden getting bribes and a shit ton of money so Ukraine could lobby The White House. The facts also show, John Kerry's Son, Nancy Pelosi's Son, and Joe Biden's Son were all getting paid by Ukrainian Company Burisma, and by Corrupt Ukrainian Oligarchs that had to flee to Russia when an Anti Corruption Government was elected in to office.

So you have proof the Hunter Biden was lobbing? Just another Woody lie.

All these corrupt Ukrainians & who did Trump pick as a campaign manager? Manafort. You really want to talk about that?
That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
While you call someone a dumbfuck, why do you idiots only give a snippet of what you want people to focus on?
Why the fuck don't you post the entire paragraph of what Trump stated. sheesh
Because that's the salient part. Zelensky is ready to buy military aid from us (with our money) and the first words out of Trump's mouth is to ask for a favor.

And not for nothing, but .... I could have posted more ... I could have posted how Trump asked Zelensky to look into the DNC server from the 2016 election, which only serves to help him politically -- or I could have posted how Trump also asked Zelensky to look into a political rival of his, which also only serves to help him politically. But I chose to just focus on him asking for favors immediately after Zelensky was looking for help from us to fend off Russia.

You left a word out of what Zelensky said. Do you know what it is? Can you say he was ALMOST ready, and he did. If my memory serves, he bought 75 Javelin ATMs and 3 launchers.

The sale was approved months later and only after Trump was accused of quid pro quo by a whistleblower. And none of that erases Trump's quid pro quo of asking for favors in exchange for selling them Javelins.

You sure found the word "favor" in the transcript. You just have to quote what exactly favor was for.

Can you quote it, or need someone else do it for you?
Nowhere in there does it say the President can't use it. In fact, it never even mentions the President, dumbfuck.

Try again, dumbfuck.

You lose again, dumbfuck.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
When the request is (1) asking a foreign country for assistance in his campaign (you'd think he would have learned....) and (2) he is withholding funds already approved by the Congress in order to force that country to assist.
I could simply make a personal request that you shoot someone for me, and you know what would happen? I'd end up in jail.
You're spouting Dim talking points that have been debunked 1000 times.
They haven't been debunked because the President says so, you know. He's the one being accused. I've never known a crook yet who fessed up and admitted what he did--at least not before the sentence came down.
We've all seen the transcript, moron. Unlike you, some of us have the brainpower to know that Trump committed no crime.
For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.


Dear class. The fact that there are two reasons specified in the constitution does not mean I was accusing Trumpybear of treason. I think it was attempted bribery. Not the bribery we use to advance out national goals, but a secret one of designed partisan political nature that was exposed.

The one who exposed it was Trump, and he did so because he had nothing to hide. But even Trump didn't realize that Democrats lie so bad and so much, that they would use what's in front of all of us, and lie about that.

Only a liberal can stand on a green grassy field, and argue the grass is purple because their leaders told them so. Liberals are the only Americans that can see something right in front of them, and not believe it. Minds that are so easily manipulated.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
When the request is (1) asking a foreign country for assistance in his campaign (you'd think he would have learned....) and (2) he is withholding funds already approved by the Congress in order to force that country to assist.
I could simply make a personal request that you shoot someone for me, and you know what would happen? I'd end up in jail.
You're spouting Dim talking points that have been debunked 1000 times.
They haven't been debunked because the President says so, you know. He's the one being accused. I've never known a crook yet who fessed up and admitted what he did--at least not before the sentence came down.
We've all seen the transcript, moron. Unlike you, some of us have the brainpower to know that Trump committed no crime.

"We do your family a lot of favors....... Now we need a favor from you."

Sounds like a line from the Godfather for Christ's sake.
Yovanovitch is presenting a strong argument. I have to take off for a bit--I'm sure the Republicans will draw blood.
Yup the attacks, on her are dangerous, because she's retaliating right now. She tried to warn them not to fire her ass and now she's getting revenge by stating that she should direct foreign policy and not the President.
So Wednesday, we heard from the two witnesses that didn't actually witness a damn thing themselves, today we get the disgruntled employee.

Let the games begin!

What's worse is she's going to open up the water works. The commies on the MSM were saying this is exactly what they need--another Balsy Ford. If they are lucky, she has better acting skills than Ford, but of course, the liberals will believe anything.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

They were ALMOST ready to make the purchase, they have since done so. So what's your point?

That the sale of those Javelin missiles was made contingent upon personal favors for Trump.

They already got Javelins from Trump admin in 2018, moron.

Now point to transcript where does Trump conditioned new Javelin package in exchange for personal favor.
They needed more and expressed an interest in buying more.

As far as pointing out where Trump dies thst... I already did and it's even in the quote of this post.
So was Rudy a Trump employee or a government employee/hiree when he was meddling in the Ukraine?
Trump wanted the Biden's investigated by the Ukrainian government,

I think the public announcement demand must be taken into account. Trumpybear would use the investigations like a sledgehammer against Joe and the entire DNC and everybody knows it.

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