How did you feel about the 'smear' campaign? Her voice is going to break five, four, three, two, . .... . come on girl, where's the damn tears?????
The one who exposed it was Trump,

Two day after Congress was notified of the Whistle blower complain, just 2 days away from the New President of Ukraine was set to make the public announcement. I bet he was livid after he was told he just shot himself in the foot too.
so? are you mad cause he did? are you ok? wow, your hate is interfering in your judgement at the moment.
TODAY'S STAR WITNESS: Someone who was fired months before the call, so we get to hear about her feelings about being fired.

My god, all of her testimony is about her getting the axe. Please tell me why we're wasting our time and money on this? What the fuck is impeachable about firing an ambassador?
My god, all of her testimony is about her getting the axe. Please tell me why we're wasting our time and money on this? What the fuck is impeachable about firing an ambassador?
election interference!!!!
The Feelings Impeachment.

Good Lord, Schifferbrains is a clown of epic proportions.
The Feelings Impeachment.

Good Lord, Schifferbrains is a clown of epic proportions.
The one who exposed it was Trump,

Two day after Congress was notified of the Whistle blower complain, just 2 days away from the New President of Ukraine was set to make the public announcement. I bet he was livid after he was told he just shot himself in the foot too.

A public announcement about what, that he had a call with President Trump???? Trump was more than happy to release that transcript because he did nothing wrong. It was just a causal conversation between two leaders.
The one who exposed it was Trump,

Two day after Congress was notified of the Whistle blower complain, just 2 days away from the New President of Ukraine was set to make the public announcement. I bet he was livid after he was told he just shot himself in the foot too.
yo! are you going to call the Ukraine PM a liar? just wondering when you're going to walk that claim out there.
Seems the Great Douche is watching today's hearings.
And as POS Coward tweets BS about the person speaking today live.


Guess IT can't get a Porn Star to service the little
orange toad this morning.


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My god, all of her testimony is about her getting the axe. Please tell me why we're wasting our time and money on this? What the fuck is impeachable about firing an ambassador?

Nothing, just like there is nothing impeachable about Trump asking Zelensky to look into the Biden matter. It's all show for these clowns. Their ship is sinking, and witnesses like her is about all they have left.
So why is it we had to lead that charge? Why not somebody from the EU?

Questions are good. We were doing that though US policy developed with our allies, not as part of a hidden agenda to harm Republicans or any Republican specifically.

Point is, this impeachment is based on something Biden actually did

Nope, Trumpybears actions are all his own.
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Nowhere in there does it say the President can't use it. In fact, it never even mentions the President, dumbfuck.

Try again, dumbfuck.

You lose again, dumbfuck.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
When the request is (1) asking a foreign country for assistance in his campaign (you'd think he would have learned....) and (2) he is withholding funds already approved by the Congress in order to force that country to assist.
I could simply make a personal request that you shoot someone for me, and you know what would happen? I'd end up in jail.
You're spouting Dim talking points that have been debunked 1000 times.
They haven't been debunked because the President says so, you know. He's the one being accused. I've never known a crook yet who fessed up and admitted what he did--at least not before the sentence came down.

Thank You!

This has been the case during this entire presidency. Trump has been the only one accused of corruption these guys have ever believed. And they believe every word. I know why, but this is just getting outrageous.
So to recap:

Wednesday was all the people who heard nothing but are there to tell someone else’s story that wasn’t there but they sure didn’t like how Trump does foreign policy.

Today we move on to some broad that got her feelings hurt because she got fired and also doesn’t like how Trump does foreign policy.
So to recap:

Wednesday was all the people who heard nothing but are there to tell someone else’s story that wasn’t there but they sure didn’t like how Trump does foreign policy.

Today we move on to some broad that got her feelings hurt because she got fired and also doesn’t like how Trump does foreign policy.
She’s just all broke up because she was not elegible for a p grab.
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.

Mueller report says otherwise.

The Mueller report says that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. Maybe you read the first part and you will see this.
  • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Please tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with that? To ask to reopen an investigation in corruption that occurred years ago? Hillary and Obama conspired to keep Trump under investigation since before the election.

Because the allegation that Biden stopped the prosecution is not true. In fact the prosecutor they all wanted removed was the one who abruptly stopped the investigation into the corruption. When he was removed it opened the company to further investigations. Of course all of the corruption the Ukrainians investigated happened before Biden was hired
Pelosi looks like a babbling idiot, because she is one. Today it's bribery. What will it be tomorrow? What a joke. What a waste.

It went from collusion to quid pro quo. From quid pro quo, to extortion. From extortion, it went to bribery.

It's called throwing it against the wall to see what sticks.

It is a fsct that the Ruissians interfered in the 2016 election and it was likely Trump colluded by providing them some direction as to where he needed help. This was basically proven whren his campaign forwarded their internal polling.

Later, Trump made a phone call exorting the President of the Ukraine.

One is not related to another.

Mueller report says otherwise.
No, it doesn't.
oh then quote where he mentions the obstruction crime and the recommendation for indictment.
Once again you prove you never bothered to read the report.

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