If it happens after the 2020 elections - I think that I will be okay with that.
Trump will be re-elected in a landslide

If there is a total of 650 million votes cast...the entire election results will be thrown into chaos...and so will the country!

It will be a fucking nightmare!

And God only knows what the MSM will be telling the fools who believe them.

"If it happens after the 2020"
Nobody really knows much about Hunter. That's he problem.
Hunter was / is a loser - a drug user kicked out of the military for drug use, who took jobs with China and Burisma, a known corrupt Ukraine energy company owned by a notorious Ukrainian criminal also known for having worked with Putin in the past and who stood to gain a LOT of money if / when Putin invaded and annexed Crimea.

Hunter was a human treasonous parasite who made $50,000 a month because his daddy was Obama's handpicked 'Ukraine Point Man'. Biden, who claimed he knew nothing about this and never talked to his son, is seen in photos playing golf with his son and other Burisma Board members.

The State Department testified Burisma showed up one day asking to talk to their #3 man about getting the US to intervene and pressure the Ukraine to shutdown an investigation of them...because the VP's boy was an employee / board member, that they informed Biden this was a Conflict of Interest.

Who needs to know more, especially after Papa Joe's videotaped confession?!
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
After Benghazi and the e-mails you really have no grounds to complain. Sondland just obliterated your fat idiot this morning.

How so...the call transcripts were already released. What new, revolutionary testimony/ information did he provide?

That Trump never said there was quid pro quo.....that volker and the other guy sondland worked with also said there was no quid pro quo......and even sondland said there was no quid pro quo when he testified in secret....only to change his testimony for public consumption...
So, the president and vice president co-opted foreign policy and taxpayer money for their personal, political gain.

This is a fact.

You cultists can either decide if you care, or if you don't. Those are your options.

Not up to the rest of us in this inquiry, huh?

Sondland testified that the reason Trump wanted an announcement of an investigation was to pressure them into actually doing one. Sondland stated the Ukrainians are renown for making promises and not keeping them. A public statement to their people would make them more likely to keep their promise.
Our child president's cheat sheet today:

If they could get Hunter to stumble and make it realized he didn't get that job on his own, and there was something shady about his employment there, it would support the reason why Trump asked for him to be looked into.

If you can't make someone understand that the VP's kid - a drug-using average lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use and did not know the 1st thing about energy/Ukraine - was making $50,000 a month because daddy was Obama's handpicked Point Man for Ukraine, then you are talking to a snowflake.

Nobody really knows much about Hunter. That's he problem.
Hunter was / is a loser - a drug user kicked out of the military for drug use, who took jobs with China and Burisma, a known corrupt Ukraine energy company owned by a notorious Ukrainian criminal also known for having worked with Putin in the past and who stood to gain a LOT of money if / when Putin invaded and annexed Crimea.

Hunter was a human treasonous parasite who made $50,000 a month because his daddy was Obama's handpicked 'Ukraine Point Man'. Biden, who claimed he knew nothing about this and never talked to his son, is seen in photos playing golf with his son and other Burisma Board members.

The State Department testified Burisma showed up one day asking to talk to their #3 man about getting the US to intervene and pressure the Ukraine to shutdown an investigation of them...because the VP's boy was an employee / board member, that they informed Biden this was a Conflict of Interest.

Who needs to know more, especially after Papa Joe's videotaped confession?!

And let's not forget the email they dug up from the State department where Burisma used Hunter's name in trying to setup a meeting with them. They didn't use any other board members name, just the Vice Presidents son.
Once again:
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

Man, you guys are really letting out your last, desperate gasps of nonsense....

Sondland testified that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You aren't going to make this go away by clicking Breitbart for talking points. Sorry.

Nothing. Like: "I would like you to do us a favor though."

Desperation reeks. Trumpletons are lonely. Breitbart provides a warm bath, together with other like-"minded" simpletons, in oily, Trump-branded fluids. Nothing trumps that kind of shared experience.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

No, it is impeachment. The democrats are just too afraid to call it that.
  • First they claimed it was just an INVESTIGATION. You know. To see if a case was there.
  • Then they started calling them investigative REPORTS. Like they were TELLING us something. Fact-drawn conclusions.
  • Last night clicking through the channels I saw one channel on standby for the IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS. And Nancy is up there every day shooting her botox-filled mouth off using words like Quid Pro Quo, Constitution, Abuse of Power, and Bribery. Those are CHARGES.
And yet Trump has not been afforded ONE MINUTE to get up or present any defense.

They used to call these Kangaroo Courts.

They are dragging Trump through the mud hoping that America will be so sick of it they will be willing to vote for a Mailbox, anything to put a stop to the Drama that are DEMOCRATS.

It is literally not an impeachment
It is a simple inquiry being ran out of the intelligence committee.
To quote Loretta Lynch - call it a "matter".

It's literally an infomercial showing what an impeachment might look like.
At this point it is just a matter.

It's not working.
Yes the moonbats that would vote for a mailbox as long as it has a "D" next to it will still vote for a D.

The polls show that normal people and independents do want it to go away - but they blame the Democratics for the drama.
You're stupid...and incorrect..you lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about spelling..it's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I can spell "ingenious", apparently you can't, Dummy.:5_1_12024:

And no, Schiff has called HIS witnesses. No a single Rep witness so far.
ROTFLMAO! Ingenuous....look it up..your picture is prominent.

Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Wikipedia.
characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction: an ingenious device; brilliant; resourceful
You unqualified idiot..there is no r in the word i gave you..look..and learn:

ingenuous - definition and meaning

I used in in the naive form..as in you pretending to not know what is going on.....
If they could get Hunter to stumble and make it realized he didn't get that job on his own, and there was something shady about his employment there, it would support the reason why Trump asked for him to be looked into.

If you can't make someone understand that the VP's kid - a drug-using average lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use and did not know the 1st thing about energy/Ukraine - was making $50,000 a month because daddy was Obama's handpicked Point Man for Ukraine, then you are talking to a snowflake.


The left is trying to convince us there is no there there. But this planet has 7.5 billion people on it. Out of all these people, Hunter was the most qualified for this job?
Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

No they weren't. W was the only honest broker of his administration. He actually sold his baseball team, and put his assets in a blind trust. Cheney, Rumsfeld and others prospered mightily on their stock holdings and outsourcing supplying the army to Haliburton. Haliburton also received a $50 million dollar clean up contract in Louisianna for Katrina clean up.
Once again:
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

Man, you guys are really letting out your last, desperate gasps of nonsense....

Sondland testified that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You aren't going to make this go away by clicking Breitbart for talking points. Sorry.

Nothing. Like: "I would like you to do us a favor though."

Desperation reeks. Trumpletons are lonely. Breitbart provides a warm bath, together with other like-"minded" simpletons, in oily, Trump-branded fluids. Nothing trumps that kind of shared experience.
Libtards live in their own little world where they make up stuff to feel good about.
Trump told Sondland directly he didn’t want anything from Ukraine....as have Ukrainian officials.

This is all bullcrap.
Nothing. Like: "I would like you to do us a favor though."
The only one who testified in this whole circus that there was definite quid pro quo they directly know about is Vindland, who claimed 'I would like you to do us a FAVOR' equates to a DEMAND which was part of quid pro quo. This coming from a guy who falsely beefed up his resume for this hearing to make himself sound more important than he was / is.

Morrison, Volker, Sondland - they destroyed Vindland's testimony by making it clear - there was NO bribery, NO extortion, NO quid pro quo, & NO treason.

So Congrats, only Vinland and you snowflakes believe 'do us a favor' is 'quid pro quo'.

Sondland's opening statement is explosive. "Everybody knew". Pence, Pompeo, everybody.

Volker and Morrison will be rushing to revise their statements to avoid perjury charges.

The demand for lawyers by Trump associates will go through the roof.
All of this for nothing. The hate for Trump so much you gotta search until you find something. This will and is filtering down to the common man and woman. It won't be long before just saying a word will destroy anyone. No tolerance, no forgiveness....just guilt. I am not talking about messing with another individual.

Trump has brought all of this onto himself.
That is a fact backed up by the resignations of EVERYONE who kept the guardrails in place: Priebus, Kelly, Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster, McGahn, Bolton, Coats, et al.
If it were not for the aforementioned individuals, Trump would have been impeached two years ago.

Trump ignored all of their advice and just like the spoiled despotic fuck that he is, did what he wanted----this time bribing the prez of Ukraine for dirt on Biden.
Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?

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