If they could get Hunter to stumble and make it realized he didn't get that job on his own, and there was something shady about his employment there, it would support the reason why Trump asked for him to be looked into.

If you can't make someone understand that the VP's kid - a drug-using average lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use and did not know the 1st thing about energy/Ukraine - was making $50,000 a month because daddy was Obama's handpicked Point Man for Ukraine, then you are talking to a snowflake.

And to not understand how that would effect relations with Ukraine...
Lesh said:
So you can't point to the spot in that hours long video that supports your bullshit..
Right There Where I've Told You
For The Third Time Now 3.50.01
Just Play It For Three Minutes

When Other Posters Go To That Time Stamp
And Watch For Three Minutes
They Are All Going To Wonder What The Hell Is Wrong With You

You Know, Lesh
When Posters Tell You How Stupid You Are
They Really Are Telling You The Truth
It really does all fall apart when Sondland, after hearing all these rumors from his own personnel and other departments that Trump was committing quid pro quo...he then asked the President straight up... what do you want... and the President said Nothing. I want nothing.

Hilarity. It wouldn't be a quid pro quo unless he negotiated it in Latin anyway. Right?

There is no end to Trumpletons coming up, one after the other, with the same benighted talking points. While the Mob Boss said, "I want noting", Zelensky heard "a favor" loud and clear, as did the White House lawyers squirreling away the transcript on a code-word protected server. Everyone with a better than a third-grader reading comprehension saw the plot, but our Trumpletons see nothing at all. After all these weeks of testimony and reading, none of the goofs would come to his or her senses. Not a single one.

Amazing. I want nothing - except I want a favor. Had Obama had a phone call with Putin in early 2016, when Putin asked for sanctions relief, and Obama had answered "I would like you to do us a favor though", and then casually mentioned whether he has any Trump footage in a Moscow hotel, Trumpletons wouldn't know how to stop screeching to this very day.

Apparently, they think no one knows that.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

No, it is impeachment. The democrats are just too afraid to call it that.
  • First they claimed it was just an INVESTIGATION. You know. To see if a case was there.
  • Then they started calling them investigative REPORTS. Like they were TELLING us something. Fact-drawn conclusions.
  • Last night clicking through the channels I saw one channel on standby for the IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS. And Nancy is up there every day shooting her botox-filled mouth off using words like Quid Pro Quo, Constitution, Abuse of Power, and Bribery. Those are CHARGES.
And yet Trump has not been afforded ONE MINUTE to get up or present any defense.

They used to call these Kangaroo Courts.

They are dragging Trump through the mud hoping that America will be so sick of it they will be willing to vote for a Mailbox, anything to put a stop to the Drama that are DEMOCRATS.

It is literally not an impeachment
It is a simple inquiry being ran out of the intelligence committee.
To quote Loretta Lynch - call it a "matter".

It's literally an infomercial showing what an impeachment might look like.
At this point it is just a matter.

It's not working.
Yes the moonbats that would vote for a mailbox as long as it has a "D" next to it will still vote for a D.

The polls show that normal people and independents do want it to go away - but they blame the Democratics for the drama.
70 percent of Americans say Trump acted inappropriately

You haven’t heard?
Good, real, productive Americans don’t take the time to respond to polls...filthy pieces of shits love to waste their time on polls...Can you connect the dots?
Once again:
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

Man, you guys are really letting out your last, desperate gasps of nonsense....

Sondland testified that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You aren't going to make this go away by clicking Breitbart for talking points. Sorry.

Nothing. Like: "I would like you to do us a favor though."

Desperation reeks. Trumpletons are lonely. Breitbart provides a warm bath, together with other like-"minded" simpletons, in oily, Trump-branded fluids. Nothing trumps that kind of shared experience.
Honey, you must not be getting it televised over there. ;)
What I am seeing is Soland working hard too cover his own butt, to many connected to the White House are in prison or accused of crimes & their reputations soiled. looks like he has no interest in joining them.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

No, witnesses have been called who are favorable to the president however he wont' let them testify.

Also, this is very much part of the impeachment process.

No, it isn't....an impeachment requires a vote and it goes through the Judiciary committee.......this is a sham.

The vote comes at the end when Congress votes on articles of impeachment. There are no rules or laws that the judiciary committee has to perform the impeachment inquiry.

You guys really have some very bad talking point.

No, moron....the vote comes at the beginning to open an impeachment hearing....which is then run through the Judiciary committee and the President has full powers to question all witnesses, subpoena his own choice of witnesses....this is a sham.

You would be mistaken. The only vote that is necessary or required is to vote on articles of impeachment. To hold an impeachment inquiry does not require a vote at all. You'r knowledge of impeachment proceedings is about as dubious as your gun statistic sources.

Unless you'd like to prove me wrong and show us the rules or laws that pertain to the House of the 116th Congress.

Honestly, I can't believe someone still believes this line of bullshit.
Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.
While the Mob Boss said, "I want noting", Zelensky heard "a favor" loud and clear, as did the White House lawyers squirreling away the transcript on a code-word protected server.

You leftists are amazing with your mind reading skills. Tell me, is there a school you went to for that or something?
the WB is insignificant now. on the streets, he would be the informant. now pay close attention, ray ray & see if this makes sense.

A) if someone calls in a fire on 9-1-1 & the firemen show up & there indeed is a blaze, their job is to put out the fire; not go looking for who called it in.

B) the WB went thru proper protocol & gave all pertinent info - including the names of the people who gave him/her the lowdown to the IG who testified that the info was credible.

The ICIG had no authority to even take the report, much less do anything else with it. Presidential diplomatic calls do not fall under the authority or responsibility of the DNI as required.



Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community’s Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints

(September 30, 2019) The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) processes complaints or information with respect to alleged urgent concerns in accordance with the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) and the ICIG’s authorizing statute. With respect to the whistleblower complaint received by the ICIG on August 12, 2019, the ICIG processed and reviewed the complaint in accordance with the law.

https://www.dni.gov/files/ICIG/Documents/News/ICIG News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Perhaps you should have read a bit further, from your link. My B/U

The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.


the WB went to congress with an urgent concern after his complaint was going to get buried. when he/she did that - they were then instructed to go to the IG.

And I just proved, the ICIG has no jurisdiction. So this so called WB isn't really a WB. is he? He has no claim to remain anonymous because he took his "concern" to the wrong place. My question now is, if Vidman violated the espionage act by reading in someone, about the call, who didn't have a need to know.


Even if he was a whistleblower, the whistleblower act does not guarantee anonymity.
Can you believe that after he just told he had no proof that Trump was involved in anything and the Democrats are still trying to get something out of him
The show keeps getting more sad and ridiculous. Sondland admitted that Trump told the ambassadors that he wanted nothing from Ukraine, and that he said 'NO' to quid pro quo. Schiff tried to fix it, but I think his bug eyes might have twitched. So far the only one who seems to be playing along to the Schiff Show is the little beta colonel.

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