These assholes must have focus group tested this 2+2=4 bullshit.

They keep saying it over and over.

There is a lower standard for impeaching the POTUS than for prosecuting someone for stealing a candy bar.

Let’s disenfranchise 63 million voters with hearsay and assumptions! God Bless America!
Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.
Amazing. I want nothing - except I want a favor. Had Obama had a phone call with Putin in early 2016, when Putin asked for sanctions relief, and Obama had answered "I would like you to do us a favor though", and then casually mentioned whether he has any Trump footage in a Moscow hotel, Trumpletons wouldn't know how to stop screeching to this very day.Apparently, they think no one knows that.
Did you forget how Barry was caught in 2012 telling Putin-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad how he would be more flexible after re-election...and 2 years later Barry gave Putin uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged hacking / counter-intel ops / interfering in the US and Barry got Vlad's permission to invade Syria?!
The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.

Hillary took money for meetings but the money went to her "charity." The gop didn't prove "illegal," but they proved she was crooked.

And Trump isn't going to jail or being kicked out of office. But he's a pig of a person morally and he's a crook.
The show keeps getting more sad and ridiculous. Sondland admitted that Trump told the ambassadors that he wanted nothing from Ukraine, and that he said 'NO' to quid pro quo. Schiff tried to fix it, but I think his bug eyes might have twitched. So far the only one who seems to be playing along to the Schiff Show is the little beta colonel.
Republicans are losing badly. And it is apparent Trump wanted something from the Ukraine.
I still can't believe Vindman was offered a job by the Ukraine folks. Too fking funny. A military US dude gets offer for work in Ukraine. What was their favor ask?
Tweets of Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman regarding LTC Alex Vindman
Twitter ^ | 10-31-2019 | U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman (Ret.)
Posted on 11/19/2019, 9:53:53 AM by servo1969

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman

LTC (R) Jim Hickman on Twitter

I know LTC Alex Vindman from a Combined US-Russian exercise called Atlas Vision 12 in Grafenwoher, GE.

He worked w/the Russian Embassy & I was assigned to the JMTC (Joint Multinational Training Command), w/in USAREUR (US Army Europe). He worked coordination w/the Russian 15th Peacekeeping Brigade, & I was in charge of all Simulations planning, as well as assisting the USAREUR Lead Planner as the Senior Military Planner.

The following account of LTC Vindman’s words & actions are completely accurate to the best of my recollection & have been corroborated by others.

We interacted on several different occasions throughout the planning cycle, but it was during the actual execution of the exercise, that we had an issue relevant to his recent testimony.

As stated earlier, Atlas Vision 12 was conducted at JMTC in the VBS2 (Virtual Battle Simulations 2) Classrooms for Simulation. Vindman, who was a Major at the time, was sitting in one of the classrooms talking to the US & Russian Soldiers, as well as the young Officers & GS Employees about America, Russia, & Obama.

He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable.

He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed.

One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say.

Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama’s plan, etc…I’d had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside.

At that point I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him.

This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended

I need to make a slight correction on my statement, it was actually Atlas Vision 13 when the incident occurred. I was thrown off, as the next year Russia invaded Crimea. Also, I was promoted to Chief, Regional, Joint & Combined Exercises Branch, USAREUR, over many exercises.
How sad to see goose schlepping conservatives take their marching from President Bonespurs to attack a decorated veteran.

Fuck you coward, I've got more and higher awards than that asshole. Being in the military does not make him immune form scrutiny. Especially when he took exception to being called mister by a civilian and leaked the call to the CIA rat.

what about Flynn? they're all hypocrites and we all know it.
Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

No they weren't. W was the only honest broker of his administration. He actually sold his baseball team, and put his assets in a blind trust. Cheney, Rumsfeld and others prospered mightily on their stock holdings and outsourcing supplying the army to Haliburton. Haliburton also received a $50 million dollar clean up contract in Louisianna for Katrina clean up.
Bush Senior and Junior were corrupt to the core you fucking piece of shit, That is why they get along with the Clintons so shut the fuck up
The show keeps getting more sad and ridiculous. Sondland admitted that Trump told the ambassadors that he wanted nothing from Ukraine, and that he said 'NO' to quid pro quo. Schiff tried to fix it, but I think his bug eyes might have twitched. So far the only one who seems to be playing along to the Schiff Show is the little beta colonel.
Republicans are losing badly. And it is apparent Trump wanted something from the Ukraine.

Yea, he wanted Ukraine to investigate corruption. What’s the crime again?
I love how that Vindman asspipe can’t be questioned because of his service but they have never extended the same courtesy to Flynn.

Corrupt to the core
There is nothing to defend Trump on.

Know who says so????

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity
Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch admitted on Friday that she has no knowledge of President Donald Trump accepting bribes nor of the president being involved in any criminal activity.

“Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” asked Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) of former Ambassador Yovanovitch.

“No,” replied Yovanovitch.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?” asked Rep. Stewart.

“No,” answered Yovanovitch.”
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity | Breitbart

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!

you know damn well that she is only a piece of the impeachable puzzle polchicky.

LOL!!!!!!!! breitbart??????????

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bite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.

nooooooooooooo............. because they are first person witness'. like i said. the (R)s have been whining about 'hearsay'... that's it's not legit testimony... yada yada yada...
outside chain of command which is a military crime.
This truth is firmly self evident
You boys have not been watching CNN today it seems. If you have been , you have clearly mastered the art of selective listening

Nobody watches CNN. There is a reason they are the last place cable news network. But I did watch the inquiry today, and what I concluded is that.........

View attachment 290711
Please share...where di you watch it?
Never heard of c-span or Fox or msnbc?
Are they reporting that the impeachment is a hoax?
what impeachment? there isn't an impeachment going on. sorry bubba, you're confused as usual. The Judiciary is where an impeachment occurs. You're watching the investigative committee.
How did vets and enlisted people react to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s ‘Don’t call me ma’am’ moment?

“Multiple combat veterans have said they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command.”​

Yah, just make it up as you go.


hese media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

In review, Twitchy does not produce original content, but rather provides conservative commentary around tweets. Headlines are often sensationalized to denigrate the left such as this: Biden campaign reminds top donors to ‘dig deep’ so Joe can keep chartering jets to run for president and warn people about climate change. This story links to a variety of Twitter users and the New York Times. The stories published on Twitchy always favor the right and routinely mock the left. When it comes to sourcing they usually cite conservative Twitter accounts such as from Breitbart or the NRA. They also source completely unknown Twitter users. The bottom line is Twitchy is only as accurate as the tweets they are sharing, which includes President Trump, who often tweets falsehoods. This is essentially a right wing propaganda website.
charge is?
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.

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