Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
I'll probably never be able to prove it, but I'm positive it went down that way. Positive.
And Sondland admits no-one ever told him aid was tied to investigation.
He also stated he never thought Trump should be impeached. I hear cnn right now is running the headline he said such. Once again cnn lies.

The entire thing could have been wrapped up in a half-hour.
Hey---that wouldn't have allowed the Republican attorney to ask Sondland 57 times if the President TOLD him the aid was being held until the Ukrainian President made an announcement. That was terrifically important, don't you think?
Sometimes I wonder if I'm listening to a convention of autists.
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
he's a traitor. and should be arrested immediately.

How about when he read that fake version of the phone call on the floor on Congress? Holy shit, I just couldn’t believe it. He should have been made to resign immediately at a minimum.
I agree. It just shows how politicians know they can lie and not be held accountable by their own. Remember Harry Reid lyingmon the floor, too?
Harry Reid Admits He Lies On The Senate Floor | National Review
Perhaps you should have read a bit further, from your link. My B/U

The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.


the WB went to congress with an urgent concern after his complaint was going to get buried. when he/she did that - they were then instructed to go to the [IC]IG.

That would be correct. But the dummy brings his failing reading comprehension to bear to the effect that he misunderstands the law's definition as to what would make a concern an "urgent" one as, in effect, a restriction to the ICIG's jurisdiction. Which it is not. Moreover, the dummy assumes that the DNI's jurisdiction does not include monitoring international communications by, say, corrupt government officials, when, in fact, it does, as one Mr. Flynn found out, the hard way.

Because, reading one single paragraph for understanding proved to be a bit of a challenge.
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
I'll probably never be able to prove it, but I'm positive it went down that way. Positive.

I am positive that Schiff’s version of the phone call was a totally damn lie and he should be prosecuted for lying to Congress. He is vile trash
The Clintons always were a 'pay-To-Play' Criminal Organization. The claim that the Clintons, especially Hillary, were never proven to have committed crimes is pure hogwash.

Former FBI Agent Page's official testimony under oath espoused the truth about that lie - she testified that Rosenstein and the DOJ told her and then former FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the Obama DOJ had NO INTEREST IN CONDUCTING A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF HILLARY CLINTON.

The facts that as soon as Hillary lost the election in 2016 almost every major donor, to include almost every major foreign donor, bailed on the Clinton Foundation, that the Clintons immediately began hemorrhaging cash and were forced to slash the number of employees they had, and that for the 3rd of 4th year in a row it is being reported that the Foundation is still bleeding cash and not collecting anywhere near what they used to in donations are all signs that when Hillary lost - when she had no more influence to sell - the 'donations' dried up.
And Sondland admits no-one ever told him aid was tied to investigation.
He also stated he never thought Trump should be impeached. I hear cnn right now is running the headline he said such. Once again cnn lies.

The entire thing could have been wrapped up in a half-hour.
Hey---that wouldn't have allowed the Republican attorney to ask Sondland 57 times if the President TOLD him the aid was being held until the Ukrainian President made an announcement. That was terrifically important, don't you think?
Sometimes I wonder if I'm listening to a convention of autists.
Yep, terrifically important to those that want the truth. It must be pounded into Dems heads what the truth actually is. Even that doesn’t work a lot of the time, as cnn is running with a lie again.
Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.

Hillary took money for meetings but the money went to her "charity." The gop didn't prove "illegal," but they proved she was crooked.

And Trump isn't going to jail or being kicked out of office. But he's a pig of a person morally and he's a crook.

Clinton's Charity - the Clinton Foundation is a 5 star rated charity with all charity review organizations in the world, and is responsible for 75% of the AIDS drug being administered to adults in the Third World, and 100% of the children in the Third World. The audited finanical statements are publically available and they show a charity which spends close to 90% of the moneys they raise on the programs, which is a very high ratio indeed. The Clintons all donate a large portion of their speaking income to the Charity and they funds are all accounted for.


Trump is proven to lie, proven to have committed illegals acts, and you continue to defend him. There is no cure for stupid.

Trump's charity was shut down by the state of New York for illegal fundraising, and misuse of the funds raised. Trump has been barred from any charitiable work in future.

The Clintons are the lowest of life forms on this planet… Shut the fuck up
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
think he knows he's the butt of the joke in America nowadays
You guys love attacking your oppsotion.....but Trump is the real punchline--before DC is done with him..he's going to be ground to greasy remnants...his brand in tatters and his place in history one step below McCarthy and Wallace.

Whether he is removed or moot. He is toast....and it will be a cold day in hell before we elect another of his ilk...he was your one and only shot.
I guess CNN is going to have to let shift be the Fall Guy for the fake news they produced
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
I'll probably never be able to prove it, but I'm positive it went down that way. Positive.

I am positive that Schiff’s version of the phone call was a totally damn lie and he should be prosecuted for lying to Congress. He is vile trash
He finally even stated it was ~parody~ after he was called on it. It was a lie.
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Trump needs no witnesses

The transcript reveals no impeachable offense

So the Donald is already holding a pat hand

Except it is not a transcript, it is Tramps summary of the call. Tramp refuses to release the call off of a top secret server it was wrongly stored on. Why is that?
And I just proved, the ICIG has no jurisdiction
No you didn't. You're nuts.

Yeah, I did. And your dishonesty in plucking one portion of my post from the string, instead of including the complete statement and the string just shows you to be a lying commie. I'll remind you that altering a quote to change it's context, within the quote box, is a posting violation.
The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.
Now show me where a presidential diplomatic phone call falls within an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence.

This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
he's a traitor. and should be arrested immediately.

How about when he read that fake version of the phone call on the floor on Congress? Holy shit, I just couldn’t believe it. He should have been made to resign immediately at a minimum.
I agree. It just shows how politicians know they can lie and not be held accountable by their own. Remember Harry Reid lyingmon the floor, too?
Harry Reid Admits He Lies On The Senate Floor | National Review

Pubs should just start doing the same shit.
Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.
Biden is Trashed. A Hairy Man Butt Loving, Bunghole Licking, Jizz Drinking Effeminate failure of a Mayor is leading him in the polls.
This whole thing was devised by Dem rivals to get 2 birds with 1 stone. Done to get Biden out of the race knowing this would come up in the primaries if it got that far. This is one of the reasons Obama didn't endorse him.
Democrats have been yammering about impeachment since the very day trump took office
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
I'll probably never be able to prove it, but I'm positive it went down that way. Positive.
just like the russia thingy you were so sure of huh?

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