Schiff is putting the audience to sleep. Let Sondland testify!

Nunes is calling the testimony "Story time." Now he's bellyaching about the "Russian Hoax."
He's lost it.

Nunes has pretty much said the same thing every day. Basically, off topic from the hearings at hand.
thank god. he's spot fking on. what did he say that isn't accurate?
The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.

Hillary took money for meetings but the money went to her "charity." The gop didn't prove "illegal," but they proved she was crooked.

And Trump isn't going to jail or being kicked out of office. But he's a pig of a person morally and he's a crook.

Clinton's Charity - the Clinton Foundation is a 5 star rated charity with all charity review organizations in the world, and is responsible for 75% of the AIDS drug being administered to adults in the Third World, and 100% of the children in the Third World. The audited finanical statements are publically available and they show a charity which spends close to 90% of the moneys they raise on the programs, which is a very high ratio indeed. The Clintons all donate a large portion of their speaking income to the Charity and they funds are all accounted for.


Trump is proven to lie, proven to have committed illegals acts, and you continue to defend him. There is no cure for stupid.

Trump's charity was shut down by the state of New York for illegal fundraising, and misuse of the funds raised. Trump has been barred from any charitiable work in future.
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
the dems are doing a quid pro quo with our government right now.
I still can't believe Vindman was offered a job by the Ukraine folks. Too fking funny. A military US dude gets offer for work in Ukraine. What was their favor ask?
Maybe it was the other way around he asked them for a job
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.
I still can't believe Vindman was offered a job by the Ukraine folks. Too fking funny. A military US dude gets offer for work in Ukraine. What was their favor ask?
Maybe it was the other way around he asked them for a job
well he admitted they asked him. so I'm going with that since that is the only fact out there.
How did vets and enlisted people react to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s ‘Don’t call me ma’am’ moment?

“Multiple combat veterans have said they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command.”​

Yah, just make it up as you go.


hese media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

In review, Twitchy does not produce original content, but rather provides conservative commentary around tweets. Headlines are often sensationalized to denigrate the left such as this: Biden campaign reminds top donors to ‘dig deep’ so Joe can keep chartering jets to run for president and warn people about climate change. This story links to a variety of Twitter users and the New York Times. The stories published on Twitchy always favor the right and routinely mock the left. When it comes to sourcing they usually cite conservative Twitter accounts such as from Breitbart or the NRA. They also source completely unknown Twitter users. The bottom line is Twitchy is only as accurate as the tweets they are sharing, which includes President Trump, who often tweets falsehoods. This is essentially a right wing propaganda website.
charge is?
Even the media are tring to make news up because they keep losing audience
Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.

Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.
Looks like Sondland flipped back again. Clearly a case of pre-mature ejaculation.

This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
think he knows he's the butt of the joke in America nowadays
The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.

Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.

Hillary took money for meetings but the money went to her "charity." The gop didn't prove "illegal," but they proved she was crooked.

And Trump isn't going to jail or being kicked out of office. But he's a pig of a person morally and he's a crook.

None of that was proven, and Hillary stepped out of the Foundation while she was secretary of state. Now I think you fail to realize that her husband was a former president. He had big fundraiser clout without her being secretary of state. He had relationships with leaders in all areas on a world wide basis. He did not have to use the secretary of state.
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
he's a traitor. and should be arrested immediately.
And Sondland admits no-one ever told him aid was tied to investigation.
He also stated he never thought Trump should be impeached. I hear cnn right now is running the headline he said such. Once again cnn lies.
I still can't believe Vindman was offered a job by the Ukraine folks. Too fking funny. A military US dude gets offer for work in Ukraine. What was their favor ask?
Maybe it was the other way around he asked them for a job

I was watching Laura last night, and I forget who was on, but they said Vindman would often cut down the United States when he was around Russians. I guess they used to workout together or something, and he'd make jokes how Americans couldn't do this, and Americans were not up to doing that, just general put downs of the American people.
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
There's one conversation that we're not hearing--the one where an individual Trump is willing to listen to told him that what he was doing is quid pro quo and it is not allowed in the sphere in foreign diplomacy. Trump wasn't liking that message but he was sulkily playing along by saying "nothing." Who brought up the words quid pro quo? Trump did. He had clearly been told to knock it the fuck off and he wasn't happy about it. Who knows, maybe the reason he was grumpy was because he'd just been told about this before he took Sondland's call.

Trump was covering his ass.
And Sondland admits no-one ever told him aid was tied to investigation.
He also stated he never thought Trump should be impeached. I hear cnn right now is running the headline he said such. Once again cnn lies.

The entire thing could have been wrapped up in a half-hour.
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
schitt's gives his impression of what has been said wrong every time. every fking time. he lies. He is a liar in my chamber. Arrest that mthr fker now.

Schiff is absolute trash.
he's a traitor. and should be arrested immediately.

How about when he read that fake version of the phone call on the floor on Congress? Holy shit, I just couldn’t believe it. He should have been made to resign immediately at a minimum.
I wonder what personally embarrassing secret the Deep State dug up on sondland?

It must be pretty yucky

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Trump needs no witnesses

The transcript reveals no impeachable offense

So the Donald is already holding a pat hand
Most political issues in america are unimportant and highly entertaining. The divisiveness exhibited by the crackpots who actually buy into the fight are what create the entertainment. I enjoy watching our dysfunctional political process at work
I am checking in and out on this stupid inquiry and it's a loser. I think the Democrats are going to regret this. If you watch them, they are extremely stressed. This, like The Fake Russian Collusion Hoax is not going well for them, and they look like they are trying to save a sinking ship.......AGAIN.

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