This isnā€™t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why donā€™t they just vote on it?

Schiff isnā€™t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
Testimony is pretty damning

It is? I must have missed something.
What ever happened to the screams of..... no quid pro quo?

Now the direction is linked right to Trump

Lindsey Scarlett has his soft hands over his ears. He can't hear a thing.
Awww you guy are just mad because after 6 years of endless investigations of every leaf that fell from Tree Obama, ya'll were never able to besmirch him the way you so obviously ached to do.

Speak for yourself BlindBoob, I besmirched Obama all that any human can be besmirched. Lower than the lowest filth on this planet. Difference is that Obama was a piece of filth that needed all of the deep state to protect him; with Trump, it is taking all of the deep state against him trying to railroad him, just that AMERICA ISN'T BUYING IT except your clueless trolls.
WaPo Busts Adam Schiff Again, Gives Him ā€˜3 Pinocchiosā€™ for Lying

RedState ^ | November 20, 2019 |

When even the Washington Post is calling a Democrat for lying not only once but a second time, you know that that Democrat must be setting a new standard for falsehoods that the WaPo just canā€™t avoid reporting.

They nailed House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA), but good.

Schiff has a long history of not telling the truth.

He famously claimed that there was evidence of which he was aware that proved conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians. He of course never produced such evidence and the Mueller report concluded that there was no conspiracy.

He opened hearings into the Trump-Zelensky July 25 Ukraine call by lying about what was said in the call, knowing that many might not see the transcript of what was actually said. He later claimed it was ā€œparodyā€ but then continued to lie about the call during television interviews to make President Donald Trump look bad.

The WaPo had previously given Schiff four Pinocchios in October for lying about contacts with the whistleblower claiming his panel had ā€œnot spoken directly with the whistleblower.ā€ WaPo called that ā€œflat-out false.ā€ Schiffā€™s committee aide had in fact met with the whistleblower and even recommended he file a complaint. The whistleblower also sent Schiff a letter dated Aug. 12, apprising him about the call/complaint.

Schiff has continued to tell falsehoods throughout the hearings, including that he doesnā€™t know who the whistleblower is. Yet during the hearing with Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, he stopped him from naming one of the people whom he discussed the July 25th call with, claiming it was necessary to ā€œprotect the whistleblower.ā€ Rep. Jim Jordan nailed him on it yesterday during the hearing.

Benny āœ” @bennyjohnson JIM JORDAN NUKES SCHIFF ON LIVE TV

Jordan was asking about who was leaking national security information.

Schiff stops him to "protect the whistleblower"

Jordan to Schiff:

"You have said you don't know who the whistleblower is - even though no one believes you."

Schiff has tried to clean up the disaster his witnesses have left during the day, recasting what they actually said to more closely fit his narrative. For example he falsely claimed yesterday that Vindman thought Trump broke the law when Vindman never said that.

There was a virtual host of lies for which the WaPo could have nailed him. But they did give him three Pinocchios for a big lie which has inhibited getting at the truth of the proceedings. Three and four Pinocchios means the lie is more egregious.

From The Hill:

Schiff has said repeated recently, including during impeachment hearings on Tuesday, that the whistleblower who filed a formal complaint about Trumpā€™s July 25 phone call with the president of Ukraine, has a statutory right to remain anonymous.

ā€œThe whistleblower has the right, a statutory right, to anonymity. These proceedings will not be used to out the whistleblower,ā€ Schiff said Tuesday.

The Post fact-checker disagreed, stating ā€œitā€™s not a right spelled out in any statute.ā€

The WaPo noted that anonymity is not included in the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act.

ā€œThe case for Three: The ICWPA doesnā€™t include language granting whistleblowers a right to anonymity. Neither do other statutes, directives or court rulings that apply to the intelligence community,ā€ it reads.

Every Republican should be calling out this lie in the hearings every time they have the opportunity to speak. He continues to deceive the public and suffers no consequences for his lies.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

I would rather our taxes go to the effort for good governance, not political Quid Pro Quos or secret service golf detail rounds.
The inquiry is into Trump's efforts to use foreign influence in a US election, by bribing Ukraine's president into issuing a public statement about investigating Biden.

Nice emotional sentiment; however, Morrison, Sondland, and others have made it clear - NO bribery, NO extortion, NO quid pro quo...unless you can come up with a videotaped confession by Trump, like the one Biden made.

There's nothing emotional about it. Why do you pretend that?
No, he's not relevant. Trump's actions are at issue.
Yup...the President's attempt to find out about how Democrats colluded with Ukrainians in 2016 to interfere in our election, to ensure it isn't still happening / won't happen again, and to ask about a former VP's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM....

The inquiry is into Trump's efforts to use foreign influence in a US election, by bribing Ukraine's president into issuing a public statement about investigating Biden. What would Hunter Biden know of Trump's efforts to bribe Ukraine? Nothing. He's not relevant. The only reason he's even discussed is because Trump has no defense.

However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place. If Hunter didn't get that job thanks to his father, this wouldn't' even be an issue today.
Adam Schiff declares Elise Stephanik out of order for the rest of her life

GENESIUS TIMES: ^ | 11/20/19

In another effort to continue the impeachment process of Donald J Trump, United States Congressman Adam Schiff has declared that Republican US Congresswoman Elise Stephanik is permanently out of order when speaking and is to be silenced for all time.

The removal of Donald Trump for asking for an investigation and removing an ambassador is far more important the antiquated 1st amendment, said the Democrat Congressman. Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi echoed support for the order by stating, ā€œWomen can be equal, but some women are more equal than others.ā€

Despite Schiffā€™s best efforts, Rep Stephanik was able to say things that are not in agreement with the effort to impeach the 45th President of the United States. Other Republicans were also somehow able to make remarks that are not part of the impeachment narrative.

At one point Schiff was seen plugging his ears when Stephanik spoke and saying, ā€œI canā€™t hear you. I canā€™t hear you!ā€

Schiff has stated that using a form of Sharia Law to silence the Republican Congresswoman from New York is another possibility. Another method could involve the banning of certain words such as Burisma, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, & covfefe. Feminists, ERA supporters, & members of the #MeToo movement could not be reached for comment.
Awww you guy are just mad because after 6 years of endless investigations of every leaf that fell from Tree Obama, ya'll were never able to besmirch him the way you so obviously ached to do.

Speak for yourself BlindBoob, I besmirched Obama all that any human can be besmirched. Lower than the lowest filth on this planet. Difference is that Obama was a piece of filth that needed all of the deep state to protect him; with Trump, it is taking all of the deep state against him trying to railroad him, just that AMERICA ISN'T BUYING IT except your clueless trolls.

toobadfreak that you're wrong.

No, he's not relevant. Trump's actions are at issue.
Yup...the President's attempt to find out about how Democrats colluded with Ukrainians in 2016 to interfere in our election, to ensure it isn't still happening / won't happen again, and to ask about a former VP's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM....

The inquiry is into Trump's efforts to use foreign influence in a US election, by bribing Ukraine's president into issuing a public statement about investigating Biden. What would Hunter Biden know of Trump's efforts to bribe Ukraine? Nothing. He's not relevant. The only reason he's even discussed is because Trump has no defense.

However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place. If Hunter didn't get that job thanks to his father, this wouldn't' even be an issue today.

What would Hunter Biden know about Trump's efforts? Please. It's a weak deflection from people stonewalling the inquiry.

itā€™s an elaborate plot to overturn an election and install Mike Pence as President


Yep......since day one....cause next on the impeachment train would be Pence.......
However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place. If Hunter didn't get that job thanks to his father, this wouldn't' even be an issue today.
Democrats continue to this day to talk about their concerns over foreign interference in our elections...when evidence shows it was THEY who colluded with foreign spies, foreign Intel Agencies / operatives, Russians, and Ukrainians in attempts - some successful - to interfere in, affect, and control the outcome of our election in 2016.

They have complained the GOP has done nothing to ensure it does not happen again in 2020...except for Trump reaching out to Ukraine's new PM to find out what the Dems did in 2016 and make sure its still not happening.

itā€™s an elaborate plot to overturn an election and install Mike Pence as President

Itā€™s an elaborate plot to keep the focus off the upcoming reports, and in hopes of swaying people to believe there was something there that wasnā€™t, to help them inthe coming elections
Republican Witnesses Blow Massive Hole in GOPā€™s Defense of Trump

"After weeks of decrying the impeachment process as a sham, Republicans finally got two of the witnesses they requested for testimony. But when one of them took the standā€”the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volkerā€”he instead blew a massive hole in a central part of the GOPā€™s defense of President Trump.

Just moments after the top Republican on the panel, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), used his platform to parrot the very same claims President Trump has used to justify his pressure campaign in Ukraineā€”that the Biden familyā€™s business involvement in a Ukrainian gas company is worth probing and that Ukraine meddled significantly in the 2016 electionā€”Volker dismissed those items as ā€œconspiracy theories circulated by the Ukrainians.ā€"

Yesterday was the first day in which the House impeachment inquiry featured public testimony from witnesses requested specifically by Republican members of the panel. As NBC News reported, these witnesses ā€œwere expected to provide testimony helpful to the president.ā€

The report added, succinctly, ā€œThey did not.ā€
I listed the people who got a subpoena from brought an alt-left opinion piece from far left Daily Beast.

You lose.
You're stupid...and lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I can spell "ingenious", apparently you can't, Dummy.:5_1_12024:

And no, Schiff has called HIS witnesses. No a single Rep witness so far.
ROTFLMAO! Ingenuous....look it up..your picture is prominent.
However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place.
Laughable horseshit. Trump knew and knows exactly nothing about Hunter Biden. He was spoonfed a 'spiracy theory by Giuliani. You know this. Everyone knows this. Trump knew and knows less about Hunter Biden than any retard who reads Breitbart. Why are you cultists so willing to embarrass yourselves with these shameless, obvious lies?
The democrats end game is to do away with elections...this "impeachment" is only a part of it.

Democrats will keep this charade going without a vote.
When democrats start getting arrested they will scream Trump is arresting them because he's about to be impeached.
They will commit election fraud so massively it can't be denied (yet blame republicans so the results are doubted).

And I'm sure there is much more I don't know yet...but this is it folks! The aftermath of the 2020 election may be the end of the USA as we know it.

If it happens after the 2020 elections - I think that I will be okay with that.
Trump will be re-elected in a landslide
The Republicans will easy hold the Senate and retake the house.

With President Trump remaining in power - while not the way the country was set up, I think that it might actually be the best short term solution for fixing the country.
There's nothing emotional about it. Why do you pretend that?

He has no argument, vaguely feels there's something wrong with your statement, and so it is clear to him that there's something wrong with your feelings. Any questions as to why there's a huge overlap between Trumpletons and InCels?
The democrats end game is to do away with elections...this "impeachment" is only a part of it.
Well, Pelosi declared publicly not long ago that you and your fellow Americans are too stupid to be entrusted with choosing this nation's President. Just look at what 'you' did in 2016. They won't let that same mistake be made again...


Then you have hillary calling half of all americans "deplorable"...Peter Strzok saying he can "smell the Trump supporters from here".

They are openly telling us what they think of us...all we need to do is believe their words!

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