
it’s an elaborate plot to overturn an election and install Mike Pence as President

It’s an elaborate plot to keep the focus off the upcoming reports, and in hopes of swaying people to believe there was something there that wasn’t, to help them inthe coming elections

And they had to start earlier than they wanted because ginsburg was feeling unwell....
Aid was absolutely blocked.

Aid was delayed. Get your lies straight. Ain't no law that says we have to give aid to anyone. Refusing aid isn't against any law.

Screen Shot 2019-11-20 at 1.12.05 PM.png

That amounts to over $300 PER TAXPAYER for just these top ten countries! Does anyone realize we could cure disease or greatly help poverty and sickness and unemployment if we just stopped giving all this money away and spent it on ourselves?!
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
Testimony is pretty damning

It is? I must have missed something.
What ever happened to the screams of..... no quid pro quo?

Now the direction is linked right to Trump
Once again:
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing
I listed the people who got a subpoena from Schifferbrains...........you brought an alt-left opinion piece from far left Daily Beast.

You lose.
You're stupid...and incorrect..you lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about spelling..it's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I can spell "ingenious", apparently you can't, Dummy.:5_1_12024:

And no, Schiff has called HIS witnesses. No a single Rep witness so far.
ROTFLMAO! Ingenuous....look it up..your picture is prominent.

Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Wikipedia.
characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction: an ingenious device; brilliant; resourceful
However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place.
Laughable horseshit. Trump knew and knows exactly nothing about Hunter Biden. He was spoonfed a 'spiracy theory by Giuliani. You know this. Everyone knows this. Trump knew and knows less about Hunter Biden than any retard who reads Breitbart. Why are you cultists so willing to embarrass yourselves with these shameless, obvious lies?

Nobody really knows much about Hunter. That's he problem. But again, with him getting a job with Burisma through his father is what started all this. Granted, if not this, the commies would be dreaming up a different way, but as far as this issue is concerned, it's all based around Hunter.
If it happens after the 2020 elections - I think that I will be okay with that.
Trump will be re-elected in a landslide

If there is a total of 650 million votes cast...the entire election results will be thrown into chaos...and so will the country!

It will be a fucking nightmare!

And God only knows what the MSM will be telling the fools who believe them.
This isn’t an inquiry. The Dimms have already made up their minds.

Why don’t they just vote on it?

Schiff isn’t INQUIRING about anything, he is just trying to prove his side.

This is such a bizarre circus.

I love how all the witnesses give their back stories about what great Americans they are. Who gives a shit where your parents are from?
Testimony is pretty damning

It is? I must have missed something.
What ever happened to the screams of..... no quid pro quo?

Now the direction is linked right to Trump
Once again:
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

Man, you guys are really letting out your last, desperate gasps of nonsense....

Sondland testified that he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens at the "express direction" of Trump.

You aren't going to make this go away by clicking Breitbart for talking points. Sorry.
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Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.


The clintons and bushes were far more corrupt than O or Trump could ever dream to be.
What would Hunter Biden know about Trump's efforts? Please. It's a weak deflection from people stonewalling the inquiry.
Surely you are smart enough to follow along / figure this one out.

The State Department testified that there was a conflict of interest involving Papa Joe and Burisma as a result of Hunter working for Burisma and Burisma asking for US help to end investigations against it.

the same administration that extorted the previous Ukraine PM - the same VP who confessed on videotape to extorting the Ukraine PM worked for the administration that collaborated with corrupt Ukraine Officials to investigate, dig, get dirt, and use on Manafort, Trump's campaign manager.

Obama's administration was ass-deep in corruption in Ukraine. as proven.

Finding out what happened, preventing it from happening again, and making sure the nation we are about to give lethal military weapons to is not still working against our national security is part of the President's job / responsibility.

Joe's son was doing business with our nation's enemy - China, not just Ukraine - while Biden was VP, 2nd most powerful man in the US. It is funny to watch snowflakes attempt to down-play the importance of this.
MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln

Interfax-Ukraine ^ | November 20, 2019

KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the "family" of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which they said has ties to the U.S. Democratic Party.

At a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Wednesday, MP Andriy Derkach announced that deputies have received new materials from investigative journalists about international corruption and the participation of Ukrainian officials in it.

"Last week, November 14, the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), unnoticed by the media, announced a new suspicion to the notorious owner of Burisma, ex-Ecology Minister Zlochevsky. According to the suspicion, the Yanukovych family is suspected, in particular, with legalizing (laundering) of criminally obtained income through Franklin Templeton Investments, an investment fund carrying out purchases of external government loan bonds totaling $7.4 billion," Derkach said.

With reference to the investigation, he emphasized: it was money criminally obtained by the "family" of Yanukovych and invested in the purchase of Ukrainian debt in 2013-2014.

For his part, MP Oleksandr Dubinsky from the Servant of the People faction said that according to investigators, "the Yanukovych 'family' illegally obtained $7.4 billion and laundered the funds through an investment fund close to some representatives of the U.S. Democratic Party in the form of external government loan bonds."

Meanwhile, Derkach said that several facts indicate Franklin Templeton Investments' relationship with the U.S. Democratic Party.

"The son of Templeton's founder, John Templeton Jr., was one of President Obama's major campaign donors. Another fund-related character is Thomas Donilon. Managing Director of BlackRock Investment Institute, shareholder Franklin Templeton Investments, which has the largest share in the fund. It is noteworthy that he previously was Obama's national security advisor," Derkach said.

The MP said that the presidents of Ukraine and the United States should combine the efforts of the two countries to establish facts of corruption and money laundering with the participation of citizens of both countries.

"President Zelensky must pick up the phone, dial Trump, ask for help and cooperation in the fight against corruption and fly to Washington. The issue of combating international corruption in Ukraine with the participation of citizens, businessmen and U.S. officials should become a key during the meeting of the two presidents," he said.

Derkach said as a result of the meeting, it is necessary to build interaction between the Ukrainian investigating authorities and the U.S. Department of Justice to obtain information about the organizers of the bond issue, clients and beneficiaries of investment funds for each purchase, interrogate fund officials, etc.

As reported, on October 9, 2019, Derkach published official correspondence between NABU and the U.S. Embassy, according to which the first deputy of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Gizo Uglava, through his assistant Polina Chyzh, for a long time provided the U.S. Embassy with information that negatively affected the course of events in Ukraine and the United States.

Derkach said Chyzh received instructions from the representative of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Hanna Emelyanova to provide information on the case involving Zlochevsky.

Derkach also announced the amount of money transferred to representatives of the Burisma Group, including Hunter Biden. According to documents, in general, in favor of Hunter Biden, Alexander Kwasniewski, Alan Apter and Devon Archer, Burisma paid about $16.5 million.

According to Derkach, ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin repeatedly appealed to the NABU Director Artem Sytnyk in the framework of criminal proceedings for Burisma, but constantly received formal responses. The activities of Shokin, according to the MP, irritated then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during his fifth visit to Kyiv in two years. The visit on December 7-8, 2015, was devoted to solving the issue of Shokin's resignation for the affairs of Zlochevsky and Burisma, he said.

"The subject of pressure was the $1 billion credit guarantee that the United States should have provided to Ukraine: Biden himself acknowledged the pressure in his speech to the U.S. Foreign Relations Council in January 2018," Derkach said.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
After Benghazi and the e-mails you really have no grounds to complain. Sondland just obliterated your fat idiot this morning.

How so...the call transcripts were already released. What new, revolutionary testimony/ information did he provide?
So, the president and vice president co-opted foreign policy and taxpayer money for their personal, political gain.

This is a fact.

You cultists can either decide if you care, or if you don't. Those are your options.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
After Benghazi and the e-mails you really have no grounds to complain. Sondland just obliterated your fat idiot this morning.

Impeachment Hearings Are a Bust

The Democrats’ game plan is to try to turn the public against President Trump before the most knowledgeable witnesses testify in his defense.

Television ratings for the impeachment hearings have been a bust, far less than the viewership during Watergate or Clinton-Lewinsky. Even the testimony of ex-FBI director James Comey and future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh drew higher ratings than the Democrats' latest show trial. Less than 13 million people watched the first day of impeachment hearings, which is only a tiny fraction of the audience for big football games. Polling shows that Independent voters, who will decide the next presidential election, are unplugging this in large numbers.
I besmirched Obama all that any human can be besmirched

Sounds like a personal problem to me. How many of the people he hired ended up in jail?

Difference is that Obama was a piece of filth

100's of subpoena's honored during six years worth of fruitless investigations.

Trump, it is taking all of the deep state against him

Sheeee it. When he said only he could "fix it", he meant he was going to "Fix It!" for his own personal gain, like in the Ukraine.
No, he's not relevant. Trump's actions are at issue.
Yup...the President's attempt to find out about how Democrats colluded with Ukrainians in 2016 to interfere in our election, to ensure it isn't still happening / won't happen again, and to ask about a former VP's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM....

The inquiry is into Trump's efforts to use foreign influence in a US election, by bribing Ukraine's president into issuing a public statement about investigating Biden. What would Hunter Biden know of Trump's efforts to bribe Ukraine? Nothing. He's not relevant. The only reason he's even discussed is because Trump has no defense.

However Hunter is key as to why Trump was asking for Zelensky to "look into it" in the first place. If Hunter didn't get that job thanks to his father, this wouldn't' even be an issue today.

What would Hunter Biden know about Trump's efforts? Please. It's a weak deflection from people stonewalling the inquiry.

If they could get Hunter to stumble and make it realized he didn't get that job on his own, and there was something shady about his employment there, it would support the reason why Trump asked for him to be looked into. In other words, since the commies are trying to assert that Trump "bribed" Ukraine into doing an investigation, then the fact there was something going on there would substantiate a necessity for a quid pro quo.
Listening to Sondland’s testimony so far, it is pretty obvious, he was tired of all the ~gossip(my word)~ going on about the president and Ukraine, and picked up the phone to call and ask him personally what did he want with Ukraine.
Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

sounds like people were trying to make trouble for the president, just like everything else. I heard the words speculated, assumed, etc over and over as to what they all thought he meant, yet when he was actually approached by Sondland, once again-

Sondland call to Trump: what do you want from Ukraine?
Trump answer, as testified from Sondland: Nothing

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