Volker and Morrison testified to how the phone call was just one data point in President Donald Trump's months-long campaign to strongarm Ukraine into delivering political dirt while holding up military aid and a White House meeting
And I heard Volker admit his bias on Biden that clouded his opinion on the info Guiliani was getting.
Volker said Biden would never compromise his position, so is he saying that even with Biden's own Quid Pro Quo admission? If so then Volker is a tainted witness protecting corruption of a friend.
Renember Volker and Morrison are protecting this man pictured below, and using leftist narrative that Biden corruption is conspiracy instead of "legitimate concern" that the former fired ambassador's witness testimony admited.

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Impeachment Hearings Live Updates: Republicans Question Vindman’s Loyalty

Republicans, as usual, cannot challenge the evidence against Trump so they attack the integrity of the witness.

The top Ukraine expert at the National Security Council, Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, testified that Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president in which Trump asked for investigations of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was “inappropriate” and “a partisan play.”

Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio cited critical comments about Colonel Vindman’s judgment from two other impeachment witnesses, Timothy Morrison and Fiona Hill, Vindman’s former boss at the National Security Council.

“Any idea why they have those impressions?” Mr. Jordan inquired.

“Alex is a top one percent military officer and the best army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman said, quoting Hill. “He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment.”

Republicans also pressed Colonel Vindman, an American citizen and Army officer who was born in Ukraine, about how Oleksandr Danylyuk, the director of Ukraine’s national security council, had approached him three times to offer him the job of defense minister in Kiev.

This as if, because the Ukrainians offered Vindman a job three times, has something to do with Vindman's loyalty. In defending their guilty President, Republicans are reaching. Vindman confirmed the offers and testified that he repeatedly declined, dismissing the idea out of hand and reporting the approaches to his superiors and to counterintelligence officials.

“Every single time, I dismissed it,” he said, adding that “I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler. And I immediately dismissed these offers, did not entertain them.”
Republicans spent most of the day avoiding the testimony of the witnesses, providing their own testimony, attacking the media, and attacking the integrity of the Democrat's witnesses, Jennifer Williams and Colonel Alex Vindman.

In the afternoon the Intelligence Committee dealt with the Republican witnesses, Kurt Volker and Tim Morrison. They basically substantiated the reasons for the impeachment inquiry.

Volker offered very different testimony on Tuesday than he did when he spoke behind closed doors with House impeachment investigators.

"Since these events, and since I gave my testimony on October 3, a great deal of additional information and perspectives have come to light," Volker told the House Intelligence Committee.

Volker said in his October testimony that any conversations with the Ukrainians about making an announcement on the opening of an investigation into the Bidens had ended in August. But on Tuesday, Volker acknowledged that US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland had told a top Ukrainian official on September 1 that he believed the military aid was tied to the announcement of an investigation.

In an eyebrow-raising text he sent to a Ukrainian official Volker wrote “assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / ‘get to the bottom of what happened’ in 2016, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Timothy Morrison, who recently quit as the senior director for Europe and Ukraine at the National Security Council, said he did not think the President’s July 25 call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine was inherently wrong or illegal, but feared it would ignite a political storm if it became public.

“I feared at the time of the call on July 25 how its disclosure would play in Washington’s climate,” he said. “My fears have been realized. I understand the gravity of these proceedings, but I beg you not to lose sight of the military conflict underway in Ukraine today.

These are Republican witnesses. The Democratic leadership can only thank Nunes, Jordon, and the rest of Trump's defense team.
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!

These Schifferbrain's STAR WITNESSES are destroying him, and the idiots on the committee............NOW UP! Crayon Eating Smalwell.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
The testimony yesterday of witnesses and patriots Ambassadors Taylor and Kent is that they disclosed a lunch time cell phone conversation between Trump and Ambassador Sondland where it is very obvious that Trump is more interested in investigation the Bidens then he is in rendering aid to Ukraine. This is not only devastating to Trump but also to Sondland, since he failed to disclose this conversation with Trump at his closed door hearing. Sondland is to testify next week. IT WILL BE FASCINATING TO SEE THE STEPS TRUMP & CO WILL TAKE TO KEEP HIM FROM TESTIFYING.

And, most importantly, this will serve as notice to other Trump sycophants that when questioned by the Democrats, if they avoid disclosing everything they know about Trump's crimes, retribution awaits them.

He can't not show up to testify.

If he doesn't show up he will probably be facing perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

He's being given one more chance to be honest. He would be very stupid to not take it and be honest.

I doubt he would want to end up in prison like other people who work with trump.

It would be very ironic if he did end up in prison. He would have effectively paid trump a million dollars to go to prison.
No one is going to end up in prison for not performing in the Dem circus in the House. All the House can do is refer the case to the DoJ for prosecution, and the DoJ will decline to prosecute.

They can take it to a lower Federal Court to issue the arrest orders. And if the DOJ won't do it, the US Marshals will. The Biggest job that a US Marshal has is to arrest and escort people into the Federal Court System so that the Court System can deal with them. Now, if the DOJ (meaning Barr) want's to try and stop that, he has the option to take it to the Supreme Court. But he's liable to find himself in a rather sticky situation when his own people start refusing to comply.
No, the DoJ can decline to prosecute and that will be the end of it.

Barr isn't all of the DOJ. Me thinks you doth gives him too much credit. Not all DOJ levels are dishonest. Otherwise, a lot of people that went to prison or have been indicted wouldn't have been.
He is the AG and has the last word on everything the DoJ does.
Wow, I've seen burnt out light bulbs brighter than Swallwell. Good grief, he made it so clear what
this inquiry is all about....partisan politics.
Russia is an enemy of the State, and Trumps talks to Putin....hence, Trump is guilty
Democrats will vote to impeach Trump
The Senate will not remove Trump
DC coxuckers get paid to play partisan politics instead of solving problems
A president using foreign aid money to shake down another country`s leader for personal favors is a problem. Should all presidents be allowed to do that or just Trump?
Except that DID NOT HAPPEN. The aid was released weeks before the actual deadline to release it. The Ukrainian Government says they were never threatened and that at NO TIME did Trump threaten to with hold the aid. You people have hearsay and lies as evidence. You a KNOWN liar leading the investigation and have called witnesses that OPENLY testified they had NO KNOWLEDGE of any crime committed by Trump.
This is from the transcript provided by the White House. This is what Trump told the Ukrainian president.

"I would like you to do us a favor though. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

No hearsay, no second or third hand testimony, the quote above is straight from the horse's mouth.

So, is this.

At a recent briefing, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney blithely described quid pro quo. “What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted a reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in [Trump's] foreign policy.”
Impeachment Hearings Live Updates: Republicans Question Vindman’s Loyalty

Republicans, as usual, cannot challenge the evidence against Trump so they attack the integrity of the witness.

The top Ukraine expert at the National Security Council, Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, testified that Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president in which Trump asked for investigations of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was “inappropriate” and “a partisan play.”

Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio cited critical comments about Colonel Vindman’s judgment from two other impeachment witnesses, Timothy Morrison and Fiona Hill, Vindman’s former boss at the National Security Council.

“Any idea why they have those impressions?” Mr. Jordan inquired.

“Alex is a top one percent military officer and the best army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman said, quoting Hill. “He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment.”

Republicans also pressed Colonel Vindman, an American citizen and Army officer who was born in Ukraine, about how Oleksandr Danylyuk, the director of Ukraine’s national security council, had approached him three times to offer him the job of defense minister in Kiev.

This as if, because the Ukrainians offered Vindman a job three times, has something to do with Vindman's loyalty. In defending their guilty President, Republicans are reaching. Vindman confirmed the offers and testified that he repeatedly declined, dismissing the idea out of hand and reporting the approaches to his superiors and to counterintelligence officials.

“Every single time, I dismissed it,” he said, adding that “I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler. And I immediately dismissed these offers, did not entertain them.”

Mod Note: All copyrighted material must be linked to credit the source. Also restrict the copy/paste to a small portion of the article... Sandy Shanks
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Republicans spent most of the day avoiding the testimony of the witnesses, providing their own testimony, attacking the media, and attacking the integrity of the Democrat's witnesses, Jennifer Williams and Colonel Alex Vindman.

In the afternoon the Intelligence Committee dealt with the Republican witnesses, Kurt Volker and Tim Morrison. They basically substantiated the reasons for the impeachment inquiry.

Volker offered very different testimony on Tuesday than he did when he spoke behind closed doors with House impeachment investigators.

"Since these events, and since I gave my testimony on October 3, a great deal of additional information and perspectives have come to light," Volker told the House Intelligence Committee.

Volker said in his October testimony that any conversations with the Ukrainians about making an announcement on the opening of an investigation into the Bidens had ended in August. But on Tuesday, Volker acknowledged that US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland had told a top Ukrainian official on September 1 that he believed the military aid was tied to the announcement of an investigation.

In an eyebrow-raising text he sent to a Ukrainian official Volker wrote “assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / ‘get to the bottom of what happened’ in 2016, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Timothy Morrison, who recently quit as the senior director for Europe and Ukraine at the National Security Council, said he did not think the President’s July 25 call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine was inherently wrong or illegal, but feared it would ignite a political storm if it became public.

“I feared at the time of the call on July 25 how its disclosure would play in Washington’s climate,” he said. “My fears have been realized. I understand the gravity of these proceedings, but I beg you not to lose sight of the military conflict underway in Ukraine today.

These are Republican witnesses. The Democratic leadership can only thank Nunes, Jordon, and the rest of Trump's defense team.

Mod Note: All copyrighted material must be linked to credit the source. Also restrict the copy/paste to a small portion of the article... Sandy Shanks
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Trump asked for nothing in return and had Biden even declared his canidacy at that point?
Trump asked for nothing in return and had Biden even declared his canidacy at that point?
I'm thinking why the hell would we care anyway?

If my tax dollars are being sent to foreign welfare countries I kinda want them to do some things we need them to. One of those things would be to provide the evidence our democrats are holding them hostage and enriching their kids in the process.
This is from the transcript provided by the White House. This is what Trump told the Ukrainian president.

"I would like you to do us a favor though. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

No hearsay, no second or third hand testimony, the quote above is straight from the horse's mouth.

So, is this.

At a recent briefing, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney blithely described quid pro quo. “What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted a reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in [Trump's] foreign policy.”

You're a liar. This is what actually followed the word "though".

Mr. Trump responds, "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

Not "the other thing". You commies are crazy, it's so easy to catch you in your lies.

Impeachment Hearings Live Updates: Republicans Question Vindman’s Loyalty

Republicans, as usual, cannot challenge the evidence against Trump so they attack the integrity of the witness.

The top Ukraine expert at the National Security Council, Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, testified that Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president in which Trump asked for investigations of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was “inappropriate” and “a partisan play.”

Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio cited critical comments about Colonel Vindman’s judgment from two other impeachment witnesses, Timothy Morrison and Fiona Hill, Vindman’s former boss at the National Security Council.

“Any idea why they have those impressions?” Mr. Jordan inquired.

“Alex is a top one percent military officer and the best army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman said, quoting Hill. “He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment.”

Republicans also pressed Colonel Vindman, an American citizen and Army officer who was born in Ukraine, about how Oleksandr Danylyuk, the director of Ukraine’s national security council, had approached him three times to offer him the job of defense minister in Kiev.

This as if, because the Ukrainians offered Vindman a job three times, has something to do with Vindman's loyalty. In defending their guilty President, Republicans are reaching. Vindman confirmed the offers and testified that he repeatedly declined, dismissing the idea out of hand and reporting the approaches to his superiors and to counterintelligence officials.

“Every single time, I dismissed it,” he said, adding that “I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler. And I immediately dismissed these offers, did not entertain them.”

Funny, of the 6 people listening in the situation room, the only person to express concern about the call, was Vidman. I guess we know who leaked to the CIA rat.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.

No, the House won't stop it but Co-conspirators really don't have a leg to stand on when they try and bust anyone of anything. It becomes a conflict of interest very quickly. Yah, I know, Rump and his band of Criminals are pros at conflicts of interests but come January things should get very interesting. And I doubt if Barr and his co-conspirators can get anything done that fast.

You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

Given the amount of people in the coupe, the first few subpoenaed into court will be the start of the dominos falling, and most people will do anything to avoid going to prison, because they all know that Trump has the next election almost blindfolded, and there will be no pardons for people that worked against him in the election.

Do we know this? Not with his approval rating. And all that BS done, he won't be facing Biden afterall. It looks like he's going to be facing Mayor Pete. And Rumps backers wouldn't vote for Mayor Pete anyway even if Mayor Pete were endorsed by Rump, or would they?

Of course not. But if we can both agree that Biden didn't stand a chance, then we can also agree that Trump holding up foreign military aid was not for personal gain, because Trump even knew (like most Americans) that Biden would likely not be his contender for the White House. And BTW, Trump's approval rating is back up to 50%.

Even Fox isn't giving him a 50% rating. Sites like Breitbart does but that's a conspiracy site who will say just abut anything. He's still running between 42 and 46 depending on what flavor the ice cream. I made a prediction almost 2 eyars ago that Biden would not be and candidate. It looks like I was right. It would be some dark horse. Mayor Pete may very well fulfill that prediction. Even Warren is starting to sound more like Mayor Pete lately and less like Bernie. Mayor Pete fills all the boxes for being a President. The only thing that may stand in his way is that he's gay. And after Rump, that's only a huge problem with the Rump Followers who wouldn't for for Jesus Christ if he ran against Rump. If Bernie gives his support to Mayor Pete that means Mayor Pete will have almost total support of Women who really don't have a problem in that area. Warren is NOT the choice of Women. It's a tossup between Bernie and Mayor Pete. Rump has a minority support of Women. It all dpends on if Women will get out and vote.

GEtting this back into perspective of the impeachment, I am watching a retransmission of it right now. Most of the discussion by both sides is BS. Here is my take.

IF Trump brought up the Ukrarians were asked to do an investigation of Biden by the Ukranians then the Professional Diplomats all find that that was wrong. Even mentioning that in a conversation would be uncomfortable. None of them said they would have been party to a Biden investigation in any way shape or form.

And we all know it did happen. You can spin it any way you want to but Rump should NEVER have even brought it up even as a favor. He's done it before with Israel. No matter what I think of the 4 outspoken Congress Women, he should have never asked for a favor from the Israeli Leader like that. It's not Ukraines or Israels business. We need to police out own. If there is a crime, that's why we have the DOJ and our Court System. The President of the United States has just too much Power over these countries to be asking for any kind of personal favor other than, maybe, what the best recipe for their favorite food.
Oh it will begin. Starting with Rudy and his band of criminals and it may even end up with Rump for contempt of Congress and a few other little tidbits that are definitely impeachable without a doubt. But first, they go after Rudy and his band of criminals. And that also involves Barr. It's going to be a little tough for Barr filing charges while the NY Federal Court is trying him.

Hey dumbass! Explain how the House can arrest a President? You need to stop doing mushrooms while posting.

The State can certainly arrest a President who is guilty of State Laws. I haven't seen any stupid memos to that affect in any State Constitutions. It would be backed by the courts just below the US Supreme Court where Rump isn't very popular. And, yes, it would end up on the US Supreme Court Docket. I would love to see that. Not stupid Memo has the power of a law but you seem to think one does. The Congress, if Rump is shown as a co-conspirator or the Individual 1 then they can turn it over to the lower courts and THEY can instruct his arrest. Bill Barr can just go fuck himself and the horse he rode in on.

Poor little commie, States have no authority to enforce federal law. So leave your fantasies in your head, we don't need to hear them.

A state can arrest a person that has committed a federal crime.

Sure, if there's an outstanding federal warrant. They have no authority to enforce federal election law, which is what your comrade was referring to. Any more of his stupidity you want to buy into?


They can arrest for State Laws. And Rump has a few pending. At some point, the State of NY may stop and just demand he face a court system in NY. At that point, it becomes the problem where the US Marshals get involved. They may be under the DOJ but their job is to apprehend and transport people for the court systems when it's required. And when it's over state lines, it's their job to apprehend and transport and turn them over to the local authorities who will get them in front of the appropriate court system. There is no State Memo that says they have to no arrest a sitting President. Only a 40 year old Memo in the DOJ. I would love to see that in from of the Supreme Court. That's a memo, not a law.

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