Where's the witness that says I heard Trump say to do the investigation into VP Biden and Burisma or you don't get squat,
That's tomorrow. Sondland, apparently.

Biden's son worked for a corrupt company.
That's why it is so important for you to SHILL for Biden.
If any whitehouse official or staff read these PLEASE NOTE:
you guys need me SOOO BADDD!
either by messenger, ear piece or in hearings as staff member whispering in counsels ear BECAUSE:
how do you not nail Volker's bias towards protecting Biden by:
Volker's comment that he knows Biden well and it makes him personally subjectively feel he could never do anything innapropriate towards his then position. That's an invitation to slam dunk the lob he gave the Minority Counsel. I would have used that opportunity to remind him that Former President Bill Clinton, King Solomon, PRINCE Edward, (a president a king and a prince) all thought Epstein was a swell guy too and found out they never really knew what the guy was capable of. So Ambassador Volker, are you with Biden 24/7 or were you with him and his family 24/7 to know the Bidens that well? And at what point will you admit your subjective assumptive opinion that even shapes your opinion on thinking the Info given Guilliani was false or as Morrison called conspiracy theories, is actually a wrong and prideful conclusion, thus making your opinions on the info gathering wrong? Will it be after hearing Biden himself admit his quid pro quo? Why did that not question your own judgement or are you compromised to protect Biden?
MORRISON'S use of the word conspiracy is an accidental
tell sign and wording used by opposition to legitimize questions and concerns which reveal his shaped opinion being formed and set up to protect Biden.
I smell some compromised officials who are using scripted narratives.
Last edited:
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.

Let's say, whatever good things may be said about the great States of California and Ohio, having saddled the House - and the nation - with Nunes and Jordan, respectively, is a big, fat pox on them. With Trump's corruption by now clearly established, Californians and Ohioans really should have a very serious word among themselves. If the public hearings establish nothing else, they do establish the need for that serious word. That should help.

I'm proud that Jordan is representing our state. The only one that might have done a better job of this was Trey Gowdy.
If any whitehouse official or staff read these PLEASE NOTE:
you guys need me SOOO BADDD!
either by messenger, ear piece or in hearings as staff member whispering in counsels ear BECAUSE:
how do you not nail Volker's bias towards protecting Biden by:
Volker's comment that he knows Biden well and it makes him personally subjectively feel he could never do anything innapropriate towards his then position. That's an invitation to slam dunk the lob he gave the Minority Counsel. I would have used that opportunity to remind him that Former President Bill Clinton, King Solomon, PRINCE Edward, (a president a king and a prince) all thought Epstein was a swell guy too and found out they never really knew what the guy was capable of. So Ambassador Volker, are you with Biden 24/7 or were you with him and his family 24/7 to know the Bidens that well? And at what point will you admit your subjective assumptive opinion that even shapes your opinion on thinking the Info given Guilliani was false or as Morrison called conspiracy theories, is actually a wrong and prideful conclusion, thus making your opinions on the info gathering wrong? Will it be after hearing Biden himself admit his quid pro quo? Why did that not question your own judgement or are you compromised to protect Biden?
MORRISON'S use of the word conspiracy is an accidental
tell sign and wording used by opposition to legitimize questions and concerns which reveal his shaped opinion being formed and set up to protect Biden.
I smell some compromised officials who are using scripted narratives.

It goes like this.

Biden firing a prosecutor who just happens to be investigating his son's company is perfectly rational and didn't raise any red flags.
Trump reopening the investigation is immoral, corrupt and self serving.

Am I missing something? Oh wait...

Yes I told Ukraine that they need to be upfront with Trump that they are reopening investigations and digging into past corruption.
It is improper that one of those investigations are into Biden son's company.
Volker is destroying the entire Dimwinger impeachment farce.

Man, Schifferbrains is getting owned by his own STAR WITNESSES.

Volker and Morrison testified to how the phone call was just one data point in President Donald Trump's months-long campaign to strongarm Ukraine into delivering political dirt while holding up military aid and a White House meeting
The do nothing demos yet again keep wasting valuable time having another "impeachment" charade instead of trying fix our immigration problem. Trump looks better each day this "Inquiry" keeps dragging on. Almost like the Trump Russia Hoax charade all over again.
The do nothing demos yet again keep wasting valuable time having another "impeachment" charade instead of trying fix our immigration problem. Trump looks better each day this "Inquiry" keeps dragging on. Almost like the Trump Russia Hoax charade all over again.
We need to get a recall for all their pay and benefits
Man. These libs are digging themselves a hole deeper every day that it will hit China soon.

Are these 2 guys actually fleeing government careers because of this????

Don't care who they destroy. God is going to shoot lightning bolts up their A on Judgement DAY if not before.
If any whitehouse official or staff read these PLEASE NOTE:
you guys need me SOOO BADDD!
either by messenger, ear piece or in hearings as staff member whispering in counsels ear BECAUSE:
how do you not nail Volker's bias towards protecting Biden by:
Volker's comment that he knows Biden well and it makes him personally subjectively feel he could never do anything innapropriate towards his then position. That's an invitation to slam dunk the lob he gave the Minority Counsel. I would have used that opportunity to remind him that Former President Bill Clinton, King Solomon, PRINCE Edward, (a president a king and a prince) all thought Epstein was a swell guy too and found out they never really knew what the guy was capable of. So Ambassador Volker, are you with Biden 24/7 or were you with him and his family 24/7 to know the Bidens that well? And at what point will you admit your subjective assumptive opinion that even shapes your opinion on thinking the Info given Guilliani was false or as Morrison called conspiracy theories, is actually a wrong and prideful conclusion, thus making your opinions on the info gathering wrong? Will it be after hearing Biden himself admit his quid pro quo? Why did that not question your own judgement or are you compromised to protect Biden?
MORRISON'S use of the word conspiracy is an accidental
tell sign and wording used by opposition to legitimize questions and concerns which reveal his shaped opinion being formed and set up to protect Biden.
I smell some compromised officials who are using scripted narratives.

It goes like this.

Biden firing a prosecutor who just happens to be investigating his son's company is perfectly rational and didn't raise any red flags.
Trump reopening the investigation is immoral, corrupt and self serving.

Am I missing something? Oh wait...

Yes I told Ukraine that they need to be upfront with Trump that they are reopening investigations and digging into past corruption.
It is improper that one of those investigations are into Biden son's company.
The majority counsel messed up by outting the fact the President was within his rights to be concerned over Ukraine's interference and since it was OK for the left to investigate Russia interference and claimed concern with any and all foreign interferences that opens up rights for our president investigating Ukraine interferences.
It's all about context, the left fail to keep in proper perspective and forget they declared it a necessity for Trump to look into, and we even have recordings of them blasting Trump when they thought he was not looking into election interference.
Oh yeah, that's right, ruleschanfe when it's the left being investigated, including the definition of obstruction when they want to fire Barr for investigating the starting source of the (illegal) false Russia conspiring charge.
The do nothing demos yet again keep wasting valuable time having another "impeachment" charade instead of trying fix our immigration problem. Trump looks better each day this "Inquiry" keeps dragging on. Almost like the Trump Russia Hoax charade all over again.
We need to get a recall for all their pay and benefits
You see how these Dems are turning against these guys saying UNDER OATH...WATCH OUT!!!....Even Stalin would not approve
Volker and Morrison testified to how the phone call was just one data point in President Donald Trump's months-long campaign to strongarm Ukraine into delivering political dirt while holding up military aid and a White House meeting
Just look at the disappointment in the face of the Democrat who's questioning Volker when he will not agree with him
The do nothing demos yet again keep wasting valuable time having another "impeachment" charade instead of trying fix our immigration problem. Trump looks better each day this "Inquiry" keeps dragging on. Almost like the Trump Russia Hoax charade all over again.
We need to get a recall for all their pay and benefits
You see how these Dems are turning against these guys saying UNDER OATH...WATCH OUT!!!....Even Stalin would not approve

Worst part is these idiots like Schiff keep circling around and around delaying time.

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