What, you didn't know that Ukraine admitted their involvement and meddling in US elections?

Ukraine Court Rules Manafort Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election - NYTimes
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire - Politico

Now, tell me, why would Ukraine work with DNC against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton?
Thank you for the article! It really seems, though, that Chalupa was looking into the same set of affairs that ultimately got Paul Manafort arrested. She smelled a rat and she was right, wasn't she? Trump ditched Manafort fast--perhaps he smelled a rat, too. This is really a story about Manafort, not Trump. Remember, Mueller didn't find any reason to think Trump was in on it.

Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.

I sound outraged about that, do I? Whatever you say, old boy.
I read the article, appreciated the background, but I honestly don't see how you could read that article and NOT come to the conclusion that it was about Manafort. It sounds as if the alarm bells had gone off about Manafort well before he was chosen as chairman of Trump's campaign. Did you read the article?

And of course the only way to get information was from the Ukrainian Embassy, right? That's called going to a foreign country to get dirt on a campaign opponent, isn't it? According to you commies, information is something of value, that would make the activities of Chalupa illegal, wouldn't it? That, along with public statements from Ukrainians about Trumps fitness for office, justifies Trumps concerns about Ukraine interference in the 2016, doesn't it?

Don't give me spin, just answer the questions.

I already said what I thought. No spin included.

Yet you didn't answer one question, what are you hiding?

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
This truth is firmly self evident
You boys have not been watching CNN today it seems. If you have been , you have clearly mastered the art of selective listening

Nobody watches CNN. There is a reason they are the last place cable news network. But I did watch the inquiry today, and what I concluded is that.........

nothing burger.jpeg
Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.


It's pretty hard to be mad at someone who uncovered evidence of crimes committed, wouldn't you say?

Right, let's ignore that person was committing a crime in the process. Which justifies Trumps concern about Ukraine interfering in the 2016 election. Any more spinning you'd like to do?


What are they waiting for.

What makes you think anyone is waiting, no one knows what crimes Durham is looking into concerning 2016. Chalupa may very well be in his cross hairs.


The DoJ released a statement where they stated they had nothing to do with this drug deal.


Almost zero testifying being accomplished because no one has witnessed anything.

It appears you have forgotten the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill farrago....the Democrats came up with this one:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
I say "Let the perp-walking begin!"

Oh it will begin. Starting with Rudy and his band of criminals and it may even end up with Rump for contempt of Congress and a few other little tidbits that are definitely impeachable without a doubt. But first, they go after Rudy and his band of criminals. And that also involves Barr. It's going to be a little tough for Barr filing charges while the NY Federal Court is trying him.

Hey dumbass! Explain how the House can arrest a President? You need to stop doing mushrooms while posting.

The State can certainly arrest a President who is guilty of State Laws. I haven't seen any stupid memos to that affect in any State Constitutions. It would be backed by the courts just below the US Supreme Court where Rump isn't very popular. And, yes, it would end up on the US Supreme Court Docket. I would love to see that. Not stupid Memo has the power of a law but you seem to think one does. The Congress, if Rump is shown as a co-conspirator or the Individual 1 then they can turn it over to the lower courts and THEY can instruct his arrest. Bill Barr can just go fuck himself and the horse he rode in on.

Poor little commie, States have no authority to enforce federal law. So leave your fantasies in your head, we don't need to hear them.

A state can arrest a person that has committed a federal crime.

Sure, if there's an outstanding federal warrant. They have no authority to enforce federal election law, which is what your comrade was referring to. Any more of his stupidity you want to buy into?

Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!
And this white boy thinks it's supposed to be some kind of insult being called kunta kente. Now go hang your clothes on the clothesline and go back into your trailer.

You're proud of some fictional character from the book that Alex Haley plagerized????


More hand-wringing about your pretend slavery background.....????

Isn't it true the only cotton you ever picked was out of an aspirin bottle???
You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

This will be another huge nothing-burger just like all the other alleged bombshells we never hear about again. Even if, by chance, it does turn something up, nothing will happen to anyone involved. Even Laura Ingraham said that last night when she was interviewing Congressman Chris Stewart about this report.
Well, the people testifying have all been questioned and anything important has already been leaked and the pieces useful to each side's argument have already been quoted and circulated. I wasn't about to read thousands of page of transcript, so I appreciate the public hearings. I don't really trust the media to tell the whole story, so I wanted to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. It would just be great if they didn't beat the testimony to death. Last week's testimony was more interesting.
like the transcript is out there. why are they wasting our money? you should be outraged like me.
The impeachment investigation is only a desperate attempt by the Democrats to distract from the investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Marie yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador Trump had dismissed testified that the Obama administration was also worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine and tried to hide the facts from the public, and the impeachment inquiry is just a continuation of Obama's efforts to hide the facts about the Bidens. Nancy Pelosi fought against impeachment right up until she became worried that the investigation of the Bidens would reveal the Bidens involvement in corruption in Ukraine and Obama's efforts to hide them even at the cost of a $1,000,000,000 bribe to Ukraine's very corrupt president, Poroshenko.
I watched Yovanovich's testimony, and she did NOT say all that. She said there was "concern" of the appearance of conflict of interest. Period. The rest of it is all straight out of your lying mouth.
Bullshit. There was an obvious conflict of interest and she was coached on how to answer questions about the Bidens at her confirmation hearing in order to hide the facts from the Senate. If there had been nothing to hide, there would have been no need to coach her on how to answer questions about the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Your opposition to the investigation of the Bidens betrays your own belief that the Bidens were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine.
Everyone is coached prior to confirmation hearings. I hate to disappoint you. Anyway, when we get to the Biden investigations and hearings, bring that point up.
Right now, we are talking about what TRUMP did.
Now you're just making things up about who is coached and on what subjects. The discussion began with the Bidens' suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine and all the nonsense going on in the House is no more than an attempt to hide the facts about the Bidens as you well know.
So far, the only "nonsense" is the bullshit about the bidens suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine. The President should know better. The rest of you? Well, I don't know what your excuse is, but the President should know better. He was TOLD that was already investigated and Hunter Biden had nothing to do with the investigation into Burisma, so why would VP Biden have any reason to stop it? It makes NO SENSE and there is absolutely NOTHING but Russian propaganda to back it up.
that obammmy was looking into and never finished. You know it wasn't completed right?
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.

Let's say, whatever good things may be said about the great States of California and Ohio, having saddled the House - and the nation - with Nunes and Jordan, respectively, is a big, fat pox on them. With Trump's corruption by now clearly established, Californians and Ohioans really should have a very serious word among themselves. If the public hearings establish nothing else, they do establish the need for that serious word. That should help.
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You wish.

Everything Trump does is a smoking gun.

For three years now, that smoking gun still hasn't fired.
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
This truth is firmly self evident
You boys have not been watching CNN today it seems. If you have been , you have clearly mastered the art of selective listening

Nobody watches CNN. There is a reason they are the last place cable news network. But I did watch the inquiry today, and what I concluded is that.........

View attachment 290711
Please share...where di you watch it?
I say "Let the perp-walking begin!"

Oh it will begin. Starting with Rudy and his band of criminals and it may even end up with Rump for contempt of Congress and a few other little tidbits that are definitely impeachable without a doubt. But first, they go after Rudy and his band of criminals. And that also involves Barr. It's going to be a little tough for Barr filing charges while the NY Federal Court is trying him.

Hey dumbass! Explain how the House can arrest a President? You need to stop doing mushrooms while posting.

The State can certainly arrest a President who is guilty of State Laws. I haven't seen any stupid memos to that affect in any State Constitutions. It would be backed by the courts just below the US Supreme Court where Rump isn't very popular. And, yes, it would end up on the US Supreme Court Docket. I would love to see that. Not stupid Memo has the power of a law but you seem to think one does. The Congress, if Rump is shown as a co-conspirator or the Individual 1 then they can turn it over to the lower courts and THEY can instruct his arrest. Bill Barr can just go fuck himself and the horse he rode in on.

Poor little commie, States have no authority to enforce federal law. So leave your fantasies in your head, we don't need to hear them.

A state can arrest a person that has committed a federal crime.
That goes contrary to your ilk's stance on Sanctuary Cities.
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
This truth is firmly self evident
You boys have not been watching CNN today it seems. If you have been , you have clearly mastered the art of selective listening

Nobody watches CNN. There is a reason they are the last place cable news network. But I did watch the inquiry today, and what I concluded is that.........

View attachment 290711
Please share...where di you watch it?
Never heard of c-span or Fox or msnbc?
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!

Jim Jordan has made an entire career out of ignoring and enabling behaviour of his buddies that odious. Jordan saw nothing wrong when his co-workers abused and molested the students in his charge. He doesn't recall anyone complaining about inappropriate touching. So while his co-worker is now in jail, Jim Jordan is in Congress attacking the President's critics and enabling the criminal behaviour of his boss - again.
He's good at what he does, Dragonlady. No need to get into pedophilia.
His arguments aren't crazy, as opposed to Nunes' arguments, which are right off the wall. IMO.
I believe Trump needs to be fired, btw.
A good loud mouthed liar is what Jordan is. And if he wants to personally attack people, his past is open to be attacked. Jordan was not a pedophile, what happened was that young men over 18 years of age were sexually assaulted. Trump does need to go.

Jordan was prepared to stand by and allow a collegue to molest his students, and ignore their complaints. That's "enabling", and allowed this pervert to continue to abuse the young men who Jordan was also responsible for guiding and protection.Since his election, Jordan is prepared to stand by and let Trump disobey court order preventing the separation of families, or attack a decorated career service officer in the service of Trump's re-election.

Jordan was corrupt when he was elected, and continues to behave as a corrupt politician.

Is that like Shiffty Schiff standing by and not saying a thing about his business partner being a pedophile?
Everyone is coached prior to confirmation hearings. I hate to disappoint you. Anyway, when we get to the Biden investigations and hearings, bring that point up.
Right now, we are talking about what TRUMP did.

By the size of butthurt that flows thru you and rest of you leftists, it's easy to determine that Trump did nothing wrong.
Somebody on TV just made a brilliant observation.

This impeachment hearing is nothing more than a big HR bitch session when a new boss takes over.

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