Office of judge presiding over Trump’s New York trial bombarded with threats

Only made-up threats? Or threats by commee plants? Not interesting until the SOB is beaten half to death or upChucks girlfriend is kidnapped by muslims.
yawning as always.
Is that how you react when they kick down your squatters tent in the car park at Wrexham FC ?

Are they UK Labour party antisemites or just ordinary people sick of Turdy Tainted drivel?
Speaking of drivel.
Its a joke. He is a protected class.
This needs to be our number one priority in protecting the rule of law and our country. Without that, the idiots from Idiocracy win. I have no idea what we are waiting for? If the protected class is immune, then give them the keys and stupid wins.
Put him in jail. Anybody else would already be there for all his un American threats.

Unfortunately this is a Civil Case, so the penalities will be monetary. But yes, lock up that lying Orange Asshat.

The anti semites among the maga army have been very busy abusing and threatening public servants.

Who would put themselves in such a position to be abused by societys slime ? Anyone that trump disapproves of is liable to get the same treatment. It isnt right.

He should be gagged and caged so that the trials can continue free from his antics. Its time to take out the trash.
Whenever on a link from that British tabloid its always directing me to donate money to it…anyone else have that problem? Reminds me of Wikipedia
Smith is cocked, locked and ready to rock. Willis is getting her ducks in row. Jail awaits.
Oh, I think you are right. Trump has met his match. She is much more street smart than that ex-president buffoon. There really is no way out from legal liability here. All his goons are ratting him out, as they should.

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