Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Oh I promise you if it was a white mother driving with her children the cop would have holstered that weapon and apologized
Dont count on an apology when the lic tag is so poorly displayed

But black males are a real threat to the lives if police officers so extra caution is wise

if the black guy has followed instructions he would not have been pepper sprayed
Well there’s a shift as expected. Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate. The driver had every right to ask why he was pulled over. And he had every right to wait for an answer before exiting the car to a screaming police officer with his gun. Why are you defending such obvious miss behavior and abuse of power?
If so thats all the more reason for an intelligent person to follow orders instead of resisting
You think? Nazario got off without any charges. The cop was canned. Nazario has a lawsuit pending with a reasonable chance at a settlement.

All of that because he exposed the cop’s lack of judgement.
Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate.
The driver failed to follow instructions

if he was outside the car in full view it puts the police at less risk
You think? Nazario got off without any charges. The cop was canned.
Thats not a morale booster for cops who have put their life on the line every day

and it will lead to loss of performance and less safety for the residents of that town
racist folks like you dumb ass.
Is that how you talk to people in the ghetto?

no wonder there is so much violence in those neighborhoods

No just racist ass clowns.
Considering the high murder rate in obamaville you must have a lot of racist ass clowns killing each other

its a wonder there any left over fir the cops to shoot

So who is killing white folks? You come on here and run your mouth spewing that racist bullshit and then you act as if you haven't said anything racist. Just admit it, you hate black folks. Hell I could respect you more instead of acting like a coward.
Just another racist idiot who doesn't matter seeing a black man murdered

This solder was murdered?

No he was just humiliated.

Just another white, racist idiot who thinks it's ok for the police to murder young black men.

It is if it's warranted, just like it is when they kill a white suspect. However as a puppet and stooge for the MSM, they never report when a white suspect is killed by police. It's a local event and stays that way. So they manipulate your brain to believe this only happens to black suspects. [/quoet]


And quit acting like you care about these black people getting killed by cops. If you really cared, you'd be telling your friends and family to just do everything a police officer tells them to do whether they like it or not. You'd save a hell of a lot more black lives that way than you do destroying your own cities.

Actually the police should be required to TREAT EVERY CITIZEN EQUALLY under the law. You want black folks to go back to the days when we had to shuffle our feet and look down at the ground when a white man was present. We should do every thing he asks of us, as long as, he is treating us with the same respect he treats you with when you are pulled over.
You think? Nazario got off without any charges. The cop was canned.
Thats not a morale booster for cops who have put their life on the line every day

and it will lead to loss of performance and less safety for the residents of that town
Yeah, I don’t think we have to chose between community safety and police being able to act like belligerent thugs.

I think the community and police will ultimately be far safer when they respect each other.
There was no force making this man use pepper spray. The cop came at the man way to aggressively and hostilely. A civil conversation at the mans window explaining why he was pulled over was all that was needed. Why do turds like you always have to take the other side to these debates. There is a clear right and wrong here. Not a right and left. You wonder why the race card gets used on the Right so often? It’s because your default position always seems to ignore and dismiss the racial elements to situations like these

It's you on the left that uses the race card, not us on the right. Race was not an issue here. They had no idea this was a black guy they pulled over. When they got out of their car with their guns drawn, they didn't know it was a black guy who was driving. The officer was yelling not knowing who or how many were in the vehicle. So don't make this a race issue when race had nothing to do with it. You people always do this.

How do you know they didn't know it was a black man, you don't know if they had been following him for a while or if they had passed him and turned around. You AssUMe that they didn't know he was a black man.
You’re making shit up again. His own department says that he acted out of line. That’s a fact.

Your attempt to spin that into an alternative motive shows that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

You need to contort yourself into a pretzel to reaffirm your stupid beliefs. Not only do you disregard what his own fucking department says but then you make up the motive out of thin air so that it just happens to align with your stupid opinion.

I told you why his department is saying what they are saying, but you have this mental block prohibiting you from reading it.

I don't know if you can find it, but if you can, watch the show COPS. You see officers all over the country in real life situations doing the exact same thing this officer did. Once you refuse to obey the orders of authority, you open up a whole can of worms. You bring whatever happens to you on yourself.

That's TV Ray, they can make anything they want to happen on Tee Vee.
Police officers are instructed to DE-ESCALATE situations. These two idiots completely failed at that. All they needed to do was calmly explain to him why he was stopped, write him a ticket, and be done.

Their own police department agrees with me that they didn’t act appropriately.

"The pursuit and ultimate stop resulted in the use of pepper spray against Lt. Nazario by Officer Gutierrez," the statement read. "At the conclusion of this investigation, it was determined that Windsor Police Department policy was not followed."

As usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

It's all politics. If this joker never pressed the issue, the cop would still be on the job as he should be.

I've seen police do the exact same thing to suspects like this clown a hundred times. Don't tell me these officers acted out of line.
So have I, and that's the problem.

It's wrong not to deescalate when you can...... (you're not going to be able to a lot of the time), but they have been failing to do so, so often, for so long, that they feel entitled to.

You know what the very first thing people are told in any course on managing aggressive behavior, or dealing with psyche patients?
"Deescalate yourself first."
would you excuse that and try and place all the blame on the army officer?
Because it was all the black guys fault for not obeying the police

Oh my God, when it comes to a black man the cops are ALWAYS in the right in the eyes of racist.
He put his signal on and proceeded to pull into a well lit area. He kept his lands up and visible the entire time and spoke in a calm rational manner. The Army officer did nothing wrong.

He did nothing wrong except refuse police commands to get out of his car. He did nothing wrong except force the officer to have to use pepper spray to have him forced out of the car. He did nothing wrong except fight with the cops when they tried to get him on the ground. He did nothing wrong except fight them while they were trying to handcuff him.

No one should get out of the vehicle and it is illegal for police to demand you do.
When the police use any force on a person who is not resisting a legal arrest, they are guilty of felony battery or assault.
I believe they can demand you exit the vehicle; some case law from the late 90s IIRC.
Have you EVER talked to a lawyer?
When stopped by the police, the police will always try to illegally search the vehicle, and you are never supposed to ever do anything the police say unless you committed a crime and are under arrest.
What any lawyer will tell you is to only roll down the window far enough to pass you driver's license and insurance through, and say nothing.

Anyone complying with illegal police demands is just making everything worse for everyone else.

We citizens give the police the authority they have. They have the authority to order somebody out of their vehicle. They have the authority to use force with non-compliant suspects or subjects. They have the authority to place somebody in handcuffs until a situation is figured out and their safety and the public is guaranteed.

Police had no additional authority everyone else does not already have.
We do not give police ANY authority at all and we can not give police any authority.
There is no means by which that can happen.
What police do is temporarily borrow OUR authority when they act in our defense.

That does NOT include ordering anyone out of their vehicle, and it is NOT legal for police to try to do that unless you are guilty of a crime and are under arrest.
The only authority police have is IDENTICAL to that authority all people have at all times, and that does NOT include ordering anyone out of a vehicle.
When I tell somebody to get out of a car, it's because I'm about to set it on fire, so I think of it more as a courtesy.

Just saying.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
I wonder if he was grabbing for his taser and picked up the pepper sprayer instead. :rolleyes-41:
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
I wonder if he was grabbing for his taser and picked up the pepper sprayer instead. :rolleyes-41:

If that is the case, who is training these morons and why would he need to taze him?
There was no force making this man use pepper spray. The cop came at the man way to aggressively and hostilely. A civil conversation at the mans window explaining why he was pulled over was all that was needed. Why do turds like you always have to take the other side to these debates. There is a clear right and wrong here. Not a right and left. You wonder why the race card gets used on the Right so often? It’s because your default position always seems to ignore and dismiss the racial elements to situations like these

It's you on the left that uses the race card, not us on the right. Race was not an issue here. They had no idea this was a black guy they pulled over. When they got out of their car with their guns drawn, they didn't know it was a black guy who was driving. The officer was yelling not knowing who or how many were in the vehicle. So don't make this a race issue when race had nothing to do with it. You people always do this.
Oh I promise you if it was a white mother driving with her children the cop would have holstered that weapon and apologized and probably let her off with a warning. Stop playing games
You didn't hear about the 2 white women that were digitally raped (finger fucked) by cops on the side of a Texas highway a while back?
On camera?

I flat out told some DPS Troopers that if those women had been my tribe, I'd be answering the question of "Just how many hollowpoints will fit in a cop's face, anyway?" just about every week.

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