Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Have you EVER talked to a lawyer?
When stopped by the police, the police will always try to illegally search the vehicle, and you are never supposed to ever do anything the police say unless you committed a crime and are under arrest.
What any lawyer will tell you is to only roll down the window far enough to pass you driver's license and insurance through, and say nothing.

Anyone complying with illegal police demands is just making everything worse for everyone else.

We citizens give the police the authority they have. They have the authority to order somebody out of their vehicle. They have the authority to use force with non-compliant suspects or subjects. They have the authority to place somebody in handcuffs until a situation is figured out and their safety and the public is guaranteed.

Police had no additional authority everyone else does not already have.
We do not give police ANY authority at all and we can not give police any authority.
There is no means by which that can happen.
What police do is temporarily borrow OUR authority when they act in our defense.

That does NOT include ordering anyone out of their vehicle, and it is NOT legal for police to try to do that unless you are guilty of a crime and are under arrest.
The only authority police have is IDENTICAL to that authority all people have at all times, and that does NOT include ordering anyone out of a vehicle.
I am quite shocked Ray doesn't know this. It is like he grew up in an authoritarian state like the USSR or Nazi Germany.


Compared to what, growing up in a jungle that has no law and order? Our country was founded on law and order. Our representatives write laws, we hire police, and they enforce the laws written by the people we elected to write them.
You’re making shit up again. His own department says that he acted out of line. That’s a fact.

Your attempt to spin that into an alternative motive shows that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

You need to contort yourself into a pretzel to reaffirm your stupid beliefs. Not only do you disregard what his own fucking department says but then you make up the motive out of thin air so that it just happens to align with your stupid opinion.

I told you why his department is saying what they are saying, but you have this mental block prohibiting you from reading it.

I don't know if you can find it, but if you can, watch the show COPS. You see officers all over the country in real life situations doing the exact same thing this officer did. Once you refuse to obey the orders of authority, you open up a whole can of worms. You bring whatever happens to you on yourself.

So that is your source, TV?
Well they are getting it wrong.
The fact many people will meekly comply with illegal demands by police, does NOT mean it is legal.
It is not.
Police are NOT ever supposed to ask you to leave the car unless you are already under arrest for something.
Police had no additional authority everyone else does not already have.
We do not give police ANY authority at all and we can not give police any authority.
There is no means by which that can happen.
What police do is temporarily borrow OUR authority when they act in our defense.

That does NOT include ordering anyone out of their vehicle, and it is NOT legal for police to try to do that unless you are guilty of a crime and are under arrest.
The only authority police have is IDENTICAL to that authority all people have at all times, and that does NOT include ordering anyone out of a vehicle.

If the police have no more authority than any common citizen, talk to your representatives and get rid of your police force. I'd love to see some liberal city do that. In fact I wish these liberal cities did defund their police departments. See what kind of environment you end up with when you have no authority.
I am quite shocked Ray doesn't know this. It is like he grew up in an authoritarian state like the USSR or Nazi Germany.


Compared to what, growing up in a jungle that has no law and order? Our country was founded on law and order. Our representatives write laws, we hire police, and they enforce the laws written by the people we elected to write them.

Law and order is NOT obeying illegal demands by police.
Law and order are where police are disciplines or fired for making illegal demands.
My panties are sitting just fine. But what is your opinion based on? You think he took too long to pull over? Do you think it more wise and safe to pull over on a dark roadside or a well lit and public area? Have you considered the fear of cops that black people have grown up with their entire lives and why that army officer chose to go where he went?

before i answer this...are you male or female. From the post i'm guessing female.
Police had no additional authority everyone else does not already have.
We do not give police ANY authority at all and we can not give police any authority.
There is no means by which that can happen.
What police do is temporarily borrow OUR authority when they act in our defense.

That does NOT include ordering anyone out of their vehicle, and it is NOT legal for police to try to do that unless you are guilty of a crime and are under arrest.
The only authority police have is IDENTICAL to that authority all people have at all times, and that does NOT include ordering anyone out of a vehicle.

If the police have no more authority than any common citizen, talk to your representatives and get rid of your police force. I'd love to see some liberal city do that. In fact I wish these liberal cities did defund their police departments. See what kind of environment you end up with when you have no authority.

Any person can do what police do.
The only difference is that police essentially own the road you drive on, but if you drive on a private road, then the owner of the road can pull you over for violating the rules of that private road just the same as police do.
You seem to think there is some kind of hierarchy above the people in a democratic republic, and there isn't.
The people are at the top.
The police are underneath them, and only borrow our authority when they protect us.
Your view of police, authority, and a democratic republic are all wrong.
So that is your source, TV?
Well they are getting it wrong.
The fact many people will meekly comply with illegal demands by police, does NOT mean it is legal.
It is not.
Police are NOT ever supposed to ask you to leave the car unless you are already under arrest for something.

Yes, that's my source. It's a show where they send out a camera man with the real police. It's not staged, there are no scripts. It's a show where you see actual police in real life police situations.

When they pull over a suspicious person, the first thing they do is get that person out of the car. Their number one priority is their safety and that of the public. They don't know if he's armed, they don't know why he refused to stop for them, they don't know if he's on drugs, drunk, or in a fit of rage. After the suspect is disabled from presenting any harm, then they proceed to go through the situation.

The problem in our country is not the police. The problem in our country is having people who refuse to believe there is authority over them.
That's just revealing how screwed up policing is in the country that you find this behavior acceptable.

It's not. It shouldn't be. We don't have to live in a country where police are at liberty to act like thugs.

Which is why this is evidence that one country is not working out for us and hasn't for a very long time. You want the suspect or criminal to control the cops, and we want the cops controlling the suspect or criminal. And don't say that isn't so.

I seen a video of Mayor Lighthead in Chicago wanting legislation passed that the cops cannot chase a suspect. Her liberal ideal world means a guy stabs somebody in the gut and is dying, the cops come and the guy runs away, and all the police can do is wave goodbye.

You may want to live that way, but I don't. That's why we need to divide this country into two countries instead.
Dude wasn’t a criminal. He isn’t a criminal. He didn’t deserve to be treated that way.

I want the cops to behave like rational, respectful public servants, not like angry thugs drunk on their power.
I am quite shocked Ray doesn't know this. It is like he grew up in an authoritarian state like the USSR or Nazi Germany.


Compared to what, growing up in a jungle that has no law and order? Our country was founded on law and order. Our representatives write laws, we hire police, and they enforce the laws written by the people we elected to write them.

Our nation was founded on the principles of natural rights.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

These were always violated by the red coats then . . . and these authoritarian fascist pigs now, who act just like them.

So that is your source, TV?
Well they are getting it wrong.
The fact many people will meekly comply with illegal demands by police, does NOT mean it is legal.
It is not.
Police are NOT ever supposed to ask you to leave the car unless you are already under arrest for something.

Yes, that's my source. It's a show where they send out a camera man with the real police. It's not staged, there are no scripts. It's a show where you see actual police in real life police situations.

When they pull over a suspicious person, the first thing they do is get that person out of the car. Their number one priority is their safety and that of the public. They don't know if he's armed, they don't know why he refused to stop for them, they don't know if he's on drugs, drunk, or in a fit of rage. After the suspect is disabled from presenting any harm, then they proceed to go through the situation.

The problem in our country is not the police. The problem in our country is having people who refuse to believe there is authority over them.

But there isn't though.


Folks are sovereign and free. We are a free nation of free people. WE ARE NOT A POLICE STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We vote for folks for people to represent us, not be authorities over us.
Police had no additional authority everyone else does not already have.
We do not give police ANY authority at all and we can not give police any authority.
There is no means by which that can happen.
What police do is temporarily borrow OUR authority when they act in our defense.

That does NOT include ordering anyone out of their vehicle, and it is NOT legal for police to try to do that unless you are guilty of a crime and are under arrest.
The only authority police have is IDENTICAL to that authority all people have at all times, and that does NOT include ordering anyone out of a vehicle.

If the police have no more authority than any common citizen, talk to your representatives and get rid of your police force. I'd love to see some liberal city do that. In fact I wish these liberal cities did defund their police departments. See what kind of environment you end up with when you have no authority.

Any person can do what police do.
The only difference is that police essentially own the road you drive on, but if you drive on a private road, then the owner of the road can pull you over for violating the rules of that private road just the same as police do.
You seem to think there is some kind of hierarchy above the people in a democratic republic, and there isn't.
The people are at the top.
The police are underneath them, and only borrow our authority when they protect us.
Your view of police, authority, and a democratic republic are all wrong.
IT comes from the TEE VEE.

The folks with the weakest minds buy into the billionaires propaganda.
Folks are sovereign and free. We are a free nation of free people. WE ARE NOT A POLICE STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet you happily comply with the orders of your local baby hitler about wearing a mask or asking friends over for Christmas
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
Glad to hear he was fired. But, I think the police union will get him a job elsewhere.

Temporary victory. We need major change
There was no force making this man use pepper spray. The cop came at the man way to aggressively and hostilely. A civil conversation at the mans window explaining why he was pulled over was all that was needed. Why do turds like you always have to take the other side to these debates. There is a clear right and wrong here. Not a right and left. You wonder why the race card gets used on the Right so often? It’s because your default position always seems to ignore and dismiss the racial elements to situations like these

It's you on the left that uses the race card, not us on the right. Race was not an issue here. They had no idea this was a black guy they pulled over. When they got out of their car with their guns drawn, they didn't know it was a black guy who was driving. The officer was yelling not knowing who or how many were in the vehicle. So don't make this a race issue when race had nothing to do with it. You people always do this.
Oh I promise you if it was a white mother driving with her children the cop would have holstered that weapon and apologized and probably let her off with a warning. Stop playing games
My panties are sitting just fine. But what is your opinion based on? You think he took too long to pull over? Do you think it more wise and safe to pull over on a dark roadside or a well lit and public area? Have you considered the fear of cops that black people have grown up with their entire lives and why that army officer chose to go where he went?

before i answer this...are you male or female. From the post i'm guessing female.
Let’s just assume I represent all males and females who share my perspective. And for us that are wearing panties... they are sitting just fine. We appreciate your concern though
Oh I promise you if it was a white mother driving with her children the cop would have holstered that weapon and apologized
Dont count on an apology when the lic tag is so poorly displayed

But black males are a real threat to the lives if police officers so extra caution is wise

if the black guy has followed instructions he would not have been pepper sprayed

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