Official DHS “Operation ENDGAME”: Detention and Removal Strategy


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama's thugs at the DHS like to prepare and all.

Bring it commies


Official DHS “Operation ENDGAME”: Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland (DHS/ICE docs included) November 8. 2013

For those that are not aware, “Operation Endgame” is an official document created by DHS, designed to create the needed framework for mass detention & removal of a substantial number of the domestic populous through combined efforts of a plethora of federal agencies (with optional international assistance if/when required), when the government deems it’s “necessary”.

The document is written under the seemingly innocent guise of “illegal immigration” but the truth is “operation endgame” has nothing to do with race or immigration per-say. It is created to be used as the primary plan of action (framework) against domestic dissidents in the fairly near future. Understand that if/when you are deemed a “enemy combatant” you lose your official status as a US citizen, which allows this programs “immigration” targeting and protocols to apply directly to you, which is exactly how this framework is designed to function (via loophole).

Think of it as Rex84 2.0, and it has allowed DHS, ICE and various other federal agencies (sometimes including foreign troops) to train in concert for the last 10+ years for the mass detention and/or removal of select groups within the populous that the government deems a threat, under the false pretext of “rounding up dem Mexicans”. Operation Endgame is the brainchild of the Bush War of Terror, and initial work began on the operation directly following 9/11 (Sept 2001).
The only way people will believe this is when it starts, by the time that happens it will be too late for a large portion of this country.
The only way people will believe this is when it starts, by the time that happens it will be too late for a large portion of this country.

Indeed- Interesting why the documents need written for a contingency that will never come, according to the libs

Prepare, defend, protect


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