Official Election results thread

The AP has called Penn for Trump.


The Associated Press (@AP) | Twitter
God will handle it.

How does your God handle life-long adulterers and pussy grabbers who shamelessly lie while shaking a bible in your gullible face?


Don't be that hard on Bill tonight. Come on.

Trump said something dirty in a private conversation with someone 11 years ago. Your candidate has been cussing Secret Service and her own staff for decades and they say she cursed worse than anyone they ever heard in their life yet I haven't heard you mention that. Hillary just blew up recently at her own Chairman Donna Brazille and cussed in front of an NBC Executive because Matt Lauer asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by her during a Forum. Presidential? Calm and steady? I think not.

Look. Trump had a potty mouth 11 years ago. Hillary Clinton had multiple criminal investigations going on by the FBI while she was running for the highest office in the land up until a week ago. The NYPD said that what they found on Wiener's laptop is enough to send her and her friends to prison for life. There is simply no comparison. I'll take Mr. Potty mouth (from 11 years ago). Thank you.

SAID SOMETHING? That is a crazy statement.

The guy had three wifes, openly cheated on them and was talking about pussy grabbing married women while married to the last one! A testimony many women corroborated in detail.

He couldn't even quote even one line out of his MOST FAVORITE BOOK EVER.
We are going to have to try to unite the country. We need some positive movement for minorities and getting jobs for everyone who wants one. If they don't want one, but are able bodied, take them off the welfare rolls.

You expect to unite the country when Trump has campaigned on nothing but division?

You and your ilk will be destroyed!

I am here forever.

I'm sorry, I was busy looking over the list of conservative justices for the SCOTUS Trump will nominate, what were you saying?
But, but, but... republicans are not capable of winning elections on the national level. The media said so...

Trump was able to find surprisingly many poorly educated whites to eat up his bullshit and ask for seconds.

That's why the smug elitist prissy Hillary camp lost, keep insulting American citizens see how that works out for you.

Huh? What does Trump offer someone of Hispanic heritage?

Fact is, Trump played on the "Ameericah!" hearts of the rural white voters with the shot guns in the back of their trucks... and Trump is a Wall Street fat cat that really doesn't give 2 shits about them. After a year of Trump being in office they'll get a rude awakening.
And the Dems import people who will always vote for them, only when they don't BECAUSE THEY DONT EANT TO COMPETE FOR RESOURCES You call them shameful. SHAME ON YOU,

Again... WTF are you talking about? You think it is ok to make a better life for yourself, and once you get there you want to hold everyone down? That's your approach on life?
When you allow uneducated, drug dealers and criminals come to our country, it usurps the resources of our country. They should be "accepted" to come to our country just as they do us.


Where the fuck is your family tree from? Are you one of those violent criminal drunk Irish?

You are the one demanding that anyone is referring to all Hispanics.

Everyone else is referring only to those that are in the country illegally and even then no one is saying all of them are drug dealers. They are, however, criminals by the definition of the word.

No... I'll say this just one more time. Many Hispanics in Florida, some say 50%, voted for Trump because they want stricter immigration and fewer immigrants allowed into the U.S. What's the problem with this? It's because many of them are here in the U.S because of immigration. They are already U.S. citizens, but now they want to make it harder for Hispanics just like them to get to the U.S. and become citizens. That's just wrong.

Let me give you an example... We are in a pit full of snakes, and fortunately for me, I can jump up and grab the ledge and pull myself up out of the pit. So then I'm left with two choices. I can give you a big middle finger and get out of dodge, so that I don't have to worry about you following as extra baggage, or I can reach down into the pit and help pull you out. These Hispanics in my mind are giving a big fuck you to hopeful Hispanic immigrants.
But, but, but... republicans are not capable of winning elections on the national level. The media said so...

Trump was able to find surprisingly many poorly educated whites to eat up his bullshit and ask for seconds.

That's why the smug elitist prissy Hillary camp lost, keep insulting American citizens see how that works out for you.


They bitch slapped you fools.

I don't know about the other states but the exit polling in Florida indicated that the majority of college educated people voted for Trump instead of that Crooked Hillary bitch.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto big cities of the country that is is not exactly known for being educated.
Hume said they were not ready to call it yet. Give 'em a few.

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