Official Election results thread

God will handle it.

How does your God handle life-long adulterers and pussy grabbers who shamelessly lie while shaking a bible in your gullible face?


Don't be that hard on Bill tonight. Come on.

Trump said something dirty in a private conversation with someone 11 years ago. Your candidate has been cussing Secret Service and her own staff for decades and they say she cursed worse than anyone they ever heard in their life yet I haven't heard you mention that. Hillary just blew up recently at her own Chairman Donna Brazille and cussed in front of an NBC Executive because Matt Lauer asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by her during a Forum. Presidential? Calm and steady? I think not.

Look. Trump had a potty mouth 11 years ago. Hillary Clinton had multiple criminal investigations going on by the FBI while she was running for the highest office in the land up until a week ago. The NYPD said that what they found on Wiener's laptop is enough to send her and her friends to prison for life. There is simply no comparison. I'll take Mr. Potty mouth (from 11 years ago). Thank you.
Of course it was God's will! Do you think I set out to pray against God's will? I didn't get to praying until I knew that I knew that I knew that it was His Will and I was just praying in agreement with his will! God answers prayer! There were millions of us praying and He heard our prayers and rendered a verdict in our favor! Now you'll just have to accept that and the Democrats had better not try to mess with what God has already done or they will find themselves fighting against Him! VERY BAD IDEA.

Good. Then you wan't have a problem accepting the damage that will be done. The stock markets all over the world are already crashing. Aren't you proud?
And what are you going to say when they fully recover as they always do?

Stock markets always recover. The crash is an indication of how that idiot is going to effect the world. We will be lucky to keep any allies.

We have seen that for the last eight years. Legacy has been trashed.

Obama's legacy is fine. The reputation of the presidency is trashed by trump
God will handle it.

How does your God handle life-long adulterers and pussy grabbers who shamelessly lie while shaking a bible in your gullible face?


Photo shop much?

Stop your fucking whining. Loser.
God will handle it. The charges against him are bogus. They did that to him to take the heat off of Hillary and the multiple FBI investigations into her foundation, emails, server, pedophile island and her satanic friends.

You really believe that? Look at all the other false accusations that have been proven to be lies. Wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove? You are neither.

Stop drinking and posting......

God deals with people as he see fit.

He also says that we let judgement to him.

Really? Is that why you wanted to deny rights to gays?

What rights ?

The ones that don't exist ?

Those rights ?

The rights that the Supreme court said they had.

How can you deny those rights to someone.
Again... WTF are you talking about? You think it is ok to make a better life for yourself, and once you get there you want to hold everyone down? That's your approach on life?

How are we "holding people down" by declining to import them here?

People of Hispanic heritage that were able to get here and become citizens, yet now they want to stop other people of Hispanic heritage from coming here and becoming citizens... why is this such a difficult thing to understand? Can someone back me up here and tell me I'm not crazy?
Legally is the operative word missing.

They want less immigration, not just legal immigration.
Yep. Open borders up to persecuted Afrikaans and Europeans.
Open borders to anyone who speaks English and passes heavy vetting.
Is that why he penned that ridiculous about-nothing letter 11 days before election that dropped Hillary's numbers by a few %? Is that why he never talked about ongoing investigation on Trump's Russian connection?

Yea, Clintons really had that set-for-8-year-term Republican on a short leash :rolleyes:

Nobody has a clue what the hell Comey has been doing. We know that he has not been effectively investigating the crimes of Crooked Hillary.

That is why we need President Trump to have somebody reliable to investigate the crimes of Crooked Hillary and then throw her in jail.

However, for the time being we can all take joy in that fact that barring a miracle tonight the filthy ass bitch will not be President.
Trump will appoint Giuliani to be AG, and he will prosecute Hillary and throw away the key. He doesn't need the FBI if he has a Republican AG who isn't subservient to the Clinton gang.
Don't forget removing the EO where Obama made it law that his birth and school records could be sealed...

Oh, HAPPY JOY on that, I"d forgotten about it!
How are we "holding people down" by declining to import them here?

People of Hispanic heritage that were able to get here and become citizens, yet now they want to stop other people of Hispanic heritage from coming here and becoming citizens... why is this such a difficult thing to understand? Can someone back me up here and tell me I'm not crazy?
Legally is the operative word missing.

They want less immigration, not just legal immigration.
Yep. Open borders up to persecuted Afrikaans and Europeans.
Open borders to anyone who speaks English and passes heavy vetting.

Under Trump? Open borders for only hot women that have more than a B cup. Because a flat chested woman can't be a 10.
We are going to have to try to unite the country. We need some positive movement for minorities and getting jobs for everyone who wants one. If they don't want one, but are able bodied, take them off the welfare rolls.

Yea, such a thoroughly failed, popular administration.:rolleyes:

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump ran on a platform to make America Great Again, which was a refutation of Obama's failed administration.

If the American people really thought America was already great due to Obama then Trump wouldn't have won.

Just face it Moon Bat. The American people have elected a Republican House, Senate and President and that is a slap in the face of the filthy Democrats.

Historically, parties have been able to keep presidency after 2 term presidency only 1 time in last 100 years.

Bill Clinton was VERY popular and his vice president still lost.

Trump was a good candidate for Democrats to beat the odds and Hillary had the best chance to do it out of availbale Democratic candidates, but wasn't enough.
Is that why he penned that ridiculous about-nothing letter 11 days before election that dropped Hillary's numbers by a few %? Is that why he never talked about ongoing investigation on Trump's Russian connection?

Yea, Clintons really had that set-for-8-year-term Republican on a short leash :rolleyes:

Nobody has a clue what the hell Comey has been doing. We know that he has not been effectively investigating the crimes of Crooked Hillary.

That is why we need President Trump to have somebody reliable to investigate the crimes of Crooked Hillary and then throw her in jail.

However, for the time being we can all take joy in that fact that barring a miracle tonight the filthy ass bitch will not be President.

Comey gave the election to trump.

Don't know if he straight gave it to him, but lets just say Trump and him will have a wonderful relationship for a very long time.
No! replace Comey and put in Juliano who knows how to prosecute a case!

Yea, such a thoroughly failed, popular administration.:rolleyes:

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump ran on a platform to make America Great Again, which was a refutation of Obama's failed administration.

If the American people really thought America was already great due to Obama then Trump wouldn't have won.

Just face it Moon Bat. The American people have elected a Republican House, Senate and President and that is a slap in the face of the filthy Democrats.

Historically, parties have been able to keep presidency after 2 term presidency only 1 time in last 100 years.

Bill Clinton was VERY popular and his vice president still lost.

Trump was a good candidate for Democrats to beat the odds and Hillary had the best chance to do it out of availbale Democratic candidates, but wasn't enough.

Regardless....this election sucked.

I have never been so glad for something to be over than I am tonight.....

Regardless of who wins.

Yea, such a thoroughly failed, popular administration.:rolleyes:

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump ran on a platform to make America Great Again, which was a refutation of Obama's failed administration.

If the American people really thought America was already great due to Obama then Trump wouldn't have won.

Just face it Moon Bat. The American people have elected a Republican House, Senate and President and that is a slap in the face of the filthy Democrats.
But, but, but... republicans are not capable of winning elections on the national level. The media said so...
Of course it was God's will! Do you think I set out to pray against God's will? I didn't get to praying until I knew that I knew that I knew that it was His Will and I was just praying in agreement with his will! God answers prayer! There were millions of us praying and He heard our prayers and rendered a verdict in our favor! Now you'll just have to accept that and the Democrats had better not try to mess with what God has already done or they will find themselves fighting against Him! VERY BAD IDEA.

Good. Then you wan't have a problem accepting the damage that will be done. The stock markets all over the world are already crashing. Aren't you proud?
And what are you going to say when they fully recover as they always do?

Stock markets always recover. The crash is an indication of how that idiot is going to effect the world. We will be lucky to keep any allies.
Not really.

Obama was not the end. Bush was not the end. Trump is not going to be as disastrous as the left says.

You should feel personally responsible for what he causes. You helped put him there.
And just how did I do that?

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