Official State of the Union Thread

Here is my take: That was one sympathy-sucking SOTU to not investigate and indict and/or impeach Trump.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
again about party and not about country. they showed that at the SOTU last evening. too bad.
You can read more if you like:

Mr. Trump said that America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and that production has hit a record high.

This is true.

The United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world since 2013, a trend that began under the Obama administration thanks in large part to advances in shale drilling techniques.

Mr. Trump claimed nearly 5 million people have been lifted off food stamps.

This is exaggerated.

The number of Americans in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program decreased by more than 3.5 million between February 2017 — Mr. Trump’s first full month in office — to September 2018, according to the latest available data. By comparison, the number of people receiving the aid decreased by 5 million from June 2015 to January 2017.

Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

This is false.

In an interview last month, Governor Northam said that he supported a late-term abortion bill that would loosen restrictions on the procedure, and allow women to consult with a doctor on an abortion up to, but not including, the time of birth.

The governor, a pediatric neurologist, also talked about some of the dangerous medical emergencies that pregnant women could face, such as carrying a nonviable fetus. He said that in such a case, the mother would deliver the infant and then, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” While Mr. Northam was talking about an end-of-life care discussion in the case of a child that would not live, Republicans seized on his remarks as evidence that Mr. Northam supported killing babies after their birth.

Mr. Trump said his administration is holding talks with several groups in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American forces last month killed one of the leaders of the 2000 bombing of the naval destroyer Cole.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American troops have been “fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.”

This is false.

American troops deployed to Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, to begin Operation Enduring Freedom — the American military and NATO mission to rid Afghanistan of Al Qaeda. But Afghanistan is not technically considered part of the Middle East — it is in southwest Asia. The United States invaded Iraq, which is in the Middle East, in March 2003 — nearly 16 years ago.

Mr. Trump said that lawmakers in New York cheered the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

This is misleading.

On Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat of New York, signed the Reproductive Health Act, which ensures a woman’s right to an abortion in New York if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. It does not broadly allow abortions until shortly before birth, as Mr. Trump suggested. Instead, it will allow for an abortion after 24 weeks to protect the mother’s health or if the fetus is not viable. Under the prior law, abortions were allowed after 24 weeks only if the woman’s life was in jeopardy.

Fact Checking the 2019 State of the Union Address
Lol Obama tried to stop the oil boom. I didn't read after that because of that lie.
Domestic oil production boomed under Obama
Sure, that's why gas was $4 a gallon for most of his presidency.

You think the POTUS controls the price of gasoline! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

Is there anything you statist will not give the government credit for?
Outstanding speech by an outstand president. 76% approval ratings on the SOTU speech. Hit all the right points, made the dems look like fools and reassured the American people that he puts them first.
It was 80 fucking minutes of that fat, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, egomaniacal loser blabbering on?

And you Dinosaurs and sheep actually wasted 80 minutes of your lives watching it? people must be INCREDIBLY boring people. You probably got all worked up about it and cheered and all that little, trained minion shit.

You people are the EXACT opposite of 'cool'.

I didn't see one second of it before I watched the above vids I posted (or any other live SOTU for at least 20 years)...but I already pretty much know what he said:

'I am a fantastic POTUS, the country is amazing...better then ever, we need a wall desperately, let's work together (but doing it my way), blah, blah, blah....did I mention how great of a job I am doing?'

POTUS Manchild trying to look cool and adult...and looking like a complete idiot.
You can read more if you like:

Mr. Trump said that America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and that production has hit a record high.

This is true.

The United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world since 2013, a trend that began under the Obama administration thanks in large part to advances in shale drilling techniques.

Mr. Trump claimed nearly 5 million people have been lifted off food stamps.

This is exaggerated.

The number of Americans in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program decreased by more than 3.5 million between February 2017 — Mr. Trump’s first full month in office — to September 2018, according to the latest available data. By comparison, the number of people receiving the aid decreased by 5 million from June 2015 to January 2017.

Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

This is false.

In an interview last month, Governor Northam said that he supported a late-term abortion bill that would loosen restrictions on the procedure, and allow women to consult with a doctor on an abortion up to, but not including, the time of birth.

The governor, a pediatric neurologist, also talked about some of the dangerous medical emergencies that pregnant women could face, such as carrying a nonviable fetus. He said that in such a case, the mother would deliver the infant and then, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” While Mr. Northam was talking about an end-of-life care discussion in the case of a child that would not live, Republicans seized on his remarks as evidence that Mr. Northam supported killing babies after their birth.

Mr. Trump said his administration is holding talks with several groups in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American forces last month killed one of the leaders of the 2000 bombing of the naval destroyer Cole.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American troops have been “fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.”

This is false.

American troops deployed to Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, to begin Operation Enduring Freedom — the American military and NATO mission to rid Afghanistan of Al Qaeda. But Afghanistan is not technically considered part of the Middle East — it is in southwest Asia. The United States invaded Iraq, which is in the Middle East, in March 2003 — nearly 16 years ago.

Mr. Trump said that lawmakers in New York cheered the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

This is misleading.

On Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat of New York, signed the Reproductive Health Act, which ensures a woman’s right to an abortion in New York if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. It does not broadly allow abortions until shortly before birth, as Mr. Trump suggested. Instead, it will allow for an abortion after 24 weeks to protect the mother’s health or if the fetus is not viable. Under the prior law, abortions were allowed after 24 weeks only if the woman’s life was in jeopardy.

Fact Checking the 2019 State of the Union Address
Lol Obama tried to stop the oil boom. I didn't read after that because of that lie.
Domestic oil production boomed under Obama
Sure, that's why gas was $4 a gallon for most of his presidency.

You think the POTUS controls the price of gasoline! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

Is there anything you statist will not give the government credit for?
They can by certain policies. Like when Bush stated he would open Alaska drilling. The price fell over night. But no the president really don't have control over prices.
Here is my take: That was one sympathy-sucking SOTU to not investigate and indict and/or impeach Trump.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans
how do you figure when dems own the KKK. you don't know this? wow, don't you look foolish. here a teaching moment for you...

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Kissed by Former Klan Member

"It’s also true that Robert Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and helped establish the hate group’s chapter in Sophia, West Virginia. However, in 1952 Byrd avowed that “After about a year, I became disinterested [in the KKK], quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization,” and throughout his long political career (he served for 57 years in the United States Congress) he repeatedly apologized for his involvement with the KKK:"

DEMOCRAT, unless you can't hear or read, DEMOCRAT
It was 80 fucking minutes of that fat, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, egomaniacal loser blabbering on?

And you Dinosaurs and sheep actually wasted 80 minutes of your lives watching it? people must be INCREDIBLY boring people. You probably got all worked up about it and cheered and all that little, trained minion shit.

You people are the EXACT opposite of 'cool'.

I didn't see one second of it (or any other live SOTU for at least 20 years)...but I already pretty much know what he said:

'I am a fantastic POTUS, the country is amazing...better then ever, we need a wall desperately, let's work together (but doing it my way), blah, blah, blah....did I mention how great of a job I am doing?'
No, Obama was the I man in his speeches.
Trump made the threat that unless he gets what he wants & end all investigations that he will not sign any legislation.
never heard him say that. hmmmmm you made up that up right?

Hhhhmmmmm....I guess you only recall what you want to hear...

Trump urges an end to 'partisan investigations' while touting bipartisan cooperation

But Nancy is not going to stop. The criminal regime will be exposed....

Mueller and his investigation are being conducted by the Republican Dept of Justice

Hardly partisan
Here is my take: That was one sympathy-sucking SOTU to not investigate and indict and/or impeach Trump.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see
Lol, you're kidding right? They raided Trumps lawyers office. Let's do the same with Hillary? Ok?
Here is my take: That was one sympathy-sucking SOTU to not investigate and indict and/or impeach Trump.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see
What we will see is that the Democrats have nothing to bring to the House but gridlock and trash talk. Very sad.

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