Official State of the Union Thread

The left thinks saying something many times that means it's true and not a lie

Their lies are so easy to proven wrong
Tell me, what did we get for that extra 1.48 trillion added to the national debt? did we spend it fixing infrastructure? what did we get for it?

Are we talking about the $1 Trillion failed NON-Shovel-Ready Obama Stimulus Bill that contained over $7,000 pieces of DNC-Only self-party-serving pork that ended up costing US tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have saved / created....that failed to keep unemployment below 9% like he promised....

OR are we talking about tax dollars Trump and the GOP has spent that has resulted in:
- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market
- Better trade deals for Americans
- No more govt/Dems dependence - more independence
- NATO paying their fair share for their defense
- US hostages returned without paying ransoms
- NO defense of/aiding/assisting/arming/funding terrorists
- No more dragging the US into wars to help terrorists

So, you think it is government spending that is responsible for:

- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market

Well, that explains why you are such a statist. It all make sense now.
The results of the Trump Presidency, having successfully accomplished more in 2 years than Obama was able to in 8, speaks for itself.

You would have American believe, like Obama tries to do, that the President who gave up on trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US and told Americans to accept their being gone forever as 'the new norm' is somehow responsible for those same manufacturing jobs coming back and for the economic turn around we now have.....

Such a belief / declaration defies the facts, common sense, and sanity!

It proves YOU are a lying, Trump-Hating, indoctrinated, easily emotionally-manipulated Socialist Democrat Obama-pologist BOOB to whom it is a complete waste of time talking to.

I have never given Obama credit for anything but fucking up the healthcare system worse than it was.

You though give Trump and the government credit for every good thing that happens in this country.

It is amazing the things that you statist will give the government credit for.

I have never seen such love and devotion to the government as I see in you
Tell me, what did we get for that extra 1.48 trillion added to the national debt? did we spend it fixing infrastructure? what did we get for it?

Are we talking about the $1 Trillion failed NON-Shovel-Ready Obama Stimulus Bill that contained over $7,000 pieces of DNC-Only self-party-serving pork that ended up costing US tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have saved / created....that failed to keep unemployment below 9% like he promised....

OR are we talking about tax dollars Trump and the GOP has spent that has resulted in:
- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market
- Better trade deals for Americans
- No more govt/Dems dependence - more independence
- NATO paying their fair share for their defense
- US hostages returned without paying ransoms
- NO defense of/aiding/assisting/arming/funding terrorists
- No more dragging the US into wars to help terrorists

So, you think it is government spending that is responsible for:

- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market

Well, that explains why you are such a statist. It all make sense now.
The results of the Trump Presidency, having successfully accomplished more in 2 years than Obama was able to in 8, speaks for itself.

You would have American believe, like Obama tries to do, that the President who gave up on trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US and told Americans to accept their being gone forever as 'the new norm' is somehow responsible for those same manufacturing jobs coming back and for the economic turn around we now have.....

Such a belief / declaration defies the facts, common sense, and sanity!

It proves YOU are a lying, Trump-Hating, indoctrinated, easily emotionally-manipulated Socialist Democrat Obama-pologist BOOB to whom it is a complete waste of time talking to.

I have never given Obama credit for anything but fucking up the healthcare system worse than it was.

You though give Trump and the government credit for every good thing that happens in this country.

It is amazing the things that you statist will give the government credit for.

I have never seen such love and devotion to the government as I see in you

Yup, that's what happens when we get a president that looks out for this country.
Tell me, what did we get for that extra 1.48 trillion added to the national debt? did we spend it fixing infrastructure? what did we get for it?

Are we talking about the $1 Trillion failed NON-Shovel-Ready Obama Stimulus Bill that contained over $7,000 pieces of DNC-Only self-party-serving pork that ended up costing US tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have saved / created....that failed to keep unemployment below 9% like he promised....

OR are we talking about tax dollars Trump and the GOP has spent that has resulted in:
- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market
- Better trade deals for Americans
- No more govt/Dems dependence - more independence
- NATO paying their fair share for their defense
- US hostages returned without paying ransoms
- NO defense of/aiding/assisting/arming/funding terrorists
- No more dragging the US into wars to help terrorists

So, you think it is government spending that is responsible for:

- The strongest economy in decades
- The lowest economy in decades
- The lowest minority employment in recorded history
- The most # of Americans working at 1 time
- Jobs Obama said would never come back to the US back
- Higher wages, raises, bonuses, & increased opportunities
- A record # of Americans off Welfare/Food Stamps/ etc...
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market

Well, that explains why you are such a statist. It all make sense now.
The results of the Trump Presidency, having successfully accomplished more in 2 years than Obama was able to in 8, speaks for itself.

You would have American believe, like Obama tries to do, that the President who gave up on trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US and told Americans to accept their being gone forever as 'the new norm' is somehow responsible for those same manufacturing jobs coming back and for the economic turn around we now have.....

Such a belief / declaration defies the facts, common sense, and sanity!

It proves YOU are a lying, Trump-Hating, indoctrinated, easily emotionally-manipulated Socialist Democrat Obama-pologist BOOB to whom it is a complete waste of time talking to.

I have never given Obama credit for anything but fucking up the healthcare system worse than it was.

You though give Trump and the government credit for every good thing that happens in this country.

It is amazing the things that you statist will give the government credit for.

I have never seen such love and devotion to the government as I see in you

Yup, that's what happens when we get a president that looks out for this country.

Damn, another statist that gives the government credit for all the hard work of the private sector.

you people and your government worship is too much to take.
I believe he hit a home run. Was disappointed in the Democrats response during the speech. Obvious no class. The hate and contempt were obvious. The response from Georgia Stacy Adams was nonessential, catering to Hispanic by saying "Immigrants are what makes this country great and not walls" On that note, I tuned her out. No vote for her for the Senate she plans to run. Walls are what has kept this country safe. But we could make the border safer. Caravans on the border and on the way prove the border is not safe.


Trump vows to reject far-left economics and call to become a Socialist Nation in the SotU Speech, as key Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party sat watching 'stone-faced'

One of the most powerful moments in the SotU Speech was when the President brought up how the history of Socialism and the current collapse of Socialist Venezuela - once the richest country in South America - reminds us the self-destructive lesson of embracing Socialism, despite how many times oppressive governments and dictators arrogantly declared, in the past 'Yes, but that won't happen to us.'

President Trump vowed that 'tonight' the United States was re-committing itself to liberty, freedom, and democracy on which our Founding Fathers built this nation. He then declared, 'We will NEVER be a Socialist Nation'.

In that moment the chamber erupted with applause and chants of 'USA, USA, USA', as even Democrats rose to their feet clapping...except for the Democratic party's 2 most extreme Socialists - D-Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and D-NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer rose to their feet in applause at the President's declaration.

CBS's Poll shows 76% approved of the President's Speech. Even CNN's own poll showed the majority of the country (59%) rated his speech as 'VERY Positive'. (Now we know why Pelosi tried to stop the SotU Speech and did not want the President to speak to the country.)

I have a suggestion for D-Socialist Sanders & D-Socialist Ocasio-Cortez:

If they truly believe that Socialism is the way to go and they have the blueprint for a better Socialism than Venezuela had, one that will succeed where they failed, why don't they go to Venezuela and pitch / implement their ideas. After they turn the country around and succeed they can bring their victorious brand of Socialism back to the United States for us all to embrace......

OH WAIT - that won't work. Venezuela just kicked their failed socialist regime / dictator out of power and turned their back on historically proven failed Socialism. That's why Sanders and Ocasio-Cotez stay here, trying to convince those who have never experienced Socialism and the collapse of a country due to it 1st-hand.

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I am no fan of socialism.

But you have no clue how utterly stupid, obsessed and pathetic this post makes you you?

I thought not.

Have a nice day.
Thou shall not attack the religion of the Left, socialism.

It's obvious Little Trumpsters have no clue what real socialism really is,,no, they just suck down talking points and fear tactics.
They are the most gullible group of people I have ever witnesses in my life.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of SOCIALISM
There is an episode of the TV series "two and a half men" the brother who is divorced his ex wife has friends who also divorced having meetings. The playboy brother character is being blamed for all the wrongs of the child's views on men and women relationships. When the playboys brother meets the women who are divorced and have bad attitudes he changes them and party together. Women perform as a group. Men are individualists. All at percentages. Trump got the female progressive socialists dressed in white to applaud a few times. It was so easy. And this with Pelosi giving signals. We are being destroyed from within. And violence will ramp up big time because of it at some point. American women are the most spoiled humans in history in a nation where near everyone has won the lottery of life.
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!

If you don't know the diff between watching actual REAL CBP agents hooching thru the cacti in the dead of night after 4 different backpackers with drug loads with a chopper overhead and a "TV reality show" -- maybe the Auxilliary is shelltering you just a bit.. Because when I watch them tear apart a truck radiator and find enough drugs to kill several thousand people -- I don't think of "Survivor" or "The Batchelor"...

Well, I guess you made my point. You are going to find drugs in trucks going through ports of entry, not crossing the border strapped to an undocumented immigrant wandering through the desert into Cactus Patch AZ.
If someone yelled "YOU LIE!" every time Trump lies tonight, it would QUINTUPLE the length of the speech.
It might be worth it to watch him blow up....tho, honestly, if the Dems laugh at him like the UN did....that's should do it.
I had this weird vision where they carefully seat all the ladies in white to spell out "impeach".

Lay off of drugs.

You gotta be kidding me....My thread on trump people lying about contact with Russia was merged into this one?

Anything to keep facts from the public....trumpettes have no bounds...
Democrats, unlike their uber-partisan and unAmerican counterparts on the right, are able to clap, and clap wholeheartedly for things the President with another letter behind his name than is behind their names.

So much so that even ze Trumpenfuher himself had to exclaim, "You weren't supposed to clap!"

You know why? Because they love America more than they love their party.

Yes, and they show their love for us every single day they fight the wall. Speaking of which......

Trump said we need to put Coyotes, drug smugglers and human traffickers out of business. Republicans stood up and applauded while Democrats just sat there. Gee, I wonder which side they are on? I guess my signature pretty much spells it out.

And what was Nancy doing with those big cards anyway? Looked like the bimbo was at a Bingo game for senior citizens. Did they have pictures for her to understand what was going on?
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."
The more likely scenario is that the cartel member tells Pedro that if he DOESN'T turn over those drugs to Jose, then his family in Mexico will be tortured and die.

Oh, yeah. THAT'S going to happen in your alternative universe.
Trump's SOTU speech included a long list of lies and misrepresentations, and every fact checking source is busy sorting through them and presenting the facts to show just how wrong he was. I was particularly irked by his claim that El Paso was a very dangerous place, and that fence quickly turned it into one of the safest places in the US. El Paso was a very safe place long before any fence.

What do you think his biggest lies were?

I have only one question how many were so fastidious in fact check past presidents state of the Union address?

I know of many false statements made over the years. No one seemed so upset over them.

Every SOTU address is fact checked

And we're you on here quoting facts and non facts for every portion of those addresses? Are were most mistakes just glossed over?
NAZI tactics in the US. It helps to give Stephen Miller a good night's rest....outside of a cage.
In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!
Trump's speeches only cause amnesia in his supporters. One speech is not going make people forget he sucks at bring president.
Not any more than those dozens before him sucks. Obama had to deal with what Bush dumped on him and Trump is having to deal with what a dozen presidents dumped on him. A broken immigration system with 20 million illegals, DACA, and never-ending war in the middle east, healthcare, the day Trump was inaugurated, the debt was $19.9 trillion, and a host of other social problems.

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