Official State of the Union Thread

Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Baby trump said....don't investigate my criminal activity....or I will not play ball.
Any day now.....they got him!!!!! We've heard that for years....and everytime you guys get a hardon...the truth comes and shows what the media told you was wrong, fake or mistaken......and then I get to make fun of lets keep playing this game....just tell me when you're ready for the nutpunch
There are 127 female members of Congress...and only 26 of them are Republicans.

Trump would take credit for AIR
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.
He knew what it dumb are you????
He wrote a letter to a congressmen telling him he wouldtn server with mongrel blacks........holy shit you are a retard

We were talking about the KKK assfuck.

What action did he take in the Senate against blacks?
The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

The Dixiecrats became Republicans. The GOP happily raised the racist banner.

Wrong......prove it
So how the South become Red States?
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Baby trump said....don't investigate my criminal activity....or I will not play ball.
Any day now.....they got him!!!!! We've heard that for years....and everytime you guys get a hardon...the truth comes and shows what the media told you was wrong, fake or mistaken......and then I get to make fun of lets keep playing this game....just tell me when you're ready for the nutpunch
Living on false hopes and dreams.
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Yeah, I saw that photograph. Are we sure he was frowning, and not just constipated?
Trump gave his best speech ever last night. He proved he is the Worst Nazi Ever by singing Happy Birthday to a Holocaust survivor - and the Worst Russian Colluder Ever by canceling the INF treaty. And the look on Bernie's face when Trump took the hard stance against Socialism was was the imagery of the handmaidens of death who wouldn't clap for record low minority unemployment.

Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

It is called SCIENCE you fucking moron. Probably why you don't get it.

Look up the definition.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
So far so good, but Trump still needs to get past the Mueller report to have a decent shot at 2020. But I agree with your OP in that 80% of the voters agree with Trump about border security. Now if Trump can just stop his tweets, he might gain even more support....
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell

You need a better fantasy life.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...
oh yea he framed it alright
Republicans cheering that more women are in Congress when their party made no gains in the number of women or minorities among their ranks.

Republicans cheering the abortion line when they take away access to birth control and pull funding from food stamps & child healthcare.
Same old Dave!!!

Yup. Same old Republican hating, Trump hating rabid dipshit he's been since Trump got elected.
A lot longer than that.Started around 2009 on Topix.
This pretty much sums it up - and how the Dems have fluxored themselves:

Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...
oh yea he framed it alright
And you just show why you will lose again in 2020... Your ignorant and a fool. You believe the propaganda your left wing socialist masters tell you..
I still do not understand why The Democrat Party continues to rely on Brown Slaves imported from South of The Border Illegally to work on their plantations and in their sweat shops, mowing Elite Leftists lawns, cleaning their houses, cooking their food.

They pay these people slave wages and get away with it. They refuse to give them benefits, like health care or retirement and instead urge their employees to get on Welfare so that The American taxpayer is forced to supplement the Slave Labor the Democrat.

When is The Democrat Donor Class going to reject the notion that they need Brown People to pick their cotton?

Just pay Americans more to do it, and they will.
The ultra left showed their ignorance in front of the country during SOU. The old guard Liberals were more reserved. They know the Left is going to drag down the Dem party and take them with it. When Trump said USA will never be Socialist they had to smile and clap. You could see this didn't go well with the new extreme Left. They acted like clowns on national TV. I don't think the American public likes this display of disrespect. I also think this being on national networks will expose the Leftist to the useful idiots who get their news from
these networks. One of the few times Trump can get his message out on Liberal Media without it being twisted.
There are 127 female members of Congress...and only 26 of them are Republicans.

Trump would take credit for AIR
He didn't take credit for any of it....He stated a fact....I mean you guys can squeeze partisanship out of anything.......Trump is way more a uniter than the your ilk.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
so you want that nutpunch now? I mean you guys are delusional......
Im waiting for the Mueller report, just so I can see many lefties jump out of buildings.

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