Official State of the Union Thread

What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
so you want that nutpunch now? I mean you guys are delusional......
Im waiting for the Mueller report, just so I can see many lefties jump out of buildings.
Going to be a lot of high ranking libtards going to Gitmo in the near future.
The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
so you want that nutpunch now? I mean you guys are delusional......
Im waiting for the Mueller report, just so I can see many lefties jump out of buildings.
Going to be a lot of high ranking libtards going to Gitmo in the near future.

You rubes believe the dumbest thing!
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!

If you don't know the diff between watching actual REAL CBP agents hooching thru the cacti in the dead of night after 4 different backpackers with drug loads with a chopper overhead and a "TV reality show" -- maybe the Auxilliary is shelltering you just a bit.. Because when I watch them tear apart a truck radiator and find enough drugs to kill several thousand people -- I don't think of "Survivor" or "The Batchelor"...

Well, I guess you made my point. You are going to find drugs in trucks going through ports of entry, not crossing the border strapped to an undocumented immigrant wandering through the desert into Cactus Patch AZ.

You really have no point.. The mules use the paths of least resistance and risk... For instance....

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
so you want that nutpunch now? I mean you guys are delusional......
Im waiting for the Mueller report, just so I can see many lefties jump out of buildings.
Going to be a lot of high ranking libtards going to Gitmo in the near future.

You rubes believe the dumbest thing!
we're not the ones saying someone will be jailed every other hour.....we just mock them........its called sarcasm.....check into it.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

The Dixiecrats became Republicans. The GOP happily raised the racist banner.

You are seriously delusional on top of being ignorant.

35 southern Democrats walked out in protest. They formed the States' Rights Democratic Party, which became popularly known as the Dixiecrats.

By 1952, southern Democrats had concluded that they could exercise more influence through the Democratic Party and therefore returned to the fold.

I'd bet money you can't actually name a single Dixiecrat other than Strom Thurmond, let alone name one who switched to the Republican Party other than Strom Thurmond. Let me help you out.

James Eastland - Democrat Senator in 1941, and then from 1943-1978
John C. Stennis - Democrat Senator from 1947-1989
John Bell Williams - Democrat Representative from 1947-1968, then Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1968-1972
Fielding Wright - Democrat Lt. Governor of Mississippi from 1944-1946, then Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1946-1952
Hugh White - Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1936-1940, then Mississippi delegate to the 1948 Democrat Convention who walked out to form the Dixiecrats, then Democrat Governor Mississippi from 1952-1956

Are you detecting a theme here?
Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...

Trump will frame the 2020 election from a prison cell
so you want that nutpunch now? I mean you guys are delusional......
Im waiting for the Mueller report, just so I can see many lefties jump out of buildings.
Going to be a lot of high ranking libtards going to Gitmo in the near future.

You rubes believe the dumbest thing!
we're not the ones saying someone will be jailed every other hour.....we just mock them........its called sarcasm.....check into it.

sure you are, it is just a different group that is going to be jailed.

your side has more than your share of "gotcha this time"...

here are a few examples...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

and my personal favorite...from back in May of 2018...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

It has been more than a couple of weeks! :21::21::21::21::21::21:
Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...

And yet, the law isn't medicine, and so not much of a reference for medical terms. Hmmmmm. Do you also look to the AMA to tell you the difference between criminal and civil trials?
Did Wortham say those words "whether it would be allowed to live", or are you twisting the actual quote to mean something other than what he actually said?

You actually going to start a thread about lies, and then lie yourself ? Come on man, what else cold the Gov possibly have been talking about "after birth we'll keep the baby comfortable while the woman and her doctor discuss what to do?"

Whether a new born or an old person at the end of a long life, there are always discussions about what to do when a life is at it's end. Do you resuscitate them for the few more minutes or hours of life that is possible, or do you let them go so they don't have to suffer?

okay that's fine, but the issue is earlier you tried to deny that is what the Governor was discussing. It was exactly what he was discussing.

OK then, Back to my earlier question. Did Wortham say those words "whether it would be allowed to live", or are you twisting the actual quote to mean something other than what he actually said?

Again I will ask, what possible other thing do you think he meant?? Just be honest. I'm open to a discussion about doing away with defective babies . I just want the discussion to be honest. Do you think he meant "well keep the kid comfortable while the mom and the doctor discuss whether the child should have milk or not???"

You KNOW what he meant.

This is an absurd conversation. You do understand that this law has nothing to do with a normal healthy term baby who has been born, don't you? In this case, death is immanent for any one of several reasons, and heroic measures will not substantially extend the life or quality of life,, such as it is. Of course comfort would be given, and the parent would decide if those heroic efforts are taken, or not. Only a ghoul would imply it was anything different.
You actually going to start a thread about lies, and then lie yourself ? Come on man, what else cold the Gov possibly have been talking about "after birth we'll keep the baby comfortable while the woman and her doctor discuss what to do?"

Whether a new born or an old person at the end of a long life, there are always discussions about what to do when a life is at it's end. Do you resuscitate them for the few more minutes or hours of life that is possible, or do you let them go so they don't have to suffer?

okay that's fine, but the issue is earlier you tried to deny that is what the Governor was discussing. It was exactly what he was discussing.

OK then, Back to my earlier question. Did Wortham say those words "whether it would be allowed to live", or are you twisting the actual quote to mean something other than what he actually said?

Again I will ask, what possible other thing do you think he meant?? Just be honest. I'm open to a discussion about doing away with defective babies . I just want the discussion to be honest. Do you think he meant "well keep the kid comfortable while the mom and the doctor discuss whether the child should have milk or not???"

You KNOW what he meant.

This is an absurd conversation. You do understand that this law has nothing to do with a normal healthy term baby who has been born, don't you? In this case, death is immanent for any one of several reasons, and heroic measures will not substantially extend the life or quality of life,, such as it is. Of course comfort would be given, and the parent would decide if those heroic efforts are taken, or not. Only a ghoul would imply it was anything different.

You are incorrect. When Northam questioned Tran, she said that the law did not prohibit killing healthy, full term babies.
Democrats, unlike their uber-partisan and unAmerican counterparts on the right, are able to clap, and clap wholeheartedly for things the President with another letter behind his name than is behind their names.

So much so that even ze Trumpenfuher himself had to exclaim, "You weren't supposed to clap!"

You know why? Because they love America more than they love their party.


They first look at each other like asking, should we clap for this?

And Trump didn't say: "You weren't supposed to clap."

Go back to the safe place.
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Yeah, I saw that photograph. Are we sure he was frowning, and not just constipated?
That’s all that bile that’s back up. Needs to drain the bowels.
The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

The Dixiecrats became Republicans. The GOP happily raised the racist banner.

You are seriously delusional on top of being ignorant.

35 southern Democrats walked out in protest. They formed the States' Rights Democratic Party, which became popularly known as the Dixiecrats.

By 1952, southern Democrats had concluded that they could exercise more influence through the Democratic Party and therefore returned to the fold.

I'd bet money you can't actually name a single Dixiecrat other than Strom Thurmond, let alone name one who switched to the Republican Party other than Strom Thurmond. Let me help you out.

James Eastland - Democrat Senator in 1941, and then from 1943-1978
John C. Stennis - Democrat Senator from 1947-1989
John Bell Williams - Democrat Representative from 1947-1968, then Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1968-1972
Fielding Wright - Democrat Lt. Governor of Mississippi from 1944-1946, then Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1946-1952
Hugh White - Democrat Governor of Mississippi from 1936-1940, then Mississippi delegate to the 1948 Democrat Convention who walked out to form the Dixiecrats, then Democrat Governor Mississippi from 1952-1956

Are you detecting a theme here?

yeah I had a whole thread that crushed Jake Starkey on this......just ask him when the last time the democrat was more conservative than the republican was in a presidential race.......he'll have a hard time answering that......proving his theory is bullshit
Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

It is called SCIENCE you fucking moron. Probably why you don't get it.

Look up the definition.

ROFL The leftist standby. "No, I'm right because I want to be, so I AM. I can't prove it, so YOU go look it up, because I'm just SURE it'll say I'm right."

You would probably also tell a climatologist who was skeptical about global warming that "It's SCIENCE, you moron. Go look it up!" There's just no amount of actual education in a field that could POSSIBLY be more correct than your "it's leftist so THERE!"
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!

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