Official State of the Union Thread

What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.
Republicans cheering that more women are in Congress when their party made no gains in the number of women or minorities among their ranks.

Republicans cheering the abortion line when they take away access to birth control and pull funding from food stamps & child healthcare.
Same old Dave!!!
Trump says that America will never be socialist. Apparently, the farmers in the Midwest receiving subsidies from the government due to losses caused by Trump's tariffs are not actually in America.
Republicans cheering that more women are in Congress when their party made no gains in the number of women or minorities among their ranks.

Republicans cheering the abortion line when they take away access to birth control and pull funding from food stamps & child healthcare.
Same old Dave!!!

Yup. Same old Republican hating, Trump hating rabid dipshit he's been since Trump got elected.
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

The Dixiecrats became Republicans. The GOP happily raised the racist banner.
The stupid Democrats have had a really bad last week with the abortion shit and the racist shit.

It is going get a lot worse when Trump kicks their ass in the SOTU speech.

Then they are going to have the embarrassment of that filthy big ass snaggle tooth Ghetto Black be their spokesperson.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Baby trump said....don't investigate my criminal activity....or I will not play ball.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

The Dixiecrats became Republicans. The GOP happily raised the racist banner.

Wrong......prove it
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.
Great speech, a real eye opener to watch the pompous looks and additudes of both Chuckie and brainless Pelosi during the entire speech ! Plus priceless to watch Bernie steaming during comments made regarding socialists.

Baby trump said....don't investigate my criminal activity....or I will not play ball.
An obvious threat against our country.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.
He knew what it dumb are you????
He wrote a letter to a congressmen telling him he wouldtn server with mongrel blacks........holy shit you are a retard
Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Republicans cheering that more women are in Congress when their party made no gains in the number of women or minorities among their ranks.

Republicans cheering the abortion line when they take away access to birth control and pull funding from food stamps & child healthcare.
Same old Dave!!!
Yup, stupid in, stupid out.

I saw the left in last night's speech clapping and cheering for shit they had nothing to do with. Wonder if Dave cheers for a sports team? You know, one he has literally nothing to do with....

Retards and the threads they create...
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.

in 1946, Byrd was how old dipshit.

What I wrtote was the truth & you bare just anorther Trump loving asshole.

How old are you? are you 5?
you really have no capacity to think or form an opinion

he was an exalted Cylclops, the leader of the local klan.....and he didn't know what they did? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

wow if the left tells you to off'll be the first to drink the kool aid....God you are dumb

I mean I think this is pretty racist

shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

Trump has never said anything or done anything close to that......but he's a're small brain only has one direction....I cant imagine to be that stupid
Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?
The way this was framed brought to light all of the positive accomplishments of the Trump Presidency while showing the democrats as being the party of illegals, criminals, lower wages, and SOCIALISM.

The abrupt 180 by Pelosie shows just how scared they are. The number of Democrats looking at re-election are now worried sick about being branded an out of touch political class. As of this morning four democrat senators are now firmly with Trump and 12 others are now willing to work with him. More than enough to pass any legislation.

Democrats lost the debate last night and the election has been framed. They can not be happy about this..
Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."
Ah, they are doing the ole semantics post birth abortion......only the left can have that phrase as they don't have compassion at all......

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