Official State of the Union Thread

So it’s in about an hour? :popcorn:

Prolly a lot of Trump self-congratulatory statements. I wonder if he’ll talk about Ginsburg?

Anyone else wondering the same thing?
I'm actually wondering if Ginsburg is going to be there.
Ginsburg does not like Trump. She skipped his last two SOTU's and so was sure to skip this one.

Justice Thomas has not attended a SOTU since 2009. Alito has not attended since 2010.
So it’s in about an hour? :popcorn:

Prolly a lot of Trump self-congratulatory statements. I wonder if he’ll talk about Ginsburg?

Anyone else wondering the same thing?
I'm actually wondering if Ginsburg is going to be there.
Yeah. She’ll be there. Only she’ll be sitting in the dark in the back & no pictures will be allowed of her; and no conservative will be able to recall seeing her there.
See post 1241
Golly! I have been on Medicare for 9 years and I have never had to wait more than 4 days to see my primary care physician, and I live in a retirement community where you can not even buy a house unless you are at least 55 years old.
Good for you.
Has the US imposed the Medicare-For-All' play AOC is pushing for yet?

Have they stripped millions of their existing preferred health care plans as her Socialist plan calls for doing yet?

Of course not, so your volunteered personal story really does not apply to this, does it?

No, it doesn't....It's not relevant at all.


I had to wait two months to see an ortho guy. I had private insurance. Now what?
See another "ortho guy". You had options....I bet.
No now I don't get to choose my doctor!!!! OMG OMG ONG OMG OMG OMG
Sad you don't have better private insurance. My insurance allow me to choose somewhere in the neighborhood of
10-12 doctors from a small community where I live. Orthopedics....around 4

My family and I have Kaiser, we select our own doctor and have access to all specialties in the Bay Area.
is that Nancy Pelosi, or a manicann?

Bruce Jenner, is that you?

"Please help me. I tricked a bunch of retards into believing that Mexico would pay for it. And I don't want to look stupid when they realize I swindled them."
Maybe you should join The Mexican Police in Riot Gear helping to defend our border and theirs.

Maybe you should donate your own money to the wall if you want it to so bad.

Click here to support We The People Will Build the Wall organized by Brian Kolfage

I'll tell you what. You start arguing that Planned Parenthood should be defunded and people who want to pay for other people's abortions can start a go fund me account and I'lll take you seriously.

Well, I think we need to address the REAL elephant in the room regarding the SOTU: how incredibly transphobic and cis-normative the Democrats were. I was just shocked and horrified.

Did you see all those biologically female Democrats wearing white in that exclusionary way, cheering and acting like merely having two X chromosomes was meaningful? It was just hurtful. How dare they applaud achievement based on arbitrary biological sex?
Did Wortham say those words "whether it would be allowed to live", or are you twisting the actual quote to mean something other than what he actually said?

You actually going to start a thread about lies, and then lie yourself ? Come on man, what else cold the Gov possibly have been talking about "after birth we'll keep the baby comfortable while the woman and her doctor discuss what to do?"

Whether a new born or an old person at the end of a long life, there are always discussions about what to do when a life is at it's end. Do you resuscitate them for the few more minutes or hours of life that is possible, or do you let them go so they don't have to suffer?

okay that's fine, but the issue is earlier you tried to deny that is what the Governor was discussing. It was exactly what he was discussing.

OK then, Back to my earlier question. Did Wortham say those words "whether it would be allowed to live", or are you twisting the actual quote to mean something other than what he actually said?

Again I will ask, what possible other thing do you think he meant?? Just be honest. I'm open to a discussion about doing away with defective babies . I just want the discussion to be honest. Do you think he meant "well keep the kid comfortable while the mom and the doctor discuss whether the child should have milk or not???"

You KNOW what he meant.

Did you hear anything about this law only applying to non viable or deformed infants?
Here is my take: That was one sympathy-sucking SOTU to not investigate and indict and/or impeach Trump.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see

what exactly has Heir Mewler discovered in two years and for millions of our tax dollars? tax evasion 20 years ago, lying to Mewler, Russians spending 50K on face book ads? WTF, dude, there's nothing there that has anything to do with Trump or the campaign.

HOWEVER, there is hard evidence of Russian involvement with the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation. Will Mewler investigate that? if not, why not?
I'm not sure why Trumpettes are offended that he did not get enough applause in the House. After all, Trump applauded himself, which should be enough.....
I'm not sure why Trumpettes are offended that he did not get enough applause in the House. After all, Trump applauded himself, which should be enough.....

76% of americans watching the speech approved of what he said, the dem/libs in congress do not represent America, they represent the swamp that is being drained by Trump.
People hear what they want to hear, and that is why they voted for Trump, a classic demagogue and clearly a charlatan.

As for the SOTU speech last night, the word "Oxymoron" on steroids.comes to mind. The President seeks partisan agreement on border security, only on his terms.
well actually all he really wants is money for a wall. one thing. One Thing. If you negotiate away the one thing, he has nothing. hmmm that doesn't seem reasonable does it? It's why they call it negotiate, they must want something, he'll give something for his something. it's how and what it is. why are you so stupid not know that? So you just accept a car dealers offer?

BTW Wry, I know you won't answer.

Well, as usual, you are wrong again. Here I am, and this is my answer:

Trump has already received 1+ Billion for a wall. The issue is an example of a typical Trump SNAFU, since no one (including Trump himself) knows where the Wall will be built, when it will be finished and if that amount of money is necessary and sufficient, or will more and more be needed to maintain the wall, and to prevent drugs, murderers and rapists from coming on to our soil.

If Trump were of at least average intelligence, and not a classic narcissist, he would have pivoted after the election and made the wall a metaphor for all means to secure our borders (all = boots on the ground, cameras, satellites, ground senors, boats, all wheel drive of road vehicles and men on horse back, more portals of entry, and many more administrative law judges and deputy US Attorneys.)
"Please help me. I tricked a bunch of retards into believing that Mexico would pay for it. And I don't want to look stupid when they realize I swindled them."
Maybe you should join The Mexican Police in Riot Gear helping to defend our border and theirs.

Maybe you should donate your own money to the wall if you want it to so bad.

Click here to support We The People Will Build the Wall organized by Brian Kolfage

I'll tell you what. You start arguing that Planned Parenthood should be defunded and people who want to pay for other people's abortions can start a go fund me account and I'lll take you seriously.

PP is not funded.
It was lame of him to claim America can’t be great if it investigates him
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see

what exactly has Heir Mewler discovered in two years and for millions of our tax dollars? tax evasion 20 years ago, lying to Mewler, Russians spending 50K on face book ads? WTF, dude, there's nothing there that has anything to do with Trump or the campaign.

HOWEVER, there is hard evidence of Russian involvement with the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation. Will Mewler investigate that? if not, why not?

Russia was not involved in the Clinton Campsaign.

You assfucks really need to come up with a better excuse why Trump colluded with Russia.
I'm not sure why Trumpettes are offended that he did not get enough applause in the House. After all, Trump applauded himself, which should be enough.....

Who's offended? I expected Democrats to behave like sulky little jackasses, and they fulfilled my expectations quite adequately.
"Please help me. I tricked a bunch of retards into believing that Mexico would pay for it. And I don't want to look stupid when they realize I swindled them."
Maybe you should join The Mexican Police in Riot Gear helping to defend our border and theirs.

Maybe you should donate your own money to the wall if you want it to so bad.

Click here to support We The People Will Build the Wall organized by Brian Kolfage

I'll tell you what. You start arguing that Planned Parenthood should be defunded and people who want to pay for other people's abortions can start a go fund me account and I'lll take you seriously.

PP is not funded.
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see

what exactly has Heir Mewler discovered in two years and for millions of our tax dollars? tax evasion 20 years ago, lying to Mewler, Russians spending 50K on face book ads? WTF, dude, there's nothing there that has anything to do with Trump or the campaign.

HOWEVER, there is hard evidence of Russian involvement with the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation. Will Mewler investigate that? if not, why not?

Russia was not involved in the Clinton Campsaign.

You assfucks really need to come up with a better excuse why Trump colluded with Russia.

Bullshit, Planned Parenthood absolutely, positively gets federal funding each year. Why are you people so stupid? Educate yourselves.

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