Official State of the Union Thread

These people are professional liars.....

Prove it...oh and how many times did Clinton contact Russians.......Podesta had tons alone!

She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump

Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.
The stupid Democrats have had a really bad last week with the abortion shit and the racist shit.

It is going get a lot worse when Trump kicks their ass in the SOTU speech.

Then they are going to have the embarrassment of that filthy big ass snaggle tooth Ghetto Black be their spokesperson.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
bought and paid for. Eh?
"Please help me. I tricked a bunch of retards into believing that Mexico would pay for it. And I don't want to look stupid when they realize I swindled them."
Maybe you should join The Mexican Police in Riot Gear helping to defend our border and theirs.

Maybe you should donate your own money to the wall if you want it to so bad.

Click here to support We The People Will Build the Wall organized by Brian Kolfage

I'll tell you what. You start arguing that Planned Parenthood should be defunded and people who want to pay for other people's abortions can start a go fund me account and I'lll take you seriously.

PP is not funded.
That's certainly the purpose of the investigations. Clearly, good news for America is bad news for the Democrats while Trump is in the WH. The whole agenda of the Democratic Party is gridlock and trash talk about the President. But basically I agree with you that the Democrats will fail to block progress.
The investigations are generating criminal convictions of key members of Trumps staff.
Everything to date has been done by Republicans themselves. Now, Dems will be able to dig
Lot of dirt there
As you say, the only thing the Democrats bring to the House is gridlock and trash talk, and that's very sad.
House Republicans whitewashed their investigation of Trump and blocked key witnesses and evidence from being heard

Now we will see what Republicans didn’t want us to see

what exactly has Heir Mewler discovered in two years and for millions of our tax dollars? tax evasion 20 years ago, lying to Mewler, Russians spending 50K on face book ads? WTF, dude, there's nothing there that has anything to do with Trump or the campaign.

HOWEVER, there is hard evidence of Russian involvement with the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation. Will Mewler investigate that? if not, why not?

Russia was not involved in the Clinton Campsaign.

You assfucks really need to come up with a better excuse why Trump colluded with Russia.

How Federal Funding Works at Planned Parenthood

Y'might wanna tell THEM that they aren't getting federal funding.
The stupid Democrats have had a really bad last week with the abortion shit and the racist shit.

It is going get a lot worse when Trump kicks their ass in the SOTU speech.

Then they are going to have the embarrassment of that filthy big ass snaggle tooth Ghetto Black be their spokesperson.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.
I'm not sure why Trumpettes are offended that he did not get enough applause in the House. After all, Trump applauded himself, which should be enough.....

76% of americans watching the speech approved of what he said, the dem/libs in congress do not represent America, they represent the swamp that is being drained by Trump.

Actually, it appears that that Trump's swamp is being drained by federal prosecutors….
Prove it...oh and how many times did Clinton contact Russians.......Podesta had tons alone!

She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.

You're stupid. Putin has already been building whatever he wants.
Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.
It is too bad that the Trump kid who was bullied because of his name fell asleep during Trump's moment of glory. However, Pocahontas was there, and I am sure that LowIQMaxine and LyingTed saw the whole speech.
She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.

You're stupid. Putin has already been building whatever he wants.

Even if true, now he can go hog wild & not hide it. Thanks to your orange buddy.
Prove it...oh and how many times did Clinton contact Russians.......Podesta had tons alone!

She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.

Putin's agenda is being carried out perfectly!
Prove it...oh and how many times did Clinton contact Russians.......Podesta had tons alone!

She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.
Do you pay attention?
Do you even have a clue
The USSR and Russia have done that since they signed the agreement.
How is he creating havoc in NATO, by asking them to contribute money? Are you serious?
As for Afghanistan, he was wrong........too bad you Obamaphiles could never disagree with anything he said or did
Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.

You're stupid. Putin has already been building whatever he wants.

Even if true, now he can go hog wild & not hide it. Thanks to your orange buddy.

And now we can counter and make he goes broke trying to keep up if he's dumb enough to repeat history.

Thanks to your orange delusion.
It is too bad that the Trump kid who was bullied because of his name fell asleep during Trump's moment of glory. However, Pocahontas was there, and I am sure that LowIQMaxine and LyingTed saw the whole speech.

Some more presidential insults that show He is a classless POS....
Still stuck with GOP memes on God, Gays, and Guns

Trump's goes to abortion as a unifying theme?

Only people with morality and compassion, would say killing babies is a bad thing....and Democrats think it's a good thing.
Democrats think women have the right to choose.

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."
Trump has roughly 80% of the general public agreeing with him after the STOU speech last night and it has the Democrats running scared.

Trump framed the 2020 election cycle perfectly.

You are either FOR THE PEOPLE or you are a Disconnected Political class living behind walls, fences, and guards, taking bribes from special interests who want open boarders and cheep labor, while you refuse to protect THE PEOPLE you were elected to represent.

Pelosie lost control of her minions last night and this morning she is vowing to sign anything the bi-partisan committee puts forth. Chuck then covers her by saying he will not allow the senate to pass the bill.. They are the party of lawlessness and corruption.. And the majority is about to throw them to the wolves..

They are now wounded animals and will react violently....Look for an orchestrated attack on Trump very soon. Trump is gaining with the public to the tune of almost 80% and they are scared shitless..

Trump framed the 2020 election last night.... And the American people agreed with him.. This has democrats in a rage as they have lost the debate by their childish actions...
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Repubs don't see anything wrong with sexual immorality....nothing wrong with racism...nothing wrong with a candidate convorting with a foreign adversary to win an election...

They sound more like traitors than like God's party....
Republicans cheering that more women are in Congress when their party made no gains in the number of women or minorities among their ranks.

Republicans cheering the abortion line when they take away access to birth control and pull funding from food stamps & child healthcare.

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