Official State of the Union Thread

Democrats think euphemisms actually make something different than it is.

Democrats want to kill babies, and Democrats want to call it something other than killing babies. It doesn't matter if you call it "the right to choose", "casual Fridays", or "Steve". Doesn't change anything about what it is.

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...

And yet, the law isn't medicine, and so not much of a reference for medical terms. Hmmmmm. Do you also look to the AMA to tell you the difference between criminal and civil trials?

I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.

In other words, "I look at the laws people have passed to tell me what laws should be passed, because I'm too damned dumb to think for myself."

Nothing funny about being a lazy, gullible follower, and you sure shouldn't brag about it.
Imagine if the Democrat Party cared more about America than they do about political power?

They wouldn't have to act so dishonestly the way they do to hold or gain political power, and instead of being held in contempt by the overwhelming number of Americans, they would be praised and honored for being Patriots and good stewards of The Taxpayer's Money.

If you do what is right, honor and praise will follow you.

instead, most Democrats are reviled even by their own people.

The State of The Union exemplified that last night.
"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...

And yet, the law isn't medicine, and so not much of a reference for medical terms. Hmmmmm. Do you also look to the AMA to tell you the difference between criminal and civil trials?

I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.
Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.
Hollywierd takes to Twitter...

Alyssa Milano talks about...
unity is not creating or enforcing laws
which separate children from their parents
at the border, illegally trying to enter the country

Umm, fuck you

I do not advocate separating families,
I support enforcing our laws

There are thousands of children
removed or separated from their families
because their parent/s are in jail

Why doesn’t she go off on,
the parent/s putting their family in that situation?

How many children are shipped off alone?
WTF...nothing to say about that?

Why are these people breeding
if they can barely provide for themselves
and know the reality of their life, their situation?

I mean, 1 kid is bad enough,
but, 2, 3, 4...come on already!

How does anyone question
the compassions and ethics of others,
without first questioning those
who subjected these children to a life of
hunger, need, squalor, poverty, sadness and desperation?

I am sick and tired of others irresponsiblity
being everyone else’s responsibility!

Then you have Debra Messing tweeting....
unity does not ban immigrants based on their religion

Bitch, STFU

It’s not ok to force people to do something
that goes against their religious beliefs either

But, you support laws which would do just that
You favor denying someone their convictions
so someone could force compliance of their convictions

Fuck you idiots...
The only reason I favor the AOC 70% wealth tax,
is so fucks like you are forced to pay for what you advocate

Kylie Jenner has a net worth of 900 million dollars,
This money is attributed to her cosmetics line
which she launched in 2015...

We just entered 2019, so, one can assume,
she will make as much, if not more, over the next 3 years

She would be taxed 63 million dollars
on 900 million in earnings

See, haven’t heard a peep from those
this wealth tax would get its money from...

but, believe me when I say,
If you honestly think, she would be delighted
to have to give the government 63 million dollars
so everyone can have health insurance
go to college and have a house...


That’s why you haven’t heard a peep...
Too many hypocrites would expose themselves

Your math sucks! 70% of 900 million is not $63 million it is $630 million!

Catch a clue!
Your math sucks! 70% of 900 million is not $63 million it is $630 million!

Catch a clue!

When I first concluded $630 million, I thought to myself....
$630 million of $900 million, leaves $270 million...

WAIT, THATS CRAZY...your wrong Lynn

Well, 50% of $900 million would be $450 million...
even that is crazy...something isn’t right

Hmm, it must be $63 million
...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!
No, because I gave you examples....and you just ignored them...becasue they shit on your premise.

...and, yet, you are trying so hard to change the law regarding abortion......
Of course.....because it's not about's about the kids being aborted, so if it's legal people will do it...if it's not they will still do it, but go to jail, which is where killers belong. So thank you captain obvious

hey, Buck, you might want to think that through. Nobody goes to jail for having an abortion. Doctors go to jail for PERFORMING abortions. That is why they used to do D & C's before Roe Vs. Wade.
Love all the fact checking.


Trump is now an even bigger liar than before.

Every time he tells another lie, he diminishes whatever credibility he imagines he has.

Wrong. You are pathetic. *shudder*
I have no reason to lie.

First, I am not a Republican,

Second, I am not Donald Trump:

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

20 minutes later, they're ready with that? ohh, no fact's the real link.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers
Yea, I like this part:

Fact-checking website Politifact has determined only 4% of his public statements could be classified as ‘true’.

You can't possibly believe it's more than that?

You know he lies right?

You can support Trump knowing he lies.

But if you believe he doesn't lie, then it's you there is something wrong with.
the "logic" behind their statements is highly questionable.


"We are not even into February and the cost of illegal immigration so far this year is $18,959,495,168. Cost Friday was $603,331,392. There are at least 25,772,342 illegal aliens, not the 11,000,000 that have been reported for years, in our Country."

— PolitiFact National on Monday, January 28th, 2019

Unclear where numbers come from

if they don't know where the #'s come from they can't say it's not true, at worst, it's unproven.

there's a LOT on their page like that. given they are calling things they can't prove false, false. then i don't trust their judgement. this has nothing to do with trump but if something is "false" you can tell me why. if you can't, then you don't know either now do you?
"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!

Actually, legal terms are all that matters to YOU. Law is a follower, not a leader. People figure out what's right and wrong, THEN make laws.

So no, the fact that your dishonest leaders deliberately misuse terms and twist their meanings to get what they want, and then you illiterate, gullible sheep obediently fall in and believe that those words mean what you've been told they do doesn't actually mean anything.

"Fetus" is still a medical term for a stage in a baby's development, no matter HOW much you want it to mean "inhuman alien invader of wombs, and oh yeah, not even ALIVE, practically a tumor!"

I think I have met you. Did you used to run the Tilt-A-Whirl at the county fair?

Depends. Did she look at you like a piece of shit on her shoe and then pepper spray you? If not, it wouldn't have been me.
...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...

And yet, the law isn't medicine, and so not much of a reference for medical terms. Hmmmmm. Do you also look to the AMA to tell you the difference between criminal and civil trials?

I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.
Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.
...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!

Actually, legal terms are all that matters to YOU. Law is a follower, not a leader. People figure out what's right and wrong, THEN make laws.

So no, the fact that your dishonest leaders deliberately misuse terms and twist their meanings to get what they want, and then you illiterate, gullible sheep obediently fall in and believe that those words mean what you've been told they do doesn't actually mean anything.

"Fetus" is still a medical term for a stage in a baby's development, no matter HOW much you want it to mean "inhuman alien invader of wombs, and oh yeah, not even ALIVE, practically a tumor!"

I think I have met you. Did you used to run the Tilt-A-Whirl at the county fair?

Depends. Did she look at you like a piece of shit on her shoe and then pepper spray you? If not, it wouldn't have been me.

My mistake. It is just that you can spin something as simple as what is legal and what is not into any totally irrelevant thing you want.
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!
No, because I gave you examples....and you just ignored them...becasue they shit on your premise.

...and, yet, you are trying so hard to change the law regarding abortion......
Of course.....because it's not about's about the kids being aborted, so if it's legal people will do it...if it's not they will still do it, but go to jail, which is where killers belong. So thank you captain obvious

hey, Buck, you might want to think that through. Nobody goes to jail for having an abortion. Doctors go to jail for PERFORMING abortions. That is why they used to do D & C's before Roe Vs. Wade.
Well I'd be for the mother going, but I'll settle for the DR, which would be the killer in my sentence. People with no conscience should have no freedom.
And yet, the law isn't medicine, and so not much of a reference for medical terms. Hmmmmm. Do you also look to the AMA to tell you the difference between criminal and civil trials?

I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.
Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.

Well the Supreme Court was wrong...they don't get to make law......that's the realm of congress.
I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.
Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.

Well the Supreme Court was wrong...they don't get to make law......that's the realm of congress.

You should put that on a sign and carry it through the mall. That'll get you some results!!


Trump vows to reject far-left economics and call to become a Socialist Nation in the SotU Speech, as key Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party sat watching 'stone-faced'

One of the most powerful moments in the SotU Speech was when the President brought up how the history of Socialism and the current collapse of Socialist Venezuela - once the richest country in South America - reminds us the self-destructive lesson of embracing Socialism, despite how many times oppressive governments and dictators arrogantly declared, in the past 'Yes, but that won't happen to us.'

President Trump vowed that 'tonight' the United States was re-committing itself to liberty, freedom, and democracy on which our Founding Fathers built this nation. He then declared, 'We will NEVER be a Socialist Nation'.

In that moment the chamber erupted with applause and chants of 'USA, USA, USA', as even Democrats rose to their feet clapping...except for the Democratic party's 2 most extreme Socialists - D-Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and D-NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer rose to their feet in applause at the President's declaration.

CBS's Poll shows 76% approved of the President's Speech. Even CNN's own poll showed the majority of the country (59%) rated his speech as 'VERY Positive'. (Now we know why Pelosi tried to stop the SotU Speech and did not want the President to speak to the country.)

I have a suggestion for D-Socialist Sanders & D-Socialist Ocasio-Cortez:

If they truly believe that Socialism is the way to go and they have the blueprint for a better Socialism than Venezuela had, one that will succeed where they failed, why don't they go to Venezuela and pitch / implement their ideas. After they turn the country around and succeed they can bring their victorious brand of Socialism back to the United States for us all to embrace......

OH WAIT - that won't work. Venezuela just kicked their failed socialist regime / dictator out of power and turned their back on historically proven failed Socialism. That's why Sanders and Ocasio-Cotez stay here, trying to convince those who have never experienced Socialism and the collapse of a country due to it 1st-hand.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I am no fan of socialism.

But you have no clue how utterly stupid, obsessed and pathetic this post makes you you?

I thought not.

Have a nice day.
Thou shall not attack the religion of the Left, socialism.

It's obvious Little Trumpsters have no clue what real socialism really is,,no, they just suck down talking points and fear tactics.
They are the most gullible group of people I have ever witnesses in my life.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of SOCIALISM
Lefties keep saying that, but it's total fucking bullshit. They think we are opposed to socialism because we don't know what it is. On the contrary, we know exactly what it is. Lefties are the ones who don't understand socialism.
You obviously don't know shit about Socialism. So please, Shut The Fuck Up.
We know all about socialism.

________ just didn’t do it right.
Trump gave his best speech ever last night. He proved he is the Worst Nazi Ever by singing Happy Birthday to a Holocaust survivor - and the Worst Russian Colluder Ever by canceling the INF treaty. And the look on Bernie's face when Trump took the hard stance against Socialism was was the imagery of the handmaidens of death who wouldn't clap for record low minority unemployment.

View attachment 244484

Where did you get the photo of the trump cabinet meeting?
I am no fan of socialism.

But you have no clue how utterly stupid, obsessed and pathetic this post makes you you?

I thought not.

Have a nice day.
Thou shall not attack the religion of the Left, socialism.

It's obvious Little Trumpsters have no clue what real socialism really is,,no, they just suck down talking points and fear tactics.
They are the most gullible group of people I have ever witnesses in my life.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of SOCIALISM
Lefties keep saying that, but it's total fucking bullshit. They think we are opposed to socialism because we don't know what it is. On the contrary, we know exactly what it is. Lefties are the ones who don't understand socialism.
You obviously don't know shit about Socialism. So please, Shut The Fuck Up.
We know all about socialism.

________ just didn’t do it right.

Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.

Well the Supreme Court was wrong...they don't get to make law......that's the realm of congress.

You should put that on a sign and carry it through the mall. That'll get you some results!!
You can lick my ass.....try reading the constitution, then maybe you'll have my level of understanding of it.
Trump gave his best speech ever last night. He proved he is the Worst Nazi Ever by singing Happy Birthday to a Holocaust survivor - and the Worst Russian Colluder Ever by canceling the INF treaty. And the look on Bernie's face when Trump took the hard stance against Socialism was was the imagery of the handmaidens of death who wouldn't clap for record low minority unemployment.

View attachment 244484

Where did you get the photo of the trump cabinet meeting?

You need new glasses, bub.
So far so good, but Trump still needs to get past the Mueller report to have a decent shot at 2020. But I agree with your OP in that 80% of the voters agree with Trump about border security. Now if Trump can just stop his tweets, he might gain even more support....

Border security IS NOT a wall....
Imagine if the Democrat Party cared more about America than they do about political power?

They wouldn't have to act so dishonestly the way they do to hold or gain political power, and instead of being held in contempt by the overwhelming number of Americans, they would be praised and honored for being Patriots and good stewards of The Taxpayer's Money.

If you do what is right, honor and praise will follow you.

instead, most Democrats are reviled even by their own people.

The State of The Union exemplified that last night.
You mean like your fucked up, America hating piece of shit party did with Merrick Garland?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Or was when Trump threatened to block all bills unless we quit investigating him

Or when McConnelll said he will only bring up bills that Trumps allows him to?

Which part of that was for the country?

You assfucks elected a Russian pawn & you knew it when you voted.

So fuck you & your God damn pack 0f bullshit lies.
As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.

Well the Supreme Court was wrong...they don't get to make law......that's the realm of congress.

You should put that on a sign and carry it through the mall. That'll get you some results!!
You can lick my ass.....try reading the constitution, then maybe you'll have my level of understanding of it.

You need to whistle so I can tell which end is which.

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