Official State of the Union Thread

After 8 weeks, they are fetuses, not babies. If you believe they are indeed babies then I understand your hate. But not everyone believes life begins at conception & therefore abortions do not represent the sane things as they do for you.

"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!
No, because I gave you examples....and you just ignored them...becasue they shit on your premise.
made up examples
I am no fan of socialism.

But you have no clue how utterly stupid, obsessed and pathetic this post makes you you?

I thought not.

Have a nice day.
Thou shall not attack the religion of the Left, socialism.

It's obvious Little Trumpsters have no clue what real socialism really is,,no, they just suck down talking points and fear tactics.
They are the most gullible group of people I have ever witnesses in my life.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of SOCIALISM
Lefties keep saying that, but it's total fucking bullshit. They think we are opposed to socialism because we don't know what it is. On the contrary, we know exactly what it is. Lefties are the ones who don't understand socialism.
You obviously don't know shit about Socialism. So please, Shut The Fuck Up.
We know all about socialism.

________ just didn’t do it right.

No, you don't
The stupid Democrats have had a really bad last week with the abortion shit and the racist shit.

It is going get a lot worse when Trump kicks their ass in the SOTU speech.

Then they are going to have the embarrassment of that filthy big ass snaggle tooth Ghetto Black be their spokesperson.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.

Well....paying off women to win an election acceptable in the Repub party. White supremacy is not so bad according to Rep King

The Repubs do not see anything wrong with sexual molestation (pussy grabber) or racism (Charlottesville and Rep King)

Repubs lost their souls when Dumbo was elected.....

"But we must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution and embrace the boundless potential of of cooperation, compromise, and the common good.​

And they say, he doesn't have a sense of irony.
I look to the law, including legal terms, to determine what is legal, and what is not. I'm funny that way.
Ok, so you were cool with segregation....good to know..

As a matter of fact, I worked hard to change segregation laws where I grew up, in Georgia, including protest marches. How about you?
ah...the ole I walked with Dr King response......awesome. And why did you want to change the law? It's almost like you're saying the law can be wrong or something. Do tell.

You win. The law was wrong. Then the Supreme Court corrected it with Row Vs. Wade.

Well the Supreme Court was wrong...they don't get to make law......that's the realm of congress.

So, Brown VS The Board of Education was wrong?
The stupid Democrats have had a really bad last week with the abortion shit and the racist shit.

It is going get a lot worse when Trump kicks their ass in the SOTU speech.

Then they are going to have the embarrassment of that filthy big ass snaggle tooth Ghetto Black be their spokesperson.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.

Well....paying off women to win an election acceptable in the Repub party. White supremacy is not so bad according to Rep King

The Repubs do not see anything wrong with sexual molestation (pussy grabber) or racism (Charlottesville and Rep King)

Repubs lost their souls when Dumbo was elected.....

The fact that the Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and that Hillary should have been indicted except for the corrupt deep state FBI/DOJ seems to have escaped you? Whatever your whining issues against Trump are, the voters decided in his favor, in spite of the 93% negative coverage in the MSM. Face it, Trump won in 2016 and will likely win again in 2020. So here is a little trip down memory lane, Trump simply can't win....

Dimtard that is your FemNazis dressed in White.

View attachment 244353

That's who Republicans want to see the House.

They show us what they want in a government.

And Trump leads.
Yea, a white guy. Like 90% of the GOP. Look at the House floor on the GOP side.

All old white men. A woman here. A woman there.

You are very nice human being.

How can you sleep under the bridge with your grocery cart?

How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.

Well....paying off women to win an election acceptable in the Repub party. White supremacy is not so bad according to Rep King

The Repubs do not see anything wrong with sexual molestation (pussy grabber) or racism (Charlottesville and Rep King)

Repubs lost their souls when Dumbo was elected.....

The fact that the Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and that Hillary should have been indicted except for the corrupt deep state FBI/DOJ seems to have escaped you? Whatever your whining issues against Trump are, the voters decided in his favor, in spite of the 93% negative coverage in the MSM. Face it, Trump won in 2016 and will likely win again in 2020. So here is a little trip down memory lane, Trump simply can't win....

I'm glad you brought that up! Please explain to us exactly why Trump broke his campaign promise to ask for a special prosecutor, and to lock Hillary up.
"After 8 weeks, you have to use THIS word, because I'm an uneducated dimwit who thinks it means something it doesn't."

One of us has training in the medical field, and one of us can barely utter a sentence without shouting, "Assfuck!" So do NOT even attempt to tell ME how to use medical terms correctly, you babbling primate.

Saying, "It's a fetus, not a baby" is like saying, "It's an infant not a child."

...and, yet, "fetus" and "baby" are separately defined legal terms. Hmmmmm…...
Legal terms don't mean shit...blacks were considered non human at one point...The Nazis didn't consider Jews people.....Legally.....was the holocaust ok?....Do you people ever have a thought on your own? Do you even try to apply any logic to your arguments?

Actually, legal terms are all that matters when it comes to abortion. Your belief that legal terms don't matter in the issue explains a lot!
No, because I gave you examples....and you just ignored them...becasue they shit on your premise.
made up examples
It's like arguing with a 5 year old......just let the truth in bro
so which is wrong?
Blacks were not considered people at one point?
Nazi's didn't consider Jews people?
Prove it...oh and how many times did Clinton contact Russians.......Podesta had tons alone!

She was Secretary of State and in that role she had contacts with Russian while doing state business.

Not fo all of them....

Bill Clinton wasnt secretary of state and neither were the Podestas....and Clinton talked to them before and after she had the job......nice try. but failed

You say not all of them tell me which emails prove your point
which I assume is your effort to associate Clinton with the Russian

Yet it was the Russians who hacked her

where were the Russians in 2018?

And how has trump helped the Ruasians....he is pulling out of the INF treaty

but for clinton.....look at donations to her foundation
speeches made by Bill Clinton
and business down with the Podestas

all of that is way more than Trump
Now Putin can build all the mid range missiles he wants.

Trump backed off of Russian sanctions

Trump said Russia was right to invade Afghanistan

Trump is creating havoc within NATO

Trump is creating issues in Europe.
you have no fking idea what is going on. stop blathering in here on something you no zip about. You look like a leftist.
It is too bad that the Trump kid who was bullied because of his name fell asleep during Trump's moment of glory. However, Pocahontas was there, and I am sure that LowIQMaxine and LyingTed saw the whole speech.
Pelosi didn't see the whole thing. and he was two feet from her. hah!!!!
How can anybody be so stupid and ignorant as to think that the Ghetto Black that spoke for the filthy ass Democrats last night represents anything other than the greedy welfare queens and Illegals of America?

Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.

Well....paying off women to win an election acceptable in the Repub party. White supremacy is not so bad according to Rep King

The Repubs do not see anything wrong with sexual molestation (pussy grabber) or racism (Charlottesville and Rep King)

Repubs lost their souls when Dumbo was elected.....

The fact that the Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and that Hillary should have been indicted except for the corrupt deep state FBI/DOJ seems to have escaped you? Whatever your whining issues against Trump are, the voters decided in his favor, in spite of the 93% negative coverage in the MSM. Face it, Trump won in 2016 and will likely win again in 2020. So here is a little trip down memory lane, Trump simply can't win....

I'm glad you brought that up! Please explain to us exactly why Trump broke his campaign promise to ask for a special prosecutor, and to lock Hillary up.

He hasn't, He can't ask for a special prosecutor, the AG does.....I mean Jesus how do you guys talk politics when you don't even know the process?


Trump vows to reject far-left economics and call to become a Socialist Nation in the SotU Speech, as key Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party sat watching 'stone-faced'

One of the most powerful moments in the SotU Speech was when the President brought up how the history of Socialism and the current collapse of Socialist Venezuela - once the richest country in South America - reminds us the self-destructive lesson of embracing Socialism, despite how many times oppressive governments and dictators arrogantly declared, in the past 'Yes, but that won't happen to us.'

President Trump vowed that 'tonight' the United States was re-committing itself to liberty, freedom, and democracy on which our Founding Fathers built this nation. He then declared, 'We will NEVER be a Socialist Nation'.

In that moment the chamber erupted with applause and chants of 'USA, USA, USA', as even Democrats rose to their feet clapping...except for the Democratic party's 2 most extreme Socialists - D-Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and D-NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer rose to their feet in applause at the President's declaration.

CBS's Poll shows 76% approved of the President's Speech. Even CNN's own poll showed the majority of the country (59%) rated his speech as 'VERY Positive'. (Now we know why Pelosi tried to stop the SotU Speech and did not want the President to speak to the country.)

I have a suggestion for D-Socialist Sanders & D-Socialist Ocasio-Cortez:

If they truly believe that Socialism is the way to go and they have the blueprint for a better Socialism than Venezuela had, one that will succeed where they failed, why don't they go to Venezuela and pitch / implement their ideas. After they turn the country around and succeed they can bring their victorious brand of Socialism back to the United States for us all to embrace......

OH WAIT - that won't work. Venezuela just kicked their failed socialist regime / dictator out of power and turned their back on historically proven failed Socialism. That's why Sanders and Ocasio-Cotez stay here, trying to convince those who have never experienced Socialism and the collapse of a country due to it 1st-hand.

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I am no fan of socialism.

But you have no clue how utterly stupid, obsessed and pathetic this post makes you you?

I thought not.

Have a nice day.
Thou shall not attack the religion of the Left, socialism.

It's obvious Little Trumpsters have no clue what real socialism really is,,no, they just suck down talking points and fear tactics.
They are the most gullible group of people I have ever witnesses in my life.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of SOCIALISM
There is an episode of the TV series "two and a half men" the brother who is divorced his ex wife has friends who also divorced having meetings. The playboy brother character is being blamed for all the wrongs of the child's views on men and women relationships. When the playboys brother meets the women who are divorced and have bad attitudes he changes them and party together. Women perform as a group. Men are individualists. All at percentages. Trump got the female progressive socialists dressed in white to applaud a few times. It was so easy. And this with Pelosi giving signals. We are being destroyed from within. And violence will ramp up big time because of it at some point. American women are the most spoiled humans in history in a nation where near everyone has won the lottery of life.
American women are the most spoiled humans in history? You want to knock 'em up and take away their shoes, no doubt.
Yeah, but in the Army most of preggers are doing it just to keep from deploying with their unit. And they usually keep their boots on.
What kind of a person sees people wearing white and think KKK?

I just do not get it.

The kind of person that’s stupid enough to think the KKK is associated with anybody other than Republicans

Robert Byrd. Democrat.

That should be enough.

Now, who is stupid?

Robert Byrd joined the KKK as a young man & left it when he discovered what it really was & denounced it.

KKK stasrted out as Democrats & ended up Republican these days.

Incorreect, I've already crushed this bullshit.
And look we have Northam, and the VA AG.......nope they are still democrats bro.....

and so was Byrd.....he was a guys lie and act like he joined for a week.....nope bro

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan."

yeah he was a complete racist......far worse than wearing blackface or shouting the N word......he really did hate blacks..for being black

And he was a recruiter AND LEADER.........And exalted Cyclops

what is an exalted Cyclops
Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary - Wikipedia

Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an Exalted Cyclops and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[40]

you guys are really really sick people to defend him....and you are the real racist.
Yep, what I posted earlier.
Wow, thanks for the insight from the racist fuck ilk.
I proved you guys to be the guys have no credibility....believe all women....EXCEPT when democrats are accused.......fucking horrible people you are.

Well....paying off women to win an election acceptable in the Repub party. White supremacy is not so bad according to Rep King

The Repubs do not see anything wrong with sexual molestation (pussy grabber) or racism (Charlottesville and Rep King)

Repubs lost their souls when Dumbo was elected.....

The fact that the Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and that Hillary should have been indicted except for the corrupt deep state FBI/DOJ seems to have escaped you? Whatever your whining issues against Trump are, the voters decided in his favor, in spite of the 93% negative coverage in the MSM. Face it, Trump won in 2016 and will likely win again in 2020. So here is a little trip down memory lane, Trump simply can't win....

I'm glad you brought that up! Please explain to us exactly why Trump broke his campaign promise to ask for a special prosecutor, and to lock Hillary up.

He hasn't, He can't ask for a special prosecutor, the AG does.....I mean Jesus how do you guys talk politics when you don't even know the process?

Trump can't ask the Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor? Is the AG not taking his calls, or what? I had no idea that they weren't speaking.

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