Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
Phhhhhheewww....oh boy....

First off, hats off to Wallace. That could not have been an easy job. For those of you who say Wallace is a are entitled to your opinion...but I just dont see it.

I imagine wallace, after he leaves tonight is going to have himself a stiff drink.....or 18....

I did not see where wallace was favoring trump at all. He spent most of the debate trying to shut trump down. Again, that chair was a tough place to be tonight.

Say what you will, but biden did it. He held out for the entire debate and didn't cave. Sure, he had a few moments where he got a bit tongue tied, but at the end of it all, he didn't turn into the nonsensical babbling person people thought he would. For the most part, he stayed on point. Its because of this that I think trumps antics actually helped biden.

Biden, by withstanding trumps onslaught, showed people he has more resolve. I think this is going to play well for biden, not so much for trump.

Trump had a good opportunity here to prove all of his critics wrong. He should have stood up there, and respected biden. He should have respected Wallace, and the rules of the debate. They both should have spoken when it was their turn and respected the other person when it wasn't.

Trump had an opportunity to look presidential, but he didn't do it. He had to be the aggressor and the bully. He had to dominate and try to shut biden down. He could have been the bigger man, and people would have gained respect for him, because he would have shown the country that he could stand there and carry on a debate, calmly, and with reservation.

Again, I think this is not going to play well for trump. Let's hope someone talks to him and gives him some constructive criticism before their next debate.

I think most people have already made up their minds, so, in the long run, this will probably not really hurt trump.
200 million?
Trump is like a battle bot. He is a fighter for sure.
Yeah, he is not a sly politician. He is blunt and effective.

The NBC coverage is hilariously biased in their comments right now. So corrupt.
trump lost. There are rules in debate and when you break them you lose points. trump lost every round.

In a boxing fight he would have been docked points on many rounds...
The losers are the American people. Terrible moderation.
Trump is right, the election is already rigged.
It is, but it still might be enough of a dominating win for Trump.

I hope so, because otherwise, get ready for war.
Trump lost badly...

He looked like he had no plan... Biden was talking policies, trump ended up insulting Biden's dead son...

When did Trump insult Biden’s dead son? What were you watching? Trump was talking about HUNTER, NOT BEAU.

Biden was talking about Beau at the time... Trump was just overreaching...

The debate was awful... Wallace was not at fault...

Trump was filled with false statements...

That was when Biden was lying about Trump calling soldiers losers.

Meanwhile, we have on video Biden calling them stupid bastards.
Nobody was a lion in this debate
Trump was a lion

A lion? Only if the lion is rabid, and lashing out insanely like a maniac. Trump was completely incapable of controlling himself. His face was red and sweaty, and he looked like he was ready to pop a vein.

If Donald Trump thought his help his re-election chances, as usual, he was utterly and completely wrong.

Best of all was Trump's refusal to condemn the Proud Bois. When asked to tell them to "stand down and stay home", Trump told the white supremacists to "stand back and stand by".

Angry, defensive, bullying, lying, showering hate on Democrats. Threatening the Constitution and the Republic.
You old Canuck hag, stop interfering in our elections.
According to live polls, negative ratings for both candidates were roughly the same.

i.e. no one "won" the debate.

But that's bad for Trump because he's losing in swing states


Most voters have their minds made up. Nobody will change their view.

But damn.....this thing was scary

It was an abject embarrassment...

I don't care who you are voting for, neither candidate has any reason to be proud of what transpired and Wallace should be banned from moderating anything ever again. Not even a middle school debate.

Can you imagine people in other countries watching that horror show?
Bad moderator
His lack of courage in answering the packing of the Supreme Court is interesting. We ll see if this hurts Biden.
Biden punted
Yes. Unfortunate. Shows cowardice.

Trump didn’t punt on condemning White Supremacy
He just can’t do it. Looked like he was going to at first, then backed away
Where is it give us some names of these people
Will you shut up and let adults speak? Jeezuz
Jews are not human we step on you
Hunter Biden isn't running for president.
I didn't say Hunter was running for president.
I asked these two questions that you dodged:
Did Hunter get dishonorably discharged for cocaine use or not?
Did he get gravy jobs and huge investment money from China and Russia or not?
The thing was, Biden acted like a gentleman who was concerned about the American People.
Trump acted like a petulant child, who spent more time arguing with the moderator than espousing his positions.
And Wallace was probably the most friendly moderator he was going to get.
Trump is the one who cares about real Americans, Biden only cares about the people who came here from shit hole countries.
Biden didn't act like a gentleman lol. Watch the first 10 or 15 minutes and count all the personal insults he slung.

Then count all the times he called trump "man"
That is the dead giveaway that he's losing it. Unfortunately between Trumps insistence on having the last word and Wallace rescuing him by changing the subject the meltdown never materialized
I really thought Trump would demolish Biden. I’m glad he did not. The moderator was obviously tough on Trump, but Trump did interrupt constantly. Not a great win for Biden. But a bad night for Trump.
Good observation but I think what we will remember is Joe Biden refusing to answer questions and getting bailed out by Chris Wallace
His lack of courage in answering the packing of the Supreme Court is interesting. We ll see if this hurts Biden.
Biden punted
Yes. Unfortunate. Shows cowardice.

Trump didn’t punt on condemning White Supremacy
He just can’t do it. Looked like he was going to at first, then backed away
Where is it give us some names of these people
Will you shut up and let adults speak? Jeezuz
Jews are not human we step on you
Inbreeding has you punch drunk. Stand down.
The thing was, Biden acted like a gentleman who was concerned about the American People.
Trump acted like a petulant child, who spent more time arguing with the moderator than espousing his positions.
And Wallace was probably the most friendly moderator he was going to get.
Trump is the one who cares about real Americans, Biden only cares about the people who came here from shit hole countries.
Biden didn't act like a gentleman lol. Watch the first 10 or 15 minutes and count all the personal insults he slung.

Then count all the times he called trump "man"
That is the dead giveaway that he's losing it. Unfortunately between Trumps insistence on having the last word and Wallace rescuing him by changing the subject the meltdown never materialized

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