Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
The awful mess was Hidin' Biden and his buddy Wallace. Care4all and other TDS folks prove there are two Americas, those who are mentally ill and those who are not. Hidin' Biden stumbled through lie after lie. And President Trump barely got started. Looking forward to the next "mess" in which Hidin' Biden gets massacred again.
This was a pretty neat moment though, huh?

The Proud Boys are not a ws group, nor a hate group. Trump was right to NOT denounce them.

AND might I add, the question is bullshit. ws are a fringe movement with no importance.
Wrong...a POtuS that refused to condemn terrorism is something I thought I would never see. That debate was sad for America.

Walking and defending your self when attacked, is the opposite of terrorism.

It is sad that America needs to be told that.
When a President is asked to condemn violence after an election and he refuses to do so, that is a sad day for America democracy.

Self defense is not something to be condemned, but something to be celebrated.

The attackers, ie antifa, are something to be condemned.

Was Biden asked to condemn them?
nope. NOPE and NOPE
If Trump brings up Hunter Biden tonight, here is how I would recommend that Joe Biden respond:

What did I or Hunter do that was illegal - or even unethical? I would remind you that you have two family members working for you in the White House - and both were denied security clearances - which you overrode. This means that you gave them access to our nation's top secrets. Why were they denied security clearances in the first place?

Fire the prosecutor and you get your billion dollars. Biden in full media view about the investigation of his son Hunter.

You are lying! That is false information that has been thoroughly debunked. Your lying dog won't hunt. Tonight's moderator, Chris Wallace, knows the truth.
"Debunked"....The cry of the liberoidal who got caught cold.

Yup according to Biden all questions about him, money and his son were all debunked. Had to laugh at that one. In fact I laughed a lot when Biden spoke.

He said he and Obama left Trump a great economy which Trump ruined. Guess UE at the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy is a ruined economy.

Biden also wants to keep the country shut down when things should be opening up to get the economy up and rolling. Trump was right about that.

Biden also blamed Trump for the 200,000 American dead instead of the Chinese. He also ignored Trump when Trump reminded him that he called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US. Biden had no answer so kept his mouth shut.

I had a lot of the questions I had answered last night and will be watching Pence/Harris to see how that goes. I'll also be watching the next Presidential debate.
Biden had no answers for anything last night. Not one thing. How will he fund his programs, crickets. I mean name a law enforcement group that supports him, crickets. all he did was rattle off figures no one know if they were true or not. Biden slept through the debate, I mean, he was pale enough to have been declared dead.
He said Antifa is an idea and to send shrinks with police officers on calls. He is nuts.

THANK YOU I mean WTF and where was Wallace follow up on that??? Thug is shooting up a neighborhood and Biden wants to send in a social worker the guy is disconnected from reality.

No, it is YOU who are disconnected from reality. The social worker/psychiatrist is to accompany officers on family disturbance and mental health calls. So that when the police get there and the naked guy is running around and screaming, the police don't kill him because he won't calm down.

This week, two cities paid out $32 million for the wrongful deaths of Breonna Taylor and William Green. Green was shot 6 times in the head by police as he sat with his hands cuffed behind his back, in the front seat of the police cruiser. His family received $20 million and the cop has been charged with 2nd degree murder.

Taxpayers are tired of having to pay out tax dollars which should be going to schools, and roads, and city services, going to yet another grieving black family, who was wantonly killed in police custody. Joe Arpaio was voted out as Sheriff because the citizens of Maricopa County paid $20 million out of their own pockets, to the victims of Arpaio's attacks on Hispanics.

1500 Americans died at the hands of the police, or while in police custody, last year. It's not just the anger, the rioting and the looting, it's the $300 million American taxpayers paid out to the victims of police brutality. That comes directly out of the pockets of every home owner in the city/county/community.
Please stop interfering in our elections.

You first.
I am an American from Boston. You’re a dirty Canuck hag. Please stop interfering in our elections
Dragon Azog is a pig , loves getting in the mud to fight He should take his proud boys and stick em where the sun don't shine
funny Antifa is only an ideology? yeah, then who is rioting and looting? who shows up at campuses to silence young conservatives? an ideology? hahahahahahahahaha
Well, NAZIism is an ideology too if they want context.
I actually sat through the entire debate and listened. WORST DEBATE EVER.

Trump ran roughshod over the rules, deflected, changed topics, interrupted endlessly, and lit into personal attacks. Biden missed some good opportunities. Neither gave any detailed plans or answers to the questions. Hilary Clinton would have wiped the mat with both of those bozos. I really wanted to hear some specifics.

In fairness to Biden, I don't think he knew how to handle someone who wouldn't even follow the simple rules his campaign had agreed to.

Recommendation for next debate: the moderator controls a microphone switch - if they interrupt, go over their time limit - he can switch off.

My favorite part? Watching their faces and expressions.

However - one question was answered for me (and one reason I paid attention) - there is nothing wrong with Biden's mind or cognition, just normality.

I think this is a pretty good take away from this debate: Trump Derails 1st Presidential Debate With Biden, And 5 Other Takeaways

This was maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.

If this was supposed to be a boxing match, it instead turned into President Trump jumping on the ropes, refusing to come down, the referee trying to coax him off, and Joe Biden standing in the middle of the ring with his gloves on and a confused look on his face.
I actually sat through the entire debate and listened. WORST DEBATE EVER.

Trump ran roughshod over the rules, deflected, changed topics, interrupted endlessly, and lit into personal attacks. Biden missed some good opportunities. Neither gave any detailed plans or answers to the questions. Hilary Clinton would have wiped the mat with both of those bozos. I really wanted to hear some specifics.

In fairness to Biden, I don't think he knew how to handle someone who wouldn't even follow the simple rules his campaign had agreed to.

Recommendation for next debate: the moderator controls a microphone switch - if they interrupt, go over their time limit - he can switch off.

My favorite part? Watching their faces and expressions.

However - one question was answered for me (and one reason I paid attention) - there is nothing wrong with Biden's mind or cognition, just normality.

I think this is a pretty good take away from this debate: Trump Derails 1st Presidential Debate With Biden, And 5 Other Takeaways

This was maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.

If this was supposed to be a boxing match, it instead turned into President Trump jumping on the ropes, refusing to come down, the referee trying to coax him off, and Joe Biden standing in the middle of the ring with his gloves on and a confused look on his face.
Trump to Joe, I've done more n 47 months than you did in 47 years. drop mic. Biden had no answer. Joe doesn't know that a president has four years after being sworn in. Amazing, I think he should learn that first if he wants the position. Trump has every right to nominate a person for the supreme court. A mther fking right to. AS Trump said, obammy nominated his guy, Merrick, before the 2016 election. is joe brain dead?
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I actually sat through the entire debate and listened. WORST DEBATE EVER.

Trump ran roughshod over the rules, deflected, changed topics, interrupted endlessly, and lit into personal attacks. Biden missed some good opportunities. Neither gave any detailed plans or answers to the questions. Hilary Clinton would have wiped the mat with both of those bozos. I really wanted to hear some specifics.

In fairness to Biden, I don't think he knew how to handle someone who wouldn't even follow the simple rules his campaign had agreed to.

Recommendation for next debate: the moderator controls a microphone switch - if they interrupt, go over their time limit - he can switch off.

My favorite part? Watching their faces and expressions.

However - one question was answered for me (and one reason I paid attention) - there is nothing wrong with Biden's mind or cognition, just normality.

I think this is a pretty good take away from this debate: Trump Derails 1st Presidential Debate With Biden, And 5 Other Takeaways

This was maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.

If this was supposed to be a boxing match, it instead turned into President Trump jumping on the ropes, refusing to come down, the referee trying to coax him off, and Joe Biden standing in the middle of the ring with his gloves on and a confused look on his face.
Trump to Joe, I've done more n 47 months than you did in 47 years. drop mic. Biden had no answer.

Did Trump ever stop talking?
He said Antifa is an idea and to send shrinks with police officers on calls. He is nuts.

THANK YOU I mean WTF and where was Wallace follow up on that??? Thug is shooting up a neighborhood and Biden wants to send in a social worker the guy is disconnected from reality.

No, it is YOU who are disconnected from reality. The social worker/psychiatrist is to accompany officers on family disturbance and mental health calls. So that when the police get there and the naked guy is running around and screaming, the police don't kill him because he won't calm down.

This week, two cities paid out $32 million for the wrongful deaths of Breonna Taylor and William Green. Green was shot 6 times in the head by police as he sat with his hands cuffed behind his back, in the front seat of the police cruiser. His family received $20 million and the cop has been charged with 2nd degree murder.

Taxpayers are tired of having to pay out tax dollars which should be going to schools, and roads, and city services, going to yet another grieving black family, who was wantonly killed in police custody. Joe Arpaio was voted out as Sheriff because the citizens of Maricopa County paid $20 million out of their own pockets, to the victims of Arpaio's attacks on Hispanics.

1500 Americans died at the hands of the police, or while in police custody, last year. It's not just the anger, the rioting and the looting, it's the $300 million American taxpayers paid out to the victims of police brutality. That comes directly out of the pockets of every home owner in the city/county/community.
Please stop interfering in our elections.

You first.
I am an American from Boston. You’re a dirty Canuck hag. Please stop interfering in our elections
Dragon Azog is a pig , loves getting in the mud to fight He should take his proud boys and stick em where the sun don't shine
Dragon? Is this a Bruce Lee analogy? Don’t know any proud boys. I do know one traitor.
His lack of courage in answering the packing of the Supreme Court is interesting. We ll see if this hurts Biden.
Biden punted
Yes. Unfortunate. Shows cowardice.

Trump didn’t punt on condemning White Supremacy
He just can’t do it. Looked like he was going to at first, then backed away
He said Proud Boys stand down and Biden said Antifa is an idea?

No. He didn't say ”Proud Boys stand down”.
He did. LoneLoser. Turn up your miracle ear, fatty.
ShortBus, Impeached Trump said, "stand back and stand by." Asked to condemn white supremacists, he instead tells them to stand by.

Unfortunately this debate encompassed how divided we are.
How can we not be divided when we have a president who condones white supremacy because it gives him votes?
Can you give us some names of these white supremacy we can condone them.. Or are you just making up imaginary groups
Impeached Trump named one -- then couldn't bring himself to condemn them.
Proud boys is run by a black man
This retard fight is great. Trump said for the Proud Boys to stand down.

And stand by, guess you forgot that tidbit.
I didnt Even hear it. Yes. Looks like we got a serious issue on our hand.
I actually sat through the entire debate and listened. WORST DEBATE EVER.

Trump ran roughshod over the rules, deflected, changed topics, interrupted endlessly, and lit into personal attacks. Biden missed some good opportunities. Neither gave any detailed plans or answers to the questions. Hilary Clinton would have wiped the mat with both of those bozos. I really wanted to hear some specifics.

In fairness to Biden, I don't think he knew how to handle someone who wouldn't even follow the simple rules his campaign had agreed to.

Recommendation for next debate: the moderator controls a microphone switch - if they interrupt, go over their time limit - he can switch off.

My favorite part? Watching their faces and expressions.

However - one question was answered for me (and one reason I paid attention) - there is nothing wrong with Biden's mind or cognition, just normality.

I think this is a pretty good take away from this debate: Trump Derails 1st Presidential Debate With Biden, And 5 Other Takeaways

This was maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.

If this was supposed to be a boxing match, it instead turned into President Trump jumping on the ropes, refusing to come down, the referee trying to coax him off, and Joe Biden standing in the middle of the ring with his gloves on and a confused look on his face.
Trump to Joe, I've done more n 47 months than you did in 47 years. drop mic. Biden had no answer.

Did Trump ever stop talking?
nope, he was being trump. It's who he is. Likes to hear himself talk.. Joe wouldn't answer questions, why?
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

You're kidding, right? Trump has been this fucking unhinged for the last four years. This is who Trump is. This is what you all voted for when you passed up 16 other candidates, including Governor and Senators, to pick THIS clown.

You sound like the Bride who complains about the husband her whole family told her NOT to marry.

Bided refused to admit he would pack the court, just didn't answer. Biden also called Antifa an "idea". Trump was unhinged. Four years of dealing with the biased media came spilling out in one debate. Likely felt refreshing for him but IMO was a poor strategy. Biden also denied that Hunter received all that money from Burisma, China and Russia but he did. Poor performance by both candidates.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a large Ukrainian natural gas producer. The company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was investigated for alleged corruption and bribery in the U.K. and Ukraine. Between 2015 and 2016, Ukraine’s prosecutor general was Viktor Shokin, whose office conducted an investigation into Zlochevsky.

In January 2018, Joe Biden spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and recounted the pressure that the Obama administration in general, and himself in particular, had placed on Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin. That pressure included threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the country.''

Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.

On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.” Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not Hunter Biden’s company. He had nothing to do with that company.

I will wait for your admission of error again.
Lone Leftist please stop trolling.

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign from the company in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden,[5] but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

I didnt Even hear it. Yes. Looks like we got a serious issue on our hand.
Trump asked for a group to denounce, they never gave him one. He chose Proud Boys. I've never heard of them.

The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to "stand back and stand by" during the first presidential debate.

Then there wasn't a question to Biden to denounce antifa. it's just an ideology. LOL. yeah give me a break. Oh and Biden wouldn't answer why he didn't publicly denounce Portland riots or tell the demofks in charge to clean it up. nope crickets.
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

You're kidding, right? Trump has been this fucking unhinged for the last four years. This is who Trump is. This is what you all voted for when you passed up 16 other candidates, including Governor and Senators, to pick THIS clown.

You sound like the Bride who complains about the husband her whole family told her NOT to marry.

Bided refused to admit he would pack the court, just didn't answer. Biden also called Antifa an "idea". Trump was unhinged. Four years of dealing with the biased media came spilling out in one debate. Likely felt refreshing for him but IMO was a poor strategy. Biden also denied that Hunter received all that money from Burisma, China and Russia but he did. Poor performance by both candidates.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a large Ukrainian natural gas producer. The company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was investigated for alleged corruption and bribery in the U.K. and Ukraine. Between 2015 and 2016, Ukraine’s prosecutor general was Viktor Shokin, whose office conducted an investigation into Zlochevsky.

In January 2018, Joe Biden spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and recounted the pressure that the Obama administration in general, and himself in particular, had placed on Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin. That pressure included threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the country.''

Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.

On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.” Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not Hunter Biden’s company. He had nothing to do with that company.

I will wait for your admission of error again.
Lone Leftist please stop trolling.

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign from the company in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden,[5] but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

Great, let's see your evidence Hunter Biden had a stake in Rosemont Seneca Thornton...
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

You're kidding, right? Trump has been this fucking unhinged for the last four years. This is who Trump is. This is what you all voted for when you passed up 16 other candidates, including Governor and Senators, to pick THIS clown.

You sound like the Bride who complains about the husband her whole family told her NOT to marry.

Bided refused to admit he would pack the court, just didn't answer. Biden also called Antifa an "idea". Trump was unhinged. Four years of dealing with the biased media came spilling out in one debate. Likely felt refreshing for him but IMO was a poor strategy. Biden also denied that Hunter received all that money from Burisma, China and Russia but he did. Poor performance by both candidates.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a large Ukrainian natural gas producer. The company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was investigated for alleged corruption and bribery in the U.K. and Ukraine. Between 2015 and 2016, Ukraine’s prosecutor general was Viktor Shokin, whose office conducted an investigation into Zlochevsky.

In January 2018, Joe Biden spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and recounted the pressure that the Obama administration in general, and himself in particular, had placed on Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin. That pressure included threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the country.''

Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.

On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.” Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not Hunter Biden’s company. He had nothing to do with that company.

I will wait for your admission of error again.
Lone Leftist please stop trolling.

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign from the company in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden,[5] but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

Anyone who defends Hunter Biden mysterious windfall from not one, or two but THREE different foreign companies...and then try to say his father didn't use his position to make that happen is being ridiculous.
Joe Biden has a long history of enriching family members. PERIOD.
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

You're kidding, right? Trump has been this fucking unhinged for the last four years. This is who Trump is. This is what you all voted for when you passed up 16 other candidates, including Governor and Senators, to pick THIS clown.

You sound like the Bride who complains about the husband her whole family told her NOT to marry.

Bided refused to admit he would pack the court, just didn't answer. Biden also called Antifa an "idea". Trump was unhinged. Four years of dealing with the biased media came spilling out in one debate. Likely felt refreshing for him but IMO was a poor strategy. Biden also denied that Hunter received all that money from Burisma, China and Russia but he did. Poor performance by both candidates.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a large Ukrainian natural gas producer. The company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was investigated for alleged corruption and bribery in the U.K. and Ukraine. Between 2015 and 2016, Ukraine’s prosecutor general was Viktor Shokin, whose office conducted an investigation into Zlochevsky.

In January 2018, Joe Biden spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and recounted the pressure that the Obama administration in general, and himself in particular, had placed on Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin. That pressure included threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the country.''

Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.

On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.” Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not Hunter Biden’s company. He had nothing to do with that company.

I will wait for your admission of error again.
Lone Leftist please stop trolling.

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign from the company in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden,[5] but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

Anyone who defends Hunter Biden mysterious windfall from not one, or two but THREE different foreign companies...and then try to say his father didn't use his position to make that happen is being ridiculous.
Joe Biden has a long history of enriching family members. PERIOD.
Hunter did say his daddy being VP helped him.
When Biden shouted at the President to "shut-up" and called him a "clown", he showed us that he lacks the temperament to be a President
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

You're kidding, right? Trump has been this fucking unhinged for the last four years. This is who Trump is. This is what you all voted for when you passed up 16 other candidates, including Governor and Senators, to pick THIS clown.

You sound like the Bride who complains about the husband her whole family told her NOT to marry.

Bided refused to admit he would pack the court, just didn't answer. Biden also called Antifa an "idea". Trump was unhinged. Four years of dealing with the biased media came spilling out in one debate. Likely felt refreshing for him but IMO was a poor strategy. Biden also denied that Hunter received all that money from Burisma, China and Russia but he did. Poor performance by both candidates.

From 2014 to 2019, Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a large Ukrainian natural gas producer. The company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was investigated for alleged corruption and bribery in the U.K. and Ukraine. Between 2015 and 2016, Ukraine’s prosecutor general was Viktor Shokin, whose office conducted an investigation into Zlochevsky.

In January 2018, Joe Biden spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and recounted the pressure that the Obama administration in general, and himself in particular, had placed on Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin. That pressure included threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the country.''

Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina. Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations. Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.

On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.” Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Del.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not Hunter Biden’s company. He had nothing to do with that company.

I will wait for your admission of error again.
Lone Leftist please stop trolling.

Hunter Biden announced his intention to resign from the company in October 2019 so as not to complicate the U.S. Presidential aspirations of his father, Joe Biden,[5] but as of Q2 2020 company records still show him employed as a board member.

Great, let's see your evidence Hunter Biden had a stake in Rosemont Seneca Thornton...
Already posted it.
I actually sat through the entire debate and listened. WORST DEBATE EVER.

Trump ran roughshod over the rules, deflected, changed topics, interrupted endlessly, and lit into personal attacks. Biden missed some good opportunities. Neither gave any detailed plans or answers to the questions. Hilary Clinton would have wiped the mat with both of those bozos. I really wanted to hear some specifics.

In fairness to Biden, I don't think he knew how to handle someone who wouldn't even follow the simple rules his campaign had agreed to.

Recommendation for next debate: the moderator controls a microphone switch - if they interrupt, go over their time limit - he can switch off.

My favorite part? Watching their faces and expressions.

However - one question was answered for me (and one reason I paid attention) - there is nothing wrong with Biden's mind or cognition, just normality.

I think this is a pretty good take away from this debate: Trump Derails 1st Presidential Debate With Biden, And 5 Other Takeaways

This was maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.

If this was supposed to be a boxing match, it instead turned into President Trump jumping on the ropes, refusing to come down, the referee trying to coax him off, and Joe Biden standing in the middle of the ring with his gloves on and a confused look on his face.
Trump to Joe, I've done more n 47 months than you did in 47 years. drop mic. Biden had no answer.

Did Trump ever stop talking?
nope, he was being trump. It's who he is. Likes to hear himself talk.. Joe wouldn't answer questions, why?

I don't care if he was "just being Trump" - when is that going to STOP being your excuse for every bad behavior? Sheesh.

Biden did NOT give much in the way of specifics, but I already noted that. Neither did Trump. But in fairness to Biden - he had an uphill battle trying to be heard OVER Trump when he was supposed to have an uninterrupted 2 minutes. Biden's biggest mistake? Expecting Trump to adhere to any rules he had agreed to. It was THE WORST EVER DEBATE

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