Oh Dear...The facts get in the way again.

that isn't what I asked you...

I asked you whether you think you know more about the status of his employees than the director of central intelligence does?

do you?

When he blasts Bush you love him

When he defends his WMD intel libs want to hang him

Plame was not a covert agent - libs will not admit it
When he blasts Bush you love him

When he defends his WMD intel libs want to hang him

Plame was not a covert agent - libs will not admit it

why do you avoid answering questions?

do you think you know more about the status of CIA employees that the Director of Central Intelligence? yes or no
why do you avoid answering questions?

do you think you know more about the status of CIA employees that the Director of Central Intelligence? yes or no

So far the evidence is going against the statement

That is what you are trying to avoid
So far the evidence is going against the statement

That is what you are trying to avoid

so you are saying that you do, in fact, know more about the status of CIA employees than the Director of Central Intelligence.

I just wanted to get that assertive boast of yours on record.

I really had no idea you were so well plugged in.
so you are saying that you do, in fact, know more about the status of CIA employees than the Director of Central Intelligence.

I just wanted to get that assertive boast of yours on record.

I really had no idea you were so well plugged in.

I am only pointing out the sources the libs ignore in their lame attempt to make an issue out of a non issue
I am only pointing out the sources the libs ignore in their lame attempt to make an issue out of a non issue

hey....you and your sources know more about the status of his employees than the director of central intelligence himself...you have already made that clear. you are really an inside DC powerplayer to have that kind of insight.
hey....you and your sources know more about the status of his employees than the director of central intelligence himself...you have already made that clear. you are really an inside DC powerplayer to have that kind of insight.

Plame herself and her husband are not reliable sources?
hey....you and your sources know more about the status of his employees than the director of central intelligence himself...you have already made that clear. you are really an inside DC powerplayer to have that kind of insight.

If the CIA is the sole determinator on Covert status what and why was a LAW designating what makes that status needed at all? And since we HAVE a LAW how does it make sense to bow to the opinion of the Agency that caused enough concern on the matter that Congress CREATED a LAW on the matter? I assume you think hiring the Fox to guard the Hen house is a good idea also?
Let's not forget the fact that Richard Armitage confessed to being the source for both Novak AND Woodward regarding who recommended Wilson be sent to Niger. With such a confession, does it not stand to reason that if an actual violation of the US Codes has occurred that Armitage would have been indicted? It would have been a slam-dunk, cut-and-dried case. So why didn't Fitzgerald indict Armitage for the substantive crime he was investigating? Perhaps because Plame was NOT a covert intelligence agent per the statutes? I mean, what else could it have been? Armitage admitted that he told both Novak and Woodward about Plame being Wilson's wife, a CIA employee, and that she recommended him for the trip. What else is required to prosecute this? An actual violation of the criminal codes!

Frankly if Fitzgerald couldn't make a case against Armitage, there is no way in he would be able to make a case against anyone.

Just something else to consider when discussing Plame's alleged covert status.

Fitzgerald found no evidence that Armitage knew of Plame's covert CIA status when he talked to Novak and Woodward.

You see the psrt that makes it a crime was KNOWINLY outing a covert agent.
Armitage didnt know she was covert and came forward RIGHT after her name appeared in the colum
If the CIA is the sole determinator on Covert status what and why was a LAW designating what makes that status needed at all? And since we HAVE a LAW how does it make sense to bow to the opinion of the Agency that caused enough concern on the matter that Congress CREATED a LAW on the matter? I assume you think hiring the Fox to guard the Hen house is a good idea also?

Why would they LIE?
They are the ones who know what she was doing and not doing.
How is a court going to know that if the CIA has all the info?

The CIA would have to tell them huh?

NO court needed because they have already said she met the criteria
Plame Game

Former CIA officer Valerie Plame has accused high-ranking government officials of leaking her covert identity to the press, so you'd think she'd be especially sensitive to exposing classified information.

But Plame and the publisher of her upcoming memoirs are suing the CIA for refusing to let her write about her undercover work during her years at the agency.

An intelligence source says the manuscript as written would damage CIA operations, saying "the issue is her desire to talk about things she did which remain legitimately classified."

Plame announced the lawsuit at a New York trade show, where's she's promoting her new book


If she was not covert with the CIA, then why won't they clear her book? Why are they saying that parts of it could hurt national security?
WHY would Congress feel the need to create a law if they didn't need one? Answer the question, IF the CIA is the sole determinor of Covert Status WHY did Congress feel a need to CREATE a LAW and get it signed by the President?
If she was not covert with the CIA, then why won't they clear her book? Why are they saying that parts of it could hurt national security?

Ohh I don't know, maybe because no one denies she was ONCE covert? Of course your vast knowledge must have missed that small unimportant point.
Having a law determining the status does make the CIA liars does it?

There are criteria to meet the CIA says she meets them.

You either think they are completely untrustable and are a pack of liars or they are telling is the truth.

Now tell us why the CIA would Lie about her status?

Then tell us why you think they have not provided evidence to say Waxman of her status?

Then tell us why you think it would be a really smart idea for this information should be made public to further inform the world about her SECRET Status?
Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak

Newly released unclassified document details CIA employment

by Joel Seidman

WASHINGTON - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates that Plame was "covert" when her name became public in July 2003.

NBC News
Updated: 4:24 p.m. ET May 29, 2007
If the CIA is the sole determinator on Covert status what and why was a LAW designating what makes that status needed at all? And since we HAVE a LAW how does it make sense to bow to the opinion of the Agency that caused enough concern on the matter that Congress CREATED a LAW on the matter? I assume you think hiring the Fox to guard the Hen house is a good idea also?

I merely suggest that the director of central intelligence MIGHT have a better idea as to the covert status of his employees than either a cut and paste hack or a retired marine corps non-com. Can you think of any reason why that suggestion of mine is not inherently valid?
Ohh I don't know, maybe because no one denies she was ONCE covert? Of course your vast knowledge must have missed that small unimportant point.


Well, here's the scoop Retsgt,

DCI General Hayden, vetted and cleared through declassification, what the oversight committee was going to say in their opening statement on the Plame hearing.

General Hayden Cleared Congress to state cetain FACTS regarding the Plame case.

Those FACTS included their acknowledgement that Valerie Plame was an undercover officer for the CIA, working covertly overseas from time to time
for the CIA.

There is nothing you or Gunny or Corky or Red State can say that will change the FACT that at the time of her outing by all the vice presidents men, she was classified undercover.

And all of this song and a dance from your side DOES NOT change that FACT.

good morning btw.

I merely suggest that the director of central intelligence MIGHT have a better idea as to the covert status of his employees than either a cut and paste hack or a retired marine corps non-com. Can you think of any reason why that suggestion of mine is not inherently valid?

More word games and you haven't answered the question. If no one doubted the word of the Director of the CIA why was a law EVER created? Or rather why doesn't the law just say "ask the Director"

Well, here's the scoop Retsgt,

DCI General Hayden, vetted and cleared through declassification, what the oversight committee was going to say in their opening statement on the Plame hearing.

General Hayden Cleared Congress to state cetain FACTS regarding the Plame case.

Those FACTS included their acknowledgement that Valerie Plame was an undercover officer for the CIA, working covertly overseas from time to time
for the CIA.

There is nothing you or Gunny or Corky or Red State can say that will change the FACT that at the time of her outing by all the vice presidents men, she was classified undercover.

And all of this song and a dance from your side DOES NOT change that FACT.

good morning btw.


Ignoring the babble, YOU are aware that NONE of the Vice President's "men" outed her at all? Armitage did it. And was not even charged for it.

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