Oh, God....not another "TRICKLE DOWN" nightmare for the rich....not again!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.
i was through Reagan and all the others , i got my first good keeper job in 1970 as i was then able to buy my Triumph Trident [2400 bucks ready to roll] . Trickle down worked fine for me TRed !!
i was through Reagan and all the others , i got my first good keeper job in 1970 as i was then able to buy my Triumph Trident [2400 bucks ready to roll] . Trickle down worked fine for me TRed !!
Assuming your white, that's a no brainer...listen, Reagan left this country with the highest deficit in US history and as always, it took a democrat to fix the shit.
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.
They have nothing to work against the democrats have completely abandon any socialist rhetoric, going further and further to the right, every election.
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.

Depends what you mean by "works", because it might work for Trump, but for the poor, no, it won't work. It'll all trickle down to Trump's dick.
hey TRed , Trump has said that he will fix problems that have affected American people in the past and i will watch him as he does it . Course all American people have got to watch and see and honestly evaluate what Trump does TRed .
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.
They have nothing to work against the democrats have completely abandon any socialist rhetoric, going further and further to the right, every election.
Yet, lets give them time.
hey TRed , Trump has said that he will fix problems that have affected American people in the past and i will watch him as he does it . Course all American people have got to watch and see and honestly evaluate what Trump does TRed .
Dude, already, he's cutting taxes for the rich, deregulating the market and dismantling ACA....that alone should tell anybody, we're headed for yet another era of corporate greed unfiltered that will again result in massive job lost. We've seen this shit before, have we not?
Raise wages.....What do you think he is .......King ....Where he can pen and phone your boss for ya
i was through Reagan and all the others , i got my first good keeper job in 1970 as i was then able to buy my Triumph Trident [2400 bucks ready to roll] . Trickle down worked fine for me TRed !!
have wages been outpacing inflation?
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.
They have nothing to work against the democrats have completely abandon any socialist rhetoric, going further and further to the right, every election.
the left can do it for ten percent less, and help with social costs.
Reagan tried it, it didn't work, Bush tried it, it didn't work and now Tweet.....corporations will not, have not and won't take thier tax savings and invest in american workers, what about this shit, can't republicans figure out. What they do, what they have always done, is embellish themselves with outrageous financial perks and shit on the tax code, that's what they do Donald, clearly Mr. Lost a Billion in one year, you should know this.

If you want to help them white fuck nuts that voted for you, INCREASE WAGES.

Depends what you mean by "works", because it might work for Trump, but for the poor, no, it won't work. It'll all trickle down to Trump's dick.
why do you believe a minimum wage increase won't work for the poor?
Want higher wages form a
Raise wages.....What do you think he is .......King ....Where he can pen and phone your boss for ya
Dude, get a grip....Labor wages are 7 plus an hour....nuff said
What labor........Nobody makes $7 an hr.....
Oh, but they do and and and with a newly appointed labor secretary that believe in robots, I can see ever the 7.40 going down.
No ....No they don't....
Trickle down worked so well it trickled all the way to Canada. I know, I was there.
Yeah, the trickle down policy has not benefited the working class, ever.
Below is a chart of wages in Real Dollars (Constant Dollar).. The working class's wages have increased $1.49 since the 1960's and reached it's apex in the 1970's, since then, wage growth has remained flat.
The top percentile have seen have seen tremendous wealth growth, while America's middle class has floundered and has become severely weakened.
With a economy that is driven by more than 70% by consumer spending, it's easy to see why economic downturns are more frequent and are getting harder to recover from.

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