Oh, God....not another "TRICKLE DOWN" nightmare for the rich....not again!!!

why does the right wing believe higher wages will be bad for our economy?

Because if you know anything about economics, if you artificially increase the cost of labor for a business, they will have to raise prices of their goods and services to compensate. So unless you want a 10 dollar hamburger, you keep wages reasonable.

7.25 hour, which very few people make very long at all, comes out to almost 15,000 a year. I own a 3 bedroom brick home on an acre of land, a boat, 4 vehicles and a 4 wheeler. I am paying a mortgage and car insurance, all of my cars are old so no car notes, and I can live on 12,000 a year no problem at all. In fact, 11K a year is quite doable. So even on minimum wage, one can do quite well.

They don't need to be paid more for doing menial work, they need to gain work experience and move up the corporate ladder and be paid more because they are WORTH more, not just because some bleeding heart liberal wants them to make more than they are worth. I started working, with a bachelors degree, at the local airport hauling around a 3 inch fuel hose pumping jet fuel into airplanes for 6.25/hr in the middle of the night. If I can start there, a high school dropout can too. That poor paying job got my foot in the door in the working world and at the airport, where I met a bunch of people and started making connections. Those connections got me a job at the same airport, managing a corporate jet hangar, for 3 times as much. It was that low paying job that got me meeting these very rich corporate folks, who saw that I did a great job even when making poor money, so they figured I would do great being paid alot more. And I did.

I needed a high security clearance to make 6.25 an hour, as well.

Wages have not increased with the cost of living and inflation but that has more to do with outsourcing our industrial base for cheap labor and replacing them with low paying service sector jobs, but the fact remains my generation has gotten fucked over and out for the prosperity experienced by baby boomers, hopefully Trump will change the course which both parties have been taking this country since the 80s.
-------------------------------------------------------------- fair is fair , I wish you well , lets see what President Trump can do Chaos !!
good thing, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, for capitalists.
People don't understand, when you're selling a 40,000 dollar car, raising the price of each one 500 dollars to compensate for an increase in labor costs is not that big of a deal. But making a 3 dollar hamburger 5 dollars is huge.

The cost of each unit is a huge determining factor on the effect of labor costs in producing that unit.
This is why, no one takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Even the dollar menu won't double in price.
I think that CSChaos in post #76 has the correct approach although seeing burger filppers yelling for 15 dollars an hour on public streets while their stores go to automation also makes me smile Daniel .
America is only for the wealthy. The system is not meant for hardworkiuhardworkiung people to get ahead. If you are poor or middle class, that is your place...on the bottom.
I think that CSChaos in post #76 has the correct approach although seeing burger filppers yelling for 15 dollars an hour on public streets while their stores go to automation also makes me smile Daniel .
so what; i am also advocating for unemployment compensation, at fourteen dollars an hour.
why does the right wing believe higher wages will be bad for our economy?

Because if you know anything about economics, if you artificially increase the cost of labor for a business, they will have to raise prices of their goods and services to compensate. So unless you want a 10 dollar hamburger, you keep wages reasonable.

7.25 hour, which very few people make very long at all, comes out to almost 15,000 a year. I own a 3 bedroom brick home on an acre of land, a boat, 4 vehicles and a 4 wheeler. I am paying a mortgage and car insurance, all of my cars are old so no car notes, and I can live on 12,000 a year no problem at all. In fact, 11K a year is quite doable. So even on minimum wage, one can do quite well.

They don't need to be paid more for doing menial work, they need to gain work experience and move up the corporate ladder and be paid more because they are WORTH more, not just because some bleeding heart liberal wants them to make more than they are worth. I started working, with a bachelors degree, at the local airport hauling around a 3 inch fuel hose pumping jet fuel into airplanes for 6.25/hr in the middle of the night. If I can start there, a high school dropout can too. That poor paying job got my foot in the door in the working world and at the airport, where I met a bunch of people and started making connections. Those connections got me a job at the same airport, managing a corporate jet hangar, for 3 times as much. It was that low paying job that got me meeting these very rich corporate folks, who saw that I did a great job even when making poor money, so they figured I would do great being paid alot more. And I did.

I needed a high security clearance to make 6.25 an hour, as well.

Wages have not increased with the cost of living and inflation but that has more to do with outsourcing our industrial base for cheap labor and replacing them with low paying service sector jobs, but the fact remains my generation has gotten fucked over and out for the prosperity experienced by baby boomers, hopefully Trump will change the course which both parties have been taking this country since the 80s.
-------------------------------------------------------------- fair is fair , I wish you well , lets see what President Trump can do Chaos !!
good thing, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, for capitalists.

Capitalism works just fine the problem is unfair one sided trade deals and over regulation. Take the TPP for example, if it is a free trade agreement (as in free and open markets) then why does it come in the form of a 5,000+ page piece of legislation? That's not laissez-faire capitalism that is a planned economy.
$14.00 to stay home while others work overtime to make up the difference to support their own family?

Get off your ass a get a job.

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