Oh here we go. Now the DEMS play the Watergate card. "COVER-UP!!!!"

First coverup in history where the accused person of a cover-up released 1.5 million documents, utilizing 40 FBI agents, with 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communications, 50 orders for pen registers, 13 requests to foreign governments, and 500 witnesses.

Through all that, we just know......KNOW.....he is covering up something.
Now they are trying to evoke the glory days of the Nixon overthrow with "Cover-Up" accusations. This too will fail. What else ya got?

Hoyer: Trump conducting largest cover-up in history of the United States

Cover up what?

No collusion happened.

The only crime that happened was the Hussein FBI spying on the Trump campaign.

The Press/Hollywood have brainwashed the Troglocrat Voters into believing that their Russian Collusion conspiracy was true.
Even Nixon would have been disgusted by Trump

Obama did worse. He spied on millions. Used the IRS to go after people against him and released the names of media contacts. He’s a saint. Him and Hilary are going to look good in Orange.

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Obama actually DID what Nixon was only ACCUSED of. But Obama is a black mutt, and a Democrat.
Even Nixon would have been disgusted by Trump

The President that Nixon would have been amazed by was Barack Obama, Black Flag! One of the main reasons that Tricky Dick was finally told by his fellow Republicans that he had to go was that he attempted to use the power of the IRS against his political enemies and even his own party members realized that was beyond the pale. Barack Obama not only attempted to use the IRS against his political enemies...HE SUCCEEDED IN DOING SO AND THEN WHEN THAT WAS EXPOSED...NOBODY IN HIS ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION WAS EVER PUNISHED FOR DOING SO! Nixon would be green with envy!
There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. Now the democrats scream cover up. What is being covered up. Russian collusion.

Some democrats know that an entire election platform consisting of nothing more than get Trump is a loser. But there is nothing they can do. The political momentum is against them.
Even Nixon would have been disgusted by Trump

The President that Nixon would have been amazed by was Barack Obama, Black Flag! One of the main reasons that Tricky Dick was finally told by his fellow Republicans that he had to go was that he attempted to use the power of the IRS against his political enemies and even his own party members realized that was beyond the pale. Barack Obama not only attempted to use the IRS against his political enemies...HE SUCCEEDED IN DOING SO AND THEN WHEN THAT WAS EXPOSED...NOBODY IN HIS ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION WAS EVER PUNISHED FOR DOING SO! Nixon would be green with envy!
Being green would have helped Nixon. Shitstain obama got away with his criminal activities because he is black.
Here's how it works, Speaker Pelosi deliberately poisoned a meeting with the President when she threw the comment "cover up" to her friends in the media and in turn the media blamed the President for walking out.
Now they are trying to evoke the glory days of the Nixon overthrow with "Cover-Up" accusations. This too will fail. What else ya got?

Hoyer: Trump conducting largest cover-up in history of the United States
/——/ Do you think they are worried about Barr’s investigations?
Oh yeah, but the all out blitz to get Trump has been their plan for awhile. They knew last year Heir Mueller wasn't going to deliver the result they wanted.
Michael Cohen went to jail for being a felon and breaking campaign finance laws. The fact that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator and created shell companies to cover up the payments, is again, the very definition of cover-up.

When they created the word cover-up, they must’ve had Trump in mind.

Here we go again. Captain Libtard Denard

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Now they are trying to evoke the glory days of the Nixon overthrow with "Cover-Up" accusations. This too will fail. What else ya got?

Hoyer: Trump conducting largest cover-up in history of the United States
When Trump says he won’t do anything unless Democrats stop investigating him then that’s a cover-up. The very definition of cover-up.

No, when democrats claim for 2 years that the Mueller report will show all of Trumps wrongdoing and it comes out and it turns out to be a big overcooked nothingburger they want a do-over. At some point even an innocent man will say enough is enough.
Even Nixon would have been disgusted by Trump

Obama did worse. He spied on millions.

And they're still doing it. Why hasn't Trump put a stop to it?

That was Obama and Clinton’s thing. Not Trump

Oh, so Bush had nothing to do with it either, huh?

Who is the president now and has the power to put a stop to this and has not done so?

If you can read. Check the non liberal media out and the subpoena’s are going out for Obama and Clinton.

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