Oh My! B. Hussein's disapproval rating hits a new high!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The AP-GfK poll shows 59 percent of Americans now disapprove of Obama -- a point higher than the previous high set in December.

Obama's approval rating stands at 41 percent. That's the second-lowest figure the poll has ever found.

Part of Obama's problems appear to be related to foreign policy: The poll shows Americans disapprove of his handling of the situation in Ukraine 57-40 and disapprove of how he handles relationships with other countries 58-40.

AND, this short video shows just how popular he is in Europe...Listen to the applause at the end of his speech yesterday!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...NOT!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVFrdWIs2LI"]Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube[/ame]

In January, Americans were evenly split on Obama's diplomacy skills.
The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday.

Any wonder Democrats up for reelection are running away from him like he has AIDS!
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No doubt about it......his presidency has been bad. And YET, the Republican Party still couldn't beat him.

Its kinda like when a 9-7 team gets a playoff spot in the NFL. Not because they are that good. But their peers are worse.

If the Republican Party wasn't full of arrogant, greedy, backstabbing assholes (and throw in some lunatics, racists, sexists, and just outright douchebags) then they'd have won in 2012 and control all of Congress.

But they haven't.

The Democrat Party is that bad restaurant in the poor part of town.......that stays in business b/c there isn't anything better around.
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No doubt about it......his presidency has been bad. And YET, the Republican Party still couldn't beat him.

Its kinda like when a 9-7 team gets a playoff spot in the NFL. Not because they are that good. But their peers are worse.

If the Republican Party wasn't full of arrogant, greedy, backstabbing assholes (and throw in some lunatics, racists, sexists, and just outright douchebags) then they'd have won in 2012 and control all of Congress.

But they haven't.

The Democrat Party is that bad restaurant in the poor part of town.......that stays in business b/c there isn't anything better around.

Seems we you have someone that seems to disagree somewhat with your assessment...Donald Lambro at Townhall.com

The end of Barack Obama's presidency effectively began after the 2010 congressional elections when Republicans took control of the House.

Obama and the Democrats have been tumbling into a political abyss ever since, hurtling toward major Senate losses this fall, if not a decisive Republican takeover of the Democratic-run chamber.

He has been robotically going through the motions of being the president, but he no longer steers the nation's agenda or is seen as a catalyst for change or as a leader who gets things done -- as his job approval polls sink into the low 40s and the lethargic U.S. economy shows no sign of serious improvement.

His grand plan to further push our country in a sharply leftward direction has turned into a disaster for his party. Democrats have been thrown on the defensive as a result of his unpopular healthcare law that is coming apart at the seams, driving up medical insurance costs, and most likely facing some dismantlement in the courts.

Vulnerable, frightened Democrats running for re-election talk now of "fixing" Obamacare rather than preserving it as it is presently shaped -- while Obama orders one year long delay after another in its full implementation in the face of devastating losses in November.

"There is no doubt the Senate outlook has deteriorated significantly in the past six weeks," a Democratic political strategist told the Washington Post last week. "Between the map and the [Affordable Care Act's] unpopularity in the states on the map, it has gone from being a jump ball to advantage Republicans."

The GOP needs to pick up just six additional seats to take control of the chamber, but their odds are now much better than that.
"Eleven Democratic-held [Senate] seats are in peril....a significant expansion even from a few months ago," writes the Post's ace election tracker Chris Cillizza.

If Republicans were to win only in the states that George Romney carried in 2012, "they would be in the majority in 2015" in the Senate, he says.
The newspapers have been filled with stories about how Hillary Clinton is the enthusiastic choice of her party to be their 2016 presidential nominee. Indeed, there is no other serious Democratic candidate on the horizon.
But gushing news stories about her credentials to follow Obama into the White House ignore or downplay a lot of critical issues and political factors that suggest the country may think otherwise..... Much more...

Remembering HillaryCare, Benghazi and "What Difference at This Point Does it Make?" - Donald Lambro - Page 1
The AP-GfK poll shows 59 percent of Americans now disapprove of Obama -- a point higher than the previous high set in December.

Obama's approval rating stands at 41 percent. That's the second-lowest figure the poll has ever found.

Part of Obama's problems appear to be related to foreign policy: The poll shows Americans disapprove of his handling of the situation in Ukraine 57-40 and disapprove of how he handles relationships with other countries 58-40.

AND, this short video shows just how popular he is in Europe...Listen to the applause at the end of his speech yesterday!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...NOT!

Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube

In January, Americans were evenly split on Obama's diplomacy skills.
The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday.

Any wonder Democrats up for reelection are running away from him like he has AIDS!

Hmm so how are those republican approval ratings lately?
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The AP-GfK poll shows 59 percent of Americans now disapprove of Obama -- a point higher than the previous high set in December.

Obama's approval rating stands at 41 percent. That's the second-lowest figure the poll has ever found.

Part of Obama's problems appear to be related to foreign policy: The poll shows Americans disapprove of his handling of the situation in Ukraine 57-40 and disapprove of how he handles relationships with other countries 58-40.

AND, this short video shows just how popular he is in Europe...Listen to the applause at the end of his speech yesterday!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...NOT!

Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube

In January, Americans were evenly split on Obama's diplomacy skills.
The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday.

Any wonder Democrats up for reelection are running away from him like he has AIDS!

Hmm so how are those republican approval ratings lately?

About as abysmal as the Democrats, it's simply B. Insane driving the Democrats into the ground!

Obama's Job Approval Points to 2014 Trouble for Democrats

Obama's Job Approval Points to 2014 Trouble for Democrats | RealClearPolitics
The AP-GfK poll shows 59 percent of Americans now disapprove of Obama -- a point higher than the previous high set in December.

Obama's approval rating stands at 41 percent. That's the second-lowest figure the poll has ever found.

Part of Obama's problems appear to be related to foreign policy: The poll shows Americans disapprove of his handling of the situation in Ukraine 57-40 and disapprove of how he handles relationships with other countries 58-40.

AND, this short video shows just how popular he is in Europe...Listen to the applause at the end of his speech yesterday!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...NOT!

Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube

In January, Americans were evenly split on Obama's diplomacy skills.
The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday.

Any wonder Democrats up for reelection are running away from him like he has AIDS!

Hmm so how are those republican approval ratings lately?

You mean in congress? About as bad as the Dems... Why would you ask a question comparing apples and oranges? Oh.... Because to make Obama look good you have to call a recession better than a depression.
The AP-GfK poll shows 59 percent of Americans now disapprove of Obama -- a point higher than the previous high set in December.

Obama's approval rating stands at 41 percent. That's the second-lowest figure the poll has ever found.

Part of Obama's problems appear to be related to foreign policy: The poll shows Americans disapprove of his handling of the situation in Ukraine 57-40 and disapprove of how he handles relationships with other countries 58-40.

AND, this short video shows just how popular he is in Europe...Listen to the applause at the end of his speech yesterday!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...NOT!

Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube

In January, Americans were evenly split on Obama's diplomacy skills.
The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday.

Any wonder Democrats up for reelection are running away from him like he has AIDS!

Hmm so how are those republican approval ratings lately?

About as abysmal as the Democrats, it's simply B. Insane driving the Democrats into the ground!

Obama's Job Approval Points to 2014 Trouble for Democrats

Obama's Job Approval Points to 2014 Trouble for Democrats | RealClearPolitics

Last time I checked congressional republicans have the lowest ratings out of all three.

Singling out Obama is ridiculous. Are his approval ratings low? Yes, but our entire government needs to be examined.
Yeah sure people don't like Obama. But people don't like Republicans either.

Wow, yeah, go run with that one. Obama is pulling down the Democrat Party. After these elections Democrats will be pushing to impeach him.
For Democrats, politicians in handcuffs point to image problems

Americans have low—exceedingly low—opinions about government. It’s supposed to stay out of their hair until needed, at which point it’s supposed to solve problems instantly. For the full range of American needs, government is supposed to provide only two things: competence and honor.

For Democrats who have long championed government as a force for social good, competence is perhaps the biggest potential victim of the rocky rollout of the Obamacare insurance program.

Millions of Americans will gain coverage under the plan—some enjoying insurance for the first time—but their voices have been drowned out by the months-long criticisms of websites that wouldn’t work, deadlines that had to be extended, exceptions that had to be made. (The most recent: Tuesday’s news that the supposedly firm March 31 sign-up deadline was actually a bit squishy, extended into April for people who have started the sign-up process by the end of this month.)

The other component—honor—has come sharply into question this week, and not in a good way for the image of Democrats. Handcuffs are almost always a bad sign.
On Wednesday, California state Sen. Leland Yee was arrested as part of a public corruption investigation, the FBI confirmed. No charges were detailed, and Yee was due in court later Wednesday. A Democrat from San Francisco, Yee has been seeking the job of secretary of state, the office that runs California’s elections.
Yee is the third California Democrat caught in seemingly unrelated criminal scandals this brief year.

Sen. Rod Wright of Inglewood was convicted in January of perjury and voter fraud stemming from charges that he had lied about his address on voter registration and candidacy papers. His attorney has said he will appeal, and a court date has been set for May 16. Weeks after that conviction, Sen. Ronald S. Calderon of Montebello pleaded not guilty after his indictment on charges of bribery and money laundering.
In both his and Yee’s cases, the Capitol was treated to the specter of FBI agents wading through offices in search of evidence.

At almost the same time that Yee was taken into custody, a Southern Democrat, Mayor Patrick Cannon of Charlotte, N.C., was arrested on a federal complaint that charged him with theft, bribery and extortion.

According to U.S. Atty. Anne M. Tompkins, the complaint alleges that Cannon repeatedly took bribes from undercover FBI agents—the last time accepting $20,000 in cash in a meeting in the mayor’s office. Cannon’s arrest followed by days the resignation of Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox after investigators involved in a secret inquiry searched through the Democrat’s home and office.
None of these things had happened the last time the Pew Research organization studied trust in government, which is probably a good thing. Even then, last fall, only 19% of Americans said that they trusted government most or all of the time. That was down 7 points from January.

The percentage who trusted government only sometimes, or never?
Eighty percent.

Accusations of law-breaking and Obamacare's rocky roll-out have impugned Democrats' image - latimes.com
For Democrats, politicians in handcuffs point to image problems

Americans have low—exceedingly low—opinions about government. It’s supposed to stay out of their hair until needed, at which point it’s supposed to solve problems instantly. For the full range of American needs, government is supposed to provide only two things: competence and honor.

For Democrats who have long championed government as a force for social good, competence is perhaps the biggest potential victim of the rocky rollout of the Obamacare insurance program.

Millions of Americans will gain coverage under the plan—some enjoying insurance for the first time—but their voices have been drowned out by the months-long criticisms of websites that wouldn’t work, deadlines that had to be extended, exceptions that had to be made. (The most recent: Tuesday’s news that the supposedly firm March 31 sign-up deadline was actually a bit squishy, extended into April for people who have started the sign-up process by the end of this month.)

The other component—honor—has come sharply into question this week, and not in a good way for the image of Democrats. Handcuffs are almost always a bad sign.
On Wednesday, California state Sen. Leland Yee was arrested as part of a public corruption investigation, the FBI confirmed. No charges were detailed, and Yee was due in court later Wednesday. A Democrat from San Francisco, Yee has been seeking the job of secretary of state, the office that runs California’s elections.
Yee is the third California Democrat caught in seemingly unrelated criminal scandals this brief year.

Sen. Rod Wright of Inglewood was convicted in January of perjury and voter fraud stemming from charges that he had lied about his address on voter registration and candidacy papers. His attorney has said he will appeal, and a court date has been set for May 16. Weeks after that conviction, Sen. Ronald S. Calderon of Montebello pleaded not guilty after his indictment on charges of bribery and money laundering.
In both his and Yee’s cases, the Capitol was treated to the specter of FBI agents wading through offices in search of evidence.

At almost the same time that Yee was taken into custody, a Southern Democrat, Mayor Patrick Cannon of Charlotte, N.C., was arrested on a federal complaint that charged him with theft, bribery and extortion.

According to U.S. Atty. Anne M. Tompkins, the complaint alleges that Cannon repeatedly took bribes from undercover FBI agents—the last time accepting $20,000 in cash in a meeting in the mayor’s office. Cannon’s arrest followed by days the resignation of Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox after investigators involved in a secret inquiry searched through the Democrat’s home and office.
None of these things had happened the last time the Pew Research organization studied trust in government, which is probably a good thing. Even then, last fall, only 19% of Americans said that they trusted government most or all of the time. That was down 7 points from January.

The percentage who trusted government only sometimes, or never?
Eighty percent.

Accusations of law-breaking and Obamacare's rocky roll-out have impugned Democrats' image - latimes.com

Well Im sure even you can see the irony in republicans' approval ratings. They are supposed to be all about small government yet Americans hate them the most.

Why do republicans have the lowest ratings? It's because they continuously run on issues Americans are against. Gun control, gay rights, raising the minimum wage, closing the wealth gap, extending unemployment benefits, etc.
Obama approval = 44%

Democrat approval = 33%

GOP approval = 22%

As usual, the democrats and president are kicking the GOP's asses up and down the block in approval ratings. The president has twice the approval of the GOP :up:

Obama approval = 44%

Democrat approval = 33%

GOP approval = 22%

As usual, the democrats and president are kicking the GOP's asses up and down the block in approval ratings. The president has twice the approval of the GOP :up:


Yet, B. Insane FAILS on every issue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The only insane fail going on is from the idiot republicans and teabaggers, they haven't been this high in years, they had single digit approval for quite a while :lol::lol:
Obama approval = 44%

Democrat approval = 33%

GOP approval = 22%

As usual, the democrats and president are kicking the GOP's asses up and down the block in approval ratings. The president has twice the approval of the GOP :up:


Yet, B. Insane FAILS on every issue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Someone is in denial...

Democrats in congress may be ineffective, but they don't compare to the corrupt, selfish, and hypocritical douche bags know as the GOP.
Obama approval = 44%

Democrat approval = 33%

GOP approval = 22%

As usual, the democrats and president are kicking the GOP's asses up and down the block in approval ratings. The president has twice the approval of the GOP :up:


Yet, B. Insane FAILS on every issue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The only insane fail going on is from the idiot republicans and teabaggers, they haven't been this high in years, they had single digit approval for quite a while :lol::lol:

Then they are SURGING in your poll...How about that!


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