Oh My! B. Hussein's disapproval rating hits a new high!

Democrats in congress may be ineffective, but they don't compare to the corrupt, selfish, and hypocritical douche bags know as the GOP.

And yet we approve of our GOP legislators enough to send them back, and likely to send even more in 2014.
Is that your best response? "Yeah, the GOP sucks but we'll keep reelecting them."

No. My response is you guys can say the GOP sucks all you want, but what you think doesn't matter. I don't think they do. I'm quite pleased with my legislators, I'm sending them back, and your opinion about our legislators won't matter when we take the Senate back either.
Meanwhile, those Obama coattails keep getting wedged farther and farther into his you-know-what.
Corporations are supposed to make profits off of the backs of their employees while the employees are hated for needing food stamps. Right. If they don't like their minimum wage jobs, they can go find another minimum wage job or just move to North Dakota and hope to be hired at an opulent 5-star McDonald's.

Republicans don't make sense. I knew that already.
Corporations are supposed to make profits off of the backs of their employees while the employees are hated for needing food stamps. Right. If they don't like their minimum wage jobs, they can go find another minimum wage job or just move to North Dakota and hope to be hired at an opulent 5-star McDonald's.

Republicans don't make sense. I knew that already.

Then they should all MOVE TO N. DAKOTA where there is NO UNEMPLOYMENT and starting pay for a fucking truck driver is $50-$60K!

You B.Insane kool aid drinkers lose IQ every time you post!

Perhaps we should let all those Mexican's in so they can work for Corporations and put all you UNION WORKERS out of work permanently! You idiots don't realize that your UNION THUG bosses want these illegals in to take your jobs, because they can CHARGE THEM more dues than you current guys, and can lead them around by the nose easier than some of you that are starting to wake up!
And yet we approve of our GOP legislators enough to send them back, and likely to send even more in 2014.
Is that your best response? "Yeah, the GOP sucks but we'll keep reelecting them."

No. My response is you guys can say the GOP sucks all you want, but what you think doesn't matter. I don't think they do. I'm quite pleased with my legislators, I'm sending them back, and your opinion about our legislators won't matter when we take the Senate back either.

This is why right wingers possess a severe mental illness. No matter how terrible they are, try to destroy the nation and crap all over the constitution, you still line up like sheep and support them.
Is that your best response? "Yeah, the GOP sucks but we'll keep reelecting them."

No. My response is you guys can say the GOP sucks all you want, but what you think doesn't matter. I don't think they do. I'm quite pleased with my legislators, I'm sending them back, and your opinion about our legislators won't matter when we take the Senate back either.

This is why right wingers possess a severe mental illness. No matter how terrible they are, try to destroy the nation and crap all over the constitution, you still line up like sheep and support them.

Wake up to reality, dummy!

Will the GOP run on a platform of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act and ending the NSA domestic spying program? You know, "change"?
No doubt about it......his presidency has been bad. And YET, the Republican Party still couldn't beat him.

Its kinda like when a 9-7 team gets a playoff spot in the NFL. Not because they are that good. But their peers are worse.

If the Republican Party wasn't full of arrogant, greedy, backstabbing assholes (and throw in some lunatics, racists, sexists, and just outright douchebags) then they'd have won in 2012 and control all of Congress.

But they haven't.

The Democrat Party is that bad restaurant in the poor part of town.......that stays in business b/c there isn't anything better around.


Obama turned out to be just another person purchased by Corporations and couldn't think for himself.

Then his opponent became Mr.Corporation himself LOL.

What choice did the people have?. The tool or the puppet master?

I'm actually proud of Obama's fight against Corporate interests. There is only so much you can do when you have to have money to win.

(He chose to take donations from wind energy, Romney picked coal)
No. My response is you guys can say the GOP sucks all you want, but what you think doesn't matter. I don't think they do. I'm quite pleased with my legislators, I'm sending them back, and your opinion about our legislators won't matter when we take the Senate back either.

This is why right wingers possess a severe mental illness. No matter how terrible they are, try to destroy the nation and crap all over the constitution, you still line up like sheep and support them.

Wake up to reality, dummy!

Yes, you should

Will the GOP run on a platform of repealing the USAPATRIOT Act and ending the NSA domestic spying program? You know, "change"?

Some will, BUT not one fucking subversive democrat will!
Let's look at other presidents.

Bush Dubya




This says what?

Obama and Bush went down the more they were in office. Clinton was cheating on his wife and didn't really do anything, people seemed to have liked him for this.

Moral of the story is.....?
Wake up to reality, dummy!

Yes, you should


And so should you!


Kind of sums up US politics, well done.

The rich do as they wish, the poor are advertised to death, $6.5 billion was spent by political parties (mostly dem and rep) to tell you what to think in the 2012 federal elections.

Just like morons who buy pepsi instead of drinking free coca cola because of the advertising gimmicks (true story here), or the morons who eat rubbish mcdonalds instead of actually food without realising what it is they are eating, people are also told what to think, and they do as they are told when they vote.

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