OH MY GAWD! What if Holder didn't know about ATF gunwalking?

Next week, the idiot Pubs will vote Holder in contempt, the dupes will go crazy, and the real world will laugh and laugh. A-holes and fools...

like the way most here laugh and laugh at the shit you post?......like the laugh i had when you posted your comedy about Prop 13?......your a regular riot Frankie....
Holder did say the character of F+F was not mentioned in that 2010 meeting. And the exATF chief never told the Bush OR Obama administration about it- typical out of control Boooosh agency, like GSA. You dupes have the attention span of gnats. And want to do that catastrophic mess AGAIN, but a W clone with NO personality this time. Brilliant!

Holder also said the 2010 meeting didn't discuss Fast and Furious at all. If he lied about the first why should I believe him about the second?

Ronald Reagan forgot about subverting the constitution. Holder forgot the name of some unknown, unspecified ATF program barely mentioned is some meeting. You people are brainwashed to the point of insanity...Acorn stole the election for the Kenyan muslim Marxist. Pffft!!

more comedy from Frankie.....calling OTHERS Brainwashed......
40k Mexicans have been killed fighting our drug war. The ex ATF chief said he never told Holder oR Bush. It would be illegal for Holder to hand over the wiretap and gran jury transcripts requested. Only dupes believe ANY of this crappe. QED.

they were not killed FIGHTING the war Frankie......they were just killed....
This is just a political witch hunt to cover up their inaction on the economy.

Republicans have no shame!

so dont tell me if the situation was reversed that the Democrats would be showing us how much Shame they have....yea i will buy that....
Matthew Miller. formerly a top aide to Eric Holder was just interviewed on TV.

Top Aide to Holder Is Leaving Justice Dept. - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Ed Schultz Show

Mr. Miller said all of these operations were started under Bush and they continued at a low level without the knowledge of Obama Administration officials. In fact, he said the head of the ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) stated, under oath, that he never told Holder of the operation. He said the very day Holder was informed of the operation, he issued an order for this operation to stop.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does anyone understand what that means? It means that Holder learned of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death before he even heard of "Operation Gun Runner".

And the most damning comment of all. Mr. Miller said that Darrell Issa has all of this information but refused to let the former head of the ATF testfy.

If this is true, the Mitt will hit the fan. This far ahead of the election, all the facts will come out. Republicans will have a lot of "splainin'" to do. This would have worked better two weeks before the election. But now? When all the facts come out? It's like Shirley Sherrod all over again, but on a larger scale.


And yet Holder says himself that Fast and Furious began under the Obama administration, while saying that Wide Receiver was a program begun under Bush. Listen to the video that was posted by Darkwind earlier.

Holder contradicts Bush did it too.wmv - YouTube

He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

that because you believe without question everything that you are told Dean.....you have been told this before.....you dont know what these guys are up to behind the scenes.....none of us do.....some get caught,some dont.....
Matthew Miller. formerly a top aide to Eric Holder was just interviewed on TV.

Top Aide to Holder Is Leaving Justice Dept. - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Ed Schultz Show

Mr. Miller said all of these operations were started under Bush and they continued at a low level without the knowledge of Obama Administration officials. In fact, he said the head of the ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) stated, under oath, that he never told Holder of the operation. He said the very day Holder was informed of the operation, he issued an order for this operation to stop.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does anyone understand what that means? It means that Holder learned of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death before he even heard of "Operation Gun Runner".

And the most damning comment of all. Mr. Miller said that Darrell Issa has all of this information but refused to let the former head of the ATF testfy.

If this is true, the Mitt will hit the fan. This far ahead of the election, all the facts will come out. Republicans will have a lot of "splainin'" to do. This would have worked better two weeks before the election. But now? When all the facts come out? It's like Shirley Sherrod all over again, but on a larger scale.


And yet Holder says himself that Fast and Furious began under the Obama administration, while saying that Wide Receiver was a program begun under Bush. Listen to the video that was posted by Darkwind earlier.

Holder contradicts Bush did it too.wmv - YouTube

He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

What part of "The Bush administration is the one that started Wide Receiver and the Obama administration is where Fast and Furious began." did you miss hearing Eric Holder say in that clip?
Sorry to burst your bubble but your guys did this.
That means Holder is shit as a leader of the DOJ and should resign his position.

I have a hard fucking time believing that Holder had no clue about an operation that delivered a shitload of guns from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels and resulted in hundreds of murders including that of a Border Patrol agent.

If he didn't, he needs to go, along with the people who did this behind his back.

Why do you say that? Bush kept the cost of the two wars from the American people for years. The way these Republicans hate both Obama and Holder, I'm sure there are lots of things they weren't told. Hell, Republicans have publicly stated they want this president to fail. Information is power. So is keeping it secret. We know Republicans hate Obama more than they love America. That's a given.

right off the bat it comes to BUSH, you can't eve stick with your own topic...and what we hate is your repetitive threads.
And yet Holder says himself that Fast and Furious began under the Obama administration, while saying that Wide Receiver was a program begun under Bush. Listen to the video that was posted by Darkwind earlier.

Holder contradicts Bush did it too.wmv - YouTube

He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

Absolutely... The main premise of F&F was to provide weapons to Mexicans, then disingenuously "discover" that America was providing guns to Mexicans ,so Liberal "advancements" could be made in curtailing Americans Second Amendment Rights. Strange how the the anti gun crowd has been "conveniently" quiet since F&F was exposed, isn't it. Bush you can "see"... But Obama? I'd suggest that if you take your partisan blinders off, your vision might improve.

Then why has Obama expanded gun rights. :eusa_whistle:
Absolutely... The main premise of F&F was to provide weapons to Mexicans, then disingenuously "discover" that America was providing guns to Mexicans ,so Liberal "advancements" could be made in curtailing Americans Second Amendment Rights. Strange how the the anti gun crowd has been "conveniently" quiet since F&F was exposed, isn't it. Bush you can "see"... But Obama? I'd suggest that if you take your partisan blinders off, your vision might improve.

It's loons like you that caused me to cancel my NRA membership after about 30 years. When gunwalking was taking place under Bush, what were his motives? A secret plot to ban guns?

Loons like me? That is the cue you have completely lost the ability to respond with any sort of rational thinking, now predictably you deflect to BOOOOOSH. :badgrin: I've based my responses on Criminal Law and objective reasoning, and you cannot accept facts in your vain attempt to defend the indefensible. It's the Leftist mantra... Lose an argument, then resort to cowardly name calling... What's next? Profanity. You "loons" are so predictable.

Rational thinker? If you were thinking rational thoughts, why not write THOSE out instead of ridiculous conspiracy theories?
if the evidence in this case was a clear as the right is claiming it is then why are they having so much trouble convicining the rest of the country?
And yet Holder says himself that Fast and Furious began under the Obama administration, while saying that Wide Receiver was a program begun under Bush. Listen to the video that was posted by Darkwind earlier.

Holder contradicts Bush did it too.wmv - YouTube

He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

I don't think Obama knew about it until it Blew up Myself, But I think Holder did, and at some point Told Obama. How Early who knows, But now Obama is Covering for Holder which IMO Pretty fucking bad too. lol

It was Republicans who stopped any investigation into BP by refusing to grant this administration subpoena power. The first time in history. They were helping out their corporate masters to keep secrets from this administration. There already are precedence and history to show that Republicans undermine the Obama administration at every opportunity. This is simply another example.
He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

Absolutely... The main premise of F&F was to provide weapons to Mexicans, then disingenuously "discover" that America was providing guns to Mexicans ,so Liberal "advancements" could be made in curtailing Americans Second Amendment Rights. Strange how the the anti gun crowd has been "conveniently" quiet since F&F was exposed, isn't it. Bush you can "see"... But Obama? I'd suggest that if you take your partisan blinders off, your vision might improve.

Then why has Obama expanded gun rights. :eusa_whistle:

What? Are we supposed to give Obama credit for court decisions that he argued against?
It's loons like you that caused me to cancel my NRA membership after about 30 years. When gunwalking was taking place under Bush, what were his motives? A secret plot to ban guns?

Loons like me? That is the cue you have completely lost the ability to respond with any sort of rational thinking, now predictably you deflect to BOOOOOSH. :badgrin: I've based my responses on Criminal Law and objective reasoning, and you cannot accept facts in your vain attempt to defend the indefensible. It's the Leftist mantra... Lose an argument, then resort to cowardly name calling... What's next? Profanity. You "loons" are so predictable.

Rational thinker? If you were thinking rational thoughts, why not write THOSE out instead of ridiculous conspiracy theories?

He isn't the one that got all excited because he saw something on TV that was a total and complete fabrication that he thought would prove that Holder didn't know anything about a program that didn't start when Bush was in office.
if the evidence in this case was a clear as the right is claiming it is then why are they having so much trouble convicining the rest of the country?

They aren't, it is only the moonbats who get all their news from Maddow that think this is all BS.
He didn't say the Obama administration started it.

Come on people. We know about Reagan and secret weapons deals. We know about Bush and all of his schemes. Remember, a covert CIA agent was "outed" on his watch and he had to use executive privilege 6 times and there were no "witchhunts".

Does "gunrunning" sound anything like something the Obama administration would do? Remember, this is the guy who worked with generals who planned out getting Bin Laden. This is what's called a "careful" thinker. "No Drama Obama". So Obama is going to be part of this harebrained scheme. Bush I can see. But Obama? Give me a break.

I don't think Obama knew about it until it Blew up Myself, But I think Holder did, and at some point Told Obama. How Early who knows, But now Obama is Covering for Holder which IMO Pretty fucking bad too. lol

It was Republicans who stopped any investigation into BP by refusing to grant this administration subpoena power. The first time in history. They were helping out their corporate masters to keep secrets from this administration. There already are precedence and history to show that Republicans undermine the Obama administration at every opportunity. This is simply another example.

The administration can use the DOJ, the FBI, and numerous other agencies to subpoena anything they want, what the frack are you talking about now?

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