OH MY: Slain South Carolina Pastor & Senator Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage

LOL. Which explains why the happiest countries have higher taxes, universal healthcare, longer life expectancy, maternity leave, etc, etc.. In fact, most industrialized countries have universal healthcare, and they spend less per person, the us spending is almost 2x as much with worse results.

Anyone who believes happiness can be measured is a certified dolt. What are the units of happiness? What is the ratio of German happiness to American happiness?

You have only proved that you are supremely gullible.
Oh jesus of christ, they look at life expectancy, wages, upward mobility, many different independent polls, fuck, if you seriously want to try to argue against universal healthcare, the rest of the world is laughing at you.

What is the unit of happiness?

Most of the variables you mention are better in the United States. A lot of the stuff they measure is mostly a measure of how socialist a country is, as if that equated to happiness. It only equates in the minds of socialists.

At Oxford the measured it by asking people how happy they were. Yeah, that's scientific.

Measuring "happiness" is just a scam so socialists can claim socialism is better than capitalism even though it produces a lower standard of living.
You're desperate now, I understand that, and most of them variables aren't better, in fact, not one is better, so stop fear mongering and get with reality. Let's take a look, shall we?
List of minimum wages by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
WHO Universal health coverage
Look at the us health spending by the way and get back to me. You have literally convinced yourself that facts are a socialist scam, you're a delusional nut.
Oh, and by the way, the majority of socialist movements, even if they were just claiming socialism, brought higher living standards ;)

The minimum wage measures happiness? The WHO, a thoroughly Marxist organization, accurately measures the quality of healthcare? All it does is measure how socialist a country's healthcare is.

When you post an actual fact, I'll let you know. So far all you've done is post propaganda.
Only if you belief there's nothing wrong with being a useless tick on the ass of society.
Oh please, the majority on welfare work, and the most developed countries have strong welfare programs, strong labor unions, higher taxes on the wealthy.. I can't believe you follow this horrific mentality, demonizing the poor, as if it makes yourself feel better.

Most dogs have fleas. That doesn't mean the dog benefits from having fleas sucking his blood.
Keep demonizing the poor, show what a bigoted idiot you are.
I'm not "demonizing" anyone. Have I said anything that isn't 100% fact?
Yes, you have, you've called everyone on welfare useless ticks on the ass of society, despite the fact that they work, raise children, participate in the economy.. The real "ticks" are the corporate pigs, convincing people like yourself that a poor mother on welfare is the worst possible thing.

If I'm paying taxes so the government can issue them checks, then they are useless ticks on the ass of society. They fit the definition of "parasite" to a 'T.'

Many corporations are also sucking on the government tit, but liberals support all those corporations.
More whites in America get government aid than do blacks.

There are more whites in America than there are blacks. Not that it really matters, but a percentage would mean something.

About 1 in 4 Black mothers of childbearing ages (1.5 million) were AFDC recipients, higher than the 7 percent of corresponding White mothers (2.1 million). That adds up to 7% of whites are on welfare, and 25% of blacks.

Of course, these are 2011 figures and if anything the number of blacks on welfare has increased since then.
Nothing wrong with welfare.

Only if you belief there's nothing wrong with being a useless tick on the ass of society.
Oh please, the majority on welfare work, and the most developed countries have strong welfare programs, strong labor unions, higher taxes on the wealthy.. I can't believe you follow this horrific mentality, demonizing the poor, as if it makes yourself feel better.

Untrue. If the majority of those on welfare do occasionally pick up odd jobs, they rarely pay taxes on their earnings. Those developed countries that do have strong welfare programs, are being burdened down by the sheer numbers of those receiving benefits. Their borders are also being flooded by foreign nationals, looking for a handout.

Increasing the tax burden on the wealthy does nothing more than to disparage the middle class, since it's those upper-income earners who own the factories and businesses.

I can't believe you follow the horrific mentality of Socialism and Communism, demonizing the rich, as if it makes yourself feel better. The only thing Socialism has accomplished is causing everyone rich or poor, to suffer equally. If you doubt me, all you need do is look at Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea. Their grand Socialist plan has been nothing but an utter and abject failure. Socialism has become the very definition of "insanity"; Let's try something over and over and over, while expecting different result. But the results are invariably the same, people suffer. People die.
LOL. Which explains why the happiest countries have higher taxes, universal healthcare, longer life expectancy, maternity leave, etc, etc.. In fact, most industrialized countries have universal healthcare, and they spend less per person, the us spending is almost 2x as much with worse results.

Anyone who believes happiness can be measured is a certified dolt. What are the units of happiness? What is the ratio of German happiness to American happiness?

You have only proved that you are supremely gullible.
Oh jesus of christ, they look at life expectancy, wages, upward mobility, many different independent polls, fuck, if you seriously want to try to argue against universal healthcare, the rest of the world is laughing at you.

What is the unit of happiness?

Most of the variables you mention are better in the United States. A lot of the stuff they measure is mostly a measure of how socialist a country is, as if that equated to happiness. It only equates in the minds of socialists.

At Oxford the measured it by asking people how happy they were. Yeah, that's scientific.

Measuring "happiness" is just a scam so socialists can claim socialism is better than capitalism even though it produces a lower standard of living.
You're desperate now, I understand that, and most of them variables aren't better, in fact, not one is better, so stop fear mongering and get with reality. Let's take a look, shall we?
List of minimum wages by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
WHO Universal health coverage
Look at the us health spending by the way and get back to me. You have literally convinced yourself that facts are a socialist scam, you're a delusional nut.
Oh, and by the way, the majority of socialist movements, even if they were just claiming socialism, brought higher living standards ;)

The minimum wage measures happiness? The WHO, a thoroughly Marxist organization, accurately measures the quality of healthcare? All it does is measure how socialist a country's healthcare is.

When you post an actual fact, I'll let you know. So far all you've done is post propaganda.
You're desperate now, it truly is pathetic. The world health organization is a marxist organization? Please, back this up, considering most anti-revisionist leninists/maoists view the WHO/amnesty international as capitalist propaganda mills, and these people are marxists who defend stalin/mao... Besides, all marxism is, without extensions, is a worldview based on dialectical materialism, an examination of the economy, and a look at class relationships. Jesus christ, you don't just have to look at the WHO to get facts on healthcare results and life expectancy, and you do realize "socialism" is simply democratic control of production, not universal healthcare. I urge you to grow up, I have posted facts, you're literally denying them because you want to believe they're socialist propaganda. I can't believe you, in fact, I'll help you out, talk to some intelligent people who live in these "horrid, anti freedom socialist empires"
Shit Americans Say - They laugh at idiots like you.
Oh please, the majority on welfare work, and the most developed countries have strong welfare programs, strong labor unions, higher taxes on the wealthy.. I can't believe you follow this horrific mentality, demonizing the poor, as if it makes yourself feel better.

Most dogs have fleas. That doesn't mean the dog benefits from having fleas sucking his blood.
Keep demonizing the poor, show what a bigoted idiot you are.
I'm not "demonizing" anyone. Have I said anything that isn't 100% fact?
Yes, you have, you've called everyone on welfare useless ticks on the ass of society, despite the fact that they work, raise children, participate in the economy.. The real "ticks" are the corporate pigs, convincing people like yourself that a poor mother on welfare is the worst possible thing.

If I'm paying taxes so the government can issue them checks, then they are useless ticks on the ass of society. They fit the definition of "parasite" to a 'T.'

Many corporations are also sucking on the government tit, but liberals support all those corporations.
Luckily, your worldview is losing popularity, what, with the "biased liberal" education system and all, you can ignore the stagnant wages, rising cost of living, the reduction on taxes on the rich which used to be much higher, the attacks on the poor, and then act like more then a dollar of your tax money will be going to the evil "welfare" programs. You're a sad excuse for a political participant.
See how these people like this when a Republican gets elected President

shove it down their throats like Obama did his sickening light show.

See how these people like this when a Republican gets elected President

shove it down their throats like Obama did his sickening light show.

Ain't gonna happen. That flag we already burned, after kicking your ******-hanging asses...
See how these people like this when a Republican gets elected President

shove it down their throats like Obama did his sickening light show.

Ain't gonna happen. That flag we already burned, after kicking your ******-hanging asses...

If we find out from Whitehouse logs that the light display was being set up before Friday morning last, the democrats can put their heads between their legs (their favorite place) and kiss their asses goodbye in 2016..
See how these people like this when a Republican gets elected President

shove it down their throats like Obama did his sickening light show.

Ain't gonna happen. That flag we already burned, after kicking your ******-hanging asses...

If we find out from Whitehouse logs that the light display was being set up before Friday morning last, the democrats can put their heads between their legs (their favorite place) and kiss their asses goodbye in 2016..
The ruling had been obvious, for a very long time, you little dumbfuck. Had it gone the other way, which it wasn't going to, they simply would have left the lights off. For at least a year I've told you how they would rule, but you were, and still are, too fucking stupid to understand...
No surprise, most blacks voted for Prop 8 in California too.
Guess most blacks are bigots.
Dylann Roof is gay. And that's a problem because he had a black sleepover sweet faced guy pal who sword Roof wasn't racist.

So this thread's title and Roof's motivation for killing and starting a race war just like the year before when a democrat Missouri state senator urged the same thing on MSNBC might mean we have two hate crimes to prosecute D. Roof for. Racial and against Christians.

I think it's about time for investigators to release his social media habits so that blacks and whites in the south can discover they're both on the same team who was attacked: Christians...
More whites in America get government aid than do blacks.

There are more whites in America than there are blacks. Not that it really matters, but a percentage would mean something.

About 1 in 4 Black mothers of childbearing ages (1.5 million) were AFDC recipients, higher than the 7 percent of corresponding White mothers (2.1 million). That adds up to 7% of whites are on welfare, and 25% of blacks.

Of course, these are 2011 figures and if anything the number of blacks on welfare has increased since then.
Nothing wrong with welfare.

Only if you belief there's nothing wrong with being a useless tick on the ass of society.
Oh please, the majority on welfare work, and the most developed countries have strong welfare programs, strong labor unions, higher taxes on the wealthy.. I can't believe you follow this horrific mentality, demonizing the poor, as if it makes yourself feel better.

Wealth isn't taxed in the US or any other county I know of. Correct me if I am wrong. I don't demonize the poor, only the ones that are gaming the system.

Just shows even someone who has been shot- can have voted wrong.

Of course you despise him for being black.

Unlike Obama the Pastor was a real Christian instead of a fake Christian.

Glad to hear that you have a direct line to Jesus, and that he informs you who is a real Christian and who is not.

Now can you get Jesus to speak up about ending the violence?
I never said blacks can't make it on their own, in fact, upward mobility is entirely possible, although it becomes more and more difficult as you go lower on the ladder, especially in a place like America. None the less, affirmative action is neccessary when recognizing the history of this nation.
Sure. The liberal case against race-based affirmative action - Salon.com

Affirmative action is the theory that the government should punish 'A' because 'B' discriminated against 'C.' Only a lefty could support such a brutal assault on logic and reason. On top of going against logic and common sense, it also violates the 14the Amendment, which all you libturds claim to revere to so much.[/QUOTso
Whatever you say buddy, I'm happy to be a lefty, lots of positive change worldwide has occured because of leftist thought. Women rights? Gay right? Labor Laws? Universal health care? Free education? Progressive taxation? Maternity leave? The fight against slavery? Legalizing abortion? I'm happy, unfortunately, I can't find any examples of right wing policies ever working to help the majority. :(

Very few of those things are good, or liberals don't deserve the credit for them. So-called
"universal healthcare" and "free education" are right at the top of the list of liberal fiascoes.
LOL. Which explains why the happiest countries have higher taxes, universal healthcare, longer life expectancy, maternity leave, etc, etc.. In fact, most industrialized countries have universal healthcare, and they spend less per person, the us spending is almost 2x as much with worse results.
No they don't, you idiot. How does one measure a country's "happiness"? Lol.

Pretty easy to measure your hate

Just shows even someone who has been shot- can have voted wrong.

Of course you despise him for being black.

Unlike Obama the Pastor was a real Christian instead of a fake Christian.

Glad to hear that you have a direct line to Jesus, and that he informs you who is a real Christian and who is not.

Now can you get Jesus to speak up about ending the violence?

I would rather you do that. Let me know what he says.
Affirmative action is the theory that the government should punish 'A' because 'B' discriminated against 'C.' Only a lefty could support such a brutal assault on logic and reason. On top of going against logic and common sense, it also violates the 14the Amendment, which all you libturds claim to revere to so much.[/QUOTso
Whatever you say buddy, I'm happy to be a lefty, lots of positive change worldwide has occured because of leftist thought. Women rights? Gay right? Labor Laws? Universal health care? Free education? Progressive taxation? Maternity leave? The fight against slavery? Legalizing abortion? I'm happy, unfortunately, I can't find any examples of right wing policies ever working to help the majority. :(

Very few of those things are good, or liberals don't deserve the credit for them. So-called
"universal healthcare" and "free education" are right at the top of the list of liberal fiascoes.
LOL. Which explains why the happiest countries have higher taxes, universal healthcare, longer life expectancy, maternity leave, etc, etc.. In fact, most industrialized countries have universal healthcare, and they spend less per person, the us spending is almost 2x as much with worse results.
No they don't, you idiot. How does one measure a country's "happiness"? Lol.

Pretty easy to measure your hate

Yeah, as if you don't hate.

Liberals kill me.
Many blacks would vote conservative if conservatives didn't hate blacks.
Most would not vote liberal if they were smart enuf to know how they are getting fucked over.

I love that Conservative message to African Americans: "You would think like us- except you are all stupid"

It's the same message we have for everyone who votes Democrat.

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