Oh My: Ted Nugent Posts Picture Of Cecil The Lion's Great Grandfather He Killed Years Ago In Africa

So you want to hunt lions to extinction. Is this what you're saying? We should ban hunting of all rare animals and if anyone breaks this law they should be executed.
Draft dodging Nugent has quite a few wildlife violations. He's another unethical slob hunter.

Google "Ted Nugent wildlife violations" and see for yourself.
So you want to hunt lions to extinction. Is this what you're saying? We should ban hunting of all rare animals and if anyone breaks this law they should be executed.

Please cease polluting this thread with your idiocy. Thank you.
So you want to hunt lions to extinction. Is this what you're saying? We should ban hunting of all rare animals and if anyone breaks this law they should be executed.

What is it with people like you?
You're constantly yammering about something you obviously know nothing about.
Animals need to be culled sometimes,get over it.
So you want to hunt lions to extinction. Is this what you're saying? We should ban hunting of all rare animals and if anyone breaks this law they should be executed.

What is it with people like you?
You're constantly yammering about something you obviously know nothing about.
Animals need to be culled sometimes,get over it.
That is not a valid excuse for poopy pants draft dodger Nugent to be sticking his dick up a deal lions ass.
So you want to hunt lions to extinction. Is this what you're saying? We should ban hunting of all rare animals and if anyone breaks this law they should be executed.

How do WE do that? WE can not tell other sovereign nations what to do. The money those countries make off these safari hunts in permits and business is big money.

So how do WE do this?
From Graffiti Kings Facebook page:

Cecil the Lion from Zimbabwe was killed unjustly by a foreigner who shouldn't of been there. Cecil was suppose to be protected by Zimbabwe's National Park Patrol. Killer receives death threats from people all over the US. People who stand up for Cecil are called loving.

Kate the Human from the US was killed unjustly by a foreigner who shouldn't of been there. Kate was supposed to be protected by US border patrol. No death threats around the US. People who stand up for Kate are called racist bigots.

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