Oh, no! Beto, how could you?

All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Once again proving that sarcasm doesn't work well on the 'net. :04:

ThAt's bEcauSe hE foRgoT tO uSe The sArcAsm fonT. . . dERp. . DerP. :auiqs.jpg:

You have to write it in hot pink in the correct font, put it in the rubber room, and then tell the reader " Yes Sarcasm "...

I was with someone on Sunday and three times she had her Sheldon moment!
i was wrong on the video i posted and glad it got moved to conspiracy theory. i really didn't pay much attention to okeefe before this but i will now. well, maybe less to be honest. but if all beto's crew did was spend $300 on some humanitarian supplies, correct the "mistake" as needed and move on. but we all need to quit making every little event be THE defining event.

if this was wrong, and it likely is somewhere, it's not a kill the man event by any stretch of the imagination and it certainly isn't beto funding the caravan as presented.
You are a stand up and honorable guy.

Reality and truth are all about perception and point of view, as much as they are about facts.

Although Beto's crew did nothing illegal or untoward, it still shows where their allegiance lay. Using campaign funds for charity toward foreigners instead of the poor and starving of this nation? Why? Aren't there folks here that need it just as much? I'm glad they are charitable, but why the sudden need to help illegals? Is that the sort of Senator he would be? Would he support sanctuary cities and jurisdictions?

Is that whole thing a set up? Is it made to make the left look sympathetic?

This whole incident seems suspect. How did O'Keefe get one of his guys on the inside to begin with? Was he in leagues with Beto's crew to make him look good to the left?


In my mind, it all raises more questions than answers.
i was wrong on the video i posted and glad it got moved to conspiracy theory. i really didn't pay much attention to okeefe before this but i will now. well, maybe less to be honest. but if all beto's crew did was spend $300 on some humanitarian supplies, correct the "mistake" as needed and move on. but we all need to quit making every little event be THE defining event.

if this was wrong, and it likely is somewhere, it's not a kill the man event by any stretch of the imagination and it certainly isn't beto funding the caravan as presented.
You are a stand up and honorable guy.

Reality and truth are all about perception and point of view, as much as they are about facts.

Although Beto's crew did nothing illegal or untoward, it still shows where their allegiance lay. Using campaign funds for charity toward foreigners instead of the poor and starving of this nation? Why? Aren't there folks here that need it just as much? I'm glad they are charitable, but why the sudden need to help illegals? Is that the sort of Senator he would be? Would he support sanctuary cities and jurisdictions?

Is that whole thing a set up? Is it made to make the left look sympathetic?

This whole incident seems suspect. How did O'Keefe get one of his guys on the inside to begin with? Was he in leagues with Beto's crew to make him look good to the left?


In my mind, it all raises more questions than answers.
in no way am i excusing the actions, but they certainly were not as billed by the video. i think when emotional people see a situation where they can help, they will. they just don't think "local" starving people or the like but like most of us, what is in the news and shoved in front of us every day. while we hear by the hour of the migrants and their pain, no one talks about what we're doing to help our own caught in lifes struggles.

if this was something his camp should not have done then give standard "penalty" for it and move on. but it's not KILL THE MAN or anything of dire nature that many made it out to be. people are looking for reasons to justify their own hate and i speak out against that all the time. so i just feel if i fall into that trap of being human, i need to own it and keep working to stop doing such things.

there are valid reasons to not care for each other these days, to be sure. i'd rather my reasons to feel that way were real and not emotioned up just so i feel better about how i feel. that sounds strange to say but i hope it makes sense. :)

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